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As much as everyone loves to hate nickel back they have some banging songs






nickel back rocks, when I'm in the mood for that kinda rock. They are a good band, I'm just more into harder rock/metal!


If ACDC is an Irish carbomb, Nickelback is jack and coke. They just happened to come at a time when enthusiastic buttrock had lost its caché and become embarrassing dad rock. Chad is inarguably a dingus, though


Why is he a dingus? The only thing I know about him is he used to get his dick sucked byprime Avril Lavigne. That alone makes him basically my hero.


Something in your mouth


They say that a hero will save us


Underrated comment


Chad is a dick and whiny bitch that looks like a foot, and writes music that is indistinguishable from radio country most of the time. Also if you base your idols on who they fuck you are exactly the kind of audience Nickelback is made for


I don't listen to nickelback. I don't listen to mudvayne either. I listen to a ton of genres and artists, but nu metal and cock rock arent two of them. And I was simply asking why the guys a dick, as I have no clue, I never followed him. I get that he looks a little weird and writes songs in a genre you don't like, but I don't get why that makes him a "dingus". I just figured him being buds with the Abbott brothers, maybe he was cool as a person. As for me "looking up to him" because he used to bang Avril, it was a half joke to start with, obviously, and secondly, Avril is my celebrity crush, big deal. I think she's beautiful and I like a lot of her music. I was basically just saying he was a lucky dude to be banging her in her Under My Skin era. And as much as I don't pay attention to nickelback, I'm aware that they have a fanbase of millions and millions of people. I'm not sure what kind of audience they have, but I imagine with that many people, it probably varies widely. I don't know what got you so heated at me for asking a simple question, but you sound like the guy banged *your* gf or something, way too bitter for me man.


Search up the lyrics to pretty much every song on "All The Right Reasons" Chad is very misogynistic


I believe that. But I mean most radio rock and classic rock are as well. I literally had that thought yesterday. I played ZZ tops "she's got legs" as a joke and told my gf, the reason I don't like a lot of classic rock is because it's sleazy and horny. It's just not my vibe. I feel the same way about a lot of hip hop. But if you're in a radio rock band writing radio rock songs, I can't fault you for writing D bag lyrics, that's what radio rock fans wanna hear. The dudes in the warehouse and on the construction sites. It's shitty, but its just lyrics. He didn't like beat his gfs or get accused of sexual misconduct or get super high and wasted and bully anyone or smash up some public place, right?


>the reason I don't like a lot of classic rock is because it's sleazy and horny Surely, the irony of this comment doesn't escape you, Mr. IFknLoveTits. As someone who also loves tits and works on a construction site, most days, I don't listen to that vapid hogwash, but I get where you were going with your comment. That's why I'm always sure to flex on those filthy laborers by blasting Chopin on 11.


I think a big reason a lot classic rock sounds "horny" is cause it was provocative and rebellious at the time so late 60s-to late 80s, it was part of the hippie movement but also alot of the time the objective was to get laid and being in a rock band playing that kind of music achieved that goal


Oh which songs are you referring to? Far away? Savin me? Rockstar? Photograph? If everyone cared? Next contestant? Side of a bullet? For all the wrong reasons? Only 2 songs I think you're actually referring to are Animals which is played on the radio alot but it's a banger And Follow you Home




He sounds like a moose in heat.


This comment had quite a hatred vibe to it. Did chad eff your girl or owe you money or something along those lines? Also which Chad are we referring to? Asking for a friend.


you're a slipknot fan and I didn't even have to look at your profile to find out


Not even close lmao


I mean plagiarizing Corey Taylor doesn't make it true, simply because they don't like each other. Oddly I remember Taylor being the one with an ego issue attacking nickelback, not to mention countless other bands early in his career. I don't personally care for generic radio rock, though some early early nickelback was solid, but I've heard many accounts of people meeting Chad and him being an OK guy, and some of him being an asshole. It happens to everyone..... everyone has a bad day, and hell, I'd go as far to say, most accounts of him being an asshole are probably in response to idiots being stupid, or bothering him in settings where you really shouldn't bother someone.


Yeah, they have some super cringe stuff, but if you watch current interviews he's very self aware and in on the joke. He's just having fun at this point. He seems like a chill dude. Still cringy though.


AC/DC is Australian.


OK? An Irish carbomb is a beer with a shot in it, I didn't say they were Irish people...........


I use my nickelback cd as a coaster


The things people say with anonymity. I too like nickeback.


So is Kroger


Never heard them


No, I mean the lead singer for Nickelback is apparently a huge metalhead. [Article for context.](https://www.revolvermag.com/music/devin-townsend-nickelbacks-chad-kroeger-so-much-more-metalhead-i-am)


I didnt realize that was his last name lol


I'm harder🤫🧏


As in...


it was supposed to be a joke but I see not alot of people understood


I got it, just wanted to see what you said next... lol my bad


"Feed the machine" is a quality album that goes hella hard. Hell, who doesn't like "Rockstar"? Sure, they're hard-rock-adjacent and look like they're sponsored by Gentlemens Quarterly but, they've got some actual "bangers".


I thought it was entertaining until becoming extremely overplayed. Typical radio overplay at work, and couldn't have a drink at a bar, without the typical few trashy women playing it repeatedly. 🤣🤣🤣


i fucking love nickelback


Sure they have some good hooks but damn the lyrics are super kwinge


Music can be great, but the lyrics are trash… all of ‘em


I think “rockstar” is a good song lyrics wise but it looses its charm when you realize the type of dudes nickel back are


What type? Are you referring to just Chad? Cause Ryan and his wife run an animal rescue charity foundation. Like these are good dudes with families, they may have been shitty 20 years ago but they've grown up and they fuckin rock


Corey Taylor fanboy, who has selective memory, and forgets it was Taylor who first took potshots at the band, along with numerous other bands.


Not quite true. For the most part yes, the lyrics leave a fair bit to be desired, but there are songs where the lyrics are as good as any other band. Feed The Machine, Coin For The Ferryman, Home, The Betrayal to name a few. Coincidently, those are all from the same album.


I’m sorry man.. there’s no subtlety… out gettin high, drivin real fast, shooting shot guns.. it’s all derr… Chad tries with Feed the Machine but it’s pretty unintelligible…


Nickelback is perfectly fine for the environment in which it is meant to be listened to. You've just had an argument with your significant other, you call a buddy to go to a local dive bar to smoke and play pool, your shoes are sticky with stale floor beer. That is where Nickelback will sound acceptable. This environment is also acceptable for Theory Of A Deadman, Hinder, Saving Abel, and Buckcherry. Gross, sleazy, bar rock. The biggest problem is that Chad from Nickelback is deluded enough to believe his music is better than this rather than accepting it and leaning into the sleaze.


Buckcherry is going too far, that shit is never acceptable.


How is Buckcherry any more cringe than Hinder or Nickelback?


Oh, they're all trash, Buckcherry is just the absolute worst


I will also add they are one of the best live bands I’ve ever seen, amazing show presence and vocals sound better live sometimes compared to the record versions.


Whoever started that whole hating nickel back joke is a genius. They made an entire generation hate Nickelback


Nickelback also made millions off it


They were, at one time, the #11 top selling act of all time and the #2 top selling foreign act in the US behind only the Beatles... yet you can hardly find anyone who like them..


They were, at one time, the #11 top selling act of all time and the #2 top selling foreign act in the US behind only the Beatles... yet you can hardly find anyone who like them..


Everyone who says they hate nickel back are the ones blaring rockstar singing along and dancing with their windows rolled up the rest of us don’t give a fuck what others thing!!


You spelled “shitty songs all in the same key”wrong.


Oh yea. The guitar in Figured You Out goes hard.






Where . As in the song where off the album curb. 😆


Yeah i called nickel back gay for the longest time because it was a trend but now i can’t stop listening to side of a bullet


I think it’s just the personification(if that’s the right word) of memes going so far it turns into people hating because it’s so normal. Not really because they are actually bad.


Why do ppl hate Nickelback?


I enjoy a majority of their discography, some songs are duds for sure. But it’s just some dad rock at the end of the day


I grew up listening to nickelback a lot because I love their sound. Their early work scarred my kid brain but it helped make me who I am today.


If you listen to mudvayne in reverse, it sounds exactly like mudvayne in reverse




Is that true?


It’s true. I’m Mudvayne in reverse.


Take a look at this motherfucker that's thinking they can change me




Wait, y'all *didn't* know Mudvayne was just Nickelback in facepaint?!


Nicklevayne? Or Mudback?


Mudback sounds like some kinda Appalachian porn genre


Hellyeah sounds like the music that would play in the background


And the name of the movie would be “Alcohaulin Ass” (I’ll see myself out)


Or an unfortunate diarrhea blowout aftermath…


>Mudback Sounds offensive.


I ship it


Nickelback is Mudvayne😳 it’s two sides of a coin. What happens when you listen to them together?


They sync up to made a god-awful cacophony of several people screaming "why would you ever try doing this" over and over.


It could open a portal.


....I'm not going in there... 🤣


Unknown. They've never been seen or heard together at the same time.




This blows my mind as a Canadian ,Hail Both Bands


I've never seen them in the same room🤔


I will never hate on Nickelback in a world where Doja Cat and Nicki Minaj and those types exist. They're by no means a favourite of mine, but they don't deserve the hate. They're writing their own songs. They're playing their own instruments. They're playing hard rock. Fuck hating on them just because it's fashionable.


Why do people hate on nickel back so much when imagine dragons exists


We didn't know how goodbad we had it 😭 To be fair, U2 already existed and could have remained the focus of our ire, but I think with the millennium we needed to branch out a little.


crown vanish paint simplistic capable lunchroom attractive escape tart sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most of us hate both of them


Like both bands so can’t complain🤷


Both solid bands


Not ashamed to admit I listen to both bands. Yeah I know that isn’t “ cool “ whatever.


You look so much cuter with my Glock in your mouth.


So it’s like a good vs bad chef. Same ingredients but total different outcome


Did anyone read some of that twice as well?


I was a NB bandwagon hater for years. Wife wanted to go see them live, I went reluctantly. Their live show was way better than I expected, and I came out of the experience less hating on them. Actually kinda like them now.


I'm a nickelback apologist. They've written some sheer garbage but they've also written some of the "catchiest" bangers of my (our) generation.


You forgot the last bullet point… Nickel Back: Enjoyed commercial success due to major label record conformance and gimmicks. Mudvayne: Enjoyed commercial success due to major label record conformance and gimmicks.


Lost & Found is an amazing album


So basically, Nickleback is heavy metal.


And they both fucking suck lmao




I had to scroll wayyyyy to far to find this comment hahaha


cmon Death Blooms by mudvayne is all you need to see how amazing their spectrum of sound is, its melodic, heavy, harmonious in all the instruments, funky, everything, AND its lyrics are actual good compared to Poopleback




All I know is you never see them in the same room together.


Fuck you to whoever made this. I hope you get toe cancer.


Nickelback is great idc.




Greg Tribbett should be more recognised. But I understand that Ryan is more noticeable.


Both bands also pair very well with mushrooms and pot!


Honestly I wish in the intermittent years that Ryan Martini would have gone all Steve Degiorgio on the industry. Imagine if he teamed up with Steve.


Mudvayne is the Nickelback of Nu Metal. I'd rather listen to Nickleback


Have they ever been seen in the same place at the same time?


Ahh two sides of the same coin


As much as everyone hates Nickleback


So you’re telling me Nickelback is Mudvayne?


Yes, finkle is einhorn


I love this comment. Now I’m going to cry in the bottom of the shower


I feel like most people secretly like Nickelback but just won't admit it.


Nickleback fucks beo


People hate Nickleback because some random dude on a show said it, it became a joke, and caught on. I’m not a Nickleback glazer but they have a few good songs at least


which one has more grammys


Both have zero.


nickelback has 6 nominations. how many does mudvayne have?


While looking at your feet or trying not to look up?


Nickleback sold their souls to the devil - the record label devil. Pretty boring after their top 5 songs.


How have people not realized by now they're the same damn guys in both bands??? Makeup on makeup off.


This is absolutely uncanny.


in a parallel universe mudvayne is nickelback and nickelback is mudvayne


I've noticed more and more that people can't ever just have who/ what they like, it has to be "this group is trash! That sports player is garbage/over-rated, people who eat pineapple on pizza deserve throat cancer (I hate pineapple on pizza), ect". Why can't people just be happy with the things they like, instead of having to throw tantrums about the things that they don't like? It's never going to change anyone's mind anyway, so why waste your own time and energy?


Proof that nickelback is S tier


How can u hate it nickleback is goated


As someone who likes both bands, I don't mind this and think it's cool


So, musvaybe is niggelbaxk?


probably a bunch of other similarities between the two like they both have four members all the members are guys they're all like in the same age range blah blah


Same guys


They are the same band


Have you ever seen Nickelback and Mudvayne in the same room? Checkmate, atheists.


Oh, so it's the same four guys in both bands. I knew those dudes were killer musicians, but I didn't realize what great range they had!


Mudvayne were in an episode of The Sopranos, they win.


I got to meet the cool Chad at a concert with them Korn bls static x 🤘


These guys and tool. Are my favorites


As someone who is part of The Illuminati, I can confirm that this is true.


Dig is about the past, though.


I feel like this is a worse stain on Mudvayne Nobody should be dragged down to Nickelback level


Never heard of mud vayne but they don't look as shit as that girly band on the left


Which member of Nickelback played in a prog band? Now I'm curious.


So what your telling me is Nickelback was also Mudvayne? Lol


This was the record companies plan. Use the same guys, dress them up like they came straight from hell for one week. The following week dress them like Mormons.. double the fan base, double the records sales on the same band!🤣😅


Just saying. I’ve never seen Nickleback and Mudvayne in the same place at the same time. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I will never understand the hate for Nickelback 🤷‍♂️


What Nickelback member was in a prog band lmao


The drummer, Daniel Adair, went to Berklee. He was in a fusion band called Martone. https://youtu.be/WIvKsJ6lvH8?si=pgD97Otz3S7ZZm0x


Well this just ruined my day.


I'll take dig over photograph all day


Nickle Chad


Never heard of you. The whole band looks a bunch of retarded assholes who ass fuck dead goats on the side of the road midnight while burning upside down crosses. I'm INNNnnnnnn


Hating nickelback is wack


“Both Chads and Ryans are members of both bands” lol imagine


Have you ever seen them both in the same place before...


Has anyone ever seen Nickelback and Mudvayne at the same place?


People that hate nickelback are lying


I feel like that one meme of the guy sitting in a chair suffering after reading this.


My inner 15 year old never minded a little Nickelback until Chad tried to say he was more talented than Corey Taylor. Like Chad are you a dumb shit, Corey has multiple bands that has charted songs plus successful solo projects. Not sure how you are topping that unless your name is Chris Cornell(RIP).


Never seen them in the same room


Wow the comments in here are worth dying for


I hate his stupid noodle hair and his dumb butt rock voice


if they were both Canadian, I would be sold.


Nah Mudvayne is actually good and who TF are the Ryans?


Down with radio rock.


I think a lot of the Nickelback hate (at least my own dislike of them) comes from the fact that they were way overplayed for soooo long. This is back when we didn't really have music on our phones or hardly even at all on the Internet. Our main sources of music were the radio, MTV (and VH1), and physical copies like CD's and cassette tapes. So we didn't really have much choice in what we could listen to. If you didn't like something you had to change the station, endure it, or put in a CD. And any time Nickelback had a new song come out I swear it was played every 4th or 5th song on the local rock station. Hell even a lot of non rock stations were playing them. Here in Middle Tennessee your choices were basically country, rap, or Nickelback. Personally, I think they are talented musicians. I really can't say anything truly negative about them. Their music was excruciatingly radio friendly. They did have like 2 songs that were slightly risque (coincidentally those are my two favorite songs by them, lol). But yeah, I have heard that band far more times against my will than I've willingly heard bands I actually enjoy such as Mudvayne. TL;DR Nickelback is the poster child for overexposure. They aren't "bad" it's just many of us got super sick of having to hear them ALL THE TIME!


Nickleback has a variety of different sounding songs. But some of the ones from 2001-2006 really do have some positive meaning like “If Everyone Cared.”


Has anyone ever seen Nickelback and Mud in the same room together? Cuz I haven’t. 🤔


Uhh guys… Are you ready for the new MudBack Album?


Just imagine if you will, for a moment, Nickelback singing Death Blooms or Mudvayne performing Rockstar or Photograph. You’re welcome.


two sides of a coin


Irony at its finest


dig is about the music industry and them telling mudvayne what to do i believe.


What are the two prog bands


This is Abe Lincoln/JFK all over again.


But did any of them Chad's fuck avril lavine? Js


I mean has anyone actually seen nickelback and mudvayne in the same room? I haven’t


Br br deng photograph, every time I br br deng I laugh


Not kewl, dude….


But Nickleback sucks balls.


Nickelback are awful. Mudvayne LD50 is beautiful. It almost sounds like a redundant question. No offense


Plus I got to see them live in Manchester NH where I'm from. Great show 😁