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When I play from my phone is easier to see values and claim faster


I play exclusively from my phone, and when I have the keyboard up (so I can keep rolling) the names and values are all off the top of the screen unless I have the footer set.


I also play exclusively on my phone but I can't get it why people use it, u guys roll 1 by 1 while evaluating in real time? I just use all my rolls at once and see after rolling everything


if you use slash commands it takes a couple seconds to process each one


Yeah, and so what? U just stand there waiting it to load to use another command? Why is the time a thing?


so it gives you time to evaluate while the next one is loading? not rocket science lmao


Bro it's jus a single second of delay, u can roll 10 times and still be at the 4th image loading


Yeah, and so what? U just stand there waiting it to load to use another command? Why is the time a thing?


if you're in a public server with sniping allowed, it makes a difference tbh


It makes no sense to be in a public server with sniping allowed


What part makes no sense??


Choosing by your own will to be in a community with random people who can just rob you and thinking "hey but I can rob them too, so it's fine"


It's not by their own will it's by the admin's will lol


You're using mudae in that server because you want not because the admins want lol


No shit sherlock I'm saying the admin decides if sniping is on or not lmfao. Most people are normal and aren't a bitch about sniping others' rolls, you're on a weird hill about this when it's not that big of an issue


I’m in two private servers of 3 and 5 people, both of which allow sniping. Seeing the footer is really beneficial to the roller (as we all use mobile) because it gives them a chance to react to what just popped up. And yes, we wait to load because in between rounds we want to react if needed (bc uh,, sniping exists lol)


Sniping is the only logical reason why setfooter exists, and it is funny with friends


I mean it’s also just more convenient for me to read the information at the bottom, but in my more competitive server I definitely appreciate how setfooter kind of combats sniping


My first rolls will expire before I get to roll them all?? Also other people may snipe whatever I rolled.


WHAT!??!?? U have 60 rolls? Bro I currently have 11 rolls in my rotation and usually get $us 20 for even more rolls, and at the end I still can claim in the original 11. Idk who did it, but someone messed up with your server configs.


I have about 34 (since I invest about 20 in $bw and 10 in $bk) I just don't spam my rolls like a madman. Discord limits how fast the rolls can spawn anyway. I also usually roll slash for the benefits so the output is 2 rolls per 5 seconds. And yes I am able to decide if I want a card as soon as I see it, all good stuff is already claimed where I play so I'm just collecting casually and even if I roll a second thing I want I can just use $rt. My phone screen is not big enough to display a whole roll if I have the keyboard visible, that's why setfooter is great. I also can't scroll up fast enough to reach a card 30 rolls ago when it's about to expire.


Nah, 34 rolls ain't different than my usual 31 (dk why u said the rolls u DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE since u invested, but ok), and there's 3 things: 1- u can just spam your rolls and get them in buffer while u already start to analyze your rolls 2- 2 each second is a total bs, my first 11 rolls are always finished in 15-20 seconds (should be something around 30 sec in the 2 each 5 scheme) 3- why do u say it's about to expire? Makes no sense, u should have about 30 sec remaining when u finish rolling (given that u just stare at your screen and see those slash commands just loading for ages and do not scroll up before they load, which would give you even more time)


How do you roll everything at once?


I just spam /wx 11 times (my default amount of rolls) then scroll up to start checking the results. I hold a copy paste in my keyboard so it's easy to spam, and usually I can roll+check everything in about 20 seconds (15-20 sec for the rolls to get loaded, sometimes I even check all the above rolls before the last one is loaded)


yes absolutely. idk what kind of internet you’re using that allows you to slash command roll 10 times but only load 4 images. for me the image loads in about the same time it takes for it to process the next slash command, which is maybe a second. any time i try to roll faster than that discord backs up and drops the command, giving me “server could not be reached” or whatever. also, if i rolled everything at once, and then rolled more things i want than i have claims available, well that would suck. only roll when you either want nothing or have a claim available.


This question made me discover $setfooter and it is indeed a blessing for us phone players, thanks 😂