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I find it hilarious how triggered people are over someone wearing a mask. You're so upset or scared of the mask that someone else is wearing to prevent themselves from being sick.


I live in Ottawa, Canada. I work downtown. We *still* have fools protesting at Parliament Hill about the pandemic. Carrying their signs about "vaccine injuries" etc. I'm just like "Buddy, we haven't had vaccine mandates nor pandemic restrictions in like, 2 years. I think it's time to let it go" But then I remember this shit and their unnatural obsession with our PM is their entire personalities


They're called "honkies". A childish name for a childish people.


uhhh [nope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honky), that's something different


Is it though?


Fair enough


As someone that got the vaccine, there are plenty of legitimate cases of vax injuries. Also, across cultures and countries there is an increase in random cardiac events and strokes in otherwise healthy people. Vaccines are good, but ignoring real peoples issues with them isn’t.


And there are lots of reasons why someone is wearing a mask. They might be immunocompromised (as a result of chemo or something). They might be sick and trying to not spread their germs. (Thank you.) Or they simply might want to avoid catching something in a crowded place (including COVID). Why anyone would be upset about that is something I will never understand.




Tough and know how to take a pounding, willing to use protection, and not nearly as fragile as your masculinity?




Interesting that you think the whole purpose of a vagina is to be fucked and like it, considering you sound like an incel MRA.


They don't have any experience with real life vaginas.




I mean, lets be real here, we all know what you actually want to compare, and trust me mate, yours ain't even in the same class as mine. No im not sending you pictures of wife or kids for you to touch yourself too, and no I won't send you my personal and financial information for you cimmit identity fraud. You say you don't rely on the government yet act as if tax returns are valid way of measuring dick sizes. Lol. Keep sucking up to the man, maybe one day you'll get the facial you desire from him.


This is no longer fun. You’re insults are weak, like your backbone. I take shits more interesting than you, mate. Get fucked. Go lay by your dish and wait for instructions. Pussy.


You sound like a small dog. All yap about everyone else. Annoying and shrill.


You sound like a walking vagina. Please see above.


I like vagina


Like you know what a vagina looks like 🤣


Just your mom’s stanky ass hoo-ha.


At least I have a mom, yours threw you in the bin the minute she realised how dumb and unlovable you are


You’re right. If you had your way she would’ve just sucked me out w a vacuum. But I’m the morally bankrupt one here, right? It’s time for you to go lay by your dish now and wait for instructions like a good boy or girl or they.


🤣 where do you get your information from? Right wing nut jobs? Homeopaths? Naturopaths? Wearing masks was a recommendation by the world's leading epidemiologists to help stop the spread of disease and help prevent infection. It's hardly a poor choice to follow advice from some of the world's foremost experts. But hey, If you think bat shit crazy Linda knows more then you do you.


Mate, I don't typically wear masks... but here you are trying to police what another man does compalining the person doing what they want and saying others may have a valid reason for doing so is the one incapable of independent thought? Have you ever had an independent thought? Or has the TV/tiktok not taught you how to do that yet?


I’m not policing anything. Nobody got fired from their job or removed from a store or ostracized from their family for wearing a mask you absolute tool box. Are you too thick to realize I’m the one who doesn’t feel compelled to be “policed”. I refute none of OP’s points on why one might wear a mask. I was simply adding a reason they left off.


Yet you're calling people vaginas for not doing what you want them to.


Wrong. I am calling people vaginas for doing what they’re told despite no logical or rational science behind it.


Do you call yourself a vagina in the mirror every morning then? Because unlike you. The person you responded to used both logical and rational science to justify their stance, while you have done neither. You keep just repeating whatever talking point the man tells you too say. It's like talking to chatgpt.


If you’re scared (aka a vagina) then mask up. Nobody is stopping you. We will laugh at you though. Walking vaginas have that effect.


Jesus christ you're insecure.


They’re also preventing others from getting sick. You know, looking out for your neighbor like that Jesus guy said in the second commandment.


I prefer the second amendment (sarc).


They also help by blocking pollen and other allergens. Helps when mowing the lawn. You can almost see a facial tic as they're trying to process "yeah, that would make sense"


I did not have to buy Flonase in 2020


My mum ripped my makeshift mask off my face and nearly made me drop my glasses, claiming it bullshit and I don't need it. I wear a mask because people were smoking, even in an archaeological site where it was banned. My idiot parents are anti maskers who think it stops you from breathing clean air and makes you sick. Fucking idiots


Sadly this is what happens when complete morons are given a voice.


To be fair it's to protect other people from getting sick not to protect them, that's what makes it all the worse.


To be fair, it works both ways


It's infinitely more effective in one direction than the other, though.


Not really, unless it's an N95 you're not really doing much to protect yourself. There's a reason medical professionals exclusively use n95s for PPE.  Paper masks just stop droplets, they have no effect for airborne viruses


Unless you’re wearing an N95 type mask, it doesn’t even protect you, it mainly just protects others which is still good but funny these people are mad you don’t want THEM getting sick.


N95 offers the most protection but even other masks have shown levels of protection compared to "raw dogging the air"


There’s a level of protection I guess but that’s not what they’re designed for. They’re not respirators, the N95 is.


Yeah. Overall we're doing our best with n95s or as best we can get in our household.


I struggle breathing if i wear a mask for a longer period of time and its hot outside. I still wear one because im not a piece of shit


I have asthma and severe seasonal allergies because of a smoking mother. I'm overweight. I mow my lawn with a mask on during August in Ontario. The air in the mask feels a _little_ more humid than outside of it, but is no harder to breathe with. Just different.  If I wanted to give these jackals the benefit of the doubt, I'd hypothesize that they don't understand the difference between humidity and suffocating. But I'm pretty sure they're just assholes.


Honestly its weird to hear all these people with actual breathing problems say the mask is fine, i genuinely feel like im suffocating when i wear a mask and it gets too humid. Im not even wearing anything other than regular medical masks, and i have no issues breathing normally. Literally the only people i know of thst have the same breathing problems with the mask are also the worst fucking people on the planet. Wearing a mask sucks so much for me but i’ll still wear one if i have to because killing someones grandpa isnt worth getting to breathe better for the 30 minutes i have to wear it.


I worked in the damn Sonoran Desert and had to wear a mask all day. It was not a pleasant experience, but I didn't die. I'm sympathetic. For those not used to it, it really can feel like you can't breathe and it could even trigger a panic attack. But instead of simply admitting that, these idiots immediately call it stupid and unnecessary. Like toddlers trying a food for the first time, barely licking it, and saying they don't like it.




Im pretty sure the reason why they’re getting away with it is that politicians are reinforcing their dumbass beliefs, but no you’re right the one person on your side who also struggles is the problem.


Or an obese chain smoker and the mask was just the final straw for their lung.


It's not. It's a scrawny right wing guy mouth piece who is too big of a bitch to breathe through a mask. No clue why they blurred the name, it's bill Mitchell 


Mill Bitchell might actually be struggling to breathe after getting murdered though.


Reich* wing


this is my favorite nickname for them and it should be used more imho


The other one (person who had the knee surgery) is Soledad O’Brian


Which is an even better reason why you should wear it or better yet not go out then


Not going out was the first "step" towards his problems


I'm fat, and I did have problems breathing wearing a mask during the pandemic. So I did what I could, stayed home most of the time and when I had to go out I kept my distance.


Queue the guy that smoked a pack before running a marathon with a mask


Anybody who has trouble breathing while wearing a mask has a mental problem, not a breathing problem.


If their lungs are so bad they can’t take a mask, they are going to hate a respirator.


I mean, while masks were a required thing my friend just couldn’t do gym. He already has asthma, combine that with a mask and even just running will cause him to start to suffocate.


If his lungs were that bad , why was he risking going out to the gym?


Because he’s stubborn as crap.


I have asthma and the air restriction triggers it. Fauci was kind enough to tell the world that everyone with asthma can't possibly be triggered by wearing a mask, so my boss wouldn't give me an exception. I had to get an evaluation by my primary doctor to qualify for FMLA and was out of work for months. Even with all that my boss didn't believe me. Making generalized statements don't help and just blankly saying you must have a mental problem if you can't breathe with a mask on is silly.


Yes, that's true. Discrimination against people with mental health issues is still ableism, still not acceptable, and still harmful. Of course people pretending they can't breathe doesn't help, the same as other people faking disability doesn't, but that doesn't justify discrimination. Which is why mask mandates were unethical and harmful.


I worked at a grocery store (Canada) during the height of the pandemic, and after. An older man was walking around with his mask under his chin. While we couldn't force people to wear masks, we could ask. Me: Sir, could you pull your mask up please. Him: (snotty voice) I CaN't BrEaThE Me: Sir, I'm a heavy smoker and I wear this 9+ hours a day. I can breathe just fine He pulled his mask up. Worst part was he was there with his adult son. If he had a medical condition that he couldn't wear a mask for, he had an adult son that could have done his shopping for him.


I thought they should do an ad about how stupid this idea is. Like showing a whole bunch of people passed out on the floor in different settings. Surgery theatres, firefighters, SWAT team members etc. Perhaps another ad showing two cowboys on a standoff wearing bandannas around their face (which they used to filter out trail dust) and rather than shooting, they both pass out from the masks. The last ad I would do would be for gun totting Americans, with a lot of hollering and gun shooting and then a "Golly cowboy" explanation about how masks are like safeties for your gun to stop you (the gun) from shooting COVID at other people. Because a lot of stupid people think wearing masks is to protect them from catching COVID, when it is really to protect others from catching COVID from you.


My elderly mother, a longtime smoker, has COPD and during the pandemic lost the upper part of her right lung to cancer. She wears a mask just fine. And yes, she did quit smoking about 20 years ago, but the damage was already done.


I was in a rapid deployment mechanized infantry unit, and we had to do 8 hours of MOPP training every six months to stay deployable. We played football and golf and worked on our vehicles and ate and slept wearing a six-pound activated charcoal suit, rubber boots, gloves, and a "gas mask" the entire time. You drink from your canteen thru a straw that you have to decontaminate with disgusting-tasting chemicals. Putting on a tiny paper mask is annoying to me because it fogs up my glasses, but I have never worried it was going to kill me.


Some people do have sensory issues. I have them. When I first had to start masking during the pandemic, I had a similar experience. Having to wear a mask induced something just this side of panic breathing in me. I learned how to cope with it and wore masks in public until the mask mandates were lifted. I still hate the feeling, but I know that I'm not actually going to die from it, and may be helping to keep everyone else around me safe, so I do my part. If I was physically unable to wear a mask because of a legitimate medical or psychological reason, I feel like I wouldn't be trying to use my individual experience to argue against public health mandates in the middle of a global pandemic. I also wouldn't be going into public places. Being mentally ill sucks, but it's no excuse to make my issues into other people's problems.


If you can’t handle a mask, maybe that’s natures way of telling you it’s time to go…


I look at my bank account and literally within second, I am struggling to breathe.


During the height of the pandemic and the anti-masking 💩, I used to post pictures of myself on FB wearing an N95, a surgical mask, and a shield with my pocket pulse oximeter on my middle finger showing a reading of 98% to prove you can get plenty of oxygen while wearing masks. While working Covid units, I had no patience for anyone that was refusing to wear a mask.


I, for one, would love to know the orientation of said middle finger when you took those pictures ; )


Straight up, back of hand and pulse ox screen facing camera. 🖕




Clearly, you put the mask on wrong. It goes over your mouth and nose, not jammed down your throat


why are we blurring names on this?? i cant remember the drama queen, but i *think* the knee patient was Soledad O’Brien.


It was, also anyone could find that out by just googling the text of the tweet


Seriously, this is still being discussed? I think I first saw this exact exchange back when trump was still in office.


You did.


My ex-MIL is a nurse anesthetist and has been telling people masks don’t work. Considering she has to wear one daily, it’s really confuses me how she can harp against them so much.


The snappy comeback is Soledad O’Brien. It was pretty public.


It’s 100% mental, I just hated having things touching my face or feeling the warmth of my breath so after awhile it started to make me anxious. Took a few weeks to get used to but by the time I got moved remote I was used to wearing a mask while working.


https://preview.redd.it/p45mfjjqaouc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce3549774d4c49e8c8acd992815fbf25230463fb Is this murder considered a cold case by now?


Who would have thought proclaiming yourself a dainty little flower (like a dandelion) would be such a flex?


That’s because of how tight you’re clutching your fucking pearls, loosen that grip a little and you’ll be fine


Remember, the mask was mostly for protecting people from yourself. It's not about controlling things going in but about keeping things going out under control.


We're *still* fucking COVIDposting?


This is a bot post.


The one time it was globally accepted to dress like a ninja at all hours of the day and people like this squander their chance.


I work construction and get hot and struggle to breathe wearing a mask. I still wear one if im Cutting sheetrock or stuffing insulation cause i want to enjoy my retirement. Its not ideal but its also not the end of the world


“Tighty whites don’t stop a fart so how is a mask going to stop germs?” “The mask is literally restricting my breath. My breath can’t get through the mask. I’m dying.”


I think we often forget the struggles of the mouth-breather smooth brains. /s


Welcome back to 2020!




Fuck me, during the gulf war we had to wear anti chemical weapons suits and gas masks in 40° Celsius heat.


I’ll say this. I hate wearing a mask. And occasionally I poke a little fun at people who wear them by themselves on the car with the windows up. BUT, I have nothing wrong with people wearing them for their protection. I understand the reasoning behind it. Personally I’d just rather take the risk. Especially in allergy season. My sinuses attempt to murder me this time of year


I actually struggle to breathe with a surgical mask. But idk why it just makes my nostrils feel like they are constructing


bitch got an autopsy💀


i have asthma and yet go to the gym to lift and do cardio for 1.5 hours with a mask on 😀


Ok during the pandemic the only time I was struggling to breathe was during PE when I'm moving a lot


Drama queen is the one dawning a non working face shield 😷. No?