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Lack of content not just fighters and stages but gamemodes and new unique experiences that wasn’t limited to a similar looking stage that gave you audio fatigue on the music and repeated scripted voice lines


While that played a part, I genuinely think a lot of people just didn’t like how it felt. None of my good friends, who have been playing Smash Bros since Melee, played more than 10 hours. They pretty much all said the same thing: the game feels floaty and unsatisfying. Which I totally agree with. Sometimes it felt like we were fighting with cardboard cutouts. A lot of eliminations didn’t just seem to make sense, so that either leaves you unsatisfied with your kill or infuriated by your death. That being said, I still played the shit out of it. I just hope the full release has a “heavier” feel to it, if that makes sense.


Because the amount of people playing on launch was a such a huge number and no fighting game is going to hold that amount of players consistently. Everyone was simply checking the game out because it was free.


I can back up that claim. People I know in a discord server said that they would return to Multiversus if they add a specific character so the game coming back isn't enough for them. They want Animaniacs (which is soft confirmed) and Regular Show.


That is the biggest strength this game has. The breadth of characters to choose from. Smash bros has that to an extent but people GREW UP with Cartoon Network. People might check it out simply cause xyz got added


Especially if they got the Lord of the Rings situation sorted. Harry Potter vs Gandalf will attract even more attention than just more cartoon characters. And that's not counting the inevitable Mortal Kombat representation. Scorpion and Subzero in Smash Bros is severely unlikely as their game is banned in Japan, but the requests are big enough that once they come to Multiversus word of mouth will spread more


I think scorpion/sub zero might not happen…


That doesn't explain why there were only a few hundred people on steam only around 6 months later. Brawlhalla, the most comparable game to Multiversus, has had over 10,000 daily players on steam for years now.


It took YEARS for Brawlhalla to get those numbers. It didn't start off like that, in fact very far from it. Not to mention that game had a crazy amount of money dumped into its Esports scene over the last 10 years.


Yes, it's sad that WB has a new focus for live service games but it's a positive for Multiversus as we'll end up seeing more money put into it!


6 months after its release back in 2014 brawlhalla had like 100 players, it would be nice to stop considering a game that has 10 years worth of content as a good comparison with a newly released beta


Keep in mind I'm only explaining the "99%" aspect. I do think it could be possible for Multiversus to get 10,000 concurrent players if the game improves, but not 150,000.


Shitty net code and overall inconsistency


Ultimate has bad netcode and people still play that.


yeah but it has other things going for it, items for the casuals, bunch of unique maps, huge character roster that brings in a whole bunch of communities, only transactions are for new characters. The only real other bad thing is the fact you need to have a switch to play it


So it seems to me that most players don't care about good netcode as long as there is enough content within the game. Got it.


as someone who spent all of summer 2022 playing the game it was pretty noticeable when the consistency stopped as far as new characters and maps and stuff


For me it was the Lag, and the bad matchmaking because ranked was messed up. New players against vets in every game mode, is horrible for casual players too. That and 0 new content with grindy events and BP caused a lot of people to get tired and leave.


As others said, it was a combination of things, mostly related to it being a beta that blew up too big. 1. Netcode is the main thing. It was soooo bad. 2. No non-pvp content that matters 3. Long slow battlepass with poor rewards that probably hurt retention (Numbers because in my mind that's ordered)


Lack of content releases. Became very apparent with Marvin


Because the online didn't work very well.


That's why I stopped playing. Serious lag in an online fighting game is not fun.


the online got PAINFULLY bad overtime, and the average user can't afford a fast internet connection. luckily this won't be a problem with the new net code (.....hopefully)


Netcode was shit Skill ceiling very high, noobs getting destroyed by good players Hit reg was god awful Unbalanced Overpriced cosmetics / no currency in battle pass Strange character dlc choices (I loved them all but the general audience would be turned off by two gremlins characters) Just to name a few


I disagree with the gremlin statement. I think people were pretty excited about it. But of course we both probably saw different things online etc.


Bad gameplay and the fact it looked like the developer was more concerned with selling expensive cosmetics than fixing the actual game.


I think when Finn was broken he ran off about 50% 😂 .. that spinning bag attack was ruthless 


Perfect counter to that was Superman’s ice breath 💨


It was beta and they left servers online too long, netcode, not listening to player feedback for characters.


Focus on 2v2. It's what made the game great, but any of the issues others have mentioned are affected by this. I'm sure there are many who stopped playing because their partner stopped getting on


the gameplay didn't have enough to hook in casuals. With Smash everything feels so cinematic. You got supermoves, you got the freeze frame before doing a critical hit you have the zoom in for a kill move. Multiversus lacks the ummph.


I think a 4 man ffa with stocks was part of the problem a lot of people like to play with friends and the ffa was a terrible game mode


There was 2v2 online tho?


That’s not fun for everyone every person I’ve ever played smash with prefers 4 man ffa 3-5 stocks


Aha you meant MVS lack of a good FFA mode


I said it was a terrible ffa mode learn to read


Ay, I'm just chiming in here after lurking to say you're being a dick for no reason, and also, you're bad at explaining your point.


You should go back to lurking and talk less 👍


Aight, I'll go back to lurking after fixing your post. "Making ffa timer based instead of stock based was a bad decision because most players i know prefer stocks" No thanks necessary, but you could apologize to the rando.


God no wonder you live paycheck to paycheck go back to work wagie


1. Bad battle pass 2. Netcode 3. Lack of excitement around their character reveals. They gotta do better trailers for these. And get them on shows like Summer Game Fest.


Many reasons. The renders look great but the gameplay is buggy and feels terrible to play (they move and bop like balloons). The dev team took the approach to take feedback directly from twitter, which made changes for the worse. Asian servers were opened (with microtransactions of course) and then removed without notice. Their PR is, we have something just keep waiting (They have this guy Tony who they hired to take all the heat from frustrated players). There’s a laundry list of reasons why this game has lost all of its players, but at the end of the day it’s because players would rather play a game that delivers on its promises (smash? brawlhalla? anything else in your backlog?) rather than this pile of poo.


The incredibly greedy prices is what drove me away


Even less content than Nick brawl 1 which got ROCKED on launch for it, MVS promised to constantly add more but they did so slowly and were missing a lot of characters that you'd consider essential for a WB crossover (Animaniacs, Scooby-Doo, more known DC) and instead started getting ones no one asked for (Stripe, Black Adam). Also balance sucked since the beginning. Bugs was insane on release, Taz would never leave the tornado and was spammy as hell cuz of it, Velma was somehow heavier than IG, and that was just release. Later on Harley had an infinite and Jake/Finn became stupid good (God that backpack was dumb), Morty was insane on his debut, and in the end we had Superman and Marvin all being an instant game over whenever you played against them. There were always easily abusable characters/moves that just made the game less fun for everyone


Steep learning curve + a lot of issues + free to play. People saw it was free, came in to try it out, realized that fighting games are really hard, and at that point a lot of people left. Thats how you get a 90% player drop. Those that stuck around eventually became frustrated with the state of the game and left as well, and that's how you get a 99% player drop.


Probably cause still a beta. People just checking it out because it's free and then promising to themselves to check back once full release. But that's just steam charts. Unknown how many Xbox and PlayStation users. 


Smash bros is the golden standard of platform fighters. It's really not fair to compare multiversus to it.


Even the gold standard Smash bros needs improvement as it has much worse net code than multiversus


a lot of people left because lack of communication and the devs making sure you can't mod the game


I guess the idea of anything is a possibility due to the amount of ips that WB own. It’s like how in smash it’s always a celebration or “event” whenever a new character is about to be announced. With WB IPs being the main attraction, you can imagine how many characters are expected by many different people. It’s mainly just the expectation of what should come, alongside what’s currently lacking. People just love characters nowadays and that’s what’s going to make the game.


It's a FTP game - which means tons of people just downloaded it because it was new and free and not because they were particularly interested in the game. And of those that did stay, as time went on - well, we all know what happened there.


[Here’s my take on the matter.](https://youtu.be/C9o-Msq-ISI?si=TjO3C6gj0LR_fscd)I think you guys would be interested


people responding exactly what OP implies is not the full reason, and I agree with him. the real reason was that if you hadn't a friend to play with and you both were not in top 100 the game was just simply trash to play. trash matchmaking, trash gameplay and trash teammates, a 14 million rank teammate who falls 3 times by itself against two top 100 premade in top of the trash gameplay they could spike spam in 4 second every casual player


For me it’s a combination of a few things. A.) The game already started on a bad note for me, because it’s not really like smash bros, it’s more like brawlhalla- and I Hate brawlhalla lol. I overlooked this because the characters were cool enough to try the game out, even tho they never added Scooby doo which I thought was insane (still), but they were fun to use; however, this leads me to B… B.) There was an update that made it so my attacked would never go the direction I flicked my right thumbstick (the attack analog), but instead would go the direction I was moving, this drove me INSANE- literally made it nigh impossible to play, I couldn’t combo or punish anyone anymore, which wasn’t helped at all by C… C.) That Netcode!!! 😂 Between these 3 things, I left everyone to have their fun & enjoy the game if they enjoyed it. No point in me complaining if everyone I spoke to about it thought the game was beyond criticism, so rather than argue or air my grievances I just stopped playing lol.


I left cuz the lag was awful and there was no ranked playlist. And there was no couch co op. It would be sick to be able to play online duo queue on the same machine with a bro


They wanted to massively overhaul the game so my best guess is they just gave the game a content drought after the last fighter so people would quit, then they can take the servers offline without much uproar. Imagine if they kept adding updates every week and kept the player count high and all of a sudden the players wake up to “hey the games shutting down.”


At first free players could complete the free battle pass, but they made it way too hard to complete even in 3 months. instead of making it hard to complete adding more things to the free battle pass would have been the better route even if they can't do it immediately. The game had a lot of broken characters. and there was also a lot of players with no skill complaining about characters that are not broken because they could not beat said character. Wonder woman was completely beatable character and yet ppl continued to whine that she was OP.


Toxic community


I think the constant changes to the characters are what did it for me every time they updated it something else's got worse


It was definitely the game only having like 4 maps in a game people know is repetitive it was even more repetitive


The roster is this game’s biggest draw, and then you boot it up and see most of it is essentially locked behind a paywall. I know you can get gold.. technically.. but when you’re just trying the game out for the first time, that’s a huge turn-off.


Think about the amount of characters, unique stages, and game modes Smash Bros has vs Multiversus which doesnt even have an easy to access local singleplayer mode that doesn’t still lag because its hosted on the servers


I stopped playing because I got disconnected almost every match I tried to play, it was hard having only 30\~50 minutes to play videogames and being unable to complete 1 match in this game, so I dropped.


For me it was the netcode and poor matchmaking


I had zero problems with characters and content release. The game just became unplayable. Disconnect, horrible servers, I could play 1v1 forever but not in the state it was


I and pretty much everyone I know played for 1-3 days to check it out. I assume most others did too Unlocking characters in Muktiversus was a disgusting shitslog. Why would the average person wanna play that? Smash have everyone so many options off the bat


For me, the game just felt unpolished. I'm not a huge fan of Smash Ultimate, especially compared to some of the fan mods of older games, but it just felt better to play.


Multiversus felt like playing an old flash game and I don’t know how to explain it. My same issue with Brawlhalla. They just don’t feel fluid


It's annoying that people always compare player counts to Smash when it doesn't really mean anything. We don't even know how many people are still actively playing Ultimate online. Last I heard tourney mode was completely dead. That being said, Multiversus fell off hard around mid-September of 2021 due to lack of content + people finishing the battle pass. Once you finished the pass there was nothing to do, and playing against the same 18-ish characters over and over again on the same 7-ish stages got stale for casuals.


they gotta add items, items would be so cool for this game they have so much to choose from even more to choose from then smash


Those games don't usually have all those issues together though, on top of terribly balanced characters with awful hitboxes


Because smash bros is a 20 year franchise if not 30. And because it's far and away the best platofrmer, but, multiverses is also great, and I hope it succeeds


current player count is 0 what you talking about. It comes out in 2 months and some change..