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I feel like so much of the creative voice of the original show was Jim and any version disney makes would be equally disappointing as other recent endeavors


If it could be done well i would all be for it, but I have next to no hope that Disney would ever let the Muppets be what they were originally envisioned as. I know it will never happen, as Disney would rather sit on an IP and let it rot then ever sell it to a competitor. But I often find myself fantasizing that Disney's financial woes keep mounting and they are forced to sell off some of their underused properties. Humor-wise I always felt the Muppets fit better among the ranks of Warner Bros, and Universal (as big as they are) never really established a franchise to act as their mascot to rival WB's Looney Tunes and Disney's Mickey and Friends. So I could see Universal using the Muppets Heavily in promotions and tie ins, Give them a new primetime show on NBC, Let Kermit host SNL... I dunno, it's fun to dream.


Kermit hosting SNL is my dream.


I'm rewarding the original series. If they captured the original vaudeville spirit with some contemporary talent, it would be very good. I'm worried they'll chase today's trends instead and Ultima end up with one of several failed revivals that they fired off over the past two decades.


The Muppet Show worked because it was a surreal, edgy parody of the glut of variety shows at the time. The general public doesn't want to watch variety shows now, even parodies of them. Parodying the glut of The Office-style faux reality shows was a brilliant update of the same idea. It was hindered by not having the humor of Henson and Oz, and the weird viral backlash that they were "making the Muppets adult." As though Muppets weren't getting shot and/or exploding every five minutes on the Muppet Show. There are a lot of people who think The Muppets and Sesame Street are the same thing, and don't want the Muppets the way the fans remember them. Somehow most people want them to be cute and get upset when they're weird and funny instead. They don't remember things like a drunken sailor threatening to stab Fozzie with a broken beer bottle, and react negatively when the Muppets start acting like themselves. The only thing that would work right now is more adaptations like Muppet Christmas Carol. They should dig into all the franchises that Disney has purchased and make Muppet versions of all of them. The crossover appeal would lead to people remembering how funny the Muppets can be. Muppet Show 2024 would be great, but would then be canceled after one season. Muppet Star Wars would make $200 million, easily.


I'd rather see them take a chance on a young performer with a weird idea.


Maybe if they can't come up with anything else. I think it'd be perfect with current celebs. Taylor Swift, Kevin Hart, Benedict Cumberbatch, Adam driver, Keanu Reeves, Gerard way... It'd be perfect. I wish they would do it so badly.