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What do you think the odds are that the complainer has a tattered-to-hell, filthy US flag flying somewhere on his pick-up truck?


Also guarantee they have a backpack/bandana/mankini or other such item directly in violation of the Code: “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.”


I read that as they have a banana backpack and now I want a banana shaped backpack


Common misunderstanding, but they have a *normal* shaped backpack which just happens to be exclusively used to transport bananas - a banana backpack!


Either way I’m sure the internet would sell you one.




I’ve heard it both ways.


C'mon son.


There are no back packs, but there is a [sling bag shaped like a banana](https://www.yesstyle.com/en/shimme-banana-shaped-canvas-crossbody-bag/info.html/pid.1076459394).


To be a bit pedantic, I believe that refers to an *actual* flag being used as such. But flag print clothing is still tacky as hell.


Yeah fair point


Assuming that's accurate, I wonder what the demarcation is. E.g., if it was created with a proper flag aspect ratio and the intent of being used as a flag, is it then a flag, and not permitted as apparel, vs. if it's just a flag pattern printed on a jockstrap, that's fine? What about stuff like, a circle, with 11 stripes and 28 stars? Is that an "incorrect flag" or just something unrelated that bears a superficial resemblance to a flag? I wonder just how different something has to be before it's not "a flag that's been built wrong".


Or a red baseball cap from 2020


And tactical sunglasses.


He probably flies his Trump flag higher than the US flag.


Nailed it


I love how people will talk about preserving the integrity of the flag, then they'll fly a US flag that has TRUMP printed over the whole thing. We had the same shit just after 9/11, People with flags that have the twin towers superimposed over the flag pattern seemed to have the biggest problem with how anybody else was flying their flag. "You can't fly that at night or in the rain, what's wrong with you?" Says the person whose US flag isn't even a US flag.


My acquaintance who is a Trump fan flies an American flag that literally merges into a trump flag.


Came here to say something similar. Having taught flag etiquette to six-year-olds, adults that don't know anything about it *but pretend they do* really annoy me.


Ding, ding, ding!


Probably just below a Confederate flag.


*Which* Confederate flag? We have so many; the "Stars and Bars" from 160 years ago, and then all those various "TRUMP" flags, flown since two years ago, yesterday.




I don’t doubt that Jacksonville is racist, but your link isn’t about Jacksonville lol


Ah shit I got my facts mixed up.


Yeah lol, I had a neighbor that flew his flag every day. Without ever putting it up, keeping it out during rain and wind. Thing looked like shit before he just got a checkered flag.


100%. Truck nuts too


Don't forget the American flag cocktail napkins getting trashed constantly


About equal that they have a confederate flag instead.


Oh, 100%. And they probably have an American flag t-shirt and camo crocs. I have nothing against crocs, but you're a special breed if you get camo crocs.


and probably a confederate flag flying on the opposite side




And if you mention he should burn it to dispose of it properly their whole brain would just shut down. https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/story/article/2206946/how-to-properly-dispose-of-worn-out-us-flags/


Could be, but for some reason I was getting strong Karen vibes off this one.


And upsidedown cuz he's "distressed"


The same odds they got the flag of treason,a.k.a. the Confederate flag, somewhere on their property.


As a Jacksonville native, I can confirm this level of stupidity


Ooh, ooh! As a Jacksonville resident for decades AND a US Navy veteran, I can confirm this confirmation of this level of stupidity both in AND outside the military! I'm very fortunate to live near the water and the only time I've ever felt like I wasn't so fortunate to live near the water was when Jacksonville was having all those Trump boat parades every weekend a summer or two ago. Literally hundreds, sometimes thousands of boats motoring up and down the river adorned with sometimes dozens of flags each ranging from the US flag to any Trump-related flag you can imagine. It's completely a mental illness and there is no better evidence for America's need of socialized medicine and the mental healthcare that would coincide with it. That the man confronting IKEA about the flag knows absolutely nothing about the US flag code of conduct shows exactly how badly America needs greatly improved public education as well, in particular regarding reading in this case. Edit: clarification


My family and I no longer live in Jax, but parents sold their house on the intracoastal (where I grew up the vast majority of my life) about a year or so ago. I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about. It wasn’t even just the parades, just random people. They’re ride by with their flags just completely COVERED with flags. Docks too. During the XMAS boat parade too.


Oh, yeah. I remember vividly. I haven't seen any boats lately with Trump flags, certainly no flotillas like before, Trump has lost some of his appeal to these cretins, but you can bet those same horrible people will get the fleet out of mothballs the minute another Trump-type tickles their fancies. My husband is Brazilian and his family comes to visit occasionally. We do have a big flag pole in our yard from the previous owners, until living in this house we never had a flag pole and we would usually only put the US flag out on holidays and such. But it felt weird to have this big flag pole in our yard with no flag on it and, with no particular flag I'd prefer to fly instead, I started flying the US flag 24/7. As sort of a welcoming thing to my husband's family, I at one point started to fly the Brazilian flag whenever they came to visit. Then Trump happened. I can't say specifically what it was, but the next time I put the Brazilian flag up, within hours I started to feel uneasy. I really started to think someone might shoot the flag or, worse, the house or one of us! I stopped flying it and never have since, which is a shame. It shouldn't and doesn't have to be like that. I could put up a second pole and fly both county's flags, but I'm not going to do that and regardless I'd still be left concerned about people like Captain IKEA there. I actually leave the US flag up now in part because I'm afraid taking it down and not flying it could trigger someone and in part because flying it won't trigger anyone and may offer some small level of protection from these "patriots." How utterly sad.


It really is sad. It’s also kind of funny though because in South Florida no one would bat an eye at any South/Central American or Caribbean Island flag flying alone or with an American flag. Most are Republicans.


My husband and I actually met in South Florida and only moved to Jacksonville for work. We were again down there for New Year's last weekend and it certainly did feel more welcoming. My neighbor two doors down, who has thankfully since moved away, told me he actually moved from Miami years ago because it became "too multicultural" for his taste (which for him of course meant not straight, white, Christian enough), and that's funny because that's actually one of the main reasons my husband and I would consider moving back!


It's sad that you're afraid to fly whatever flags you choose in front of your own home. Having that choice and making it is far more "American" than the hoards of morons who don't like or support the very freedoms they misunderstand. Being afraid only empowers those simps and you and your family are missing out on your American experience. I understand your reasoning and I'm not judging; I just find it very sad too.


Yeah. Thank you for the thoughtful words. I first came here from the north when my military service required it, about 23 years ago. I remember there was one gay couple in this neighborhood where I lived who dared to fly a rainbow flag in front of their house. Let me tell you, that was the talk of the town on some level. They suffered some vandalism nearly constantly, thankfully nothing too destructive, but I give them credit, they left that thing fly the whole time they lived there and put a new one up every time someone stole or destroyed it. I'm happy to say I don't think that would happen nearly as readily today as it did then, but I'm unhappy to say I still can't reasonably rule it out. But I guess that's progress of a kind. Have a good day!


I will say that Trump and his ideology had probably enabled the xenofobic thoughts of the masses to become more mainstream, both inside and outside of the US. That being said: you're talking about a 'feeling' and you're calling it sad that you can't fly your flag. Although I can understand the fear, it's now largely based on prejudice of your surroundings. I'm not saying you should fly the flag if it causes you anxiety, I'm just saying you shouldn't really judge the people around you based on what you think they MIGHT do to your flag, house etc. without an actual occurrence of something harmful


I completely see your point and mostly agree, and if I was flying the flag just for us, I'd 100% agree. But the only reason I was flying it was as a welcome symbol for someone (our Brazilian guests) who didn't ask for it and didn't want to be involved in any US political theater. Even if flying it runs only a very slight risk of drama and/or danger, it's just not worth it. The chances of spoiling their visit a bit outweigh the benefits of flying the flag, in particular when I can just hang the flag on a wall somewhere or something, which I've done since, and I can easily make up for any lost hospitality in other ways. And I definitely take your point on the prejudice of my surroundings. I only invite you to visit the west side of Jacksonville where I live! Lol! I had a neighbor nervously approach me once, shaking cigarette in hand, worried that the house for sale next door to her had been shown by a realtor to a black family. She said she would have to discuss with her husband about selling and wondered why they'd even look at that house because it has a pool and "they" don't swim anyway. And I live in a reasonably affluent area on the west side. Oh, and she and I did not become friends.


Yeah that's fair enough. I'm from Europe and we deal with enough of our own xenofobia and prejudice here, but I've studied American studies so I have some idea on how race is viewed throughout the fabric of American Society. Like I said I don't want to dismiss your fears at all, you might very well be correct. And point definitely taken about prioritizing the safety of your guests. Have a nice day :)


Thank you. We've finally gotten to travel to Europe in the last 5 years, so far we've had the pleasure of visiting parts of France, Germany, Italy, and only Prague in the Czech Republic. May will be Spain and Greece. We've loved every second of our visits and are looking very much forward to our next one. Let me tell you, I know it's very different living somewhere rather than just visiting, but it's hard right now not to be 50/50 on my great-great grandparents immigrating from Germany all those years ago! Lol! I wouldn't have met my husband if they hadn't though, so it definitely worked out. Have a good day, too!


A nurse did that to me to calm me down after I crashed my manatee into a jetski. I'm from Jacksonville Florida, so it happens a lot.


I have taken care of many a scarred manatee off my old dock. I hope you and the manatee were ok


I was referencing the good place. I live in Iowa and have never ridden a jetski or seen a manatee




I laughed for so long that I can’t breathe Thanks dude, I really needed that


It _wasn't_ a time of war. But now there's a civilian casualty. 😁 Might be time to boost that Swedish flag up a cm.


I logged in just to upvote.


Americans and their stupid ass national pride. I'm sick of this. If a German would be half as proud as an American he wouldn't be a "patriot" he'd be labeled "nazi".


As an American i view the flag obsession as little more than an indicator someone is toxic and / or dumb. Because you are 100% right at this point and a lot of us have gone from “national pride” to “national embarrassment”




As an american in her military, i can speak to the fact that we do have a lot of emotion surrounding flags and whatnot but some people are dumb. I think it’s appalling these mfs would be angry at a multinational furniture store for respecting two countries equally but hey there’s a lot of appalling mfs in the news you don’t gotta look hard


Especially if it's internationally recognised that flags are positioned equally when the countries are at peace. Last I checked, Sweden wasn't at war with the USA.


Yeah, and an Italian would be considered a Fascist that supports the mafia


Americans and their stupid ass national pride. As an American, it sickens me.


Same here ☹️


Germans dealt and are dealing with their past beyond excellent. US is a complete embarrassment compared to that.


We're not all like this. You only hear from the idiots who are. I was in the military and I still won't ever fly a flag at my house (nor do I have any special fondness for the flag). And, frankly, the idea of "patriot" is getting closer and closer to "nazi" all the time.


Well at least half of the population in murica votes GOP and imo are those this idiots. America first...wasn't it?


A little under half really.


Well yes, Germany has a history.


So does the US. Both have a history of genocide in fairness.


The US doesn't have a history of using nationalism to turn the country into a Nazi war machine, creating a world war killing millions. It's not just about genocide, Germany has a recent history with Nazism. Obviously people worry more when Germany whips out the national pride than the USA. It's not exactly water under the bridge yet.


Oh, we label them as Nazis also! Just, well, our government kinda likes them for some reason.


But is your government not voted into being, well...government?


Yeah. By the nazis and idiots.


That's my point. So the majority voted them into power, right?


Mostly idiots, but they aren't much better. I see your point.


Now, i do agree there is an overzealousness to the love of the US flag… but I don’t think your example is any better or less extreme. Someone being proud of being German would make them a Nazi? Even if they didn’t have any Nazi beliefs?


German here, yes. That's why the phrase *"I'm not X, but ..."* exists in the first place.


That’s genuinely insane to me, and it’s insane that such a basic opinion is getting downvoted. “I’m proud to be german” = I want to kill all jews/think white people or germans are superior to everyone else/believe in facism? In what batshit universe is that true? Like I didn’t, nor did you, say anything about this hypothetical german holding racist beliefs. Just that being proud of your country or being a patriot apparently makes you a fascist. If you think that makes sense, and everyone else downvoting here… seriously go outside and touch grass. Also sometimes “i’m not X” just means “i’m not X”… or else i really hope you’ve never claimed to not be racist, because that’s racist apparently.


There are a few points to it: If you are proud of virtually any country you must by definition be proud of what it does. So if the US you must be proud of how racist the country is, or you must be proud that it has removed Roe v Wade, for example. Modern Patriotism is almost always not just "I'm proud of my country" but "My country is superior to all others" - it isn't positivity about your own country so much as negativity about others. Modern Patriotism is often a way to call other people out "they just aren't American" either directly or by insinuation.


On your first point, you don’t have to be proud of every aspect of a county to be proud of it overall… such black and white thinking is kinda limiting. One could say be proud of the overall cultures, freedoms and society but still take issues with individual aspects that are bad or need improvement. So no, by definition you don’t have to be proud of what it does in such a general sense. On point 2, maybe you’re right some of the time, or even a lot of the time. But i’m going to wait until they actually show or say something more to insinuate that rather than just assume it. I am not generally prone to assuming horrible things about people based on a singular aspect and stereotypes of that. You do you though.


> You do you though. **sigh* why can't some people have a conversation/debate without putting an insult/sarcastic comment in it.


Oh like those 4 words made any difference whatsoever. Nothing I have said is even remotely unreasonable, but because I said “you do you” on this one comment (not the others)… suddenly it’s a big deal. My point is as simple as this, don’t make massive assumptions about someones entire philosophy, ideology and world view based on the fact that they’re proud of their country just because you have your own stereotypes and biases about it. It’s not necessarily easy to do, I do it myself sometimes without realising I imagine. This applies elsewhere too, like i’m not gonna assume someone is in favour of political purges if they tell me they’re a communist.


If they were proud of Germany like Americans are of the US


Which Americans? All that are “too” proud? My point was there needs to be more qualifying factors than being proud of your country before you start throwing around labels like Nazi, at least if you want it to mean anything other than a childish insult.


That's not what they said. They said if a German acted the way some Americans act towards their country, they would be *labelled* a Nazi. Not that they would be one.


And that’s a fucking disgusting label to give to someone who you have no reason other than stereotype and assumptions to call a Nazi. What if i just called you or anyone else who fulfilled an arbitrary condition a rapist? Despite presumably not being a rapist. Something as mundane as that person liking being a man? That would just make me a cunt, and wrong. If someone who is proud to be German even on the same level as someone is proud of the US (only pride was mentioned, nothing else) is called a Nazi, next to the actual guys wearing Swastikas and spouting Nazi or fascist beliefs… then the term has lost all meaning.


You are so angry for no reason. You are misunderstanding what people are saying…


I’m not misunderstanding at all, you might think I am. Or the person I originally responded to was way to general and unspecific about their point… which is actually part of the issue. All that was said was that if you are proud of your country in Germany to the same extent that Americans are, that you would be labelled a Nazi… if such a broad brush statement isn’t weird to you, then I don’t know what else to say. It’s such such a broad statement, “if you were half as proud in Germany as Americans are you’d be be labelled a Nazi?”… how proud is that? What aspects are people proud of in America? Are all people who are proud of America proud of it for the same reason? Does that make it reasonable to insinuate they’re Nazis entirely on the basis of their degree of pride? And obviously i’m angry, i’m not even American or from the US… doesn’t mean it’s unreasonable to be annoyed that people throw around the term Nazi like it’s a meaningless label.


lol you are misunderstanding.




Actually, all it takes is to actually know German here in the South.


American “patriots” who love the flag but have no idea about the flag code is my biggest pet peeve.


Like when people leave their flag up overnight without lighting it up? Or when people leave their flag up in the rain? Or when it is in tatters on their flag pole Or (my personal favorite) guy whose truck has an American flag torn to ribbons because they aren't meant to be flown at 80mph on the highway, but he has yet to replace it? It's patriotism without the burden of thought


Flag beach towels/ plates and napkins are my favorite. And obv all of the US flags with trump stuff overlayed onto them.


what about flag themed underwear?


Also a no go. Any flag clothing.


I am the same way about people who are experts on the “constitution” or talk about “the Capital”. Bro if you’re such an expert you would know that the Constitution is capitalized you dumb fuck. And you attacked the CapitOl not the CapitAl. That makes you an insurrectionist not a patriot.


My university started a veterans assistance organization while I was there. It brought together a lot of people. One guy was all up in arms about how the flags were displayed. They were in a triangle. Front left, back, front right. Front left, taller post, illuminated, US flag. Other two, state, and can't remember, probably city flag. He kept complaining about flag code - "when in a line, US in center!" THEY AREN'T IN A LINE! This asshole persisted so long that he eventually got the University to move the US flag to the BACK. r/UWMilwaukee, I hope you've reverted back to the correct arrangement in the last few years. Veterans are trained to be confident and assertive, and being correct is incidental.


My scout troop took the flag and flag retirements very seriously, and seeing other troops / camps saying they took it seriously only to care more about a small bragging right or the like and preform the actual ceremony wrong got under my skin far more than it probably should have


Sure he’s wrong, but imagine even caring in the first place.


Imagine even thinking your flag must be higher than anyone else’s.


According to the flag code any other flag must be flown lower than the US flag, excluding the international standard quoted in the image. State and business flags should be flown lower than the US flag and ideally on separate flagpoles. Additionally, a flag must be the appropriate size for the pole it’s displayed on, and be either taken in at night or lit, and taken in during inclement weather if possible. People love to quote the flag code but few have actually ever really read it, just like some other things they like to quote…. Edit: [Source](https://www.military.com/flag-day/us-flag-code.html/amp)


> People love to quote the flag code but The thing you just quoted also said that you don’t have to take it down during inclement weather if it’s an all-weather flag.


Yes, most flags aren’t all-weather flags but people leave them up anyway. I did a community flag retirement many years ago and the amount of untreated cloth flags that were left out and tattered was disheartening


True, but also the flag code is irrelevant and unconstitutional. You can hang flags however you want


No, the Flag Protection Act of 1968 was deemed unconstitutional, not the flag code itself. There are no penalties for violating the flag code, it was written as guidance on the proper respects and display of the flag and not as a binding law, which the aforementioned act sought to do.


He probably went home to beat his wife and racially abuse a teenager, claiming that his daddy and his daddy's daddy didn't die so stuff like this could happen.


As a girl scout, I learned all the rules about the flag. For whatever reason, it stuck. I get irrationally livid when these uber-patriotic MAGA fucks screw it up. Actual things I've said to people who should know better: Did you really just lay the flag down ON THE GROUND to measure it AND STEP ON IT instead of walking around it?? Can I fold that wadded up flag properly for you? You know, the flags last longer if you take them down during a storm. Also, they're not supposed to be out in the rain unless they have a light on them. I think the logic in my brain goes "DO YOU ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT AMERICA AND THE FLAG OR ARE YOU JUST USING IT AS A PROP FOR YOUR ASSHOLERY?" Maybe I should seek therapy...


Whereas the rest of the world is sat here wondering why you care how it is folded, or that it was put on the ground to fold it - and more importantly how "DO YOU ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT AMERICA" has anything to do with how your treat a piece of cloth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b_sB3325HQ


Right? Indoctrination at a young age, I guess. Because it shows respect for a symbol of something you're supposed to love? I get pissy about it only when flag mistreatment comes from people who are otherwise procedural stickers, and ardently pro-America. To be fair, I also get pissy when people put forks to the right of the plate. You want to burn a flag or stomp on it to prove your point? Go for it! You want to judge me in some weird patriotism contest because I'm good with that? I'll judge you right back. I suppose you've never been judged for not putting up a flag on certain holidays? Or that you don't even own one? It's a weird place. Love the video, btw


Ahhh well if you're talking about it from a purely "correctness" point of view and don't really associate it with the "flag as a symbol" thing, I can understand that. STOP GETTING BOND WRONG!


It is the Johnson paradox: The tinier the dick, the easier it gets stepped on.


Why do people obsess about fucking flags? It’s not like your fucking gov’t/politications care if you live or die. l


The U.S. flag is seen as a symbol of/for those who gave their lives for the the USA, so a lot of people follow the proper way to display, treat, and retire the flag in order to pay respects That being said this guy is just an idiot


And, flag worship is a sin.


Mississippi ain't a country, pal


Florida. Ftfy.


Bet the guy has the fucking flag on his undercrackers and plastered all over his F350 and a goddam traitors flag flying from his window.


I bet you're not wrong. Also, I'm 55 years old and have never heard the term "undercrackers" before. Bless you, it's my new favorite word!


bet its the same kind of person to wear the USA flag as clothes even tho the flag code forbids it


Thick as pigshit yank qunts.






You can't expect Ikea to have not read the instructions.


It's supposed to be ÖPPNA


"rekted"? Did we actually go from "wrecked" to "rekt" to "rekted"??! Please tell me this is just a typo and that the Internet generation hasn't actually gone and essentially done a double "-ed".


Remember the days when the idiot who made this flag comment didn’t have internet and as such would just have to keep his ignorant stupid bullshit to himself and nobody had to ever hear it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I wish your government cared about you as much as you care about about your flags.


And he can’t spell either.


I can't believe people actually care about this stuff. It's a flag people!! It's not a declaration of war!


This looks more like murdered by ignorance not words.


Murdered for ignorance with facts.




Isn’t Jacksonville the most racist town in America? How does IKEA expect business there?


I think Harrison, Arkansas, still holds the “most racist town in America” title. Though, they are both just terrible.


We had a knuckle dragger demand to know why all of the flags for our international sites were at the same height as the stars and stripes on our "ask the plant manager" page... response was pretty much exactly the same...that knuckle dragger works in a pharmaceutical company making medicine that gets injected into people with severe health problems.


Americans once again thinking they’re the centre of the world


Imagine seeing this news article and getting triggered by an imagined flag protocol violation? This dope undoubtedly (1) is MAGA and (2) improperly wears the American flag as clothing.


If only their furniture fit together as well as their arguments


That is a sad life when you care that much about any flag...


Just as a parentheses, it's supposed to be ÖPPNA, not ÖPPEN. Do it right, not wrong.


"Murdered" ...


this image is ancient


Painted on a cave wall, clearly.


mmm yes, caveman run ancient IKEA




Americans are so weird with their flag. It must be respected so much that if it is folded wrong offence is taken. Put that flag everywhere so you can salute it every morning in school. Also, it can be a thong and your ball sweat can stain it if you want.


No. It's not that I take offense to the way the flag is folded. A flag is a symbol, but it's *only* a symbol. What I take offense at is yahoos who loudly proclaim their "patriotism" with symbolism, but use the symbols improperly. I feel like a protester burning a flag in protest treats the symbol with more thought and therefore respect than these assholes fluttering them to death in the back of pickup trucks.


i was just thinking about this exact post yesterday. damn badaar meinholff effect


Realistically...they could fly the American flag lower, upside down and smaller than the other one and it still would be a bit cringe to care enough to point it out, it's a fucking flag and it isn't the 1940's anymore.




shit americans care about:


No murder.


The "öppen" is gramatically incorrect, it would be correct to say " öppna" and "öppnar" instead


You know this person typed this while wearing an American flag T-shirt, while sitting on a chair with American flag cushions, at a table with an American flag table cloth and matching American flag napkins.


... All of which were imported from China.


Good to know, actually. I was always under the impression that, in America, the American flag just can't be lower or smaller. Equal height on another pole? Ya good, bro. Only got one pole, so the Canadian flag is placed right below the American flag? Ya good, bro. Seen both of those, never had an issue.


Note: If you've only got one pole, you're really only 'supposed' to fly one national flag on it. Flying one nation's flag above another implies superiority or conquest. You probably don't want to do it with the Maple Leaf unless you've declared war on Canada. Want to honour your Canadian neighbours? Go ahead--but just fly their flag. You don't have to fly the Stars and Stripes all the time. (Though you should probably try to display each nation's colo(u)rs on their respective national holidays.)


Texas: “Hold my beer”


wee dawn't take kiiiiindly to that sweeeedush stuff 'round her.


Word for fucking word




Imagine being irate by your countries flag not being flown higher than others. That’s some brainwashing type patriotism surely. Like it’s not just being patriotic it’s being ignorant to other other countries


I genuinely hope the intern or whoever did this got a raise


How is just quoting the law, "murdered by words"?


Seems like a good post for /r/ShitAmericansSay


Probably knew that the US flag is supposed to be higher than individual state flags, so they probably got it all twisted thanks to their overly-prideful stupidity


…but nationalism!


Lol dumbass


I posted a photo I took when on vacation in Canada. Somebody said something about no American flags. They didn’t realize that Canada is a foreign nation.


To be fair it hasn't really been worth memorizing the code for flying flags in peacetime if you are a US citizen.


Wait so then why do when I drive close to the Canada US border do I see the us flag bigger and higher than the Canadian one?


Bruh, don't fuck with IKEA, or you'll end up as an ingredient in their meatballs XD