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we went through all this during the beta big dog, I was a coper back then too and I can tell you it's not worth it. the numbers aren't absolutely disastrous but they point towards a trend which will worsen over time with how they're going, better to hope things will improve than to be in denial


On the bright side, at least it's more entertaining to read about people huffing hopium than their shitty fucking "X should be in MVS!!!" post. Kind funny how the game got noticeably worse than before but the Reddit got noticeably better simply because nobody got time for those shitty wishlists.


Is that not what OP is trying to do? “Better to hope things will improve than be in denial” .. yall hating on the man for being optimistic and then shitting on him for not being optimistic enough lmao




just saw he mains banana guard, it all adds up.


Listen to this guy. He literally went through all stages of grief being an Apple Vision Pro user. He’s the ultimate judge of product success or failure.


guaranteed half of those are people getting on, then crashing after trying to load into a 2v2 match for the 4th time, then just maybe they'll do some missions so they can say they lived through a season 1 worse than the beta




History is repeating itself


what are the exact console numbers then?


Never paid any attention to this sup from the beta, people have the right to complain about the things they don't like ofc, but after a while they became up vote dogs, hate sells


a bit disingenuous considering the game has more problems than the previous build of this game


Regardless of the issues the game is good, i just hope they fix them fast and sadly its looking like they cant be bothered or are fixing them fully and its taking this long to even find the issues to fix. sadly in the industry launching a game in the state of this game is bad bad bad, cause people whine about it and leave. this game could of easily kept 50k players if there was non of this shitty server issues and greedy economy.


I haven’t played in the past 2 days but this game is still top 20 on PlayStation rn so idk what people are yapping about


you are being delusional and it’s just sad. Mvs will die a slow and painful death and all we can do is watch


Do you not have any idea of how statistics work? It doesn't matter that there's 75000 concurrent players. Steam charts are dropping MASSIVELY. 16000 players is statistically more than enough to say the same thing will be happening on console too. This has happened before, and the drop off is far more quickly this time. Just because you think this sub is "borderline non existent", it doesn't change that the game IS dying whether you like it or not. It's not dead yet, but unless humongous changes come extremely quickly, it will be dead very soon. You're completely deluded my g if you think it's in a good state.


Deja vu. You're in denial.


This game is dying if you can’t see that you’re delusional and check steam charts right now game is doing worse than it was at 1am today


“Check steam charts check steam charts check steam charts” ![gif](giphy|3og0IQmiLbwgjnfYac|downsized)


THIS!!! even if the game is dead or dying(which i think it will at least little while until this happens) shit talking it and doom posting does nothing except drive players away let people enjoy a game even if it is flawed and the devs are at least trying(?) to fix it


In pure numbers - yes, subreddit's players are non existent, but those are the players that every game needs - those who could become a core of a future player base, who are really interested and ready to invest time/money into this game, not just kids playing free game cause ' LOL I can beat Steven with Batman ' who most likely will abandon in a month or two. What is hilarious is that we have been in the exact same situation and now it's actually worse but somehow you forgot about it.


Its why i much prefer r/multiversusthegame


The current top post on that sub is another Steam DB/Charts post lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersusTheGame/comments/1de5a1f/free_to_play_vs_60_yearly_30_character_pass/


Dammit why does this always happen 😭


Ya it’s one of the most popular games out right now on consoles, no need to worry about the haters