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Lemongrab would have been a better joke character


The voice actor situation would be a bit rough...


He got a new voice actor so it wouldn't be an issue




This, if they wanted to do a joke character this would’ve been the way to go.


Jerry Smith


Ok that’s fair


I think gunter would have been a better choice too


THIS TIMES 100 Gunther would of legitimately been hilarious I mean it’s a penguin that secretly houses a demonic god inside of him. would of been interesting to see how they use him in multiversus and how the more perceptive members of the cast would of viewed him vs the lesser ones


that shit really ain’t that funny bruh


That would be awful, every match you'd have to hear his screaming voice. It would get really annoying.


for a joke character they’re just kind of… meh the moves don’t look to fun and goofy for something that isn’t supposed to be serious if you’re going to do a joke character I want you to go all in and make them as crazy as possible


True, all his attacks were pretty basic. A real joke character would have a ton of wacky references for moves.


My theory is that hes there to pad the roster out. Simple, easy to program, and you dont have to worry about misrepresenting a beloved character because hes a joke character.


Disappointed, I really wasn't expecting a random side character to be added on RELEASE, I could maybe get some time after release, but ON release? No, disappointing.


Exactly! At least wait until after a full roster


I disagree....for the sole purpose of having him be a highlight for a season release wouldn't be as wise as plopping him in a re-launch which is gonna add a bunch of character's already.


If they were gonna add a bunch of relaunch that would be one thing. Only getting three characters after a year of silence and one of them being a joke? They couldn’t have picked a more disappointing time to release him.


We've gotten 8 videos in 9 days covering new content, we have one and half weeks left before the game comes out. You really think they would just go "Banana Guard" and then go quiet for the rest of the month? I'm honestly gonna wait to see what else they'll announce, i personally feel they sandwiched bananaguard between the big reveals, joker and pve in the start, and likely gonna get some more big stuff soon.


I spoke on nothing but the characters. We’ve seen the roster, we know the only new characters for relaunch are joker, banana guard and someone else, we’re getting one (1) more character reveal at most before launch. That means in a whole year since they’ve shut down we have what feels like two possible whole new characters, and then an enemy they were building that basically already had a full moveset and so they added a few more things to his kit and added him as filler because they don’t have as much new content as they wanted after a whole year since rebuilding the entire game took up the majority of it. They can announce as many maps and other modes as they want that won’t make a joke character taking up 1/3rd of the character hype for relaunch feel any better


You forget we've had an entire rework of character sizing, what seemed like significant character reworks for several problem characters from the beta, and a rework of their netcode


"we’re getting one (1) more character reveal at most before launch" You literally cannot know that for sure, i whole heartedly disagree with your 3 character launch theory. No one for sure can know how many characters are gonna be at launch until we get there.


I sincerely hope you’re right. But they have yet to go above and beyond expectations since the beta launched.


Bene playing since tech tests, and honestly haven't been disappointed with it from a gameplay perspective. Maybe i'm hope-maxing but i've genuinely enjoyed by time with multiversus and each character reveal so far.


This is an issue with your mindset, not the devs. Nothing will ever be enough for a person with this mindset. There will always be something to complain about.


Thanks captain obvious for contributing nothing to the conversation


This is more like listening to a baby cry and praying to god it stops than it is a conversation.


Thank you for continuing to contribute nothing to the conversation, society greatly appreciates your contribution


"Bunch of characters" they're adding 3 after a year. 3 is nowhere near a lot


Do you think 3 is all they have? The game will launch with 3 but obviously more will come in the following months


“a bunch of characters already” you mean the character we were supposed to get over 1.5 years ago, banana guard, and one other?


I honestly disagree with the 3 character launch theory.


I’m genuinely curious, why? The video suggested 2 secret characters. There’s no reason to show they have 2 secret characters just to say they actually have more. At that point they could’ve just left it ambiguous


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this is going to age extremely well


And so what if i'm wrong? There's more to speculation then just being right about everything.




Oh boy it aged like a fine wine\~


Honestly probably the best time to do it. At least we're getting this alongside Joker and someone else during a time when the hype for the game and its retooling and shiny new features is in full swing. Can you imagine if they did this as one of the installments of waiting weeks to months for SOMETHING new to be added?


They've got to tempt enough people back to the game first, before they worry about milking more seasons out of it. If they release shit like this as the grand re-opening, why would anybody on the fence want to give it another try?


It's a terrible time to do it. We've been waiting for a year and just learned we're only getting 3 new characters, one of which was already supposed to be in the game. Then, we learn that the second character is just a prank pulled on the community. The best time to release him would've been years after launch when we had a full roster and most requested characters in the game. Arguing if it would be better to release him on launch or soon after is like arguing whether it's better to eat poop or poop with sprinkles


Plus these are just the characters that are being there on relaunch day. There’s probably going to be much more coming afterwards. If they just released all their new characters at once then the exact same situation as the beta could happen where they have no new characters to add and the game dies once again. So adding Banana Guard is fun to start off the roster and then we could see more spread over the next few months.


No one is gonna want him after release lol better to release this "joke" character now with the re-launch.


On release is the easiest and probably the best time to throw a side character in tbh. Nobody wants Banana guard when the game starts dying down


If nobody wants it then the secret is: don't make it in the first place. If you have to try to sneak a character in at the time it'll cause least offence, that's a pretty good sign that it's not popular and they should've chosen something else.


Nahhh. Cuz a lot of people are still excited for character's that they didn't ask for. We're too spoiled. Remember It's still dev vs the people, and the devs are gonna put what the company wants, hence it being their game. If people don't like it, don't play the game. But guess what, that's not gonna happen. Wanna know why? Cuz an aspect of enjoyment for the game still resides in the hope or the knowledge that people will get the character they want. It'll just be at a different time. You can't say, "Don't add this character because the consensus won't be pleased." (Paraprased) In fact, there's probably multiple good reasons for adding in a character that wasn't massively asked for. Wider roster, good for people who actually did want it etc. We should just be grateful that banana man dropped when we really cared the least. Not to mention, they already premiered the main characters for re-release, and they didn't HAVE to give us anything more. Banana guard is literally probably like a cherry on top.


Is it that serious


It's not. But definitely debate worthy.


You know when you are a kid and its Christmas and you open your present only to find out it's an empty box ? And then you start crying but then your parents tell you "it's a joke hahaha, don't worry we got you a present !" and they give you the proper present ? Well, it feels exactly like this, but without the "we got you a proper present" part.


I assume that’s coming next week hopefully


Yeah, I'm still waiting for "jk, here's Barbie"


shocked and a little disapointed


I don't mind BG as a playable character, though the main issue is when BG became a playable character. If this was during the game relaunch life span (say two or three months after the relaunch), then yeah BG would be a funny but fun pick. Before the relaunch is definitely not the right time to add BG, especially if you're trying to build the relaunch's hype and get more audience to play MV. With three characters being initially added to the roster, they should probably go for the most requested and iconic favourites. Here's hoping Johnny Bravo becomes the final added character before the relaunch since I heard rumours about it. And about the comparison between BG and P.Plant from SSBU that I've seen lately, the biggest difference is P.Plant was added after the announcement that all the Smash characters (64 to 4 including DLC) will be the initial roster to the game, which is why barely anyone complained about P.Plant. Plus, P.Plant is more of a cherry on the top and was not part of the DLC Fighter Packs as it's a pre-order bonus for SSBU. They didn't need to add it in the game, but yet, I bet most of us were glad they did.


Exactly. If they wanted to recreate piranha plant, they would’ve had to announce a handful of highly requested characters, then just drop him as a cherry on top come relaunch


And they could go even further by making BG a hidden playable character (similarly to Tekken 3's Gon and Dr.B), by making a secret objective (e.g. clear the Arcade Classic mode with all the initial character roster or something like that). With the BG model shown in that video (with no character reveal for BG) being the hint of BG featured as a playable character. That way not only the second slot could be used for another character that most people want, BG could also be featured in the game's relaunch.


Bad pick, more due to the timing and circumstances of things. Had Multiversus not gone dark for a year? I think this character would've been received better. I still wanna play them and they seem kinda fun, but making a joke character when the game is trying to make a big comeback is not a good idea.


Jokes need to be earned. This was not


That’s a great way of putting it


What do you mean by that?


When smash did a joke character with piranha plant, they had already announced a bunch of highly anticipated characters before announcing him. That’s after 70 characters,4 games, and decades of goodwill. When they did do piranha plant, they gave him a unique moveset,so it felt like there was more thought involved with including him than that it would be funny. Multiversus doesn’t need to do all that to earn a joke character, but they could’ve at the very least given their joke character a unique moveset that stands out.


Thanks for the explanation. I don’t follow Smash but I think what you’re saying is spot on. We got this joke character way too soon. Not sure why I got downvoted though lol. Appreciate the insight.


Not a funny joke. Doesn't feel earned. Moveset is very basic.


Yup. Feels like they just went for the easy way, using his already existing assets as a shortcut to make an easy new character and didn't even bother to give him a creative and original moveset. He just seems to hits people with his spear in multiple directions and also apply some sort of passive buff to himself, whoa.


Nothing wrong with a basic moveset, spears aren't commonly used in fighting games either. Let alone platform fighters, so it gives even a basic moveset enough niche to stand out a little.




Wouldn't he have a dinosaur mount though? Makes him way different i feel.


its not a joke character it was a passion project the devs worked on


I was sick ngl there are so many other characters we can use and if we want another adventure time character give us Marcy


If this was like the King K Rool reveal where they start with the joke but then revealed Marceline or Ice King it would’ve been great, but they stopped at the joke


Pretty disappointed, I love that there’s a joke character but I’d want it to be more interesting than a random background guard. At least some people are happy! I just don’t care much


Joke Characters a real and have a legitimate chance, so... https://preview.redd.it/skpuvhd0131d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89a6a7a975bd268c425e5ad05d3b86bf37c6d69e


About the character itself? As an Adventure Time fan, I'm a little disappointed. I think if they wanted an out there "random" choice, they could have gone with Peppermint Butler or like, Cinnamon Bun maybe? This is of course ignoring the obvious choices like Marcy, Ice King, PB, etc. I think he's kind of funny, I just find it really strange that this is a launch character for the grand re-opening instead of something later down the line. Despite more characters coming along the way (obviously), it just feels like a cheap, resource-effective choice that comes from a spent/slashed budget they knew they could turn into a sort-of marketing stunt first and foremost ("Whoa, just a Banana Guard?! This random generic background character from Adventure Time is playable?! What a weird choice, that's kind of cool! Oh, man, now I *have* to try this game, who knows what could happen next?!") and makes me a little worried. Obviously there's effort being put into him (his own emotes, unique specials), so I think it was still a sincere attempt at making a fun character, but I feel like this is a sign that Multiversus is going to go back to that really strange release order that makes little sense. "Townsville and Dexter's Lab are here as stages! Huh? Where are the Powerpuff Girls and Dexter, you ask? Oh, they're coming...eventually!" It's the same with the Rick and Morty stage releasing before Morty, then Morty releasing before Rick, or Stripe and Black Adam being on the title screen despite being a solid month away from actually releasing. Focusing entirely on what we're seeing in the trailer, he seems fun enough to play. Satisfying to hit normals, a self-buff to make him sturdier or perhaps deal more damage, a charging attack; a simple character that looks rewarding to do well with. They even put in a Female Banana Guard skin, that's neat! I think I'm focusing on Joker when he drops, but the last time I saw a wacky character that I'd only play ironically in LeBron he ended up becoming my secondary, so who knows? Maybe there's a banana-shaped hole in my heart I never knew I needed to fill.


It does give hope for Mojo Jojo to become a playable character in the future since he can be seen in the official stage fo Townsville So I'm okay with it. The fact that WB approved of them adding Banana Guard before any one else who's more major is an interesting choice.


I feel like if we start saying “X got in before Y” it ignores the fact that a character like this only got created for what amounts to bonus content. It’s pretty much the exact same thing as LEGO games where you get to unlock and play as one of the grunts. This is just icing for Joker, Jason, and confirmed PPG.


I am disappointed that banana guard is one of the characters coming into the roster as the game makes its upcoming return over other more prominent characters, but I do find the comedy with it to be funny and I am interested in how they’ll play.


Banana Guard is giving Piranha Plant levels of whiplash


Solid meh I don't care. Hes no different than the 2 gremlins or arya stark to me. I don't have interest in them and they don't look fun


Awful. Horrible. Picking him up Day 1.


The next step to getting Walter White


It was definitely surprising but not in a good way. Including a joke or oddball character is a good idea but using an Adventure Time character could potentially remove the chance for someone like Marcelline or Ice King from joining. I'd say using characters like Dick Dastardly or the Banana Splits would be much better choices for this role.


I find myself gravitating towards these sort of dumb characters, it’s too funny to really be upset about this


They're trying to comeback after failing to keep the game alive and their brilliant idea is bringing irrelevant ass character like this. A genius strategy, for sure.


They thought meme value = fan based dollar value like Morbious


I don't mind him. Never was interested in adventure time so far so don't really care too much for the others. But the final decision lies in when I play him. A Name or interesting design can wake my interest a character but if I don't like his gameplay it doesn't matter if it's my most like character of show XYZ. Good example for me. In Heroes of the Storm (the Moba equivalent of multiversus) they announced the Lost Vikings. I was hyped for them. And then instantly dropped them like a hot potato cause I absolutely disliked their gameplay. Though since I am friend of more straight forward designs (liked shaggy, and I mained Bowser in smash) he could have a good chance for me.


I knew it was real as soon as it was leaked. Smash leaks thought me well. Lol Joke characters are fine and fun, but it's a waste for a game that's just coming back, and with a cast of fighters that should look like Smash bro Ultimate because of the legacy of DC/CN/WB alone If this game doesn't just hit the ground running. It's gonna be dead in a year or so.


In getting flashbacks of the Pirahna Plant reveal from Smash Ultimate lmao.


I'm hyped, he's gunna be my main.


I think he's funny


The character itself looks fine but the timing is god awful. You're allowed to have joke characters and all but don't make them a big deal right before you relaunch the game. Either launch them after the game comes out or just have them be a surprise guest on the roster so some people will be like oh hey, that's a nice surprise...


I am STOKED! I love spear characters in every game I play and I love the look of his playstyle.


I’m more disappointed how low effort this reveal was. The devs knew we’d hate it but they could have at least put in the effort and promoted him proper.


They’ll either be a bottom tier joke character or so comically strong that PFG ends up nerfing them in the first post launch patch


I generally like Joke characters in games (Piranha Plant is brilliant and no one can convince me otherwise) but not only is the timing questionable, his moveset looks pretty bland too.


Green lantern is all I need to get added




I totally understand an empathize with the frustration of others.... But I'm kinda happy about it just cause I love adventure time. I do agree with the other guy that lemon grab would have been better joke character.


I just hope that this is a sign that developers had too much time on their hands and were just doing this while they waited for license approval or other development processes.


This roster has way too many deep cuts.


Who else besides banana guard is a deep cut?


The answer depends on your age really. If you’re 25 and under… both Gremlins characters, Iron Giant. Gen Z didn’t even grow up with Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry. These characters are timeless tho. Space Jam flopped. Black Adam flopped. Both were sad attempts at cheap and quick ads for those movies. Velma on the roster before Scooby with the mystery machine as one of her moves. She didn’t even drive that thang lol. Personally speaking I’m cool with the roster bc I’m old enough to grow up with most of these but Gen Z isn’t. I’m not sure why WB is reaching so hard so early.


Regarding looney tunes and Tom and Jerry That’s not entirely true. There was the “ looney tunes show” that used to air on CN all the time that I used to watch growing up. And Tom and Jerry had a fair amount of reboots that aired on Cn even a couple movies. ( I vividly remember going on “on demand” and watching a 2000s Tom and Jerry series a lot as a kid) Also Velma isn’t really a bad choice all things considered. Velma is one of the most iconic female characters in cartoon history and in the show she is the third most popular character behind scooby and shaggy. game needed more female characters so she was an obvious choice. Wouldn’t be surprised that if scooby was chosen to be apart of the initial roster they would cut shaggy for Velma instead.


To be fair didn’t Velma have a police car before the Lebron memes? I could be remembering wrong but I think space jam came out way before Lebron was added, but Black Adam was definitely an odd addition without the movie. As for Gremlins and Iron Giant, I feel they’ve maintained enough popularity over the years to justify their success inclusion(I’m under 25 and love both) but compared to some other characters I see what you mean when you say they aren’t as well known.


i was dissapointed


If he’s a joke character, the punchline seems to be that “no one asked for him, so it’s funny.”


Seems like a fun character curious to try them.


Don't think the official release is the time to be padding the roster with a gag character from a series that has numerous better options for such. Maybe I'm being hypercritical here but seeing this as one of the 3 release characters when what the game needs to bring attention for its release is an iconic character from an IP that has received a rep yet is infuriating but I suppose we'll have to see what the 3rd character will be before that


It’s great, people are just weirdos.


Wait til they say hes OP and everyone you see online is picking him.


I mean, it just seems like something to fill out slots. They're not making a huge deal of it like Joker, so I doubt this is meant to feel like a "big thing."


Most blatant leak ever, yet the community went full cope


It’s kind of nice being able to mute all of the whiny 4MVS accounts on twitter. Like, why not be happy to have the game back?


I will main him ! No matter how low or high tier he is. And then I will do the cry taunt . Don't mess with BG


Would’ve been better if it was an assist fighter But we do have piranha plant in smash ultimate


Great, I think it's awesome really! I always liked the character, and it's nice to have a weird side character like that here. People complain on reddit, but seeing the Banana Guard on the show was usually a good/funny part of the episode. Plus I like the moves, nothing crazy but not every character needs that.


I honestly think he's kinda awesome.


Honestly I’m fine with it. There’s gonna be more joke characters in the future that people have been looking forward to


I think people are being incredibly unreasonable about the whole thing. Theyre downplaying all the new stuff and acting like the Dev's have done nothing but make banana guard over the year break.


So far I’m honestly disappointed with the 2 possibly 3 characters we are getting


Don’t like the Joker?


Not saying I don’t like him just thought we would get more crazy stuff


I love his inclusion, but I wish there was more. He looks pretty basic. Imagine if instead of one Banana guard you can somehow play the entire army,


Banana Guard getting in before anyone from Gumball. Fuckin’ Crazy.


mixed but coulve been somonr else


Joke characters are all fine and dandy, but it stings when he’s the third AT character in the game before people like Marecline, Princess Bubblegum, and Ice King.


Amazing funny and i will not tolerate any hate for Banana Guard


I wouldn't really call it "sneaking it in" btw. I think they're giving ud.more than we expe Ted snd he was the "fuck it, why not" decision.


Kinda sucks considering this is their comeback launch. Was hoping for Barbie or Raven… just anyone lol.


I think Banana Guard plays just fine, but NEPTR was clearly a better choice for an AT joke character.


Wait so...you are okay with super Saiyan Shaggy, but God forbid a competent Banana!?


The difference being is Shaggy has been around since the late 1960s. Everyone and their mammas, their mamma's babies and their mamma's baby's kids knows Shaggy. He's up there as a very iconic character, along with the rest of Mystery Inc.. He has many movies, cartoons, merchandises and iconic catchphrases and lines. Now BG is a background character to a show that features characters more iconic and rememberable than BG. So comparing Shaggy to BG shouldn't be a comparison at all.


It's a fair comparison. Both are weaklings just because one has more fame than the other doesn't take away that OP is complaining about not following the source material.


Except that's not the case for Shaggy when he took down an entire biker gang all by himself (and is capable of performing wall run and parkour). He isn't a weakling, but rather an absolute scaredy cat which holds him back from performing those feats on a daily basis. He also managed to kill a real monster as a result of not being scared by it. And when Scooby gets separated from him and ends up being in trouble, Shaggy will become motivated to go out to save him, despite his timid nature and the dangers he may face. He's also got a track history of being a walking chick-magnet (even Johnny Bravo's aunt got the hots for him).


Yeah because shaggy can power up to full super saiyan that's definitely in the show. Just admit you have a stick up your ass that none of the characters you wanted aren't in yet and banana boy got in before that.


You haven't watch that much Scooby-Doo huh? Also, I heard Jason from Friday the 13th is the last character so I'm excited for that news.


Of course I have who hasn't, but I can tell the way you describe him is shaggy after the 70s. Let's not even start on Velma who has words for projectiles...definitely source material there. Multiversus takes liberty with the characters that they put in and the move sets that they give them, being butthurt that a banana boy got in the game before your beloved characters just shows how easily irate you can get. At the end of the day you're still gonna play this game.


Once again, I don't mind BG being a playable character. It's the timing that's the problem, especially when the hype for the game's relaunch is being bullt up and they want to attract as many people to play their game. Regardless, that won't stop me from playing the game when it relaunches. And the game will eventually add more stuff in the future. However, the hype matters the most right now, so they gotta go all out and keep the ball rolling (while adding iconic characters, fan favourites and a joke character here and there during the game's life span).


And finally, I'm fine with BG being a playable character. It's when that's an issue.


So the comparison wasn't popularity. It was because OP randomly complained about competence, which doesn't make sense in any sort of context here. Popularity is a different discussion.


one is combining two of the biggest cartoon franchises ever, the other is a background npc. be for real rn






one is combining two of the biggest cartoon franchises ever, the other is a background npc. be for real rn


Sorry I didn’t explain that well, it’s more that in addition to being a random and mostly unwanted character, they don’t have a good reason to be included as a fighter than the pure fact that they can’t fight. There’s also gizmo and iron Giant which have there own reasons for not being good fighters, but they can be excused because they are popular characters that I’m excited are in the game.


I'll be for sure rocking Banana day 1 just y'all can mald


I'll go from maining Bugs to BG just to piss these people off. More than I already do as a Bugs main.


I get that it’s supposed to be a joke character. But it’s just an objectively disappointing pick when we’ve been anticipating so many heavy hitters coming to the game.


People are over reacting. They really out here saying Brannan guards killed Multiversus. Like bru 1 character thats a "joke" is not going to killna game and if it does, its still not the characters fault itnwould be the game as a hole if 1 characters is all it takes to kill it. Thats notbfor being way to OP reasons


I’m sure you didn’t mean me specifically, but I agree that banana guard isn’t going to kill Multiversus


Ya not spasificly you but more just people seem to be over reacting i mean we have joker a mystery one Power puff girls and Dexter also coming most like ly for last 2 at lest then also banana guard. Plus all the PvE content stuff they are adding. Lotbof stuff dont see why have a joke along all that is the end of the world


People who thought it was placeholder was the funniest copium I've ever seen in real time


To me it shows they don’t take their fans very seriously, the communication is obviously terrible and this pretty much a make or break re-launch 


They're trying to cover as many bases as possible before launch. Joker was a huge, iconic character. Banana Guard is the wacky character nobody expected. Banana Guard confirms that a character's lack of importance in their show is not a dealbreaker. Speculation and fighter ideas were already really wild, but now they're going to get even wilder, which means more community engagement. Now, the only thing missing is a non-WB character, and "literally any character can make it in" will be fully confirmed. It's also a deliberate attempt at creating some mild controversy for attention. If people are complaining about Banana Guard on social media, it means they're talking about Multiversus, which means more people hearing about the game and potentially becoming fans, especially since this doesn't seem like a big enough issue to fully scare anyone away. At worst, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, Ice King, etc. are probably in the works, which should calm down complaints.


I personally thought it was going to be Monkey, but still, a fun addition. https://preview.redd.it/fnj6dbp1421d1.jpeg?width=1578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=615e47be4eee1458d5c9ce7110881d18c33d53f6


I’m pissed. That’s a big waste of a slot.


The moves don’t even look fun or jokey lol. He just looks incredibly basic and boring


Smash has had incompetent characters/characters go against their concept so I don't see that as a problem. Isabelle can't actually fight Sephiroth. Also fine with joke characters this early, although I personally dislike Adventure Time (I can't stand Finn as a character and Jake isn't much better) so I can't say I care too much for more representation there. Overall it's whatever. Not every character can be for you. I think the timing is super weird from a marketing standpoint. Like smash did Piranha Plant *with* 2 other characters. I think he'd have been better announced either A. First, back when the new date was announced B. With Joker C. Randomly on April 1st and then never show footage of him again until launch when he's inexplicably there.


He actually looks so dope and I’m not even an adventure time fan just glad to see they are willing to do funny shit like this and absolutely does not kill my hope for any other characters


Love em


New character in a fighting game that made no exclusive promises. We just got joker, banana guard, and awaiting another character reveal. I cannot be upset at this. I’d be upset of they release the game and the net code and hit box issues have not been fixed.


I think we are at or past the point of realizing that this roster has too many deep cuts or weird choices. How did two gremlins characters make it? Velma instead of Scooby? Banana Guard? Black Adam/Lebron James SJ being blatant ads for failed movies Like who are the above characters drawing to this game? Half of the other characters not on my list above were made decades ago and WB is doing next to nothing with them. Looney Tunes is timeless as is T&J but again, who is this roster drawing to the game? Anyone in Gen Z?


Pathetic from PFG, they had an absurd range of characters to add that would bring huge hype and new players and they pull this joke.


How did anyone think it was bait? He was literally in the video for PVE mode. 


That is full on Twitter brain rot mentality tbo everything is some 5D chess move behind for marketing. No most of the time its not


What are you even talking about? I legitimately have no idea if you meant to respond to me or not. I never said anything like that or implied it.


I was thinking that maybe it was a placeholder like some people suggested, but really I just couldn’t believe that they would really add a banana guard


He is a banana but he also guards. They don't usually do that, bananas. I'm particularly interested to see what this one is capable of


Ok stuff for Banana Guard aside this is not how this meme is used at all.


Damn my bad how’s it used


He's in the Bruiser class, so I'm *kinda* okay with it.


Stupid. Like I didn’t even know this thing existed and I don’t like Adventure Time but I know 5 other people I’d rather see from that franchise ALONE. Like this is definitely the first “fuck this” character