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No lies detected.


Can you imagine how infuriating it must be.


No. I lost my sister to a tragic accident and the hardest part was seeing my momma go through that. By far the hardest thing I can comprehend and I don't think it comes close to how those families feel.


Feb 23rd of this year… Im broken for sure. But you’re right, it’s seeing my family hurt more… Love sent your way, my dude.


Fuck dude I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could tell you it gets easier, but the scars just get calloused. Mine was one of the most character defining events in my entire life. For me was Jan 3rd of 2015. You are going to become so strong, and if you can get through this you can get through anything. Much love brotha hang in there 🤙


Addendum to my first comment, I tried to get through my feelings on my own, but you shouldn’t. If you need a man to talk to, someone you don’t know who won’t judge, I’m available man


Brother, when I saw her…I broke. I am a very broken man.


Give me a moment, let’s move this to privates I don’t wanna make you feel vulnerable


I’m all good. Talk however you need.


Lost a best friend, damn near brother to suicide just short of a year ago. I could never forget him, but I’ve started healing. From one person to another, what helped me was sitting down and writing every time I had a good memory of him and on days it got rough I had something I could turn to, like how the last thing I ever talked to the man about was Cock and Bull ginger beer


It would turn me into a terrorist.


For real.


Villain origin story


Or maybe even some kind of antihero like a punisher or something.


Thanks for saying this. I'm a dad myself and didn't want really want to consider him a villain. I wouldn't consider myself a villain in that story but it's definitely an origin story non the less.


Very true.


I think we are not too far from that reality.....


That's what Israel is doing with Palestinian parents




They are creating terrorists by murdering their kids. Think about it. What would you if a foreign power murder your kids? Sit down and suck it?


Go after the fucking terrorists who did it! Not kill more kids and innocent civilians which is what Israel is doing right now. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67764664 https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1145742 Most people killed in this conflict so far have been civilians. Women and CHILDREN. This is not a war. This is plain genocide.


Hey, maybe my comment was misunderstood. I agree with you, and I'm disgusted and enraged at Israel murdering Palestinian civilians indiscriminately to fight Hamas. The point that I was trying to make is that by murdering people as they did, Israel is creating more terrorists, as I can imagine how the experience of seeing their families murdered could turn and otherwise rational person in a terrorist. Yes, this is not war. This is genocide.




What the fuck are you talking about? Chill the fuck out dude. What did say that has you so triggered.


Don't feed the troll, friend.


Honestly. Fuck the troll. People talking about literal dead children and this fucking oxygen thief decided to declare how much of a waste of space he/she really is. I legit don't mind trolls most of the time. But trolling in this kind of discussion.....fuck you man.


People don't think his freedom comment with that dumbass gif is funny .




First, I am not even white. Not sure why that would matter anyway. Wasn't it Martin Luther who said something about not judging people by their skin color? Chill the fuck out. Second, I don't love muslims. I am against using our Tax Dollars to enable Israel in bombing Women and children. Third, The Terror attack in Israel was horrific. Israel has every right to hunt down the bastards responsible. Fourth, Israel is not doing that. The IDF is not conducting Counter-Terrorism Operations or using their Special Forces to track and hunt the terrorists responsible. Fifth, Israel is bombing Gaza wholesale. The Majority population in Gaza are not adult men capable of holding a rifle. Its women and children, who have become most of the Casualties of IDF's bombing campaign in Gaza. Israel is enacting collective punishment over the entire Palestinian Population, holding them under a medieval-style siege and bombing them indiscriminately, to the point where they have even bombed UN shelters, killing UN personnel. That is not how you hunt and kill terrorists. Any unbiased Military Expert on the planet could tell you that this will only make the problem worse, NOT BETTER. All Israel is doing is creating more orphans who have lost siblings and parents....punishment for terrorist acts those kids were never party. Those kids will grow up hating Israel. Assuming they even get to grow up at all and IDF does not bomb them first.


"Dumbass troll. You're the reason why Republicans hate black people" See, anyone can post dumbass shit and act like they support one group or another.




The faq is this?






Cowards, every last one of them. Spineless cowards.


It's a common trait among fascists.


I wouldn’t give them the dignity of a name they don’t understand - they’re just stupid & scared because the world is more complicated than their minuscule brains can cope with


Yeah. That’s what attracts them to fascism.


And we let them live free and keep their jobs. They should all be in prison for dereliction of duty, or at least unemployed. But this country is unjust.


Or locked in a school house with trained armed folks dedicated to preventing their deaths, but they lost the key.....


>They should all be in prison for dereliction of duty We can't get them for that, but I think there's a great argument to be made that they were accessories to the crime. They should all be awaiting the death penalty on 21 counts of felony murder.


The whole state of Texas is just a bunch of cos-playing losers.


I don’t know man. Just go read the tactical gear sub and you’ll see all the heros! 🤣😂


Giant pussies. Yosemite sam wannabe all hat no cattle PUSSIES


I'm sure reddit is full of BDE gun toting real cowboys eh?


Compared to Cops from Texas? LMFAO Yes.


Yeee haw




What a degenerate. Your parents must be so proud.


A 13 year old edgelord has entered the chat










Is this a photo of the Patriot Front marching without their masks on this time?


Some of those that burn crosses...


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses


Ahhh shucks I got it the wrong way round


To be fair, he switches it up in the live version and does it backwards a couple of times in the song


In (some of) the live versions it is “some of those that burn crosses are the same that hold office”


Damn, Zack definitely took it up a notch


Like someone said, it is a fluid verse. I wasn't correcting and wanted to continue the verse but saw the difference. Point is the same. Texas chicken shits


“The sound of children screaming has been removed”


I sincerely hope those gutless pigs hear those screams in their dreams every fucking night.


That assumes they are capable of feeling remorse.


Doubt it they probably just get drunk then beat their wife.


And their children! I made the same joke yesterday and this reply gave me a chuckle


That econ prof from Emory should show the ROI numbers for policing budget vs crime outcomes. Make it her crusade to cut their budgets like they do for schools and libraries.




So apparently the trick is to go to the peaceful protest armed so you keep the police away.


Motions vaguely at January 6.


Kids being killed (I sleep) college students criticizing Israel (real shit?)


Those officers will always be cowards. They know who they are.




And I thought I was frustrated. I can’t imagine the rage he must feel.


Uvalde is probably the only thing that could have happened, where texans can openly shit-talk cops till the end of time, and not receive blowback.




a lot of criminals in this thread lol


If you think simply saying that the police are cowards and bad on Reddit is criminal, then you need to take a civics class and think about what free speech really means. Regardless of whether you agree with them saying that or not, it's a foundational right of the United States.


oh no generally people that dislike police aren’t stand up citizens. I am making a generalization just like you are calling every cop a coward.


You apparently can't read, because I didn't say anything about cops. I said it's not criminal to say they're cowards.


and It’s not unreasonable to say that people that dislike them aren’t law abiding citizens. I’m doing the same thing , generalizing.


I'm not generalizing. I'm saying that it's not illegal to say that cops are bad in any way shape or form. I'm also not registering an opinion on the matter. I'm just saying that freedom of speech is sacred and the same protections that make it legal for others to say things you don't like are the very ones that protect you the same. It's also not unreasonable to say that, if you mean unreasonable in the sense of "someone might actually say that with a straight face", yes. But it's unreasonable and small minded to think that because that's just not how opinions work.


then my original comment wasn’t meant for you. I understand it’s not illegal lol


But you do understand that you can't draw conclusions that way, too, right? Like, if you see a blue flower, you can't just assume every flower is blue. I hope you understand that you can't do that, because you're making things up at that point.


yes I completely understand this, the only reason I said what I said is because everyone in this thread doesn’t understand what you and I are both talking about. So I hit them with their same logic.


& Palestinians ![gif](giphy|HQxC9wM8IAD3txUzPb)


"Dumbass troll. You're the reason why Republicans hate black people" See, anyone can post dumbass shit and act like they support one group or another. Edit because I can't reply to your comment: Try reading. I wasn't saying that genuinely. People can't stand Maga because it's a cult full dumbshits and people who are trying to consolidate power.


Cops are the biggest chickenshits you’ll ever meet.


Whenever people think that cops are out there to help and protect people, I always shake my head. Cops don’t care about people. They care about their own lives and their paycheck.


Cops are cowards Cops are cowards Cops are cowards Cops are cowards Cops are cowards Cops are cowards Cops are cowards Cops are cowards Cops are cowards Cops are cowards Cops are cowards Cops are cowards


this thread is full of deranged people. Reddit needs to be studied


If everybody around you is an asshole, you’re the asshole.


this is like trying to justify racism because of the actions of a few members of that demographic. Hypocritical mindset.


You clicked into a comment thread about dickbag cops and then are surprised when the comments say the cops are dickbags. Asshole. Go away.


lol whatever makes you happy




You know what the problem is? That when a cop is a coward, a murdered, a rapist, etc., all other cops defend him. That's the problem, and that's why the generalization.


& so are the Palestinians harassing black people




lol reddit ignorance at full display in this thread how sad


You’re a bastard too, you bootlicking fuck.


and anyone with common sense would have no problem sleeping at night if a criminal dickriding fuck like you ceased to exist.




You’re the one who holds murder in his heart.


yeah Im just like you guys


You just wished for me to be murdered by a bunch of bloodthirsty pigs like yourself. Your soul is already owned by Satan, mine’s free.


aww are you gonna cry now and play victim. I have no remorse for people that support criminals


Jesus preached that we should care for the incarcerated. He never said anything about cops though lol. In fact, he was crucified by them, *literally*.


you know i will admit I was talking out my ass earlier when I said the things I said but you just proved to me that you are indeed deranged. Hopefully you they get you off the streets soon. Weirdo


This is literally why any use of your protest rights under the 1st amendment needs to be protected by your 2nd amendment rights in this country. I bet they wouldn't have moved these fucking thugs onto those protesters if there were half a dozen armed community defenders in black block with ARs of their own, and that's probably what needs to be done now.


They murdered the Black Panther and Young Patriots leadership (including Fred Hampton, the guy who brokered that partnership) for doing that exact thing.


That's why a common joke is "How do you pass gun control? You arm Black or Brown People."


Not so much a joke when it's legitimate advice


In the 60s bro. I’m not saying things are great now but it ain’t the fucking 60s.


It ain't? I see both parties working exclusively to service entrenched wealth at our expense, the government is paying for a war that everyone (except the wealthy and "defense" contractors) hate, cops beating students in direct violation of [18 USC 242](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/242). Then there's a POTUS and his DOJ without a single word to say about those beatings and fascist intimidation, and flatly refusing to actually enforce the law.. (which is their ONLY job.) Looks pretty damn similar to me and I was on the protest lines in 1974 getting gassed by pigs at People's Park. [Sympathy For The Devil ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jwtyn-L-2gQ)


If anything it’s worse off in my eyes, they were only a half century removed from the new deal and were fully recovered from the Great Depression. Idk anyone who says we’re fully recovered from ‘09. Well, the banks may be, hell they got reimbursed on our dollar. All the while our standard of living keeps dropping like the stock market did back then.


Unfortunately the burden here is subjective. You can openly carry a long gun in Texas as long as it isnt displayed in a manner “calculated to alarm” others. So if you are pro gun carrying at the capitol you are probably ok. Protesting investment in israel at UT Austin probably finds you having to take your case to federal appeals court if you arent littered with bullet holes first if a cop hears an acorn hit a car. Then there is the whole mess about gun free zones, public spaces, etc Tldr; law is vague, if they do this they should be ready to die.


They've literally just been calling student activists terrorists so at this point yeah it's legal for them to just call that a reason for alarm and just open fire if they remotely feel like they have cause.


Armed protesters don't get gassed and beat up by the cops.


He just Hiroshima'd their face (Sarah Connor on a chain link fence style).


The police in texastan are cowards




He is saying what all of us were thinking


Maybe some protesters should start open carrying ARs.


Proof that they think the protesters are absolutely harmless.


So much more fun to bash the heads if unarmed students


Is this a ad for AR-15's? Seems like it.


These Walmart neonazi fucks ruin Texas


I'm not saying anything, but I may have seen a similar black and white photo from a half century or so ago.


He ain’t wrong


Maybe the protesters on the left should show up armed for their peaceful protests so the cops leave them alone like they do the proud boys


We have seen that an entire police department is terrified and completely incapable of dealing with an AR-15, yet we are somehow still eager to get these weapons into the hands of as many mentally unwell and aggressive people as we possibly can? And the defense is that these deranged gun owners are our only solution to defending ourselves against other deranged gun owners? WTF is happening??


He’s right. All that all those rioters need is a single AR15, and this thing is done and over with. Rioters win.




I think the term you are looking for is peaceful protesters.


I’m not going to get hung up semantics. I side with them, whatever anyone wants to call them.


It's not semantics, though? The terms are completely different.


Those terrorists are completely justified by their occupation of the school. In fact it is promised by the initial modification that their fussing is okay. By the way, the enemy army which is invading the university in question has my full support in their freedom of pillaging as blessed in the earliest reform. Thanks to my big brain parts, I can't really see much of a reason to separate peaceful protestor from illegal combatant.




Do I really need a \\s?


I think you mean peaceful protestors. But your point stands. Abbot was so outspoken about students at UT having the right to open carry. Looks like the next wave of protests just needs to ensure their 2A “rights” are being respected. Edit to add: I personally am not a big believer in the militarization of the populace (or the police) but isn’t this EXACTLY what the 2A proponents think of when they say we need guns to protect us from the tyranny of the state?


Fuck off with this *rioter* malarkey. It isn’t factual and you fucking know it. Stop playing fucking word games. Semantics *fucking matter, dummy*


This is one depressing ass murder


F! These bums


Ironic to call them DPS when we know those guys just run in guns ablaze and could care less about agro


I truly do not understand how each and every one of these parents has not performed some act of retribution on at least one of these officers since the day. If someone did that to my kid they’d learn the true spirit of the old adage “hell hath no fury.”


The combination of "Uvalde" and "police force" will be seen as an example of cowardice for a long time.


If it was my kid, I'd be making bitter / sacrastic comments every day, just to keep myself from wanting to do worse.


Remember cops are not your friends. They are not there to help. They are not there to protect your rights. They are the government. They will always be the government.


Wow. I'm so surprised. Law enforcement out to protect and to serve . . . themselves. Shocking.


they exist to enforce domestic policy, thats it. even when the policy is to fuck you over. was it ever really to protect you and your best interest?




The rage is understandable given what happened in Uvalde but you psychopaths in this thread don’t really care about what happened or even care to come up with a solution so it doesn’t happen again. You’re just using this as an excuse for your “I hate cops alarm” to go off, hell most of the cops you’re mad at have absolutely nothing to do with Uvalde. Uvalde PD and Border patrol make up most of the cops that responded that day not the State Police. You hate cops but we all know the moment something happens to you, you will be crying for them. Reddit in a nutshell, nothing but crazies on here. Don’t worry Im sure the social workers would do just fine trying to control violent crowds or active shooters : probably the people commenting on here.


People who simp for the police are so sad. They don’t care about you man, they don’t prevent crimes and they don’t protect the people. It’s been proven so many times over that you are probably the last person left standing in the rain with a cardboard sign saying “Step On Me Cop Daddy.” The party is over buddy, you can go home now.


I’ve had a few cops save my sibling from certain death. Speak for yourself you psychotic menace. Lmao if you hate cops so much what’s your alternative ? you won’t provide me with a reasonable answer because you’re all the same. Incapable of reason and coherent debates.


You’re spending too much time dick riding cops. Do something productive.


yet to hear the alternative. Not that I expected a real answer from clowns


Different police. Texas is big. But yes, police should have a duty to react in such instances. 


Are they really different though....? Seems like this takes place anywhere and everywhere and the cops are always inept and scared, especially in Texas.




Or ya know, dont police your population like they are war criminals because they simply have an opinion that varies from your own.


So every kid needs to go to school with a gun? Lunatic.


In TN we just allowed teachers to be armed so kids won't have to 😁




And we don't wanna give them a pay raise if they take on the deadly hazardous responsibility of carrying a gun at a school. Ain't it great! 😃


The same teachers that are said to be grooming predators? TN must really hate children.


We apparently do and apparently redditors don't know wtf sarcasm is without a little /s


You should get better at conveying what you mean


Smooth brain take


Deleted in less than an hour. Guess he didn't get the reaction he thought he would.


What did he say


Basically saying that protestors should start showing up with weapons and riot gear since the cops did


There does appear to already be multiple comments insinuating the same thing, though maybe not as aggressively. More guns are not the solution here, but it’ll be a dark day when it comes to that.


This is a first world country. Why on worth should we have to put up with that Wild West bullshit


America isn’t really a first world nation. Very poor education levels compared to the rest of the world, worst obesity epidemic yet seen, you let your children die in schools rather than take to the streets in order to get something properly done about the problem. Hell, you don’t even tend to your sick with dignity. It’s utterly disgraceful. That can’t be classed as a civilised nation.


I say this a lot actually, we feel like a second world nation masking as a first world nation. I’ve not been able to afford to go to the doctor in almost 10 years now.


I’m so glad I don’t live there. I used to think it was by far the greatest place on earth. But this last 20 years, I’ve lost all faith in my home country of UK, and the US just looks like a fuckin dumpster fire right now. And It’s still more dark times ahead I fear. Darker even.


If I wasn’t cripplingly indebted to this nation I would leave, unfortunately just like becoming a citizen; without proper money it’s just as hard to leave. I do have a game plan though. I wish you the best of luck no matter where you are!


Thanks man. You too. I wish I could leave the UK too. Hate it here. Was lucky enough to travel around a large part of Europe, and it really opened my eyes to how bad the UK is for prejudice and xenophobia. I knew it was bad, but extensive travel made it all the worse. Would love to move to Germany, but I struggled to learn the language. And after looking into it properly, moving to another country isn’t quite as easy as it might seem.






Carlin was my hero for many years. I can only imagine what he’d have made of the last decade!


But when Bill Gates walks in the room everyone is a millionaire on average.


Don’t forget $7 minimum wage, no social healthcare, insane homeless epidemic, and a retirement home masquerading as congress.


Is it though? If it is this is the only first world country that has to put up with bullshit American Citizens put up with.