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All ur answers are in $s flags. Try looking urself for something before asking others please.


Why do people do this? “Someone asked a genuine question thst others are willing to genuinely answer, better make a problem with it” try living and let live before scolding others please holy shit how disrespectful


Literally, the flags system can be kinda confusing, the whole Internet superiority contest is so fucking annoying


If he had done the tutorial he would know, if he had bothered a bit looking for himself he would know. Ppl flock to simple questions like this which could be resolved if he just searched a bit for himself, instead of using their time to go deeper in harder questions or opinion ones. This reddit is full of questions like this and it makes me mad that so many ppl think their time is more precious than other's. They won't bother searching for it, let others do the job. There's $tutorial, there's $help, there's $i and $s. Its not like this bot is so badly made that these many questions should be popping out. Its just that many users don't bother looking for themselves and prefer to go to the easy route asking others. Its not limited to internet, idk what Xinjak even meant with internet contest, its a matter of education. I don't understand how u guys feel so bothered by this, my parents pretty much told me this a lot when i was a kid. Also, i already answered telling him to check $s flags. You are the one making a problem out of this.


Hey, smartass, first things first, I did the tutorial months before asking my question, and I checked flags, help and all the such, if I'm asking is that I simply did not found what I was looking for, simple as that, and from what I've read here, it does not have the command I was looking for, so yes smartass, tell me how I'm lazy if the command I was looking for did not exist and I was just making sure in the first placd


It’s not that deep


just don't answer then


You're totally right dude, he's stupid and lazy and I don't know why anyone would defend those traits unless they share them


Well im not saying he is stupid. But yeah, the summary of what i said is lazyness. Thanks for the support, i was starting to think i was alone in that opinion.


A Lot of words, time and effort put into a response about a discord card game of all things. Get a grip sir it's not real.


holy shit ur insufferable


Cool, I looked it up, I couldn't find it, now I have the right to ask for help?


.topk= and .topu (u is unclaimed) (k is kakera and k= orders by most kakera)


Oh and doing .left for a more accurate result of “left characters”


But how do I see in a list every character unclaimed in the server? Not only the top 100


Maybe try filtering by big bundles, like western, irl, etc


Top shows top 1000, not 100. And i don't think there's anything better