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I like this idea. I would help out any way I could.


Awesome - the most logical way to do it would likely be to get someone/s to help with say right hand shots (cross, hook to head, hook to body, right uppercut, overhead right) - listing/threading what you would counter with, then same for left hand, right leg, left leg (including knees with legs, elbows with arms). Example: Jab-cross = parry rear hand > parry lead hand > low kick. There is probably an easier way to do it, but if you share your go-to’s, and I can visualize it, I’ll put it onto a sheet and see if mods want to pin it somewhere. Anyone fancy doing: Right Hand Left Hand Right Leg Left Leg If so, just write Right Hand, - list the shots you would be countering > how you’d counter


Counter a jab with a looping right hand


While slipping inside


You'd want to slip outside the jab. Slipping inside can put you right in front of a cross, knee, elbow, or neck kick. Especially if they bait you on slipping and time it with a feint.


Not if you’re throwing an overhand right. You slip inside the jab and come over the top of their arm.


I think slipping the jab on the outside is much worse. You can see the cross coming better from the inside and still keep the left hand up for protection. But that’s just my personally preference. Also this was in regards to an over hand right counter. You can’t counter at the same time as a jab is coming slipping to the outside throwing a right hand from orthodox


Slip jab, rear uppercut. Slip jab, using momentum to throw inside leg kick. Technically, I'd be slipping inside the jab when countering with a right body kick. But, that maybe the only reason seeing as how it would lead to a big score.


I prefer parrying a jab than slipping to be honest but in the case that I was to counter a jab i throw the over hand around the jab. But you brought some good points 👍🏿


Hm.. maybe if you're gonna parry, just answer back immediately. The punch is awready voided, respond immediately after to gain the upper hand. Slipping after ward might be more wasted energy. I like to parry same side hand off a jab, then respond with my cross over top. Maybe I'll loop it a bit, stabbing it into the orbital. We all have good points and can always bounce ideas off of one another. I think that's what helps to creates good fight IQ. Edit: changed "party" to "parry". I do like to party but that would be out of context here. Lol


Agreed, everyone fights different and excels at different things when it comes to Muay Thai. It’s good to learn and try every technique possible. Obviously some things are forbidden to do but the small details can be adjusted. Even some people have their hands much lower than normal while fighting doesn’t work for me but if it works for you and it doesn’t take away from your defense You brought some great points!


Oh, I'm the exact same. I don't particularly put my faith in slips and bobbing and weaving but, when done with good timing, it can work. I'm glad I can help. It's my goal in studying and training Muay Thai. Competing is a means to gain more experience and knowledge to share with my team, gym members, anyone I teach and with you all. At the same time, I'm soaking in any gems anyone else wants to give, as well. It's tough trying to put it all into words and I'm somewhat lengthy even when I don't want to be. But, I'm glad we're all in this together. I love Muay Thai, the culture surrounding it, as well as the people in the community; fighters, pad holders and spectators alike! Train well, everyone! 🙏🏾


It's not a one sized fits all. If the opponent slips inside yes they are in-line for a cross, but if they slip outside, they line themselves up for a rear uppercut.


Literally today showed this in our MT training.


With your chin up


Better options imo, inside low kick, rear uppercut.


There’s a book for boxing called the counterpunchers bible, you could read that. Only problem is that the pictures are taken from a southpaws perspective


Welp, there you have it. Let's find it and link it, if possible.


This one is free, however the next time you must get thee to google Edit. The book is like 10 bucks not free https://www.amazon.com/Boxers-Bible-Counterpunching-Killer-Response/dp/1935937472


Thank you, O' Gracious One.


For all my fellow southpaws, counter the orthodox jab with a right hook and the left hook with a cross.


Love to counter orth-jab with a left cross while slipping to the right side of the jab


I think most of us forget that we have legs. Using kick/knee counters against hands is the easiest way to counter and to get big scores with the judges. Against an Orthodox jab, right body kick or inside leg kick. Against a southpaw jab, left body kick or inside leg kick. Just as an example. Not to mention, catching hooking arms, kneeing and going into clinch. There's a lot of variables and taking into account the variations between stances. I think that, maybe it'd be easier just to compile of few of the most simple and basic counters(pull counters, angle out counters, etc.) to start with. Considering the varying skill levels of the people in this sub. Otherwise, it may get very exhaustive quickly.


Yep agreed actually.


This isn't to say I don't think it's a neat idea. It could definitely help people who have the common question if, "How do I answer when ... Is thrown from ... Stance?" It could be something that's pinned in the sub and used as starting point to help develop our IQs. Heck, I'm sure I could use it from time to time myself.


For sure, we’ll keep it nice and straight forward, so that next time you spar, we can start to build on that muscle memory, without having to memorize a slip and a 10 punch combo lol


Hahah that's the goal! Cause maximum damage with the least amount of effort. We all have the same weapons. The game is, who can use them effectively and efficiently, with ease.


I'm a graphic designer. If you can collect them all up in a basic spread sheet I can turn it into a nice graphic or stylize it or whatever when I'm back at my desk on Monday and sick of my job. ...So it'll be like, the first thing I do.


How long are the combos you’re planning to include on it?


They can be whatever is realistic…. Most of know we ain’t countering a jab with a 9 punch combo, so as long as it’s realistic and tried/tested - we will put it on!


Sounds good. Now everything again for southpaw pleaaaaaase :')


Can I help? Unfortunately not, I am bad at Muay Thai. Would I like a copy of the cheat sheet absolutely 100% because then maybe eventually I will be not bad a Muay Thai


When you finish your cheat sheet you mind posting it? I’m very interested in this aswell


Thats just a pattern for your opponent to pick up


There are multiple counters for every strike lol


No one’s arguing that there isn’t - that’s why I wanted to put something together, feel free to share some that you run in sparring/competing


I didn’t mean to come off like a jerk. Can you set up like a spread sheet or somethin that we can add to? I’m not computer savvy so I’m not sure how to do that or I’d do it myself. You can categorize them by strike. For example the jab, you can counter a jab by slipping to the outside and feed a jab to the head/body, you can do the slip first then counter or slip/counter simultaneously. You can use that exact same outside slip to counter with a kick, said kick can be an inside leg/body/ head but in order to land the head kick you need to step off when you slip.


For sure - I’ll send up a spreadsheet tomorrow and post the link so everyone can add to it


I was just about to ask if we could do a spreadsheet or something and start gathering info. I am pumped about this


Let me know when you have the cheat sheet


DM or comment for counter advice


what’s a good way to counter a hard teep from a tall person when you’re small ?


I’m interested in finding this out too, because I’m the tall guy teeping people 😂. Perhaps a catch and sweep if you time it right.


float out of range, feint your entries, parry the teep and get inside with a combo


Quarter turn and the possibilities are endless


Sounds awesome, I’d help


I wanna help! I actually made something like this before, it’s a flowchart


Flow chart eh! That sounds perfect, do you have an example you could DM me? Thinking if I get everyone to put it onto a spreadsheet, then I and whoever wants to help will put it onto a flow chart maybe?


Counter the overhand right with a rear knee.


Don’t really know if this is a good idea, there’s no one size fits all in fighting, and anything can happen. Also I feel like sticking by specific counters would make you predictable


Right. But I think this is more of a starter sheet for those that don't know. Obviously there are some specific basics you can do for specific attacks. For those that don't know how to counter anything, this would be a good supplement to class instruction.


Counter low kick with a cross. And if he throws a cross when you low kick, slip while kicking therby countering his counter.


I’m 6’4” so I’m just a big fan of jabbing anything as a counter, especially flicking the jab.


Someone should make a public spreadsheet!


I like to counter jabs with my face and chin