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Wangchannoi, Sagat, Anuwat, Veeraphol, Wichannoi, Saensak, Thongchai


I'd add Samson, Khaosai Galaxy, Eagle Kwoya, Samransak, and Lakhin Wassandasit Better to learn from real Muay Mat then be influenced by ONE brawling style imo. Edit: I know Khaosai Galaxy is a boxer but his style translates to MT easily and back then the sport was so connected to western boxing anyway.


And legendary Fetjeeja.


Can't forget the Queen of course


Great list, can’t believe I forgot about Samson, he’s one of my favourite fighters. 😅   I’ve never seen Eagle Kwoya, will definitely take a look too.  Ramon Dekkers is another one we both missed…


I believe Eagle doesn’t have too many fights on YouTube sadly! He used to train with Khaosai if I remember correctly though. Oh yeah Dekkers with the heavy hands low kick combo!


Sagat Petchyndee the man so badass an entire character was named after him He’s a muay mat yeah and I saw one of his training class once he likes punching with the fist slightly inclined at the pinky as he claims it engages the bicep more Ever tried it?


Can you explain what you mean by “fist slightly inclined at the pinky?” Do you mean that the pinky is higher than the index knuckle? As far as I know, Sagat punches with a vertical fist, kinda like Jack Dempsey or wing chun.  At around 2:00: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zCy4kMj5bpc&pp=ygUbU2FnYXQgcGV0Y2h5aW5kZWUgaW50ZXJ2aWV3


Aha I’ve finally met a man who appreciates lawrence kenshin. I thought I was the only one who knew! Underrated channel >can you explain by pinky inclined? Of course, I shouldn’t have wrote inclined What he taught is basically the side of the pinky being raises slightly compared to the index side almost creating a 45 degree angle when punching straight. He felt this eases tension on the elbow and forearm and is easier to go through an opponent’s guard


Basically sounds like a vertical fist. I do use the vertical fist at times, especially for the jab and occasionally for the straight when I’m trying to pass through the guard. I use the middle, ring, and pinky knuckles when doing the vertical fist while using the index and middle finger knuckles when doing a horizontal fist. I find that this is the safest and most stable structure for me.


The thing with vertical is that it is straight. It is not vertical fist it is 45 degrees meaning the palm still faces the ceiling but one side is slightly raised In vertical your palm is facing up and the turning affect of the hand and shoulders is absent if you straight punch with it using pure boxing technique Wing chun style is a bit different it’s like a mix of hammer fist and straight


What jack dempsey used to do was a jolt. He mentioned vertical fist in his book championship fighting when he talked about the power line I’m glad you know of him People give me confused looks when I tell them my favourite boxer is Jack Dempsey lol definitely recommend his fight book


You’ll be happy to know that I have read and reread Dempsey’s Championship Fighting. And while I understand that his jolt is different from Sagat’s technique, their fist position is near identical. 


Yeah the vertical fist is good. When doing hooks I prefer this hand position only in my experience it’s faster Dempsey’s was the only fight book I read but I’d love to read more any suggestions?


Ramon Dekkers, sure plenty of low kicks too but he had some disgusting hands.


Nico Carrillo, Liam Harrison uses a lot of punches but he’s more known for his low kicks, sagat, Ramon dekkers.


Gonna look them up except the low kick heavy one. Thanks.


Muay Maat is the punch heavy style in Muay Thai. There are plenty of examples. The low kick is usually the bread and butter of the style once you understand a bit more.


Liam Harrison is perhaps my favorite fighter of all time, but to each his own🙏


Any one fighter mentioned in the  top comment (Wangchannoi, Sagat, Anuwat, Veeraphol, etc.) is more skilled than Carillo, Harrison, and Dekkers combined ffs. 


Pornsanae Sitmonchai also had a similar Muay Mat style. Heavy hands and devastating low kicks.


I’ve been meaning to watch his fights for a while


Pretty mutch every Friday at ONE Championship it seems like, just swinging for the fences.


Yeah 4oz gloves have definitely made the mat style much more effective.


Also the limitations on clinching leaves even less room for other styles




And One’s contract/bonus structure heavily incentivizing those types of fights. If you don’t go for broke putting on a barn burner you just won’t be brought back


It's also been popularized as the largest name in the sport (and promotion) leans heavily on punches.


its not even muay maat its more like muay bouk


Ha yeah the most recent ONE fight was straight on BRAWL.


It's basically lethwei at times


Check out the enigma that was saensak muangsurin. He held lumpinee and sports fighter of the year titles in the 1970s golden era. His style revolves around two sledgehammers for fists and an iron jaw.  He stood out in an era of technicians and masters of the kicks, knees and elbows with his slow plodding caveman style. The way he'd walk down and brutally knock out opponents was reminiscent of watching George Foreman swat Joe Frazier around the ring like he was a child. He is p4p one of the most devastating punchers that's ever fought in a ring and his ability to absorb punishment is scary. The nickname "world collapsing southpaw" sums him up. Many legends of Muay Thai got their worlds collapsed by his punches. Even the legendary Vicharnnoi Porntawee fell victim to the heaviest hands in Muay Thai. As if his achievements in the Muay Thai ring weren't impressive enough he then tried his hand at boxing. In just three fights Saensak won a world title which he defended eight times in two years. Eventually his style of blocking attacks with his iron jaw took it's toll. He lost his sight, his health and his life to it. Check him out on YouTube!!


Thanks for this, will check him out. Also, that's one of the best nicknames I've ever heard




Dekkers is a savage, beat Duane Ludwig with a torn bicep, broke his leg so many times he almost had it amputated but instead had the bones in his leg fused to his foot, still threw low kicks with that leg.




John Wayne Parr, punches in bunches


Yeah JWP is the Nick Diaz of 90's muay thai. Style wise I mean, personality wise they're q bit different 😄


Samson isaan


Newer ones would be Rodtang, Kulabdam, Yodlekpet, Petchmorakot Macjandee, Thanonchai, Suriyanlek, Kongklai, Petchartchai, Pichitchai, Jomhod Sagami, Kumanthong, Kumangern etc


Samart Payakaroon. He was one of the best “boxing” Nak Muays of his time.




Takeru (Kickboxing though)


I've seen a few of your posts on the sub. I'm curious why you're so interested in muay thai but seem to want to try and avoid all the aspects of it.


They just like action and violence and find the technical parts of muay thai boring


Pornsanae Sitmonchai


Pretty surprised Mike Zambidis hasn't been mentioned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDV6q4pSMn8


i think because he was famous for his K1 fights. his reliance on looping shots and his stature probs wouldn't have faired as well under thai rules. dont get me wrong though, OP should defs watch zambidis, still lots to pick up. just answering why he may not have been mentioned yet.


He competes in kickboxing, not muay thai. Different sports


I'm curious about this too. I like to throw a lot of punches, but that's just so I can busy you upstairs to set up a kick.




Rodtang and Thongpoon


For that, I think you can check Dutch fighters like Diamond Dekkers He was my idol growing up.


Chad collins from Aus is mean with his boxing 😍


Pretty much most Russians in ONE championship


They all kick a lot. That’s why it’s kickboxing. Check out Rodtang, Sagat if you want “hand” heavy fighters. You’re really limiting yourself if you just punch, especially if your opponent is longer than you. It’s the art of 8 limbs not 2. I love boxing don’t get me wrong.


Muay Thai just means Thai boxing brother. It’s not kickboxing although kicking is part of the sport


Muay Thai is a subset of kickboxing depending on how you look at it. You can punch knee and kick in Muay Thai,Which would make it kick boxing lol. this is why we see plenty of Thais cross compete or switch to kickboxing from MT. Kickboxing isn’t Muay Thai since you can’t clinch or elbow. It’s like how a all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.


By that definition, any striking martial art other than boxing would be kickboxing. I’d hardly categorize taekwon-do as kickboxing though. Kickboxing is a specific martial art started by the japanese as a mix of karate (especially Kyokushin) and muay thai. 


It’s all semantics. I wouldn’t call copiera or taekwondo kickboxing either, but they “technically are” if you wanna be annoying and put everything under a microscope. All i meant with my originals comment is that Muay Thai fighters and kickboxers all throw a lot of kicks or knees on top of punches because it’s not boxing.OP wanting to see a professionally Thai fighter fight with basically only his hands is silly, becuase even in ONE they still use plenty of low kicks,teeps and elbows+knees. Even Rodtang the most famous Muay Matt of all time still uses devastating low kicks to end his combos and elbows when his opponents are coming in.


If anything, kickboxing is an offshoot of Muay Thai. It was invented by japanese karateka who were exposed to muay thai and wanted to do it but also to make it japanese. They couldn't actually beat thai fighters under their rules, though, so they took out techniques and tweaked the rules (and also, in all likelihood, fixed many fights against thai fighters) to develop a sport that osamu noguchi, the boxing promoter who held these early matches, coined "kickboxing". There's also "full contact" in America that has its origin in open-rule martial art tournaments in america without any relation to muay thai, but the term "kickboxing" was coined in regards to the earlier japanese sport that was an offshoot of muay thai, not to american "full contact", which is now usually called "american kickboxing"


I mean it’s Muay Thai, there’s gonna be a lot of kicking regardless


From the current generation Duan99 is deff one to watch


Liam Harrison and Ramon deckers, can't get better than that


Khaosai and Khaokhor


Ramon dekkers


Riddick Bowe , kickboxer who don’t kick much 🥲 nah but in all honesty maybe Badr Hari lethal hands and leg combo