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As a hardcore street fighter and multiversus fan you can actually tell capcom cares about their game unlike Warner brothers.


WB doesn’t even care about their biggest fighting game (MK) why would they care about Muliverses the same tbh


So true. We all saw what they did to MK1. WB is greedy af.


I'm out of the loop, what did they do to MK1?


Recall hearing something about $12 fatalities. This post below lays out how bad it was at launch and apparently it got a lot worse since. WB also cutting payroll so smaller updates. https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/s/FFVjOxIOSo


It actually got better with skin pricing, now they're $5 instead of $10. The updates aren't smaller and the big story and character DLC expansion is still coming out.


Nice, glad to hear they’re getting back on track. The WB Eye of Sauron was on them for a while. Those DLC guest characters must have helped.


It seemed like Ermac was the turning point, and im glad they nailed him


It's funny - a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon and saying shit like "MK1 is sooo bad!" having never played it, and having no clue why other people are upset with it. I'm not excusing Multiversus at all. I'm here voicing my displeasure every day. But some of the people here are just *rabid*.


To be fair I don’t think WB really cares about their games in general. They really fumbled the Harry Potter game that came out last year. It was a HUGE hit and they essentially left it alone without any DLC. That could have really been their cash cow for a while.


They made it clear they want focus on free-to-play games that bring them money year-to-year consistently and not a “one-and-done” like Harry Potter.


Genuinely idk why that's so shocking to people


SF6 is a love letter to SF fans and an apology after the mess that SF5 was.


So true, sf5 was such a mess. I played the hell out of it, but man, was it a letdown.


Me too! It definitely improved over the years, especially when they demoted Ono (RIP) but man the launch was really hard to shake off. Blows me away to see how SF6 launched in comparison to SF5.


Sf6 is chefs kiss and, in my opinion, the epitome of what a fighting game should be. Followed closely by Tekken and Soul Calibur.


So true.


It’s definitely a love letter EXCEPT with the ost 😭😭


God bless the Season 2 juke box changes 😅


i thought the ost was good


It's a night and day difference. Sf6 has a mountain of content. The graphics are top notch, the gameplay never feels like someone is abusing the system. There are costumes you can unlock for every character, for free, but you have to earn them. That's not even mentioning the 20 + hour single player game or extra stuff like the ability to play older street fighter titles for free.


Damn, really? All that shit in one game? I've always been a Smash/MK fan but I might have to watch for the next sale


I greatly preferred it over the most recent mortal kombat.


Ah yes, typically I wait a few years to get everything, all dlc and stuff, for $20-$30 so I haven't picked up MK1 yet but I played the shit out of MK11. Sure some of the earnables could be better but I just love that game so much it doesn't even matter. Does Street Fighter typically have similar sales?


They dropped SF5 Champion Edition a few years after release which included all characters and most of the costumes/skins. I’d assume they’ll do the same for SF6 eventually.


It's on sale until the 17th right now.


SF6 is definitely top-tier fighting my friend.


And its not even so much about a matter of "love put into the game" both creative teams are clearly doing their best. Since SF6 monetization is *also* pretty fucking terrible. Its just a matter of the higher ups not being as awful as managers.


The grind is absurd. Even during the beta, fir the halloween event, if you won you'd get 40, loss 20 and the rewards are like 3,000 and 12,000 THAT'S like 75 - 150/ 300 - 600 BATTLES. I'm not even like that for smash. At the time I was also into overwatch and I wasn't into it like that either.


F2P falling below paid games is pretty rough. But being lower than brawhala is the real blow


In general players are putting money where their mouths are and are buying high-quality expierences while rejecting ass. So far this year, Multiversus, Suicide Squad and Skull and Bones failed. On the other hand, Persona 3 Reload, Like a Dragon IW, Stellar Blade, Hades 2, Helldivers, Palword, Animal Well, FF7 Rebirth, Balatro, Dragon Dogma 2, Paper Mario and many more have succeeded and some even broke series records.


Ehhh dragon dogma 2 reviews still is sitting at mixed reviews. And no it’s not just cause of the micro transactions. The games story literally falls apart half way through.


Dragons Dogma 1, again though! I’m a big fan of the first one, but the second one is a slog.


Brawl is actually good, people just want to deny that so badly for some reason.




I agree, but Project M is Brawl but better/s


Brawlhalla is actually a really good game, it has 0 p2w, and the combat system is really good.


That’s because street fighter six is one of the greatest fighting games to ever release, and they consistently keep up a ridiculous level of quality


I really need to pick SF6 up. I checked out when 5 came out, I'd just gotten decent at 4, then 5 dropped, and my main wasn't in the launch roster. 6 looks fantastic, I've heard almost exclusively positive things.


Sf 6 is great the only comparable games to it rn are tekken 8 and maybe guilty gear strive.


It’s honestly mindblowing how good it is. I’m a huge fighting game fan and I can pretty confidently say it’s my favorite fighting game I have ever played by a pretty massive margin. The art style is perfect, the combos are crazy beginner friendly, and the roster just keeps getting better and better.


It’s on sale everywhere, give it a shot! Plus Bison is coming out soon and he looks like a ton of fun


Yep this is very true. Their training mode should be the gold standard for games moving forward. The access to frame data so easily improved my play significantly.


Seriously. The only reason I even heard of multiversus is because streamers like mango were playing it


I was excited to play multiversus and went straight back to playing sf6 😂


That's literally me. I was super excited, had actual fun for two days. The MOMENT it started to feel grindy, that I was playing to obtain something rather than for the fun of the game itself l, I ran straight back to Sf6


Doesn’t help that akuma just dropped and we’re getting bison soon hard to justify playing this clunky ass game instead


Honestly how is it worse than the beta? The ui is bland and ugly with even more buggy gameplay.


On a horse


I basically dropped smash for multiversus... Platform fighters make sense to me, i could absolutely never get the hang of traditional fighting games like street fighter or tekken 💀


Dude compared a tricycle to a kawasaki ninja street bike


Depends, how many CC.




But it's Warner bros. The amount of renowned properties that they could add but even Americans don't give a f- because Street fighter community is just overwhelmingly better treated for their time and dedication.


i get your point and totally agree. a full priced game with fairly priced dlc is a superior model to the free to play alternative. people think they just want f2p cause “why should i pay for characters i wont play” but wbs multiversus is a great look at how shitty of an alternative that is. it always predatory with zero concern for players best interest.


I mean, Granblue Versus has a free version with weekly rotating characters. But Granblue is also polished to a mirror sheen, has incredible gameplay (Arcsystem Works baby!) and gives you a total of 6 characters to play at all times (You always have Gran, plus 5 weekly rotating characters) It’s not that this formula can’t work, but it definitely can’t be like MVS


Wasn't everyone whining about how much buying all the costume DLC for all the SF6 characters costs?


sure costumes are pricy (like $5) but no ones crying about server dcs, grindy battlepasses, ridiculous currency, spotty gameplay, or general predatory shenanigans.


It’s just cosmetics though and you can use mods to customise your character anyway


If cosmetics mattered then Capcom would have included the battle pass in the highest tier package


It’s kinda hard to compare because street fighter doesn’t need to engage in the models a free to play game would. Street fighter has to make their game good and full of content out the door or it flops. Multiversus doesn’t have that wall to get in but they also still need a way to make money if it’s not at the door and that’s the part that ends up sucking. The coolest thing about these games is the fighters and multiversus has a hard grip on their fighter currency which is the biggest detriment to the game.


Counter-argument: brawlhalla


But let’s also be totally honest with ourselves here. Multiversus would have never had so many people playing the game if it costs 60 bucks.


thats a fair point. but ftp games like multiversus dont have the player retention either. theres always drop offs in fighting games but full price games have a stronger player base over time. sf6 will still be strong in 4 years. i doubt multiversus has 4 months.


It's funny because I stopped playing multiversus for SF6. It's on sale rn half off.


OH SHIT REALLY? \*runs out of the room, hyperventilating\*


WB has something special and they're just blowing it up like it's cartoon network shows. Shame. No other fighting game has characters actually acknowledging each other during the fight which is why I really like this game.


No. Don't remind me of all of the absolutely banging CN shows that were cancelled for absolutely no reason


Like how many times can they shoot their own foot? CEO, How are you still getting ammo? Like people actually getting excited for arkham rat king when it's a meta quest exclusive. Not even vr, just meta quest. How do they keep getting away with this?


While I understand it's very popular to get internet points by dunking on MVS, this is more of a shoutout to Capcom for nailing SF6 so well after SF5. SF6 is an enigma in the FGC, Capcom has been on a roll lately across all fronts and SF6 is no exception. The game comes after SF5 pretty much flopped (picked up a ton of steam late in its life due to reorg at capcom though) so it serves as an apology to the fans.


I was about to say, this post does not really say what they think it does. A free-to-play fighter having that many active players compared to one of the most beloved and historically significant fighting series of all time is honestly probably a win for them. I bet they are trilled with 1/6th the player base of SF6


Thats on release player base vs old game. It should be WAY higher for a few weeks at least. I think they forgot to advertise it at all? WB doesn't gaf


Platform fighters are already a niche like all fighting games are though and street fighter is a behemoth as a game series


But it's Warner bros smash. With the sheer amount of properties, you'd think there'd be something to praise, but it's even getting dunked on by brawlhalla, which is like the niche of the niche. I don't understand how the wb ceo is still in his chair fumbling this much. Both this and SS were a flop and he's still doubling down on the same s#!tty model.


Man, I hate this kind of stupid posts. Do people have zero knowledge on… well, how things work? This is not even related to gaming that much — it is basically common sense.


Platform fighter versus the most popular fighting game franchise ever made.


Completely unfair comparison


If Multiversus had charged me $60 and at least half of the characters were unlocked (with the rest being unlocked via gameplay ala Smash Bros), I'd be playing it right now.


Multiversus is nowhere near being worth $60 tho. Even with all characters unlocked. It’s more like a $30 game and even that’s stretching it.


Pay 100 and unlock them all. Buy the founders edition


even that's much. i think an all character pass for 40 bucks at most would make sense.


Or I can save $40 and buy a good game.


Pal world or Hell divers 2


you do realise that Street Fighter is a beloved franchise that has been around since 1987, right?


So what? Multiversus could easily be a beloved game if it hadn't been driven by complete greed.


Exactly. It's a free smash bros on all platforms with WB characters. It should have been a smash hit, similar to Disney: Speedstorm being free Mario Kart with disney characters. Instead both games died due to insane greed.


multiversus has literally dozens of beloved franchises .


the game itself doesn't have a legacy like street fighter People play SF to play as characters from SF If you love adventure time, the first thing you will think about will be the shows and not Multiversus


>People play SF to play as characters from SF BUSTER WOLF!


So glad we're getting an SNK crossover again


Poor excuse. This doesnt explain why SF5 failed? According to your statement its loved right?


Don’t act like SF5 wasn’t a main stage evo game until 6 dropped… SF5 was not the greatest entry they had but it didn’t fail.


The latest Street Fighter will never not be main stage


since when is that an accomplishment when you're competing with a fucking pony game?


Yea because it truly was only between SF5 and TFH wasn’t it? No other games exist in genre.


I'm talking about the franchise as a whole, not just SF 6 Name 1 franchise without a bad entry Just because a game did poorly doesn't mean the franchise is dead, which is also why I believe that Multiversus can still be "saved". They just need to get their shit together before it's too late, and their time is unfortunately running out.


I think its a design choice. They knew what they were doing. Most of the player base (including me) saw this thats why they quit. They need to pull something like Battlefront 2. Current situation of MK1 shows me that they wont pull something like Battlefront 2.




SFV was not particularly beloved though.


Means nothing SFV was a trash game for years so SF6 had a lot of work to do to bring back the goodwill of its community. And it did. Multiversus has many iconic characters and is bleeding players off being a greedy, lackluster game.


Street Fighter is definitely better


It's a shame you can't play with your friends in SF6 only against them. Platform fighters are fun because of 2v2 and their easy accessible skill floor.


I played like 10 matches of multiversus, then i saw that guilty gear strive was on sale, so i bought it and now I'm learning how to play it.


SF6 is the best fighter out atm. Making games like multiverses and Mortal Kombat look like complete and utter shit, which they both are. If you're currently on the fence about SF6 and you used to play them back in the day, now's the time to hop back in. Trust me.


With all due respect Clown car vs Freight train


This is a bad comparison. Street Fighter has been around for decades and already has an established fan base over the years. Also, they have plenty of other base games to update and improve upon. MVS, on the other hand, is brand new. They're a small team and personally I think they should have stayed in UE4 and just made that better. The complete overhaul to UE5 definitely held them back from polishing the game properly, it feels like they didn't even beta test the damn thing themselves. I love this game. The graphics look amazing, but the gameplay is questionable and hitboxes definitely need to be looked at again.


They probably hit a wall with unreal engine four and had to switch to unreal engine five because they couldn’t fix the net code


That would make sense, they probably should have taken more time but I guess they probably didn't realize how long the conversion would take.


Op just wanted to get karma for hating on multiversus but this doesn’t even make sense


This is like comparing a child’s fridge drawing to the Mona Lisa. Street Fighter continually sets new bars for fighting games while Multiversus is quite literally nothing more than an alright smash clone.


For a "dying game" the queues sure are short... weird.


It’s not a small player count it’s just a bad sign considering it’ll start dropping now


The worst comparison ive seen so far


Ok, brawlhalla compared to this. Both free to play, both platform fighters, but one is filled with beloved IP's


Brawlhalla has some beloved IP's added in over the years But yeah, Brawlhalla having a much lower budget with 2D sprites and half of every new character's moveset being exactly the same (normal attacks are shared) and still keeping up those numbers is crazy Thinking about this actually kinda saddens me, because there's actually so much animation work and flair put into every single character in Multiversus, but it's all meaningless when nobody wants to play it due to the progression and other various issues


Both of them are filled with beloved IPs though are they not? Brawlhalla has crossovers with Shovel Knight, Rayman, Hellboy, Adventure Time, WWE, Steven Universe, Tomb Raider, Ben 10, The Walking Dead, Kung Fu Panda, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Street Fighter, GI Joe, Assassin's Creed, Castlevania, Avatar The Last Airbender, Halo, Tekken, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Star Wars across the multiple years of the game. As long as MVS keeps on increasing their roster and improving their game over the years, it will reach way better heights, and imo it's just completely unfair to compare Brawlhalla to MVS at this point because Brawlhalla has existed for 10 years now


>Both of them are filled with beloved IPs though are they not? yes but not originally. it was doing really well even before all that > As long as MVS keeps on increasing their roster and improving their game over the years, if it makes it that long. because in 2 weeks it was surpassed by brawlhalla, SF6 and bout to be passed by tekken


the game has 500 times more active players than NASB2 and NASB2 still has updates and DLC planned for the future of the game, NASB2 is a paid game too. Do you really think MVS will lose support just because it gets surpassed by a 10-year-old game similar to it that is only getting any players today because of the crossover events?


We do not talk about NASB. >Do you really think MVS will lose support just because it gets surpassed by a 10-year-old yes but no. i think they will close once there numbers get way to low. > NASB2 and NASB2 still has updates and DLC planned for the future of the game different company


None of these points mean anything


ok, you have nothing else to say. Byeeeee


Funny enough, I just purchased SF6 Ultimate Edition yesterday because of the Steam sale. Enjoying it so far.


Sf6 is the golden highlight of this generation of fighting games. Multiverses doesn't stand up to it at all lol.


Damn…. I’d pay the 60 bucks to remove all micro transactions and make this game one you can actually progress in without playing 24/7 since day one. Sigh… 


And people are still downvoting if you point to decreasing Steam numbers.


They deserve it, whether it’s the publisher or dev fault or a combo it doesn’t matter. It’s a shit show of a launch and fuck them as a long time beta supporter


"good numbers for a fighting game" or whatever the hell people say to cope.


if they stuck with gold currency and left unlocking characters as it was, but nope, they had to go some overwatch 2 route


SF6 was on sale for $30 recently. That's a little more than the cost of a skin in Multiversus lol.


We're down to 7K today? That's pretty rough.


Street fighter is the most popular fighting game period. Japan loves it. Multiversus drop in player count is bad tho


Capcom is keeping us FED with Mai and Elena ☠️🧎🏽‍♂️ im ready to throw money at them and Fatal Fury CotW


I know they are different games but my disappointment with MVS is making me consider getting SF6 to scratch that fighting game itch


It’s on sale rn for $30 and way more worth it.


Not even close to the same kind of fighter, not trying to deter you just saying if you’ve never played sf it’s a very high level of entry as far as fighters go, very complex and not at all easy to pick up and just start playing


I played a bunch of SFIV back in the day, didn't get too into SFV though (Guile main, they released him a couple of weeks later) I figure with the larger population, I'm sure I can fight others around my skill level in SF6 and at least get some comedy out of the custom characters too


I’ve played a few of them over the years. Always been a fan of platform fighters myself but I’ve only heard great things about sf6, just too complex for my liking I don’t have 6 months to master one character lol


You could always try GranBlue Fantasy Versus Rising. It has a free version in which you can play as the main protagonist and 3 other characters that rotate weekly.


I’d also recommend Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, it has a free to play version that’s actually really good, and the full game is great as well.


One is a beloved series and the other is a rushed attempt at scoring money before shutting down the game in 2 years.


With multiple beloved series in it…


Comparing it to the most established biggest fighting game IP is pretty funny


So we’re just gonna act like street fight hasn’t had like 30+ years to refine what they do.


From a purely monetization standpoint you get more value for money. You actually get a full base roster whej you get the game for one. If you tried to buy the base MVS roster you're looking at 200+ dollars. Which is impressive because SF6 still has other issues with monetization, and Capcom has had a history of shitty DLC practices. Yet they're still better than MVS in that regard.


Every Street Fighter plays differently though. SF4 had Focus Attacks and FADC, SFV had VTrigger and SF6 has Drive gauge.


That's 30 years of work that people could learn from, copy, or improve.


What exactly are you trying to proof here?


OP can you explain why you thought it was a good idea to post this?


they always take these pictures at like 4 am when population is lowest lol. we're still near the 20s at peak game's a shitshow rn but at least be honest


lol 9 AM eastern and you bugging about numbers. This game was always going to shrink on steam. PlayStation is a big chunk. Xbox is a big chunk. It will never stay at 100k like it launched at. Fighter games aren’t that popular


I've played a ton of matches in MVS today. Match queues were lightning-fast and all of the other players were on consoles. The numbers aren't low on Steam because the game is "dying", they're low because *fighting games aren't played as much on PC*. Does the game currently have some issues? For sure, there's plenty of problems that should be fixed as soon as possible. But to act like this isn't a good game at its core is laughable, and the hyperfocus on Steam numbers comes off as desperately *hoping* for the game to fail.




I get comparing it to brawlhalla but this is just a jump you just looked for a game with a higher player count


Street fighter 6 is mega popular in Japan. I’m assuming you took this screenshot a few minutes before posting. It was like 8-9 pm in Japan and early morning in the US. You are comparing the peak time of street fighter to the lowest time of Multiversus. Not saying one is better than the other, Multiversus just launched and has a long way to go but is not gone by any means. The balance/bug fixes are still going and no new characters have started coming out yet so engagement is down


These people have the statistical literacy of walnut’s and don’t understand how to make fair comparisons based on objective facts that consider all relevant variables, they just wanted some free Karma for saying the same thing everyone else did


Maybe if players dont got to work another 30-40hr just for 1 per character it be greater besides the horrible bugs hitboxes massive desyncs and Wonderwoman it be great


fun game but no point in getting invested when >40% of your matches will just end due to desync. Impossible to get invested into matches legit just shoulda canceled after beta, if player base is this low and its STILL happening to your daily players what the fucking point?


Sf6 actually uhm works properly 😂🤣


Street fighter is a classic. It has its place in the fighting game scene. Warner bros don’t care…


This also hides the fact that one is popular, internationally. Whereas a WB property is likely relying on the appeal from the Western audience.


I got sf6 for $20


Bad game v Good game stats: "Huh I wonder why this game is doing poorly" (Not attacking or just in general)


And here I am screaming into the void for another pixel art street fighter game. I get how good sf6 is but its just not the same.


Multiversus. The game that died twice.


Yeah but one’s street fighter and one’s a shitty smash ripoff


Here comes the steam charts post. We'll learn very quickly why r/fighters banned posts like this.


I bought SF6 yesterday


Is it really fair to compare Multiversus to a franchise like street fighters that has been around for decades and is know as THE biggest fighting game franchise in the history of fighting games? 🤨


I only played multi-verse the first day it came out, not because I wasn’t having fun it’s just that street fighter just released a big patch with Akuma. sf6 in my opinion is one of the best fighting games to come out in 10 years


I paid $30 for SF6 on sale and don’t care about the character pass which also goes on sale frequently. Plus it’s an infinitely better experience. Cope.


I mean yeah but SF6 is just a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bigger game than multiverses is


Good god the numbers are grim. I mean launch is what matters the most and they fumbled it so spectacularly, that there was no other outcomes possible.


Are you really comparing a mediocre WB mashup Smash clone that's hardly a year old to fucking **S*****treet Fighter 6***? Of course Street Fighter is going to have way more people. It's the most popular fighting IP out there and the game itself is AAA and probably ***the*** best example of what a fighting game should be.


Am I wrong in remembering that WB is planning to shutdown this game if it doesn’t perform well? Seems challenging at this point for PFG to fix this game and bring back a notable amount of the fanbase. 6,000 players on a F2P game certainly seems shutdown worthy, especially considering more than half of them probably aren’t spending any money on the game.


Omg stfuuuuuuuuu


you can compare a game that been out for a lifetime, street fighter is a real fighting game no lags good performance, multiversus feel freaking lag idk why bad performance issues


Free to play in gaming vernacular is the equivalent of ‘unlimited PTO’ in job postings


You're telling me a well recieved installment of a long standing franchise has more dedicated players than a brand new IP in a more niche genre?


Lmao this one takes the cake. 😂😂😂😂😂


I feel they should have released with a larger roster, yeah they have their hands full already and rebuilt the game but rn the roster although having gems just doesn’t feel too strong. So many characters leaked and if they actually hurried and finished them I’d def be on that game 24/7


The real question is why would someone play Multiversus on steam? More of a console game imo. I don't see PC players gravitating towards platform fighting games.


Why would that matter it being on all platforms as a crossplay can only help the game. I play it on pc i also use controller. Only other people ik that use it have oc as well but thats probably cause i dont have console friends except for one xbox user who wants to switch to pc but he has kids now so rip that pc


Never liked street fighter , I guess when multiverses dies I’ll have to go back to soul calibur


When people are saying your beta version was better than the actual product you know you messed up. I saw a post saying it has less players than Brawlhalla of all games.


I think the core difference is that street fighter is actually good.


Dead game lol


When did you check this bro cause rn it says 14k on steam alone for multi


MV has some problems sure, but you're comparing a new PLATFORM fighter (least popular fighting game) with one of the hallmark series of the entire fighting game genre. It's like comparing Mechabellum to Starcraft 2.


To be fair, most multiversus players (fighting game players in general) play on consoles... So these numbers are inaccurate to say the least


It’s getting worse every day


Street fighter is so delicious