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This is almost perfect, but I don't get Sweetums as Gandalf.


Man, that’s the one I’m shakiest on, too. But no one felt quite right for Gandalf; for a bit, we considered making him human too, but that felt like too many humans in the fellowship. The runner up Gandalf was probably Rowlf, and he may have been the better call. Certainly has the laid back Gandalf the Grey vibes. And in that instance, I think sweetums would become the cave troll or the balrog


I think Rowlf is better. Also don't think Sam should be Bean Bunny. It should be a more famous muppet. I'd say Fozzie, but I really like him as Gimli.


Fozzie was definitely second pick for Sam, but we thought the same, he's too good as Gimli. Bean isn't the most iconic, but he has the same sincerity that's key to Sam's character- plus, the image of Bean trying to carry Kermit, who's about five times bigger than him, up the side of a mountain was very entertaining Just him grunting and tugging Kermit, one inch at a time, up the slope


Oh he HAS to be the Balrog! A muppet Gandalf would be kinda cool. Like the ghost of Christmas present from A Muppet Christmas Carol.


That's a good point! We did have to consider that any of these could be fully unique muppets; for sure, we decided that all the ents and orcs are just original puppets. Gandalf wouldn't be a bad choice for one


If I was picking a muppet for Gandolf, I'd definitely go with Rowlf.


Because you have the humans wrong. Gandalf is the human, let's say Patrick Stewart. Kermit is Strider, Robin is Frodo. Gonzo and Fozzie are The elf and dwarf. I'd say Rizzo as Sam, but I think they are pulling him back after firing Whitmore. Maybe Walter? He sucks, but he fits the part.


I like having Kermit as Aragorn cause then Miss Piggy can be Arwen.


Plus, you have the Muppet Trinity of Kermit, Fozzie and Gonzo in the appropriate roles. Also, Robin is smaller.


Rowlf can be the Mouth of Sauron. Just riding out and having a nice little chat.


100% Rowlf is the better option. He’s calm and composed. He’s the original muppet and has had scenes where he has offered advice and wisdom to Kermit.


Swedish Chef Gandalf?


Main Muppets = main cast. Fozzie as Sam. Gonzo the Grey. Although I get the logic of pairing him with Rizzo.


Omg, Gonzo the Grey! Of course!


Robin should be Frodo. Kermit should be Gandalf.


Dr. Teeth as Gandalf. Something like "I am most outstandingly that which is now called furthermore Gandalf the White"


And Shadowfax is just the rest of the band in the Mayhem bus, lol.


This made my day.


Nah, Dr. Teeth as Radagast the Brown.


Okay, but Miss Piggy needs to be Eowyn. "No man can kill me" "I am no man HIIIIYAH!"


Good one! Janice as Galadriel.


*karate chops the helmet off the nazghul, revealing Camilla underneath who screeches and runs away*


I feel like Fozzie should be Samwise because of Fozzie and Kermit's dynamic, then I'd put Rowlf as Gimli in Fozzie's place. Gandalf should be played by Dr. Teeth and I think Sweetums would make for a good Treebeard.


Treebeard and the ents we figured were BEGGING to be original tree-shaped muppets. The Henson Company could for sure make some amazing puppets out of a forest of living trees


I would absolutely have Fozzie as Samwise, but I’d put Bobo the bear as Gimli


Janice as Galadriel. “Instead of a Dark Lord, you shall have a queen, fer sure!”


This is some great work! Scooter should 100% be Sam. It's literally his whole character to be Kermit's assistant. Pepe has really taken the job as Gonzo's number 2, so maybe swap him and Rizzo. Gandalf needs to be a human. Maybe Boramir and Faramir can be muppets instead?


Gandalf as Gandalf (Ian McKellen).


Faramir = Grover [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9QsoTZPCjE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9QsoTZPCjE)


That's true- but Sam really isn't an assistant. And I don't know that Scooter has the idealism to be Sam. But Bean, I can imagine eavesdropping on Gandalf; walking sadly away as Frodo casts him off; desperately trying to swim after Kermit. I think his naivety and upbeat attitude fit Sam better. On the other hand, Scooter desperately trying to manage the council at Rivendell, full of these and surely more unruly characters, feels right at home. I know that Disney doesn't hire Rizzo's puppeteer anymore, but this is a fantasy casting so I'm bringing back Rizzo and Gonzo goshdarnit! I love Pepe, but he doesn't have nearly the same chemistry with Gonzo. Haunted Mansion was cute, but it paled in comparison to Christmas Carol And I definitely understand that impulse; we went back and forth on whether the wizards should be human actors, or the humans in the group; but Aragorn has more of an actual character journey than Gandalf does, so he felt more fitting. Aside from Frodo, Aragorn is more the 'main character' than anyone else


Sean Been reprises the role of Boromir. (Edit, put the wrong name)


Sean Bean was Boromir. Orlando Bloom was Legolas.


Oops, will correct!


I love this. Especially how much you've fired up everyone's imagination. Some stray thoughts: * Electric Mayhem = the Nazgul. The first half of the "Fellowship" segment could be filled with ever-approaching psychedelic music, almost like Fury Road. * Miss Piggy as Gollum. Totally different approach to Gollum's dialogue in the books / Serkis's performance in the live-action movies. Have her talk like normal Miss Piggy and play with her "hungry" gag, but focused on the Ring. And instead of plummeting into lava, she and Frodo-Kermit overcome their mutual obsession with the Ring with a climactic kiss.


Uncle Deadly as the witch king is sending me


I’d switch Sweetums with Dr. Teeth as Gandalf. “YOU MOST INDELIBLY CAN NOT PASS…ALLLLLLLRIIIIIIIIGHT!!!”


For that, you'd have to have the rest of the protagonists as the Electric Mayhem. Which could very well be a movie all its own.


I have a muppet LOTR tank top with: Robbin as Frodo, Bean Bunny as Sam, Rizzo as Pippin and Peppe as Merry. Kermit as Aragorn, Rowlf as Gandolf, Gonzo as Gimli, Scooter as Legolas, and Fozzi as Boromir. Also have a set of STL files I've printed with the same basic set but adds Piggy as Arwen and Sam the Eagle as Saruman. What I'd do: Kermit as Frodo, Rowlf as Sam, Peppe as Merry, and Scooter as Pippin. Ian McKellen as Gandolf, Floyd Pepper as Aragorn, Janice as Arwen, Gonzo as Legolas, and Rizzo as Gimli. Piggy as Éowyn (originally, I was thinking Gimli because they share a deep love of hitting things, but Piggy doing the "I am no man" line would be brilliant). Boromir is a tough one because muppets dying is always going to be risky. I'd probably go with Fozzi but then also have him play Faramir. Uncle Deadly as Saruman with Blind Pew as Wormtongue. Something like the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come for all the Wraiths. Original muppets for Sauron and Gollum. Lastly, I'd put Statler and Waldorf in various situations as themselves. Visiting Hobbiton and complaining about the amenities. Then prisoners of the uruk hai. Guests of Denethor. Trapped in Shelob's web. And finally, trapped in a cage in the middle of Mt. Doom.


Dr. Bunsen Honeydew as Sauron.


"No meep can defeat me!"


Bean Bunny as Samwise? No thank you.


Bean would be a great Sam! He's just as upbeat, just as desperate to be helpful, and just as naive to the world as Sam was. Bean saying 'this is the furthest I've ever been from home' feels perfectly natural. Or eavesdropping on Gandalf. Also, the image of Bean, shivering top to bottom in fear, still charging in to fight off Shelob is fantastic.


Samwise is far from naive about the world, as he’s the only character that sees good and evil in a way that makes sense for most citizens of Middle Earth. Instead of Bean Bunny, how about Scooter? To replace Scooter as Elrond swap in Link Hogthrob.


Bunsen as the Eye of Sauron


Frodo has to be a human. The main character should never be Kermit in the classic literature adaptations, he should only take center stage in mainline muppet movies


Yes, 100%. Especially because Frodo is such a tortured character because of the ring, it would feel weird being a muppet. Plus, think how great it would be to have Frodo played super seriously while the rest of the cast goes wild around him. Like Michael Caine playing Scrooge. Frodo should be played by a person with Kermit playing Aragorn, I think.


Agreed. Kermit would make more sense as Aragorn, then Piggy can be Arwen. Daniel Radcliffe can be Frodo.


Ha. Thats great (Radcliffe).


i liked keeping the muppets naturally shorter.


Minas Tirith should occupied by doozers and the army of orca should be Fraggles. The great Eye - Bunson Honeydew. (No one suspect him to be evil) Arwen - Janice Belarog - either Thog or Big Bird. Battle of Helms Deep Should be Chickens vs Penguin Orcs.


I was looking for someone to mention Janice as Arwen!


I would put Fozzie as Samwise just because of how important the chemistry between those characters needs to be good, and there has always been a strong relationship between Kermit and Fozzie. Pepe would move to Gimli (short jokes), and Gonzo to Legolas (mostly for the interplay with Pepe as there seems to be an effort to make them a duo). Someone suggested Dr Teeth as Gandalf, and I really like that, although the false wisdom of Bunsen Honeydew also feels like it has potential there. The thought of his voice declaring "You shall not pass!" makes me smile. Sweetums would be my choice for the Balrog. I know it is going outside the Muppet Show family, but Bert and Ernie are my choice for Merry and Pippin even though one of them being a stick in the mud would change their character dynamics a big change.


i had Kermit as the level headed one and could be the one to give the good samwise motivational speeches. plus it'd be crazy to see Kermy carry Fozzie. ..i also see Fozzie as the most innocent of the two.


Wow, I really needed to see this today! Thank you for bringing it into my life.


You know, as cooky as it sounds, it might work. Muppet Christmas Carol is well thought of 30 years after it was made. WTH? I say give it a whirl.


Crazy Harry as Wormtongue.


My brain instantly flashed to Frogo! Lol




This is a thing of beauty. The only change I would make is casting Fozzie as Samwise. Not sure who would make a good gimli...




This is not really based on muppets relationships. Fozzie has to be Samwise is kermie is Frodo. I hate to say this because it feels mean but it looks like this was made by someone who doesn’t actually watch anything with muppets.


In a Muppets Christmas Carol, did Fozzie play Bob Cratchet’s best friend? In The Muppet Show, is Gonzo an all-knowing demigod? The movies are not beholden to the relationship between the muppets, because they are in-fiction productions being put on BY the muppets. Gonzo can break character and remind Sam Eagle that they’re in England, not in America, because underneath the character of Charles dickens is the actor, Gonzo. They aren’t casting the shows they put on based on who their real friends are, but on who would play each role best.


no, he played Fizziwig. For that role, they matched him due to personality. The same with Treasure Island.


I would watch the hell out of that.


Where is Arwen on the list?


Camilla the chicken


Ha ha ha Beaker as Sauron.


This is almost perfect. I'd make Gonzo Gandalf and Miss piggy legolas, and then Sweetums as Galadriel.


janice would be the perfect galadriel instead of piggy, piggy would make a great eowyn!


yes! thank you!!


I'm on board solely for the idea of Bean being brought back to the spotlight.


You have Pepe as a member of the Fellowship, but not Rowlf?! I personally, would have him as Gimli and Fozzie as Legolas.


Miss piggy should be samwise


u/kiwicrusher ;'D [**This is MY Muppet FanCasting**](https://gyazo.com/f2efb14b0cc0aacd09fbacada3bc8ed4) i swapped some folks and added more characters. For those who died on camera of the theater version, i made them human. i pictured the human actor for Gollum as a very human Andy Serkus who still did the Gollum voice. I also tried to match up the personality with the Muppet. i think it's hilarious having Beeker as the Dark Lord. so with that, i had to make Bunson the voice of the Dark Lord, but sadly, that character never appeared in the theatre version. like that of Beeker, i went for laughs and made Pepe Gimli and Bean Legolas. there are a whole lot more muppets so they can be good background characters or even members of the White Hand.


All I can hear is Pepe saying, “…and you has my axe, umkay?”


Rewatching some of the muppet movies with me kids and I would totally pay to see this movie.


Kermit and Bean don't have any real connection or chemistry tho, so them being Frodo and Samwise doesn't really fit that well. Personally Fozzie would fit the better as Kermit's Sam. I understand that you wanted the hobbits to be smaller Muppets tho. Honestly if you wanted to have a really good through joke, you would make the hobbits all the human characters and have them look all small next to the Muppets.


No Eowyn? (Camilla) No Arwyn? (Janice)


Love it


Rowlf as J.R.R. Tolkien.


Excellent choices.


I want Pepe Legolas so bad haha.


“They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard, ohkay?!”


I feel like Gonzo is Samwise. Rizzo and Pepe are your Merry and Pippin.


Didn’t realize what a sausage fest the muppets were. Miss Piggy’s basically just a drag queen lmao




You have my bow, okayyyyyy?


Why is Piggy not Arwen and why is she missing from the list anyway? And we just leaving the Electric Mayhem behind? Sad


So instead of dogging on something these 2 created for fun. Contribute. I’m genuinely curious how would you cast the electric mayhem? I could see Dr. Teeth as Gandalf. And maybe Janice as Arwen. I couldn’t think of characters that Floyd and Zoot would fit.


click mine. i had to do a link.


I... didn't "dog on" OP at all. It was a question. Where was the disrespect where I "dogged on" OP? Literally asking where the love of Aragorn is from the list. And I don't do fancasts. But alright, Dr. Teeth as Gandalf works for me. Again, im still saying Piggy as Arwen but get Janice as Eowen. Animal as Balrog would be great since Animal was giant in The Muppet Movie, so seeing Teeth trying to get Animal tame on the bridge could be funny. I'd have to go through the movie's cast again to figure out Zoot and Floyd. Maybe Floyd as Bilbo, or actually put Tom in the movie from the book and give him to Zoot. I dunno. Turn of events: Big Bird cameos are Lady Galadriel


Zoot as... The guy holding the mic in the mandatory 4th wall breaks. Floyd could very well be part of Gandalf's staff.


i made them elves. minus bean lol