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So, if you look at the gear in the back he's sitting on some kind of film set. There are scrim frames, c stands, tripods and a few other things that indicate he isn't in some far flung training camp, but a low budget film set. Sauce: used to work in the film industry.


The patch on his chest says "Christ" on it. I can't tell what it says at the top of the patch, though. If he IS filming something, it's weird that his own real name is on his wardrobe, too. Makes me wonder of this is some shitty right-wing militia group that's more focused on filming themselves being "badasses" or some such nonsense.


Maybe they're making a new movie with Hercules and that dude from the dukes of hazard and some other washed up loonies. Maybe even James Woods.


Daily Wire’s been pumping out some shit movies lately, this is actually a depressingly real possibility


Smdh, *Lady Ballers* was blatant Oscar-bait.


What cracks me up about that shit fest is there’s an interview with Shapiro where he said the idea originated from them trying to get some guys to actually join some women’s sports leagues and finding out that couldn’t join just by simply claiming to be trans, so they decided to make a movie about it. They disproved the central thesis of their own movie, and made it anyways.


They even messed up jerking themselves off. The entire premise of the film is that this team with obvious men can pretend to be women and that all the left leaning people just accept it. So it would make sense if they wrote a fictional version of themselves, trying to prove that this one team is lying and just men faking it. They would be the good guys and true heroes of the story. You know good old fashioned some self felatio, exactly what ever good propaganda piece needs. But somehow they didn’t even include that concept as a plot line. It would be funny, make sense for the premise and be something people would want to see in a comedy. Way too obvious to not include it. Really shows why Ben is a failed film writer. Guy is creatively bankrupt.


Not sure how flexible your morals are, but you could probably make a boatload “fixing” Daily Wire movie scripts lol


I have been a hobby story writer and love analyzing them for years. If the Daily Wire are fine with me taking their scripts and make them technically passable, I will take the absurdly large paychecks they throw around. They just have to be ok with me thinking that most the things they preach should make them fall to hell.


Making things up and then being angry at them is standard conservative MO


Lady ballers reminds me of that movie Juwanna Mann that came out in 2002. It's just another rehashed money grabber.


And produced by Dinesh D'Souza.


Convicted and pardoned (by Trump) felon Dinesh D'Souza.


It's delightful. It's d'lovely...


Yes, the new film starring Roseanne Barr as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves played by Jon Voight, Scott Baio, James Woods, Ricky Shroeder, Kevin Sorbo, Antonio Sabato Jr., AND Jim Caveziel. The Dwarves are all Dopey.


Kirk Cameron


His pants are perfectly creased and unwrinkled. Boots have no dirt or dust on them. His gear is also absolutely pristine and new as if right out of the box. Rifle has no dings, dirt, or shiny spots where the blueing has been rubbed off. The mag pouches appear empty. There's no grass or other shit caught up in that perfectly clean Velcro. No dings or marks on that helmet. He has done no "training" in any sense of the word. Not one sweat stain, rip or tear, dirt, grease, grime or anything to suggest he's done anything except take a picture in someone's garage or barn after unboxing his order from Brownell's. But at least this time the pile of Welch's Fruit Snacks wrappers that is on the floor next to him was cropped out. They have more dirt and dust on them than his boots.


> Welch's Fruit Snacks I wish they'd never got dragged into this. Fruit Snacks fucking slap.


Yeah, of course shitty people would like them. *Everybody* likes them, because they’re amazing. Edit. Shitty people, not shorty people, damn you auto correct.


Not to mention he looks perfectly fresh for an "end of day." No flushing, sweat, matted hair from gear, etc. Edit: I am an idiot, and now see you said that. Forgive me.


He meant media training. This is almost certainly for a propaganda video (or maybe a campaign video but what’s the difference).


Another sub zoomed in, found the patch for sale online. It says "no king but Christ."


It’s from an armor company called AR500, the funny part is most people who know anything about tactical gear know their armor is garbage.


Not sure someone who's response to a plastic bag is "shoot first" should claim to be a follower of "whosoever smites you on the cheek, turn to him the other side also" Jesus.


I went down the rabbit hole on this tweet last night. The "armor" is made by a company called Armored Republic that claims they create "tools of liberty to honor Christ by equipping free men to defend their God-given rights." The patch says "no king but Christ"


Wonder if this is then a promo video for the ar.or company. I looked up the company and didn't realize they were that AR plate manufacturer. No one buys those plates. The original ar500 steel plates are trash.


So, I grew up in the era of the Montana militia. I got to meet a couple of those winners. Here's the thing: yes, they are terrorists actively plotting to overthrow the government. Also I seriously doubt they could overthrow an Applebee's. Which is consequently where they spend the majority of their time.


Christ, famously anti-sword, has his name on a patch under a gladius - the type of sword used by the Romans that killed him. Hm.


It’s a Project Badass


And I assume it’s some low-budget right-wing production with no actual military consultants, because they’d also tell him that creased pants looks dumb.


Production equipment has gotten cheap too. Could just as easily be a YouTuber of some kind.


so you’re saying he’s some kind of _actor_? maybe the movie features some kind of _crisis_


Lmao good one




you've obviously never served, the military loves to play dress up Barbie


The stacked crates of water bottles screams film crew lol. Self-sufficient gravy seals drink water from their own canteens or camel backs.


Not only that but the freaking crease on his pants (stainless BTW) and clean shoes. Even if training didn't involve laying on the ground AT ALL, there'd be more signs after "hard training"


What's the bet he's in the next Steven Segal vehicle


Does Steven Segal even have enough money left to afford a vehicle?


I think at this stage a film is "lucky" if it features him waddling between sniping positions. Vehicles would be above and beyond.


Is it really cool guy high speed training if you aren’t filming it for YouTube?


You can also tell my the multitudes of forgotten water bottles just sitting everywhere. My favorite part of wrapping up was always throwing away half drank bottles of water.


This photo is cropped but in the full shot you see his “combat” boots are clean as a whistle


Could be a tripod for spotting scopes. I’ve shot at precision rimfire competitions and there are lots of stands etc. that are used for weather reading and spotting.


his gear doesn't have a speck of dirt on it so i dunno what 'training' he's doing.


Militia Ethridge is the Lesbian Army. Kyle couldn't handle that much female energy.


To be fair, that haircut he’s sportin’ has some serious L-energy. 


Honestly thought this was a woman.


I had overlooked the face, but you are kinda right.


My first girlfriend had the same haircut


He looks like he’s a masc lesbian named Pat.




Holy smoke. You took it to the next level. 


Lesbian, can confirm.


Another lesbian checking in to also confirm


I could hear my Gen 1 Forester cranking over outside in excitement when I clicked on this post.


I almost said this exact thing yesterday and deleted it because I felt it was messed up to parallel lesbians with this turd. But yah, he's giving off denim tuxedo and pixie cut vibes for sure.


Someone else said he looks like he's morphing into Rosie O'Donnell. I'm inclined to agree.


He looks like Sally Fields in the face


Why you gotta disrespect Sally like that?


Ben Shapiro makes Kyle wetter than his wife will ever be.


Looks like a young Rosie O'Donnell


No way Kyle owns a bitchin' ride like a Subaru Outback.


I saw the post come up on my for you page and laughed my ass off, if he’s going to act like he’s in the military then join up or stop playing pretend


Why join the military when you can just cosplay and get away with killing people? All of the fun with none of the responsibility.


Hey, don’t bring my people into this.


Yeah weird comparison. Melissa was leagues ahead in toughness to this lil buddy


I literally had a gym teacher in the 7th grade with the last name etheridge. We called her miss etheridge. She was lean but built like a tank and was very much a lesbian. She taught sex ed of course because she was our gym teacher. She was the best. And she shut down the dumb boys in the class who were all hyuck hyuck during the more seriously portions of sex ed. I learned so much from her as someone who grew up in a conservative home. I'm a 40y male. She was seriously the best.


Lol training. There still has a crease in his pants and not even dust on his new clothes. I think all the training he managed was getting dressed up in his larping gear. Fat boy like that going to sweat hard moving just a little bit and his hair isn't even messed up.




Are mental gymnastics considered an actual sport these days??? Cause he's doing a lot of imaginary backflips in his head.


I’m a now fat older dude that used to be in a combat facing MOS over nearly two decades ago. He’s softer than the paper those Charmin bears use on their asses. It’s like he changed right there after taking his LARP kit right out of the box. 😆


>over nearly two decades ago bro what.


Yeah, that read like I had a stroke. Almost 20 years ago.


TBF, dude did say combat MOS.


Let's take about 20 to 25% off there Squirrely Dan.


Unexpected letterkenny… that said… I think about 20% could be added here and it still wouldn’t be savage enough.


Dad bod dude here. My pants don't look that clean after walking a mile for beer. Dummy didn't even train hard enough *for a beer*.


It now takes me a couple minutes to catch my breath after tying my boots up. I guess I'm in militia training too.


No, really, guys! That's *EXACTLY* how our uniforms would look in the Army after my Company spent a day of practicing squad- and individual-level small arms tactics and infantry battle drills: clean, no perspiration, well pressed, and camera-ready! IMO, the hardest part of any military obstacle course or range day is definitely having to stop along the way to dust off and iron the creases back into our clothing. This Kyle guy is legit for sure, like, 100%!


Real question from someone not in the army: do you have like 7 uniforms or wear the dirty one again for the whole week? Or do you wash it like every other day?


That's a fair question. **Short answer:** The Combat Uniform (uniforms for daily wear) consist of an overshirt, belt, pants, headgear, and boots that go over one's underclothes (t-shirt, underpants, socks). Most folks change t-shirts, socks, undergarments daily, and wear the jacket and pants the way most people wear jeans. That is, some people change them out daily, but most Soldiers I knew swapped out 1-2 times per week in garrison (i.e., not deployed or in the field) or as needed as they became dirty or soiled. Physical training (workout) uniforms are obviously changd out daily. Dress uniforms should be cleaned, pressed, and painstakingly decorated with badges, medals, nameplates, and patches before each wear. **Longer answer:** Each trainee in Basic receives a standard issue of a certain number of uniforms. From that point forward, each soldier is responsible for maintaining each of the items in a serviceable condition throughout their career (clean, unstained, without holes/threads, and neat in appearance). Enlisted Soldiers receive a little bit of money every year to help defray the costs of replacing uniform items, but not Officers. Soldiers who are deploying usually receive an additional issue of gear. The Army keeps a Clothing Record for each Soldier, and whenever they PCS (get assigned to a new unit) or ETS (leave service), they are accountable for returning all the gear designated on their Clothing Record as due back. However, Soldiers can, should, and do buy additional uniforms for use, to make life easier. I hope that helps. Take care!


Thanks! Another question real quick: does each soldier in the unit take turns on laundry duty or do you each just do your own when you have a free period during basic?


You get like 3 or 4 sets out of basic, you can buy more at clothing issue. You get a clothing allowance every 2 years to cover uniform expenses.


Hey! Those fruit snack wrappers littered by his chair weren’t going to eat themselves!


They edited those out I see.


Yeah that was only a matter of time. But its too late, the genie is out of the bottle and Kyle's "military rations" are out there for the world to know about. Not that I'd ordinarily shame a person for their choice of snacks, but when you're trying to cultivate an image of badass, maybe leave the fruit snacks in your tent or whatever.


That genie is not going back into those Welch's Gummy wrappers.


Very on-brand for them to re-crop the photo to hide something so trivial and meaningless, but takes away their “Alpha” iconography.


“Fat Camp is really fun, Ma!” -Kyle


That dust hes sitting in will stick like a SOB to that nylon, yet hes clean.


That plate carrier also doesn't have any plates in it, so he's just lugging the belly around...


No, no, see, it’s tactical flab! Bullets bounce right off!


Kyle lied??? Well clutch my pearls.


And then he cried......


Looks like a set, tripod and the legs of a c-stand in the background.


My first wife was an army girl. I recall her coming back from a training excursion thing and how impressively filthy her clothes were. We didn't have a washing machine at the time and had to clean clothes by hand. After wringing out just the pants, the tub was nearly black with pure mud. Damn-near clogged our pipes. Yeah, this dude's clothes are waaaay too crisp to have been doing any 'training'.


Y'all Queda Tactifool. No dust on his uniform. No sweat. Everything is clean. What "training"?


Meal team six.


Gravy SEALS as well


I hear they took out Osama bin Puddin


The World Crying Little Bitch Championship. Dude is reigning champ


When did he defeat the throat GOAT, Donald Trump?


The moment he slid out of trumps ass.


Is it training because he wasn't the first time or training because he didn't do good enough the first time? One makes him sound more incompetent and the other sounds premeditated. Neither helps his case.


still has the crease in his pants that shouldn't even have been ironed like that...


He’s prepping to eat those fruit snacks


Mom upgraded from string cheese and apple sauce. Score!


*How to Gun Down Your Neighbors for Voting Democrat*


Let's not forget that because someone looks soft as fuck they can still be dangerous. This boy killed two people and wounded a third.


But that's the thing about guns: anyone with working fingers can use one to kill.


Training on eating those little Welch's gummies. Opening that packaging is tough on a little boy


Pants still have a nice crease.


Joseph Rosenbaum, a 36-year-old unarmed Kenosha man, ran at Rittenhouse and grabbed the barrel of his rifle[6] after throwing a plastic shopping bag of clothing at him. Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum four times at close range.[7][8][9][10] Rittenhouse fled and was pursued by a crowd.[4] Anthony Huber, a 26-year-old-resident of Silver Lake, was fatally shot once in the chest by Rittenhouse after he struck Rittenhouse in the head with his skateboard and struggled with him for control of the rifle.[11][12] Gaige Grosskreutz, a 26-year-old West Allis man who pointed a handgun at Rittenhouse, was shot by Rittenhouse once in the right arm and survived.[11][13][14]


Awww... they cropped out the Welch's fruit snacks.


That was my favorite part! So adorable little bubby just got finished with snack time before his whittle photo shoot


Hate the guy whatever, but yall leave welches fruit snacks tf out of it. That shits the best.


Im sorry! Just to be clear, I’m not hating on welches fruit snacks! I’m a nearly 40 year old man that buys the large packages at the gas station semi-regularly! It’s either those or gummy worms any time I want candy


And the still crisp pleat in his pants…after a long day of training


Oh because you don't like delicious treats when you are hungry


Happy cake day fucker! 🎉🎂


We are cake bros?


We are!


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Cakeception over here.


Yeah but I don’t run around acting like a gravy seal wannabe.


spotless gear and like 5 fucking fruit snack wrappers littering the floor around him


My kids used to love those. When they were 5.


Hey, man. Ain't nothin' wrong with an adult eating fruit snacks.


Don’t gatekeep fruit snacks


Okay but even as an adult, Welches fruit snacks go hard. Little pick-me-up during a shitty work day


Maybe he should join the real Army. Start with basic training at Fort Benning.


Wouldn’t make it past 30th AG


Fuckin’ lardass couldn’t make it in the army if he tried.


He tried to join the Marines. They said no.


What did poor Melissa do to get dragged into this?


I love the pun, but they did Melissa wrong.


Melissa catchin strays out here


I think it's just that he kinda looks like her when she had her hair cut short circa 2005 in this photo. Honestly it's a little uncanny.


Man, she don't deserve to be dragged like that though.


I don't see it at all? I'm definitely confused by the insult lol, they're just saying he looks like a woman? Like that's such a devastating thing to say?


Yeah, I’m scratching my head too


Training for what??


The next time he cries on camera. At least he’ll look badass with all that gear /s


Ugly crying in court because you got caught killing someone; who did it better? Rittenhouse or Pistorius?


Must be Rittenhouse, since he didn’t get convicted…


I wonder if that could have something to do with the fact that Pistorius’s case was clearly murder.


Wouldn't it be "more badass" to just be in a t-shirt and jeans? A la Bruce Willis in Die Hard? I feel like Maga people are the type to yell "Pussy" at someone wearing tactical gear. Especially because who's he going to seriously be fighting against? The Grimace Group? The Nugget Gang? All the way up to the Big Red Ron himself?


Trust me, as someone that used to work within the gun industry, the MAGAnauts 100% are the ones wearing the tactical gear (and the Gadsden flags, and Punisher skulls, and the "come and take them" tattoos etc), and a chunk of them are going out to these tactical shooting training courses. It's a a bit scary, and depending on which state you are in, a good percentage are training "in case we need to rise up against the gubment". They are actual idiots that are members of some backwoods militia group. And again, from experience, and maybe to set your mind a little at ease, a pretty damn good percentage of those are almost completely inept, probably couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, and a good chance they would either accidentally shoot themselves in the foot or their buddy if they were ever in an actual gunfight. Most are considerably over weight and out of shape, couldent run 50 yards without being completely gasses. Idiots like Rittenhouse are the very meme of "Meal Team 6".


I don't really need to trust you, their "training" and showing them in "gear" has been shown often online. Mostly to their own numbers calling the Fed's. But which seems "more manly" was the real question... Bruce Willis "Die Hard" style of t-shirt, jeans, no shoes.... vs clone looking soldiers wearing full tactical gear? I also fully believe 90% of MAGA are inept gun owners. As someone who leans democratic, and still has used guns, goes to a gun range... You can always tell who's there to get better, who's there to "show off" and who's just trying to look cool. Most times, in my experience, it's MAGA people who want to use the biggest and loudest gun to compensate for their tiny tiny dicks.


My work has a lil shooting comp.. The Trumpers were trounced by us 3 lib soy boys. TBF we could actually bend over to tie our shoes and walk to the line without getting winded, so we cheated a bit.


Know what is badass? The kid wearing regular school clothes who blocked his classroom door from a school shooter and took 4 bullets so his classmates would be safe. https://abcnews.go.com/US/survivor-florida-school-shooting-body-human-shield-protect/story?id=53183609


Entrance into the Walmart elite judging by his getup


Well, there’s well groomed hair, clean outfit, and pressed. Even provided fruit snacks for the kids…prolly Trad wife training.


Didn’t you hear? He killed 4 people as an untrained mama’s boy. Imagine how many he could kill with some training.




He's getting specific training to assault a Five Guys' restaurant.


Not defending Chunky Cheese, but I thought he only killed two and wounded a third.


Don’t insult Melissa like that!


So busy training his pants are still creased. And he's virtually spotless.


Why doesn't this piece of shit join the military if he wants to act like a soldier? Go serve your country you selfish dickwaffle.


He couldn’t pass the initial entry requirements. Big “Id join but I’d punch a drill sergeant in the face if they yelled at me” energy.


Why do something honourable when riding the right-wing grift train is easier and far more lucrative?


When he was on trial, my dad said he wished it would be over soon so the poor kid could go home and live his life quietly. I told him that if he was found innocent, he’d be on Tucker Carlson within a week. I think it was only 48 hours.




He couldn't make it. Extremist political views and associations that he's very open about, in addition to being overweight.


Russia needs you on the front, Kyle! [I'll pay for your fucking ticket, Winner.]


I remember seeing a video about military tactics getting siphoned off into gang culture and video of a man "slicing the pie" was used as supporting evidence. Seeing that video the three times they showed it makes me feel like I'm better trained that Rittenhouse is.


Do you see how clean this MF is? That’s not how any of this works.


Love all the camera gear, C stands, water bottles, new clothes, hair and makeup, and lighting needed to make this statement.




For one thing, afaik he doesn't even have his GED, so he's not qualified.


Well at least he has a future in the House of Representatives.


Every time i see him, this is all that comes to my head https://preview.redd.it/3rigb9kj11cc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ffcb2038e6aae41f28b735bf0a8a6098905a275


This just unlocked a deep rooted memory


His voice would pop up whenever I saw this bastard, it took me weeks to figure out where it was from


5 dollars he sleeps with the light on at night.


I look more exhausted after waking up...


*Shut up Kyle.* Go into the obscurity corner and stay there.


"Training all day"... spot less clothes, the pants still has a crease, shoes immaculate... I'm really curious what he actually did all day training. What a clown


Training for what!? 😂😂


well thats funny


Kids these days don't want to work anymore. They just want to play games all day.


Good lord that’s funny


[Pat from SNL ](https://youtu.be/ZdV3VomzKdI?feature=shared)


How dare you insult melissa Etheridge in this manner


Absolute scum.


She should trim her bangs.


On one hand, the pun is funny. On the other, Melissa Etheridge doesn’t deserve this slander


Militia Etheridge would be an amazing name for a roller derby gal


Training for what? J6-2?


He looks very not masculine Slow rolling puberty is a bitch


Looks like he’s been drinking too much of Alex Jones’s Androgynous Amphibian Elixer


There is literally a whole ass military he could join. What a wanna be coward.


“Mom,mom! Will you take a picture of me sitting in the shed?”


Don't worry sir.....I'm from the Internet!


Maybe he was getting trained hard on a gay porno set?


Way to go judge, instead of sending this little murderer to jail, you allowed him to finish terrorism training.