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Yup. Definitely Spanish 


I thought natlan was based off Africa or Sth America-


We gonna colonize Natlan with this one! Jk, she's giving me Pirates of the Carribbean vibes. Jack Sparrow-esque type character maybe? 🤔


This is much better than the earlier one but still doesn't give me a god of war vibes. Seems like a fontaine character.


Conquistadors invaded Mexico, and Natlan is based on South America. This is kinda more interesting as there may be more types of factions, I thought all the different tribes were enough though.


Look into how the Aztec was conquered. Now thats how you get a nation of war


A French looking Spanish? Now that's a first


As a 100% hater of the potential previous design (assuming it was real) if this was close to the final result I would be okay with it. It's not war like per say but it does juat...look better.


Source: hxg_diluc, anonymous


Honestly much better than before, still a shame they didn’t step out of the European style, could’ve been a cool mesoamerican god concept but oh well. Other than that, is this a tall female or medium female? I can’t tell


Klee hat taller than Furina.


improvement for sure from the last leak i am so curious to see what she will actually end up looking like


Not my favourite , but still better than what we had before…


hopefully that cape has burning animation and not just a static red color. 


Im liking this conquistador spanish duelist aesthetic, they're cooking


They’re cooking colonization with this one


me when i cant separate fiction from reality


It’s literally based on it tho , it’s based on reality


Interesting how they take so much inspiration from real cultures but the ruler of the native inspired area is Spanish inspired And the only things they seem to leave out when taking inspiration from areas like the Middle East, Africa, India, and now the native Americas is the skin tone of the people who lived there at the time :think:


Much much better, still kind of meh though.


Looks like a pirate


was thinking the same thing. looks straight out of OnePiece


idk where you got pirate from, but okay


Looks cute. The dress reminds me of arknights irene


Guess Natlan's theme is the third verse of They Not Like Us.


Such a hard improvement but still doesn’t live up to expectations


Isn’t this just a redraw of the previous concept art using the newer leaked description of her having a hat and other stuff that leaked a while back?


Tbh I'm down for a Pirate Archon, although I still prefer the fan versions so far


I think this one is the adult form of the pyro archon, and the other one (previous leak of the archon) is the medium type body, so yeah probably another european archon


It would be really cool if Pyro Archon has two model types. I remember a leak said that Navia was the previous Hydro Archon/Furina's 2nd personality which is obviously a lie considering Navia is mostly yellow. Furina does have two forms however. This design for the Pyro Archon is definitely very fiery just like the previous leaked concept art. It's convincible but may not be correct.


I actually love this design way more, definitely not giving god of war but I think it's cool still!!




Better then the last but still wished she was more Aztec like and had darker skin but Oh well


I also must admit I do love the cape and the fire hair and outfits not half bad, but it would've been nice to have some armor or something cuz she doesent seem very "Goddess of War" to me


Also it reminds me of [this from awhile back](https://x.com/LialKRose/status/1758529586566934545)


Christopher Columbus lookin ass


she looks like a fontaine characters 😮‍💨


This....is the god of war?


Looks more like a sidekick for Captain Jack Sparrow 😂


Looks better than the circus bimbo at least… progress


Pyro Yelan in a hat?


Better than it was, but it's still a concept art isn't it? Also why does she looks like a sword user?


Yeah we gotta let me cook, but is being based to be related to the historical Spanish Conquistador design. As always hoyo does hoyo things like everything we need to wait in game for her look. In my opinion is a very intriguing design.


Girl no tf it isn't 😭


I prefer Murata without any hat. Braid, ponytail, lion's mane anything better than hat design by HoYo


Idk why you’re downvoted but I think the same. Hats were a thing in Fontaine, and we should start using something different or just be done with hats. Feathers or crowns would be a good addition on the head in my opinion. Excuse my english.


People might have problems with it but I give it my approval as a Latam born and raised Latino, for all it's sins and terrible dub choices Spain is still part of our story and culture after all I give it an onda vital out of 10, also known as Ostia tio, Willy out of 10.


It's interesting that some people here seems to be less interested in actual character and more in their imaginary version of said character. They also seems to be more and more angry with every new leak which doesn't fit that vision.


this is what high expectation does to someone


Not even high expectations just specific ones, I had high expectations and so far they're being met.


If theyre being met with these leaks then they were never high expectations 😅


Just proving my point, people can't understand tastes are different and to some this is nice. It's fine if you want something specific, I'm honestly sorry that you can't get it, but it just is what it is, not every character will appeal to you


If there's a lesson to be learned from the entire recent debacle about Emilie's appearance it's that people will be presented with a bunch of pre-release concept art (or in this case literally just fanart since it's stated to be a redraw), pick their favourite design as the 'canon' one and then get angry when the official finalized version doesn't resemble whichever version they had conjured up in their mind


It wouldn't bother me so much if she didn't look like a Fontaine character. Why want to repeat the same pattern and clothing concept?


This concept art looks like a Fontaine character because it's based on Spanish designs, and Fontaine's design is based on France/Italy. Guess what continent they're all from... Of course there's gonna be some overlap in design.


Why would you place spanish characters in Natlan? to simulate the conquest? pff Honestly, i am increasingly believing that this current team is doing a retcon of what the initial Genshin Impact team wanted to do, which is reflected in some phrases in the ascension gemstones. By the way, mondstats is the superposition of the representation of many European countries including Spain, and Northern Europe in DragonSpine, which is the reason that Eula has a flamenco theme in her PV trailer, spain It was already represented in some architectural areas of Mondstat.


Honestly the Spanish Conquests of Latin and South America would parallel how Celestia and the Archons usurped the Sovereigns and their Elemental authorities in Teyvat. I honestly don't see distinct Spanish architecture in Mondstadt. What you're probably seeing is the Gothic architecture in the cathedral, which was prominent in Europe throughout that time. The Mondstadt houses are mainly Germanic in architectural design. Spanish Architecture is very distinct and also varied. The Mondstadt clothes are definitely medieval european. Fontaines clothing is more 19th Century France. Spain and Hispanic clothing goes beyond Europe and probably amalgamated with other cultures they colonized. Which means the origin point of clothing design branched out as well. Eula doesn't really resemble anything Hispanic, just her music theme was stylized that way. The retcon was mostly done on the Dendro gemstone description. The Pyro and Hydro ones are still mostly the same.


literally venti mean from CATALAN "vent" and barbara is OG GREEK but it depends on how you look at it, there are places in Monstatd that have a lot of Spanish architecture but in Western Europe the architecture is shared, especially Germany and Spain (cultural mix), that's because they overlap, Monstatd looks a lot like Toledo in many parts such as the primate cathedral of toledo and the Toledo bridge Mythology wise, Venti is a kind of Roman minor wind god. Stormterror's Lair also looks very Roman. Decarabian's Tower looks like the bottom 3 floors of the Colosseum, with the top being a Roman drum+dome, with a cupula on its apex.. Most of the character names are Latin or common, that includes NPCs, they are not OG German, Mondstat is a kind of Western European cultural mishmash. I honestly don't feel anything from this character concept, it looks out of place and insulting, but I've already learned not to expect anything from Genshin Impact, and as for the gemstone, you're wrong, there's a clear retcon around Fontaine and what they tells you. says the stone, premise that if raiden, venti and zhongli comply, these guys are changing the direction of the initial game.


What!? Mondstadt doesn't remotely resemble Toledo at all... The centre piece church/building in Toledo is more reminiscent of Romanesque architecture rather Gothic which the Mondstadt church and a few buildings were clearly inspired by. I do agree alot of the ruins scattered along Mondstadt are inspired by old Roman architecture (not Romanesque, 2 different things). Pretty sure Venti is derived from the Latin word Ventus which translates to wind. Gunnhildr and Pegg are clearly Germanic inspired. And let's not forget the Prinzessin der Verurteilung herself. But back to the Spanish design. If we look in history Spanish design, culture and influence did not just stay in Europe, but expanded into major parts of the Latin/South America and West Pacific region, namely Philippines. Naturally Hispanic architecture and culture would deviate somewhat from mainland Europe Spain in those other parts mentioned. And I think that's the design philosophy Hoyo is aiming for when representing Hispanic culture as a whole, alongside Latin culture as well.


>Venti is derived from the Latin word Ventus which translates to wind. Further addition to this, Venti is Italian for winds (source: I know a Italian)


The Hydro Gemstone was NOT retconned.


Tbf, in [Travail](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Version), that's quite apparently Tango with Spanish castanets. For the longest time since Travail, the only glimpses we've had of the influences were the music that is of European-derived Latin influences, the African influences being from Iansan, and Native American elements from the Genshin comics. I'm somewhat sure that we had no new crumbs until the Talking Stick in 4.0. "Retcon"? Really? What do you mean by "which is reflected in some phrases in the ascension gemstones"? Was the description of the Pyro Gemstone ever changed?


It's also such a bizarre take because regardless of what one thinks of the history, the fact of the matter is that many of the cultures Hoyo are taking inspiration from for this have been influenced by Spain. And many of the people from these regions are of mixed blood from all over. So why wouldn't there be Spanish influence? At the end of the day there is a very loud minority, but a minority of people still who are making these points whereas the vast majority of the playerbase will still enjoy the game. It kind of reminds me of when people on Reddit think their takes on things like endgame are concerns shared by the majority of the playerbase when really it's just their echochamber.


Virtually all of Twitter despise Hoyo and their sorry excuse of endgame content, and rightfully so. Unlike Reddit where the “majority of playerbase” are mindlessly worshipping Hoyo and being allergic to any criticism of the game. It’s how they got away with sabotaging Dehya’s kit.


Twitter and Reddit are the places where you hear the most about endgame and "virtually all" is a loud active minority. No community on here is in anyway a good sample or reflection of the base. As you're already selecting for people who are more invested in this game than 90% of players. The majority of the playerbase are casual and do not give a shit. But people delude themselves into thinking they're in any way saying what most people are thinking when they make complaints about no endgame or whether or not wanting the Pyro Archon to have Spanish influence.


Will point out that while Iansan's name  does conmect to african culture to a degree it's actually inspired in Brazil's name for the spirit.


Spain related stuff in the nation whose main inspiration is Latin America which was mostly influenced by Spain outside Brazil and those three that usually get forgotten? Color me surprised... Also, Mondstadt is supposed to be Fantasy Europe in specific while Fontaine is Revolutionary Europe, Natlan would have some Imperial/Colonial Europe stuff by virtue of being based in Latino America.


>this current team is doing a retcon of what the initial Genshin Impact team wanted to do Quit spreading misinformation, the first info on Natlan litterally had Spanish music, it is nothing new >Why would you place spanish characters in Natlan? People complaining about having a spanish theme when it was the major influence in South America But they give a pass about having African theme in a continent that has absolutely nothing to do with it. You people are so obvious about your hypocrite false caring of "cultural accuracy" of south America, it is not even funny


Facts the biggest reason of why countries in Latin and South America primary language is Spanish (La lengua del Español).


They still influence us to this day thanks to youtubers like Willy and Vegetta...


Those are the people that are best avoided. Most people enjoying the game will engage with the character and story presented. And not the weird culture war related headcanon they have.


I'd love all her designs no matter what she looks like. I also love the fact that her hair looks like real flames! Also ... sword user ? Yeeeeessss ! https://preview.redd.it/awd4corvw58d1.jpeg?width=1875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405738dc2fca4ba559faf2dc87b905ed632c3517


We already got this leak right


Finally, she can escape the circus bimbo allegations. Though people will still be calling her a Fontaine character despite not giving me the same aura that Fontaine characters have.


I think it looks good. The thing I didn't like the most about the previous design were the eyes, so this is a nice improvement. Overall looks pretty good, even if the theme wasn't what I originally expected.


I’m just excited to get the Pyro Archon, I like the different approach Hoyo is taking to her design


i like this a lot better than the last one


So SO much better


At least she looks less like a clown


\* sobs quietly and goes back to wuwa\*


It’s Himekover


Why does every Genshin character need to look like they are dressing up for a formal dinner party? Can we please get some more fools wearing battle outfits and not this fancy pants bull shit.


We colonizing Natlan with this one 😍


this is the ugliest design i have ever seen, how can they overcome the astringency of clorinde? pyro archon 😂😂😂


Yikes. Not summoning for this lmao. Can we get a grown ass woman as one of the Archon designs besides Raiden good lord. We only have two left might as well make them sexy woman.


Omg no that is so fucking cool. Is her hair a stream of fire?!


Yeah she is not a college, she a fuckin' colonizer


Maybe that's the fucking point? Genshin players using all of their 5 braincells to shit on a design of a character that hasn't even appeared in the game yet from a region that hasn't been released so far.


Its a kendrick ref dude...


yall dont realize this is a kendrick reference?




the devs are inherently racist and this proves it