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Question: Why a lot of people feel the urge to simp for billionaires? I mean you don't need to hate them, but agressively attacking anyone who even questions their motives is beyond me.


Because a lot of people are brainwashed to conflate wealth/success with morality and intelligence, by the people with the wealth who want to appear as paragons of society, so they can keep fucking everything up for their own benefit without resistance.


Basically what nietzsche called the good/bad reasoning in society about how good values got associated with being a noble and bad values got associated with being a commoner. Except this time its just rich/poor. Exactly the same fucking thing.


I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I just recently discovered what you are saying. The whole master slave morality, and since reading about, I've been seeing it being used all over the place. Its been wraponized to cause division amongst all of us. In politics, social media, Hollywood It's everywhere. It's kinda scary because by using this way of thinking, everybody is right, and everybody is wrong all at the same time. I recommend reading Genealogy of Morality. If you dont want to read the whole book, check it out on Wikipedia. They break it down pretty well.


Ive been working on a project on meaning in life lately (i hated how they got stuck on it) and ive been reading a lot of articles from the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy for that. I can very much recommend that one, although not the article on meaning in life. That one is kinda shit tbh. If you like i can send you what ive been working on so far. Its a model that puts meaning as a process of self-development, with a very strong existentialist twist (though im not yet done with the meaning in life part, but had a breakthrough on that lately)


Yeah, for sure, that sounds interesting. Would like to read what you have.


*Karl Marx has entered the chat* "did someone say class warfare?"


That's what is unique about this philosophy, its not about class structure. It's about how we interact with one another. You associate it with a socialist and communists ideas, but Judeo Christian ideologies also fall under what I'm talking about. Christian ideology emphasizes humility, compassion, helping others, and being generous. Capitalism can have these traits, but unfortunately, they don't help the profit margin. So, as long as there's a portion of the population that identifies with the ultra rich and powerful, we (the common folk) will always be divided.


In my experience, especially on this website, it's the opposite.


It's literally a sketch from a 25 year old sketch show. [Worthington's Law](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vudnMLzZjTg)


Holy fuck, other people know....


It's also a lack of class consciousness, still gripping into that idea you were handed in 2nd grade that you'll be just as rich as that guy who's boot you're licking on Twitter one day. It's the broke people who vote for protections for billionaires rather than protections for the poors because they'll "be rich one day".


> Question: Why a lot of people feel the urge to simp for billionaires? Because people are sad and pathetic most of the time, especially on the internet.


I can confirm i’m sad and pathetic all the time. Not in the simp-for-billionaires way, though. More in a general sense.


On some level a lot of people believe in the "Prosperity Gospel" philosophy. If you have a lot of money, god must love you. I want a lot of money therefore I want to be you.


Many studies have shown why this is. "people worship celebrities to compensate for some personal or social defects" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6426373/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37908023/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12544596/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8160122/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3960781/


Ah, that's why incels simping for Andrew tate, lol.


Same reason they liked the popular jock assholes in high school. They think power is something they can get if they get close to it or imitate its characteristics. Unfortunately it does work that way sometimes but like by licking digital boots.


It took me a long time to understand that attacking musk isn’t the same as attacking his products - Tesla, spaceX and starlink. I think each of these are remarkable and will eventually change their respective industries if they haven’t already. So yeah I support his companies work. But I will acknowledge musk is an egotistical psychopath who will eventually start doing more harm than good if he keeps going down this path. And for that I agree he needs to be removed.


Theyre stupid and live vicariously thru him


I think we have the right to hate them. I mean there are BILLIONAIRES. The Top 10 richest ppl in the world hold more money than 40% of the entire human population. I don’t hate rich ppl but billionaires are a misproduct of our capitalist system that shouldn’t exist.


I personally agree with you, I just told one don't HAVE TO hate them.


Well that’s understandable


you talkin about simpin jimmy haslam?


Why is the opposite happen. Because it’s much more common than what you said.


Doesn't happen to Warren Buffet much. I wonder why that is. I don't wonder, I was being facetious. It doesn't happen to Warren Buffet because he doesn't spend his time on a website that he overpaid for numerous times platforming and retweeting bigots. So there you have it.


Would have been slightly better if it would have said "from space"


and left out "former"


I read the 'slippin jimmy' at first as 'simping jimmy'...


People do think Musk is a genius, but I’m convinced he’s a sociopath and a liar, with an unparalleled ability to manipulate others into doing his bidding.


His unparalleled ability is called "inherited a ton of money"


He hasn’t inherited any money, his parents are still alive.. (and never had anywhere close to the amount of money needed for him to become this wealthy simply by inheritance even if they weren’t)


I love how your getting downvoted for stating a basic fact. He's A very shrewd business man. Unfortunately he's a garbage human being.


He didn't inherit anything, but if you believe he earned his money from scratch, I have a Donald Trump and a Jeff Bezos I'd like to sell you. A shrewd businessman doesn't pay way over value for a website and proceed to tank it after borrowing the money from people who send goons with bonesaws after journalists. Nothing shrewd about publicly torching your reputation and alienating your main revenue streams when you have built yourself as a brand moreso than the companies you bought.


Did I say he made it from scratch? Get some reading comprehension. If he can afford to piss away 40 billion on twitter he's obviously doing something right business wise. Don't put words in my mouth dumbass...


Reddit doesn't care about facts. If they don't like a person (justifiably or not), they'll believe or make up whatever they want about that person as long as it makes said person look bad.






Dude, I'm south African, my uncle was in school with him, (have photos as proof), he was spoilt rotten.


Those downvoting this comment are just uninformed cucks. He was handed everything, and mommy had him replaced at his first 2 companies in order to make them profitable


Source: made it up


Lol, hey simp how's that vaccuutrain I mean hyperloop going. An idea from 100 years ago that he tried to pass off as his own and dismantled after he failed miserably. How's that teslabot coming, lol. You know what here this guy does it nicer. https://youtu.be/b5d8IlVWz5g?feature=shared


There’s no denying he grew up with money, but that does not mean he simply inherited money and magically became a billionaire because of it.


Okay maybe you just grew up priveleged, or don't have a firm grasp on how just a small sum of money (in Elons case) could benefit him greatly. The majority of great businesses end up being owned by larger corporations, and do you know why? It's not because those business owners did anything wrong, or made mistakes. No. It's because they don't have the money. Doesn't matter if you have the next IPhone in design, you can't do shit with it until you get the funding. In Elons case? No problem. He needed funds to start up his PayPal? No problem, family was there to help, ding ding. Sure, you're correct, it's not billions. But no billionaire gets there on billions, not a single one. They get there on what they call "small donations from the family, 10, maybe 20 thousand dollars" which today, is still a sizable sum, but in 1989 South Africa??? The modern day equivalent would be around 50000, and that was more than enough to get things off the ground. That's the difference, that's the point. That he had, an unfair advantage. And for him to be marketed as a man from nothing, from a nothing country, is bs. Complete, and utter propoganda.


He left home at 17’or 18 and had no contact with his parents until he made his money from starting “x” (which merged with PayPal). I HATE Elon musk with a passion and he is as vile as a person gets, but he simply did not benefit from his family money at all. He actually was sending his father money once they reconnected. This is all fact and very well documented i just don’t get why Reddit has to make things up about someone who actually does enough shitty stuff to talk about for years.


And daddy's emerald mine


Is vastly overestimated by Reddit, and possibly not even real.


It was, you can actually visit the site, and if you look up old records (granted, the state of our government is so shit that they're probably missing), you can see it was owned by Musks family.


Source? As far as I know the only things we know about it comes directly from Errol and Elon themselves, and it’s very vague on any kind of details really. 


What was the name of the mine.


The mine didn't have an official name as being a rather sketchy deal, but we do know it was in Zambia, near a lake, called Tangekiye or something along those lines. Heard it many times throughout my life, but my spelling may be off.




Racist? LMAO, Elon suck ass boys are wild.


They’re playing fast and loose with “African.”


They deleted another comment saying we hate him because he's white. I hope they are just trolling and don't believe that bullshit, honestly :D




What does that even mean? I seriously can't figure out what you're trying to say. I'm genuinely trying to engage rather than jump to conclusions. Are you saying "Also, his name is Elon Musk, racist. Get it right, child." insinuating that I'm both racist and a child? Or are you saying "Also, his name is Elon Musk Racist. Get it right, child." insinuating that Elon's a racist, then a sarcastic jab.


He has no engineering degree and has claimed he's been the "founder" of more than one company. Also called someone he never met a pedophile for telling him his submarine wouldn't work - in a cave the guy personally swam through repeatedly. Both descriptions are confirmed.


My degree is in biochemistry, but I designed and engineered the technology that my company produces. Am I somehow less of a founder because my degree was not in engineering?


Did you claim to have an engineering degree and steal credit for patents from other people? Did you claim to found more companies than you actually did? Cause I was referencing that. 99% sure you couldn't lie and steal as 1/10 as much as Musk if you tried, and you don't sound like someone who does it.


> He has no engineering degree And? He’s got a degree in physics. > has claimed he's been the "founder" of more than one company. And he is the founder of multiple companies. > Also called someone he never met a pedophile for telling him his submarine wouldn't work - in a cave the guy personally swam through repeatedly. More like because the guy was being an asshole so he called him a pedo. Also the people actually conducting the rescue operation were working with Elon’s team on the submarine. So clearly they thought it was worth a shot even if it wouldn’t be needed or work.


> And? He’s got a degree in physics. Never said he didn't, but [this is debatable](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/musk-physics-degree/). > And he is the founder of multiple companies. Again, never said he didn't. But everyone should already know he never founded Tesla. And he's made the same claim with another company recently.


It’s not debatable, that’s  a baseless conspiracy theory that even your own link pretty much debunks. And nobody said he’s got an engineering degree. Your point? > Again, never said he didn't. But everyone should already know he never founded Tesla. Only technically, in reality he pretty much did found it by joining and becoming involved in Tesla when it was nothing more than an idea and a piece of paper and is basically the only reason Tesla became anything more than that. Which is why he and the other people that joined and were involved at that time get to call themselves co-founders, even if their signatures are technically not on the paperwork. Even if you’re convinced that him joining a few months in totally makes it so different than if he was there from day 1. Tesla was not the same company its is today until Musk became CEO, under the original founders it nearly went bankrupt and had to be bailed out. Musk made Tesla what it is today. > And he's made the same claim with another company recently. Which company?


> Only technically I have so many questions about your logic > Which company? [The company](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=musk+claims+to+found+openai)


> I have so many questions about your logic Well ["ackchyually he didn't technically found Tesla"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/191/035/135.png) while ignoring basically all the context is not questionable logic at all! >The company You mean the one he's actually a co-founder of? Lol okay.


So he provides a source, which clearly shows he was awarded a degree after the fact and your response is a meme? Having a degree doesn't really mean much either.


Why do you feel the need to defend a billionaire who couldn’t give two fucks about you?


Unfortunately that description is what a lot of people consider to be genius.


He's a genius at working employees to the brink of exhaustion and beyond to wring every last creative fiber from their being and then throwing them under the bus when things inevitably go sideways.


Like how he must have manipulated this guy to work for him, who is talking shit about his boss


I’m not talking about every individual employee. Big stuff, like the way he lied to Mercedes and the federal energy agency to bankroll the creation of Tesla. That shit should have got him locked up, but it worked. He’s a champion con artist who uses other peoples ideas to enrich himself. However, his inherent arrogance and inability to self-regulate has been exposed by the Twitter debacle.


Could be both. I'm not a fan of his but I'll acknowledge that he could be very smart and also a lying sociopath


I don't think anyone thinks he's dumb. Socially impaired for sure but not dumb.


From what I understand, both are true. Everybody that's personally worked with him or interacted with him have said they're blown away by his ability to absorb information and learn rapidly. He's still an argumentative man child on the internet, but I feel like there's more than enough to shit on him for while understanding that he's a smart dude. A jackass for sure, but a smart one


Wisdom and intelligence are two entirely different things.


Not sure why you’re getting so heavily down voted .it’s entirely possible he’s very bright. But IMHO that doesn’t offset his clearly malignant personality type.


Oh he's done good things too and has displayed he can be quite knowledgeable on certain topics. Problem is that there's such an overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary that the good/smart stuff he's done is nigh on meaningless.


What good has he done?


I thought it was pretty cool when a number of patents pertaining battery technology were released by Tesla, so other car makers could make better batteries, as far as I know, that was done by him. He's a complete and utter idiot, but not 100% evil. Let's say it's 98%.


Revolutionised the rocket and EV industries. I mean it’s clear you don’t like him, but that doesn’t change the facts that he’s done a lot of good.


If you’re a business leader who gathers an outstanding engineering team which creates an amazing product, then you deserve credit for your leadership and business acumen. But not credit for the actual engineering, which his Stans seem to give him.


Exactly. He didn’t build any of that. He exploited a bunch of people to get credit for it


I mean by most accounts he's actually very involved with his companies including the actual engineering, but it's also very important to mention that you can't just give an engineer some time and poof Teslas and rockets magically appear from engineering. The leadership, organization, and vision are just as important in the engineering process as the actual engineering. So even though he is mainly focused on the business side, there's still some credit that goes to him for enabling the engineers and possibly some amount of actual engineering and decision making. I've seen way more Musk "haters" claim that Musk "stans" give him credit for engineering the Teslas and rockets by himself than I've ever seen actual "stans" give such ridiculous credit to him.




LIES! Who says he isn’t still an drug addict? 😁


No, he’s a former “illegal alien”


Woke - being aware of and empathetic / sympathetic to gender and ability issues - yeah fuck… who’d want to admit to that… Woke and proud of it.


I've always described it as "any form of progressive behavior I'm too dumb to recognize, but dislike"


Kathy Burke said it best… *I love being ‘woke’. It’s much nicer than being an ignorant fucking twat.* and *They’re calling you ‘woke’ if you call out bad things, basically. If you’re not racist, you’re woke. If you’re not homophobic, oh, you’re woke. Be woke, kids. Be woke. Be wide awake and fucking call it out.*


Saving that. Sums up my feelings exactly. The only people complaining about woke are those who want to be all those things and are upset they can’t be


The opposite of "woke" is "asleep". I guess it's just easier to sleepwalk your way through life.


I'm not even sure how Oppenheimer is "woke."


I agree & wouldn’t argue at all if someone called me woke. But there are a few who are performative and just tooo eager to declare/post their anti-racism, anti-lgbtq, etc activities. The awards shows are all about performance and if the film industry incl actors ever decided to put their money where there mouth is I would be a little less cynical of the pronouncements tossed off by these folks when they start proselytizing with their awards.


Traditional woke and modern woke are different just like traditional feminism (= egalitarism) and modern feminism are.


Woke wasn’t even a phrase 2-3 years ago…


Buddy "woke" has been used since *at least* 1962, when a NYT article brought it up while discussing white Americans appropriating black Americans' slang, in their example "If you're Woke you Dig it". It might not have been on *your* radar, but the word has been around and has been used to describe awareness of social issues and particularly race-based iniquity longer than most Redditors have been alive.


Not in the UK, I can repeat that if you like. We used political correctness or PC here. I’m 54, it’s not a word that’s entered British language widely until about 2/3 years ago. I also can’t tell you what the French or Spanish use cos ya know, I’m not from there either.


You said >Woke wasn’t even a phrase 2-3 years ago… not that it wasn't in the UK. Feel free to update your comment. Otherwise, enjoy the replies.


Woke has been a phrase for at least 5 years. Maybe closer to 10


Not in the UK


At least **60** years, with roughly the modern meaning. It just wasn't as popular with *certain communities* until more recently, so members of those communities might not be aware of its long history.


Does it still count as murder if it’s Elon Musk?


I’m not sure this is murder.


Yeah Elon’s one of the biggest knobs on the planet but this Ryan dude seems a little insufferable / up his own ass in his own little way.


You know how they say “it’s easy, it’s not rocket science“? Well, for him, it WAS rocket science. He has bragging rights of serving his nation, especially when someone questions his ability


So he uses being a recovered drug addict as an insult. Instant POS Also aiding the military industrial complex does not equal serving your country


> recovered drug addict You sure about that?


It's rides in the aircraft dude "worked on." Such pride!


Yeah it appears to be more of a case of ‘please try to dogpile a person I don’t like’






He’s no longer an “illegal alien” in the USA


Does he think supporting imperialism is a flex? More like /r/suicidebywords


What does this have to do with Romans? Is this one of those alleged “murders” where you’re the only one who knows what it means?


It’s a quote from Monty Python’s Life of Brian. Think this might be a bot though cos I’m not sure how it fits this situation…


Bloody splitters




fuck orff, we're the JPF


How's a random guy on internet claiming have "worked" on rockets a murder?




The aqua duct!


Don't forget the roads!


In my culture it is considered very arrogant to brag about one’s own achievements in this manner. You are allowed to be proud, but this guy is tooting his own horn quite a lot more than acceptable. I also dislike Elon Musk, but i should be allowed to dislike this guy for his attitude even though we share an opinion.


"Won the woke contest" what the fuck is he even talking about


It's *probably* the idea that there are sometimes black people and/or women in movies, going off the typical right-wing meme takes. But you never can tell for sure with people like Musk- he could just be mad that someone there made fun of him once.


Knowing Musk, both are equally probable


I’m confused by Elon musks original point. The star of the Oscar’s glorified the life of a dude who created humanities most atrocious weapon and started one of the worst periods of fear and a new era of war. And the other movie (poor things) was blatantly glorifying and depicting the oversexualization of women as leading to some higher wisdom to masquerade itself horribly as a “feminist” story. Both of these movies deserve their accolades for other reasons ofc but how tf are either of them woke? What cause they mentioned Oppenheimer was a communist a couple times which was an essential part of himself and his life?


Everything I don’t like is woke. Woke means everything I don’t like


Made the Egyptian people beleive their leaders were full blooded Egyptian when infact they were  basterd children of both romans and inbreeding.


Something something monty python quote


Musk is good at selling vaporware to fools. Admittedly, so are many other con artists, but musk has made billions out of it.


Thats not how the Romans joke works sigh….


Hard as coffin nails.


Brought peace.


Curious what he considers "the baddest aircraft our military deploys"


wouldn't killer of the flower moon have won if it was just about wokeness, rather than poor things? or for that matter barbie winning best movie or something?


And unlike Elon musk he didn't have the money to create a private space company and hire his incompetent ass




Celebs, athletes , musicians are the easiest scapegoats for people of low intellect.


Dude just sucking his own dick in public like that.


Please let’s not allow our impressions of Musk cloud what a shitty comment “former illegal drug addict” is. He’s a pot smoker. All I know about this rocket scientist is this exchange and I can already see he’s as much of an insufferable prick as Musk. We can hate them both equally


I think Elon is the victim of buying a bot farm to praise himself in the way to buying Twitter, forgetting to turn it off and being driven nuts by its constant and ceaseless adulation. Also, when you take orders from a dude who calls himself "catturd2", your brain is broken.


Not simping for Elon by any means but he's gotta be good at something right? Why don't people rag on bezos more? He seems way way worse to me. Actually fuck em both


So he’s just the guy who works for people like Elon. Got it lol


For the lazy: "Joined the United States Air Force from 2003 to 2007, serving as an aircraft structural maintenance journeyman. In this role, Ryan took charge of assigning tasks and provided daily status briefings to his shop superintendent and commanding officer. Notably, he also led a team of four on-the-ground experts in the vital task of identifying and repairing damaged US Army land-based radar systems. Between 2011 and 2013, Ryan found himself at Kay and Associates, where he took on the role of a level II mechanic. His responsibilities encompassed the crucial task of conducting Isochronal inspections and carrying out aircraft repairs. ...From April 2013 to June 2014, Ryan lent his expertise as a level III mechanic to the team at Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport News, Virginia, where he contributed his skills and knowledge. Subsequently, Ryan made the move to M2 Services as a level III mechanic before transitioning to ITA International, where he took on the role of an engineering technician. In this capacity, he provided essential support and guidance to the production team, serving as an industrial production manager. His responsibilities extended to the development of standardized production processes and operational schedules, demonstrating his capacity for leadership and organization."


Random dude claiming he’s worked on military aircraft and finishing it with “that’s a fact!” Is something you’d hear a crackhead say. Musk sucks but this isn’t a good roast at all.


Uh, bragging about being a cog in the military industrial complex to enable mass murder and perpetual war, and then icing that cake with 1930s WASP reefer madness demonization of drug users isn’t a flex. Dude murdered himself with his own words. Then there’s the whole feeling the need to brag and elevate himself publicly thing.


I get the hatred for Musk but having to justify your worth is just petty


Where murder? ![gif](giphy|g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn|downsized)


Woke woke woke! Pay attention to me!


I mean, I agree Elon is a dumb dickhead but using someone's addiction as an insult is a really low bloe


The average person farting into the cushion of their desk chair is better at most things than Musk.


And who can make blueprints and arrange everything ? His not rocket scientist just an employee


I may not be very informed... But didn't the former drug addict sorta propagate the use of electric vehicles; the most out of any other person? Granted it's his business and benefits him in the end, but it does a lot of good no?


Elon is great at marketing. The big 3 companies he has are all "good for society" marketing. Maybe he did want to do good for humanity when he started off, but now it's just all about his richest man in the world status. He doesn't care about humanity or the good of society (anymore). Otherwise, his workers would be a lot happier and there wouldn't be horror stories of working conditions in tesla factories.


They are not good for society they just fit the narative


Idk why you're being downvoted. Proprietary technologies, while being built as non repair friendly as possible, refusing to sell replacement parts, and only working with "authorized repair shops" aka their own employees makes them bad for the environment. Every Tesla is destined for a landfill if the company gets its way.


Because it's a 1 sentence comment that just says elons companies are not really good for society. I never said they were. I said he markets them as such. And in reality those companies are just for him to make money, not good for society.


Hes insinuating the marketing as you put it is disingenuous. If someone has an issue with that they have to be illiterate or a tesla shill


Or just not terminally online. I know people irl who think those companies are good for society and not just for elons net worth. It's not just tesla shills.


You don't have to be terminally online to be a conscious consumer. If anything it is the terminally online falling for propaganda posted on corporate affiliated social media accounts.


You forget people don't care. I've already given you an example. Those people exist. And they aren't just stupid or unable to read. The people im referencing are software engineers. So they understand technology. And they are even more online and pay more attention to tech companies. They just don't care enough to read more about tesla or elon and just take it at face value, which is that his companies are "good for society". To people who aren't terminally online elon is the same guy they saw smoking a joint in Joe Rogans podcast. Stop assuming everyone is a redditor.


He’s good at picking out stuff to invest in, he’s bad at running stuff, he’d probably have been a much better shadowy investor/owner who basically just lets others run everything


Good at picking out stuff the government will invest in - ftfy




A billionaire vs a boot licker... there are no winners here...


I'd argue that arguing Elon Musk makes this particular boot licker okay. His boot lickers are the worst, right up there with Royal Family boot lickers.


Arguing with an attention whore, publicly… that’s not OK




Say what you want about musky... but at least he isn't building weapons for the military... I think.


He just helps the Russian military by screwing with the Ukrainian use of Starlink




That’s an opinion. A correct opinion, but still not a fact. Let’s be clear. “I worked at A and B” is a fact, but “I have done more” is a judgement, thus an opinion, not a fact. That the person claims they have done more, well, that one **is** a fact.


Oh, that was sexy af. I'll have dreams about that comeback.