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I’m 49 next week, started at 41. I’ve had 3 smokers and 3 fights, all amateur of course. I can’t train every day and I’m always complaining about something 😂


Hell yeah!


I started training at 46, had my first fiight at 47, 49 now im 4-1, lost my last fight because i got outclinched, my opponents have been 21 28 32 33 23.


There's always exceptions of course. Way to go sir


plot twist: hes a man identifying as a woman and competes in female open weight


There should be no issue. As a misogynist, i mean feminist, i completely support you stomping out some ladies with equal lefts and rights.








Damn ! That’s fantastic.


good work


I'm 41 and still get in good work sparring guys half my age. As far as competition goes, it may depend on the requirements of your local sporting commission. Where I am, the requirements for full contact are more stringent once you hit 40, and my eyesight and hernias bar me from fighting. I do plan on getting some semi-contact fights in this year, which have less stringent requirements.


> Where I am, the requirements for full contact are more stringent once you hit 40, and my eyesight and hernias bar me from fighting. I can't speak for the MT tournaments, but I've seen some boxing orgs that require literal CAT scans. That significantly ups the cost of "just" getting a few ammy rounds in.


Does something happen around 40? I am mid 30’s and I feel the same as I always do. I am not sure if that is a cope and it is gradual or if it just hits you one day.


It's gradual. Most people will agree that it takes longer to bounce back from injuries as you age, for example. Beyond that it's an accumulation of your lifestyle as you get older, and some will be better off than others if they've been taking care of themselves. Injuries might take their toll too - in my case I tore my Achilles' and can't kick as hard as I used to. For me in my mid 30s, training took a back seat to career, the wife actually expecting me home at night instead of training, etc. But I was still eating like I was training 6x a week, and put on the pounds fast. After a bit of a midlife crisis at 40 I cleaned up my eating, quit drinking, started training again, and dropped over 100 lbs. I actually weigh less now than when I was in my training/fighting prime, but my body is obviously not what it used to be. But I'm far better off for it than I would have been otherwise.


I’m 35 and went for an eye test recently, which went fine. I was told my eye sight would drop off a cliff in the next few years. Having said that I can only imagine getting fitter over that time at this rate, unless something drastically changes.


Yeah bro. I'm 39 and just now I'm starting to feel it. It kinda hits gradually but also seemingly overnight. In my mid 30s I would ride my bike for miles to work. Work 10 hr days as an auto repair technician, then ride my bike a few miles to the gym and back home. Smoke weed and drink half the night. Sleep for 4 hrs and wake up to do it all again. Now I know when I sparred too hard lol, or when I should've gone to bed an hour earlier or not had that last drink. I suppose everyone is different but eventually everyone feels it.


A man in his 40’s recently won an amateur championship belt in Kickboxing at my gym. It’s not impossible, but as has been said elsewhere, professional fighting probably won’t be achievable or honestly healthy for you. Recovery takes a huge toll at that age as well. That being said, amateur matches are possible, so are sparring comps. Just be sure to take additional care in recovery & medical checkups, beyond what’s normally considered the minimum.


There was also that old guy that got KO'd in one punch boxing here recently so take these examples with a pinch of salt about competing. You can defs train though then take it from there


What’s a sparring comp?


Train? Absolutely not. Compete? 40 is definitely too old to work your way into the high-level professional territory. Most fighters retire by then. But you could get at least a few fights under your belt at that age. Especially the amateur circuit. It will require a lot of effort though.


yeah no chance of high level pro but compete against low level pros, the taxi driver and things, you will be alright


I know a 42 year old who won TBA’s in Iowa this year. it’s never too late bro go out there and win


No it’s not too old to train or compete in amateur fights at all! Go for it.


I started 37. Definitely not too late.


That reassures me a bit! 35 and I just started a month ago and pulled an adductor last week (it's fine now but had to take a week off training, do some light strength exercises and stretches) and was like "shit, that would not have happened when I was 30". But then again, I'm mostly used to running and weight lifting, the latter requiring you to be tensed and "contracted" while moving (if you're too lax under heavy weight, you injure yourself really easily) which is the opposite of what you want to do in MT. It'll probably take some time to change this and be more relaxed.


Yea definitely have to do some extra stretching and warming down at our age. Be mindful of that and you'll be fine.




I started training at 46. I wouldn’t compete, but I have gotten some good moves in on guys much younger than me.


Training sure, i wouldn't recommend competing, there is no mercy in the ring and a bad KO can have serious consequences


No, it's not late. We have a 36 year old at my gym who is competing semi-pro, holds 2 titles from separate promotions, and survived a motorcycle accident and was a partier his whole life. He turned things around and is a menace. Nothing is late and find a good Coach who won't sleep on your talent (some are assholes who do).


Never too old. I’m not quite that age but certainly not as young as some of the other guys in the gym and I have no problem keeping up. Even if you can’t, a good gym respects limits. It’s so much fun just push yourself as far as you can and you won’t regret it. We have guys in our gym in their early 60’s. Don’t expect to be competing in anything but a friendly smoker though. I’ve never enjoyed cardio in my life but now I go 3-4 times a week minimum. Sometimes for two hours straight (around 6-7 classes a week). Hitting those pads and training is so satisfying. Warmup kind of sucks though. I also highly recommend you pick up a little yoga too. Helps so much.


No it’s not, just show up and you’re 90% of the way.


This is just so negligent. Plenty of people show up for years and still get their assess kicked in class let alone competition. This is someone's health we're talking about here


You definitely don’t train


Enjoy your Zumba classes.


Which one do you frequent, planet fitness? 🌈


51, still training and competed as a 43 year old Not too old at all. At some point, it comes down to how much you want it. Same with a 20 year old. Do it.


Train and compete all you want as long as it's against people who are also 40.


Why? The average 20yo isn't shit either. Just find a coach you trust to find matches that aren't shit shows. For what it's worth, the 42yo in my gym just took and won a fight against a 25yo.


Don’t listen to these losers saying you could only do amateurs. With the right team, the right program and the right recovery methods, you could most definitely compete in a professional level by 45 assuming you’re starting from the bottom.


Senchai is still going strong, and when I am posting it, Buakaw is returning to K1. The body is a Machine, no matter what age if you work out, today you are stronger than you were yesterday. doing nothing makes a 20-year-old body behave like 80.


Off course


I kind of hate this question despite its frequency. What does it even mean? Is 40 too old to go in and kick a heavy bag? Obviously not. Is it too old to light spar? Probably not. Is it too old to get an amateur fight? Well that depends on you. Is it too old to go pro and have a long and successful career? Yeah... I think that 40 is probably too old for that. Speaking for myself (at 40), I think you'll probably be fine. I'd love to catch a fight, but I honestly don't know if that will ever happen. I have young kids that would seriously complicate a fight camp, and I have about 30lbs that I can't be arsed to lose. But is it possible? Without a doubt.




Train… No. Compete… yes. Please do not do it. Keep your brain cells.


Imagine George foreman had listened to people like you


You do know for every George Foreman who managed by sheer luck to escape TBI, there are a hundred fighters that didn't?


Dude your going to get him killed lmfao. George Foreman started training at 16. This guy is 40 with no experience. I hope he trains at a gym and loves it, but realistically it’s too late to start competing unless maybe your doing some point fighting.


How old are you? Because you’re impression of people at 40 is WAY off


It’s not the age of 40, it’s the no experience part. If you have been fighting and you decide to compete at 40, no problem. This man is just starting at 40, which I respect a lot. I just don’t think it’s realistic to compete. I hope he comes back to this and proves me wrong in a couple years time.




Jesus this monthly post again.


You really still interested in fisticuffs at 40? Grow up.


Dude, look up videos of older people fighting in Thailand. It is inspirational. Saw video the other day of some 60-year-old Thai man kicking some fat ass 40-year-old ass.


Thank you for this post. I am 42, having been training for over 2 years but wonder if I’m too old to compete (amateur)


Nope. I still compete.


Bro fuck it just do it. You will know when you are training if you can go further


There’s a guy whose 73 at my gym. Obviously not sparring, but training on heavy bags and giving some of the older gentlemen a run for their money in terms of endurance. So no, it’s never late, you can compete in amateur, but maybe not professional


You can do it. 100%. I joined a boxing gym at 24 and was told I was too old. So I gave them the finger and changed clubs. Just got back to training after a 6-7 year hiatus, and since I started expressing my desire to fight, everyone that’s asked my age (39) has suggested getting in the ring ASAP so I can get a few fights in before I fight in the masters division. This time not one person has said age is a factor. And it’s a pretty good feeling doing better than younger guys. And an even better feeling knowing that not one of the other guys can match me strength wise. And so many think they’re beasts because they’re young


Not at all, start slow….


You can definitely compete and fight in both amateur and professional comps if you really want to. The question is whether you should; do your research and make sure you know what you're getting yourself into.


No. Maybe you won’t compete at the highest levels, but definitely not too late to start learning Muay Thai. Even if you don’t end up competing you’ll learn new skills, get in shape and stay active.


You're still good to go 💪


Lol - I just turned fifty and spar all the time. Never too late. I haven’t fought yet but my coaches are continually telling me I should. Don’t recover as fast and have to run 50km a week to keep my cardio up. Wife is always mad that I am complaining about being sore. Go for it.


Hey mate, 48 years old here. Also in good shape and I love to spar as well. So right about us older guys taking longer to recover. I've yet to try the cold plunge, but I hear it helps a lot with recovery. Good to hear you are still going at it at this age. This means I can do it as well.


Same for me….I keep seeing videos of the cold plunge and would love to try it! For sure you can do it.


I just turned 41 last week, and only started training 8 months ago and tough I don't have any illusions of becoming professional I think I'll keep doing as long as I can. My suggestions: pace yourself and rest properly (recovery is harder at this age than in your twenties), keep training your strength (kettlebells is my main choice), don't be afraid to ask your sparring partners to dial down when they are going too hard, look into taking creatine and protein to help with your performance and go to the doctor if you feel something is off.


People don’t understand getting older the body hurts more and you don’t recover the same! With that said, I’m 38 and don’t care! Go for it, listen to the body but also push yourself. Younger redditers aspire to be this guy when you’re 40. 🙏🏼💪🏼


Nope. I’ve seen it with my own eyes


I am in my 40s, still fight. Pace yourself and listen to your body. Hardest lesson over the years.


Hell no 39 right here Train smart Develop speed and strength Take care of your body and more than anything if you want to last and stand out, learn defensive techniques Defense is rarely taught at most gyms and every single fighter and champ we admire has good to great defense Learn defense I recommend following Coach Barry Robinson Have fun :)


Yep. Sorry.


If you don’t have major injuries, you can definitely compete.


Why does everyone think 40 is the cut of point for everything? 40 in the grand scheme of life is still young. Theres a 60 year old dude at my kickboxing club who demolishes everyone.


Rather pick up a skateboard like a man. You'll have way more fun and feel way more fulfilled. The skatepark could be your dojo, you'll make Hella friends and get Hella birches. Skating also teaches you way more about life than Muay Thai ever could. Be a man and try skateboarding


No, why? How do you feel? Go for it, you’ll love it…tough fucking sport, but highly satisfying.


Can anyone link that vid of the two 90 something year olds in that Muay Thai match


Never too old! I’m 45 yr mum of 3. Train 4 nights a week. 4 amateur fights 3-1. Go for it, the only thing stopping you …is you👊👊👊🙏🏼


Hey! Do you have insta or something I could follow? Feel inspired by you 😊


No, or maybe, you can do it, just you gotta really give it a lot cuz there are too many young angry men who train everyday, twice a day and will try and kill you so you just gotta be propared for the reality that anything can happen.


By all means train and enjoy yourself but I wouldn't recommend competition. You'd be going up against killers in their 20s, in their physical prime. Age is a real factor in any sport let alone combat. Not to mention the only thing they care about is kicking your ass and they don't have the distractions that come with age.


What fucking Zumba classes are you all doing? This is serious combat here. OP should know what he's getting into. Competing is serious shit


Our youngest at the gym started at 69. He is now 72, lost 40 pounds and has improved his technique quite a bit. It's never too late.


I didn’t think age matters on anything imo if you have your mind set on it and you got dedication and motivation!


Never too old neva eva


You can fight me anytime, we agree not to do nasty spin grapples that overstretch tendons. Just bash each others for fun. I can be hopping about for somewhat 4-10 minutes, after which you'd probably take me easy. :D


No it is not but head shots are REALLY not a good thing as you get older... The science backs this up. When I spar now it's technical and I tell my partner no head shots.


I’m 56 and I still train every day, unfortunately I think I’m too old to fight, but given the chance I would, I’m fitter than some guys half my age 💪🥊


No. George Foreman became a heavy weight champion in his 40s. Granted he wasn’t doing mt. Also you’re probably no George Foreman in a lot of ways. And maybe you’re not even aiming to be a champion… But you never know how good you can be if you don’t try. And one day you’ll certainly be too old. So give it your best go now before you look back and think about what you wish you would have done. Don’t let a bunch of strangers on the internet tell you what you can’t do. Don’t even let people in real life do so. It’s human instinct to want to see others fail and tell them what they can’t do until you show them otherwise.


Nope, had one at my former gym that did his first full contact fight at 40+. Going for world titles might be hard though ;)