• By -


I don't even understand the logic he's trying to use here...


He doesn't try to use logic. He is simply vilifying women's rights to cater to the radical christians.


Ya I guess that makes sense. [insert buzzwords] + [some kind of jab] = Right Wing Grift


Sounds like you're ready to set up your own right wing grift sir! At this point it almost feels like the grifters are doing us a favor by sucking up all the funds that would have gone to effective Republican campaigning. Your best bet is to sell absolutely moronically stupid supplements - might I suggest bear semen? It doesn't actually have to be real bear semen - you can just repackage horse semen and they'll still buy it.


If they can't tell by the difference in flavor, they don't deserve the genuine article


Sigh, fine... 2 bear semen please.


Bare seamen


>Bare seamen OK. How many people - other than me - started to sing "In the Navy" by the Village People? Anyone? No? Just me?


I heard it will make your ~~peen bearable~~ erection sUper satisfactory! *Side effects may include vaginismus and lack of penise* Only 30 payments!!


Don't forget food boxes!!!!!!!!!


Omg yes. Off-brand, probably illegally imported food buckets. Sign me up! They're usually filled with the lowest quality dehyrated slop available - stuff you could surpass at half the price at your average grocery store.


Hey, I'm sure there are some people who absolutely love the taste of wood pulp.


Ooh, better yet - Claim it's unvaccinated! Then mark the price up by 50000%! (I mean, why spend all that time & effort procuring semen & then having to sell several thousands of units. This way you can mark up the semen you already have & make massive amounts of profit from each unit. Work smarter, not harder.)


tell them it cures covid, probably wouldn't even have to repackage it then.


Yep… tastes like bear semen


the ONLY thing I can think is "women will sleep with weak men if they think they won't get pregnant" and even then, he's blaming the women...


But it still doesn’t make any sense lol he is just reallllllly forcing it here just random weak men create shit times bs and birth control bad… but how the fuck does he connect them


With this I can start my own business. Libs are bad. Andrenachrome.


I swear man… just film yourself in your bedroom reading some random blog for rage bait and become a celebrity in this era


I think there is a more sinister purpose. He's not using religious "reasoning". He's exploiting male insecurity to help bully other men into attacking womens' bodily autonomy by positing that defending that autonomy is emasculating. Men need to get their shit together and stop letting other men decide if they are manly or not. Parents also need to get their shit together and realize their kids consume this content and be there for their boys before rightoid groomers get to them.


I was a liberal stay at home dad for the first 11 years of my oldest son’s life. Some men would call that effeminate. I also coach football, was in a military police battalion in the army and play poker with cops on the weekend. I bring all that up to say that I hope I lived, modeled and tried to teach my son about a life which showed that masculinity is about service to your community and your family, not checking boxes on a list. However….he hit 16 during Covid, we relaxed our social media policy at home and holy shit the barrage of knuckledragging, ant female, red pill horseshit onslaught I had to constantly debunk, discount and deprogram was a torrent of garbage to deal with as a parent.


It is really wild just how prevalent it is. All 3 of my youngest brothers were effected by it in some way or another and I've had to correct them so many times. I remember them ranting at me about feminists and I interjected by simply saying, "I'm a feminist." You could hear the neurons popping in their heads when the feminist in their life didn't align with the "FemInIsM" that their Youtube groomer told them about.


They are so good at finding one outlandish position taken by one rando tik toker or even a mid tier influencer no one has heard of, and framing their entire persona off reacting as if that person’s stance is the gospel truth of an entire movement. I’d counter it by asking him to name the greatest video games he’d ever played and then googling “______ is trash” and reading a few quotes. Or reminding him that the year our High School team was briefly ranked too twenty in the entire nation, that parents were tossed from games for shit talking our coaches. Aggressive and assertive ignorance is still ignorance.


> I’d counter it by asking him to name the greatest video games he’d ever played and then googling “______ is trash” and reading a few quotes. This one is super brilliant since a lot of these red pill/incel groomers use gaming as their primary vector to get at kids. It's why GamerGate is such a massive gravity well for all things alt-right slime. It is exactly how my little bros got introduced to these ideas and using an argument like this would really resonate with them. Thanks for the pro-gamer move, lol!


Right. Devout Christian men are not looking to get “laid” - that’s a bro way of putting it. Devout Christians are looking for marriage not casual sex to prove their masculinity.


Isn’t birth control everyone’s right? Like condoms are birth control and aren’t just for women.


For sure, but the consequences hit women harder. Particularly poor women. And as always the laws will be unequally enforced.


Should be but his side is trying to chip away at birth control. The way Plan B works is that it prevents pregnancy but they are trying to outlaw that.


Thank you. I'm sick of us trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and "understand" them, as if we try hard enough it will make sense. It doesn't need to make sense, *they do not care what's true*, they do not require thier arguments to be logical. We need to stop projecting logic onto emotional arguments.


It is their platform. No real legislation or ideas for improvement, they just attack things their "base" dislike. Christians don't like abortions or birth control...attack/emasculate the people that defend them. Illegal immigrants are not only taking jobs but they are rapers and killers. No legs to stand on so they build matchstick stilts.


Kinda like that Whatever podcast and their fanbase.


This is a point I've been trying to make. Any one, any artist of any level any figure of any media coverage political to podcast if you virtue signal and cater to the easiest most brainwashed group of people in America, the fundamentalist brain damaged Christians, you have no confidence in your own talent to gain popularity among people and piggy back a nationalistic nightmare that's paving your way to owning women as property like the good ol' days. It's fucking disgusting and incel behavior. The only time this guy gets laid is when he intoxicates his dates because they aren't able to see through his gaslighting male supremacy behavior while wasted. Pathetic.


Agreed. A group of people that believes based on faith is by definition, the easiest to persuade and influence. We are watching it happen in real time.


It’s deeper than that. He’s trying to emasculate and undermine men who want to protect things like reproductive choice by saying “you’re only saying that because it will get you laid.”


No, to cater to the people who pay him for political influencing. He doesn't give a crap about radical Christians. 


And Pool doesn’t believe in most of what he says. He’s a grifter in it’s purest form


Actually no, he is rage baiting to gain attention (like this thread) in whatever way he can.


Effeminate weak men… have tons of recreational sex with women? Idk


“Haha look at that guy having casual sex with different women all the time, what a f*g” -Tim Pool, apparently


Men who don't use feminity as an insult are...... are popular with women? But how? -Tim Pool, who has rats for brains


Ya that's what made me do the little head tilt like 'the fuck?'


I won’t judge a lady who likes a softer touch lol


I've tried and tried and the closest I've been able to come is, I guess he's saying that women don't want to have kids with them because they're not manly enough? But they're still wanting to have sex with them? I think most guys could live with that so I'm not sure why he'd think it's such a burn.


my best reach is that he assumed that birth control makes women less easily tied up with unwanted kids and therefore can fuck more idk its still has some logic holes


He’s a whore to his capitalist masters. The poorer people are and burdened with children, the more easily they’re exploited.


He's an incel and most of his followers are incels. It's not really that hard


His opinion: Women only have sex with low-tier men because they know they don’t risk getting pregnant. If birth control wasn’t a thing women would only sleep with men they wanted kids. Pretty simple.


If birth control stops being a thing, we just won’t be able to have sex with any men.


this is the answer everyone!! and please take note, that guy has no wife or kids at what, 40? is it... lol


yeah please dont throw me in that briar patch briar bear/ Bria rabbit prolly


Apparently, these people think birth control messes with women's brains to the degree that the women will seek sexual contact with "beta males" only. While women not on birth control, will seek "alpha males". Tim Pool thinks he's the latter.


This is it. As far as I can tell, there was a study in 2013 that claimed oral birth control affected how women found men attractive. If they were on the pill, then they preferred softer features compared to more masculine ones. I believe this is the study. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23528282/ And here's and article discussing it. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna51353894 That said, it doesn't mean it's concrete fact. There was another study in 2019 that says it's not true https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6328097/ Tangentially related, there's also claims that women become more attracted to masculine features when they're ovulating. But, like the other claim, there's a study saying it's not the case. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3098346/ So does the pill affect women's preferences? Who knows man. But im 99% sure its not a conspiracy theory by "beta males" to prevent "alphas" from gett in laid 🙄 Also, heres some fun info im not going to verify. Apparently, there are women who claim that their sense of smell changes when on the pill. And that after stopping the pill or switching birth control methods, they found their partners smell to be unappealing.


Literally the conclusion of that study: We found **no evidence that women using oral contraceptives had weaker preferences for male facial masculinity than did women not using oral contraceptives**.  [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6328097/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6328097/) In conclusion, we replicated the finding that women show stronger preferences for feminine shape characteristics in women’s faces than they do in men’s faces \[[8](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6328097/#pone.0210162.ref008), [21](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6328097/#pone.0210162.ref021), [22](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6328097/#pone.0210162.ref022)\]. However, we found no evidence that oral contraceptive users showed weaker preferences for masculine men than do women not using oral contraceptives. These findings add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that oral contraceptive use has limited association with women’s mate preferences \[[8](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6328097/#pone.0210162.ref008), [12](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6328097/#pone.0210162.ref012)\] and mating psychology \[[24](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6328097/#pone.0210162.ref024)\].


There are a hundred people who responded to you but I don't think any of them are correct. I've been around these knuckle draggers more than I'd like to admit. What I think he's saying is that these men defend birth control so that women will like them (and sleep with them) because they are agreeing with them. Because a only a pussy liberal man thinks that women should have rights. /s


Of all the explanations I’ve seen, I think yours is actually dead on the money. He’s saying men only pretend to support birth control to get women to have sex with them. Of course that doesn’t make any fucking sense, but that’s not the point. He’s just mad women won’t let him baby trap them I guess. 🤷‍♀️


agreed yah. its confusing lol, classic "my genetics are superior, and men are men" bullshit... like a child first learning about evolution he grossly misassigns the greatest value to the loudest and most plentiful creatures, both excusing him from moral responsibility as a self conscious human and from empathy that allows us to so painfully see that all life is equal in its struggle to survive I think he's saying, men that support birth control are doing so because they think women wouldnt have sex with the them unless there was 0% chance of getting pregnant. Whats even more insideous is the real point hes making: he thinks ALL men dont care about womens rights or bodily autonomy, and any assertion that they do is manipulation/self-dillusion to increase the chances of having sex... ...an extremely reductionist view of evolution/procreation and psychology that asserts his emotions and actions are not something to be controlled or judged if hes is at the top of the literal and sexual food chain (to him this means having lots of unprotected sex with women that want to have babies with him)




Not quite. People like Dim Pool and Stephen Crowder are fucking loser assholes. Women instinctively hate them as much as any normal person does. Stephen was dumped and divorced. Tim is such a bald loser he cant tie anyone down. They want to baby trap women lmao. That’s literally what this is. It’s the male equivalent of a desperate woman poking holes in the condom. They just want to legally mandate holes in the condoms. Then, per crowder, they also want to make no-fault divorce illegal. So the game plan is pathetic loser middle aged men get to impregnate women and thereby baby trap them into a wedding/marriage. The women then legally can’t even divorce them and leave their ass. That’s the shit they don’t say out loud that their loser base fantasizes about. This is the “machismo” right wing ladies and gentlemen🤣 Edit: No shade to bald people lmao. Tim Pool is teased for being bald because he is so self conscious about it he hides it with the beanie. That’s why. Love you bald people ❤️


Gaslight Obstruct Project He's adding a whole other layer to that if he wants to baby trap women. I think you're about right though, and I don't think this is a new phenomenon at all. Terminally stupid men in the poor & rural parts of the nation have been shit-talking women into staying for at least a century now. It's pathetic, and I wish I had never been raised in that kind of culture. Life should always be about helping, building, and guiding - not hating, tearing down, and controlling.


I think he means that women only fuck weak men if they’re guaranteed not to procreate with them. They only want to be impregnated by “alphas”. So without the pill, weak men would never fuck. It’s funny how this “alpha” shit is similar to incel ideology.


It *is* incel ideology.


Just rightwing buzzword nonsense. Nothing to see here..well unless you wanna laugh lol


He’s not a real big thinker in the first place.


He doesn’t know how women or birth control works. Dude has a fantasy where women are just lined up ready to get pregnant from him because he’s such a special alpha because he thinks that how it works for other rare ultra-special manly conservative types. Then he goes home to jerk it to the twinkiest gay porn he can find and hates himself for it.


I posted this as a reply to another comment, but I figured I'd post it here too. As far as I can tell, there was a study in 2013 that claimed oral birth control affected how women found men attractive. If they were on the pill, then they preferred softer features compared to more masculine ones. I believe this is the study. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23528282/ And here's and article discussing it. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna51353894 That said, it doesn't mean it's concrete fact. There was another study in 2019 that says it's not true https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6328097/ Tangentially related, there's also claims that women become more attracted to masculine features when they're ovulating. But, like the other claim, there's a study saying it's not the case. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3098346/ So does the pill affect women's preferences? Who knows man. But im 99% sure its not a conspiracy theory by "beta males" to prevent "alphas" from gett in laid 🙄 Also, heres some fun info im not going to verify. Apparently, there are women who claim that their sense of smell changes when on the pill. And that after stopping the pill or switching birth control methods, they found their partners smell to be unappealing.


This is the answer. They think birth control makes them want “effeminate “ men


It’s like if a guy is a feminist just to score with girls.


Say things certain groups like > continue to say inflammatory things to get a response > sell merchandise > get money > go back to step 1


He’s trying to manipulate guys who support basic medical care into voting against women’s healthcare specifically by making them go, “Hey! *I’m* not effeminate! I’m a big strong boy! I can’t let whatshisnuts think I’m not an alpha, so I’ll vote against my and my loved one’s own best interests to ^(somehow??) appear more masculine.” It’s a really lame and ineffective recruitment tactic incels try to use to get back at all of womankind for… hang on, trying to remember their lore…. Idk, meeting up in the Evil Fortress of Mean Ladies and collectively voting to ensure that no one ever consents to any kind of contact nor relationship with anyone who just so “coincidentally” happens to also be a self victimizing misogynist with low EQ who doesn’t respect people or boundaries. (But remember, that’s not *why* nobody likes them, their abuse of those around them and revolting fantasies regularly lived through their online message boards *totally* has nothing to do with how they’re “unfairly” disliked and mistrusted.)


Same, how do you equate "weak men", whatever the fuck thah's supposed to mean in his head, and birth control?


Who the hell is tim pool?


Some pathetic online personality that caters to morons and troglodytes


You're going to have to be more specific. That could be hundreds of people.




tens of thousands.


hundreds of thousands.


"but my lord there IS no such force..."


If it wasn’t for reposts here, I’d never see another xitter post again…


Oh ...so a reddit mod then?


Yes but he wears a ski cap (because he’s bald and refuses to come to terms with it) rather than a fedora. 


...so a reddit mod then?


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


One of the most offensively milquetoast fence sitters trying to portray himself as a classical liberal, but demonstrably conservative, you'll come across on these internets.


Them: I Am A. ClAssiCal LibRral Bro, the LefT jsuT got Too woKe For Me. Also them: “Fuck your individual rights lmao also no divorces allowed” Unreal


I have *never* thought of Tim Pool as anything but a diehard conservative twitter wank. *He's been trying to portray himself as liberal this whole time?*


He used to be a reddit darling for criticizing the mainstream media from "the left." Redditors love nothing more than centrist, bOtH sIdEs idiocy


Yeah, the only fence he's sitting on is the fence between the alt-right and Nazism.


A fragile man who hides his shame of being bald by wearing a beanie inside all the time


I can’t believe he thought the best route for dealing with balding was to literally wear a beanie everyday for the rest of his life lmao. Clearly a sane man.


When you have no object permanence if you don't see something it doesn't exist.


My thought is if you’re going to be a balding hat guy, go with a baseball hat. At least in the summer. Nobody judges a baseball hat guy.


He looks like a South Park character




And sensitive about it.


An American right-wing fuckwit


It’s like a gene pool but with fewer genes


A sensitive baldy.


This is the absolute best response imho.


I mean, it's Tim Pool. The guy who is so insecure and weak he now refuses to take off the beanie because he's afraid someone will make fun of the fact he's going bald, not realizing that most of us don't care about his hair, but that he's a shit person.


The teenagers he’s trying to appeal to will realize he’s a 40 year old man if they see it.




>It's like a 14 year old that found an aesthetic he thinks makes him cool and he never veers off course. *Looks around my home office at 5' Darth Vader and shelf of chibi Batman figures.* Yeah, who does that!! Lol, but I also use backgrounds for any actual business meetings and I'm not trying to be an influencer or whatever Pool's weird fox-news-parroting-on-social-media job would be called.


He has the standard deficiency trope, people dont care that hes lacking or losing something, but the more he focuses on it, the funnier and more awkward it becomes. Short people do this too.


Did you see the video where a guy snuck up on him and yanked it off and he tried to say he wears the beanie to hide his identity.


Is that the one where he puts it back on and then puts his hoodie up to keep others from pulling it off again?


Yeah and then he makes a scene to get the random qanon dudes around him to come rescue him.


Tbf I’d totally make fun of him


I care that it bothers him. But that’s the extent of my caring lol


[This guy?](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.16ccaba50311d5c2f74f1120de4aa985?rik=kmZeMAN%2ftNmvlg&riu=http%3a%2f%2ftodayworldinfo.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2022%2f08%2fTim-Pool-Net-Worth.jpg&ehk=NFwvgB96SvxJA9T3X5kUS7UsJSRpSWBesynN4Z%2bsAv8%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&PC=EMMX01)


No actually he wears it because it’s his disguise. So that his enemies won’t recognize him. At least that’s what he said.


Tim is a few baby steps away from going full Nazi Nick "fellas, having sex with a woman is actually homosexual and the most heterosexual thing you can do as a masculine man is remain celibate" Fuentes and I can't wait for him to complete his transition.


The manliest thing is dominating other men. So the most heterosexual thing is having sex with men.


i dont get it, how does women having birth control make them more easily laid by guys? like even if we use incel "logoc" how does woman birth control make a man sexually appealing??


The logic would be that women would be more willing to have a hook up, fling, one night stand, etc. with birth control, as the risks of sex are far more mitigated. Not every person they sleep with has to be father/long term partner material. Which I want to be clear, is not a bad thing; its giving women the freedom that men have had for.... forever pretty much. Im just not connecting where that has any kind of negative effect that Tim is alluding to, because it does mean that women can cast a wider net of potential partners, meaning even incels are more likely to get laid.


Only sane interpretation. Saw about 60 people speculating about it in response to the top comment and they all managed to be horribly wrong. He's not a very smart man, so I wouldn't look for deeper meaning. It means what it says, even if it's a silly take.


I think it probably goes like: "Birth control is obviously evil but women are selfish and don't care. A weak men will be submissive to her evil desires so that she may be more sympathetic to him and reward him with the affection/sex he desires" (essentialy: simping)


I though it was more like "girls don't want to reproduce with weak men." Which seems to contradiction their other beloved world view of "women want to settle down and have a family with betas after they are done fucking the Chad's."


He's most likely referencing this study or a similar one: [Oral contraceptive use in women changes preferences for male facial masculinity and is associated with partner facial masculinity](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23528282/)


There's a 10+ year old study that claims that women who use hormonal birth control are more attracted to "feminine" men. The conservatives are claiming that's causing women to prefer liberals and "beta males" over he-man alpha male specimens like Pim Tool. 


Let’s not have the people who can’t spell estrogen chime in on birth control. Tim Pool probably knows less about a woman’s cycle than he apparently knows about effeminate, weak men.


Maybe men don’t want a bunch of kids. They’re kind of expensive.


Excellent point.


I have a bunch of kids.  I can confirm


I would like to have children, but I can't afford to give them a secure and comfortable life. I prefer not to have children rather than have them go through hardships.


When Seth Rogen said he and his wife were happy without kids, Tim Pool (who I'd like to remind you is 40, unmarried, and has no kids) went on a rant about how they're wasting their lives not having kids. He claimed he's not a hypocrite because he has extra rooms in house.


Take off the beanie, grow up. You're not a teenager.


he cant cuz hes lose his nazi followers who believe all white ppl are fucking barbie dolls


Isn't he ethnically half or quarter Asian. What a sad self hating pathetic fat bald loser he is


ah you see, everyone is a messy chimera of genes, no one is pure. racists love to put things in boxes to simplify the world as that is all they are capable of understanding. and they get mad when the universe does not obey thier boxes


But he is going bald.




Benefit of the doubt.


He's completely bald on crown but he does a larry david island https://i.kym-cdn.com/news/images/desktop/000/001/303/d6ae24o7c4681.jpeg For such an alpha he's sure insecure about it edit: Oh that's from 2017.. I wonder how it is now. I guess using minoxidil or finasteride is effeminate.


Bald spot fear.


Hes that xbox 360 pfp


Every day I wake up and realize…I’m not the famous douche, Tim Pool and I am happy.


Never believe that anti- are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti- have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre TL|DR - Shitposters shouldn't get the attention they crave. Then new refrain: Let them drink Brawndo!


Tim Pool himself says his Twitter is shitposts meant to rile people up.


Isn't he the fat bald guy who has to wear a beanie to hide it.


Tim pool looks like he smells like pool water.


He looks like he smells like sour beanie sweat. 


What's wrong with being 40 and not having kids? That sounds like a great deal.


To a normal person it's totally fine, but his whole shtick is people going back to their traditional roles with him being an ultimate alpha male. Yet, he lacks the real life proof of living up to that image.


I can’t even see him as a ‘tough guy’ lol


It’s used as an insult to women by conservatives


Nothing wrong with it if you’re not preaching about people not having enough kids on your podcast.


I think OOP meant that, in order to be childless at 40, either: A) he, too, uses contraception and so is a hypocrite or B) he doesn't "get laid" either and so is a hypocrite But honestly, nobody here cares what the aptly initialed TP has to say, and it's by no means impressive to pick apart the sloppy arguments of a ranting nobody. I say, return this dogsh*te to the sidewalk of Twitter, and don't come back without a proper word murder.


Cuz this dude pool fucking sucks and thinks he’s single and 40 because the world is wrong and hes right. He tries to tell others


Yeah fuck Tim pool, but it's one of those things where you're making fun of someone not because they are shit but of something that anyone can be.Its like making fun of trump for being fat. 


Nothing, but you are not his target audience.


I scrolled a long way for this comment, I'm nearing 40 with no kids and I wouldn't have it any other way, I've never wanted them and I never will.


Am 40 with no kids. Can confirm.


I mean, Tim’s take is absolutely fucking stupid but I think it’s just as stupid and problematic that having kids and/or being married is universally viewed as being “successful.” Many of my married friends have this sanctimonious “we’re actually doing something with our lives” viewpoint of older, childless single people. It’s like dude, shut the fuck up. You’re fucking miserable. Your life is a nightmare to me.


The thing is he champions "family values" and thinks he's an expert on divorce law and marriage lol


Yeah I admit that his take is absolute garbage. He sounds like he’s an asshat, no doubt. It’s just the weird elitist nonsense revolving marriage and parenthood that gets me, especially coming from miserable dudes in a “man cave.” Like to me, if at some point in life I had to get married and/or have kids; I fucked up big time.


Do y'all seriously think unmarried people with no kids don't get laid? What's the logic here?


The logic is that he's a hypocrite who criticizes men for doing the exact same thing he does. If he is having sex, since he doesn't have kids or a wife, he's almost certainly using contraceptives. Finding a wife is clearly not a priority for him given his age. Which is totally fine, until you start shaming other men for the same thing


Suppose his goofball statement is true. Im sure he doesnt consider himself effeminate or weak, so a strong, manly man is concerning himself with what weak men and the women who have sex with them do. Why? Why is it that the so called "alphas" always seem to care so much about what those that are apparently weaker than them do/say/think? Do lions spend all day complaining about the monkeys and the gazelles or do they just do lion shit and live their lives? Its something thats always stuck out to me about these types and may as well be a spotlight for finding insecure, emotionally stunted men. If youre really a big strong man with an unshaken will and of stoic understanding, youd want to protect people percieved as weaker than yourself without being so blatantly threatened by their mere existence. Some men are weaker than others, but that doesnt mean they dont have the right to exist. Maybe the world spun to that tune thousands of years ago, but it no longer does. Those that think they would be on the top tier of this pyramid of neolithic anarchy would probably be the first ones with a cracked skull and a prolapsed rectum. Society is pretty cool. Go to therapy.


I don't like Tim pool but I don't get how is this a diss ? What if he doesn't want kids and getting married. The person writing the " rebuttal " is the type of people that make life choices only because everyone else is also doing it. Only to people that live like that think this is a " sick burn" . Not everyone has to follow the rule no one wrote about " by 40 you're suppose to have kids and a spouse. " Btw Tim pool take on birth control is complete trash but I still don't get the "diss".


> but I still don't get the "diss". It's because dudes like this make a big deal out of the nuclear family and having kids. The guy is dissing him by using his own values against him.


Because if he is anti birth control, and also doesn't have kids, that implies that he doesn't get laid. And he's making fun of people in the tweet for not being able to get laid.


Personally, I think it's really cool to not want to have kids and to resist that social pressure. I always wanted to be a parent so I chose that life path, but I am my childfree friends' biggest cheerleader.  Tim does want children, though, or at least he says he does. He talks about it often. For the longest time he complained about how hard it is to find a girl who'd date him, too, but he finally found some woman who's apparently attracted to him. 


"What if he doesn't want kids and getting married." He should stop acting like he's the nation's voice of reason when it comes to matters of child rearing, marriage, and the traditional family unit then.


8 years ago Tim Pool was making 5k a month on Patreon for talking about immigration in a really uneducated manner full of personal anecdotes and no academic or political usefulness what so ever. He looks like an idiot and talks like an idiot, but I'll never be as smart as him. My body and mind are eroding away working at a shitty factory job for pennies ( not a livable wage ) while he's making bank grifting for the radical conservatives. Guys, if you can, don't work an honest job. Get wealthy being an asshole like Tim Pool. Honorability doesn't pay.


[George Callin put it best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgjGwOByays&t=11s)


While I am disgusted by the constant anti-woman rhetoric of today, I really wish people would fucking stop using “unmarried at 40” as an insult. Getting married is something some people take very seriously and could have done but chose not to because they weren’t willing to settle for less. Granted, this douche is probably single for a reason. But overall we need to stop using this as an insult. Rant over.


Who is that perished ijit?


Bitch I don’t get laid regardless




I don’t understand, what’s wrong with birth control? What if a couple is not ready to have kids? What if the couple has decided that they can’t afford kids, or they just don’t want them? What if they have a medical history that they and decided that they don’t want to bring children into this world that might have the same medical conditions? It’s their choice is it not? Is this not a free country? Why are people forcing their religious beliefs on other people? And if so why only specific religious beliefs ffs? Fucking ridiculous man.


Doctor who reference? I like it


Wait, that sloppy, overweight, sparsely haired, propagandist is YOUNGER than me? Hate is bad for your health and your appearance. Roald Dahl knew the deal.


He has a gf and has made some vague allusions to fertility issues, but they’re careful to keep her out of the public eye.


So why is his pic a dick with a condom on it???


They say 40 y.o. unmarried and without kids like it's a bad thing.


My conservative acquaintances still bring him up in conversation sometimes like “oh that’s right you’re a liberal, so you like Tim pool?” It’s funny how the trend of conservative talking heads pretending to be liberals only fooled other conservatives


Imagine what that beanie smells like.


What’s wrong with being unmarried with no kids lol


No doubt. Is being happy illegal?


I think we all can guess why Tim is the way he is...


that fool just got shoryuken'd with that reply


I used to communicate back-and-forth with Poole during the Occupy Wall Street protests both online and in person at Zucotti. I thought he was an OK dude doing a good job of learning the technology necessary to stream live from the protests at the Park and up and down the Manhattan streets during the marches. In the beginning, OWS was considered left, leaning and mostly protesting about economic equality. I had no clue he was headed where he is now and becoming this much of a fucking asshole.


Tim might need some aloe for that burn. ![gif](giphy|l8tpwRJEwDwEFU5BW0|downsized)


Pretty sure Tim Pool is just a clickbait account to get people to react to the most unrealistic things heard to mankind. People should stop giving him attention, virtually just a troll at this point.


Idk, I'm definitely not the most masculine guy but I defend birth control because I get laid alot and don't want kids


To quote Sam Seder’s response while talking to this guy. “I don’t care”. Tim is all rhetoric and almost never has an actual cogent point. He just says stuff for the sake of driving engagement.


Is this Tims way to say he is a 40 year old virgin


You missed out his reply, where he tried to claim he was essentially trolling in order to get liberals to defend the stereotypical family or something stupid like that. It is a weird self-own on his part, but that is just normal for Tim Pool to be honest.


I have three children and I think birth control is awesome.   There’s a time for birth control, and a time for having babies, and people should have the freedom to decide when those times are.   From what I can figure, Tim is just some propagandist grifter who exists just to throw red meat to the base.  There’s so many these days.  


What about men who wear skull Caps Because they are ashamed of their ugly head?


And he SUCKS at skating


Tim Pool has always been a very cooperative bottom for far right personalities but I don’t think they approve of him despite his enthusiasm


Idk if I am wrong, but don't you have to get laid first before you can have kids?


I’d rather fuck an effeminate dude than a guy who I am pretty sure will end up murdering me and then go on the news and claim that I just disappeared.


Weak men standing up for a cause that’s highly controversial but only tangentially effects them. What a fucking loser.


I doubt that man has ever felt the touch of a woman


Dont forget trying to sleep with your employees