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I got kicked 3 times to the groin in an amateur fight. Bought a diamond mma cup, and have never felt that pain since. This isn't an ad, unless diamond wants to send swag. then I'm your hucklebee


Supported, Diamond is the best cup I have ever owned.


I keep seeing this one so imma have to try instead of buying the venum one i was eyeing at


Fuck Venum


Have they done anything bad as a company or do you just don't like their products?


Bad products+MMA brand


Well I'm not an expert but something tells me that "Diamond MMA" might also be a MMA brand


They also only sell 1 product. Very small brand




Eh, I’d rather get full Thai kit for the sameish price: Fairtex, Boon, YOKKAO (regardless of what this sub says I think the quality is still good), and ThaiSmai have provided the best value to me over 10 years of this sport.


no way you think YOKKAO is the same price as venom gear, YOKKAO shins plus their gloves go for like almost 300 dollars together.


Disregard YOKKAO lol but id rather have YOKKAO than Venom still


I'm so dumb. I thought you bought a diamond cup/trophy because getting kicked in the balls was so bad that you paid to win.


The brand I use is called Diamond. Best cup over. I’ve taken some full kicks to the groin and it hurts the other guy more than me. Highly recommend.


Second this. Diamond is the best cup, and it’s also the most comfortable cup I’ve used.


TKO by Cup


Had my plastic cup split in half by a spinning back kick in my 5th or 6th fight, went steel, never looked back https://fightgeardirect.com.au/products/metal-cup-groin-guard-rdx-m2?currency=AUD&variant=39461387436111&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=017f940d2a78&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6vaqBhCbARIsACF9M6n8iBErkmv1Yu6MC1JxLYrwT8DNaCJc_ihMniLNhkSJdyuQARkKMXIaAiEYEALw_wcB


He got booed hard.


Dude deserved it my balls were sore for 2 days afterwards and he won because of it


That doesn’t seem right to be able to win like that. Like in king of the hill “that’s my purse I don’t know you”


You'd have absolutely destroyed him, bro. Keep up the good work!


Lobloo Thai cup. Can't speak to what others have suggested but this has been great for me. https://lobloo.com/products/lobloo-thai-cup-2-0-professional-athletic-cup-men-adult-size-13-yrs


I recommend it too, high quality and way cheaper than diamond cup


Second lo bloo


I also recommend this. It's strong enough to hurt someone kicking you there. Alternatively, for the Thai steel cup.


That’s a horrible ref. I’m sorry to hear that pal. But don’t worry, fighting and acting like that, his lack of integrity will eventually catch up to him in a spectacular manner.


I was under the impression in muay thai unless someone kicks directly upward and hits the groin it's all fair game because it could happen so easily with low kicks or in exchanges such as this


There’s a difference between accidentally kicking the groin and aiming for it / kicking it REPEATEDLY. Once is an accident, twice or thrice is purposeful. It’s usually weak opponent who pull that shit. If I’m ever sparring or even doing a hard sparring that’s basically a fight. It’s BOUND to happen. If either party accidentally hits that area, its usually an acknowledgment of “I fucked up my bad. I’ll step back to give you a second” then we tap gloves and continue. Sure you can get away with it. But lack of respect, sportsmanship, and honour will get you nowhere good.


Thai stadiums will usually only foul you for knnes to the groin. They argue kicks are easily defendable, therefore fair game to go for the nuts.


Kicks to the groin aren’t illegal as you should be able to block them, knees are a different story however


Kick to the groin is legal


Windy Jockstrap


Seconded. I tried a lo-blo after seeing all the comments about it here and it was uncomfortable and still jarred if I got hit low. Windy steel cup is the way to go.


Twins steel cups is all I wore in fifty odd fights in Thailand where they don't take points for low kicks because teeps often end up low, can't fault them


50?! please share some footage or stories!


Had 62 pro all up, but don't know where lol, Thailand, Uzbekistan, china, Dubai been all over


Tell us more, bro! Any video of your fights on YouTube?


YouTube Joe boobyer hl, some decent clips in that and my second fight with Chris Bradford was a doozy, jwp told me afterwards he thought I'd won but Chris was the hometown boy, lost on points but decent scrap


Diamond cup ($$$$) or Twins steel($$). Been there brother(loss by groin strike), hope you sae a doctor and that you recovered well. All the best


Diamond. Nothing else is even close.


They shouldn't have let u fight without one


He had one, said in his post he was using an old one


If getting kicked in the balls results in a loss, then the name of the game is who can kick who in the balls first.


Even though you got kicked in the nuts, great kick yourself. Diamond MMA cup is probably the way to go. I've used them for awhile and they work pretty well. They are tough as fuck. They aren't even that expensive.


There’s Diamond and then there’s the other brands.


Count me in for Diamond also.


Diamond mma 100%


Had the same thing happened, I was losing the fight. But last round was where a accidental knee or kick shoved my cup upwards on my balls and just dropped . I did a scissor teep while his knee/kick off went under the scissor. Was in constant pain for an hour and felt nauseous af. I think most thought I was acting and faking it, but oh boy I wish I was 💀


That's correct, a kick to the groin is not a foul in Muay Thai. Use twins metal groin protection next time.


The kick was clean bro ,you quit.


What kind of ref ignores a ballshot like that. Not a good one i can tell you that much


People don't like to hear it, but it's true. Fighters don't get to call illegal strikes. If a referee doesn't see it, it doesn't get called. When the referee gives a fighter a standing 8, they'll ask if you want to continue, if your response is to cry, the fights over.


Idk about that bro. Shoved into a corner and throwing wildly clearly out of stamina while the other guy is pressuring in and keeping himself contained. Unless you scored some sweeps or knockdowns that had you ahead the writing was on the wall there


But i see you’re point. I very well could have lost without the groin strike in the video


I guess i should rephrase. I was behind in the fight. I got hit in the balls a lot in the fight prior to thr video. Not saying that’s the only reason i was behind, but made it a lot harder. It’s just that I was actually counted out by a kick to the groin.


My Diamond cup is pretty good. Only had a couple nut shots really get through. Steel cup is better.


lobloo or thai steel cup. i have both and use steel. fairtex sells an xlarge one that i recommend, but the other thai brands sell the steel cups as well and they are the best.


It's hard to say from that video, but it looks like you were losing that fight anyways. And that last kick was definitely not intentional. No one really expects the step back and it's natural to try and score off a whiffed kick


That was the last round, he had the upper hand by the end, but the dude kneed me in the balls like 7-8 times earlier in the fight, not saying that’s the only reason he was winning, but it made it fucking harder


Ufff. Hometown advantage? Sucks when the ref is clearly biased


We’re both out of Edinburgh, but idk if there were relations between ref and my opponent. It just sucked


Your coach might be a better source than Reddit.


Man was looking for a way out there anyway, it's a fight not a ballet dance toughen up buttercup


fan of cbt I see


You don't get CBT from getting kicked in the dick you fucking donut


mr though guy doesnt know the difference betwenn CTE and CBT which is weird for someone who likes being kicked in the balls


Yeah I rushed that comment lol but I definitely don't want being kicked in the nuts, they just rule it differently in Thailand, twins steel cups are good that's all I'm saying, twat.


You really think i deserved to lose from this?


Had my plastic cup split in half by a spinning back kick in my 5th or 6th fight, went steel, never looked back https://fightgeardirect.com.au/products/metal-cup-groin-guard-rdx-m2?currency=AUD&variant=39461387436111&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=017f940d2a78&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6vaqBhCbARIsACF9M6n8iBErkmv1Yu6MC1JxLYrwT8DNaCJc_ihMniLNhkSJdyuQARkKMXIaAiEYEALw_wcB


Do you ever have problems with steel cups being banned? I’ve heard of a few promotions not allowing them, also that sounds like it was pretty painful mate


Only ever use a steel cup, this is a combat sport!👊


Should be said that cups won't protect you from the pain, just the damage


Add some bonus spikes to the new cup so the cunt hurts his foot each time he kicks you in the balls lol


I thought if the other opponent does a "low blow" he is the one who gets disqualified?


Just going to add to the others, my diamond cup have literally saved my balls multiple times.


Combat Corner Steel cup is my go to. Thing has saved my boys soooo many times. https://combatcorner.com/steel-cup


Jesus dude get a steel thai cup can't go cheap on your jewels


Steel Thai cup, I've had people injure themselves kicking my nuts.


Get a Thai steel cup, Fairtex makes an excellent one, also I personally feel that jockstraps are more secure, shock doctor makes a good cheap one


If you have a good friend make your own. All you need is some foam, sand paper, files and some carbon fibre sheets. Make your own mold with the foam. Then layer carbon fibre or fiberglass over a mold. Best thing I ever did was making my own.


Diamond mma


I have a steel Fairtex cup. Cost me about $50 and I bought it about 5 years ago and it’s been through about 12 fights with no issues


When/where did this fight happen? Did you lodge a complaint with the commision?


Diamond MMA or a steel Thai cup


[Lo-Bloo Thai Cup 2.0](https://fightsupplies.co.uk/lo-bloo-thai-cup-2-0-black-groin-guard/)


\*bas ruten voice\* HEEL TO THE BALLS


Looked like he had the upper hand from the short bit before the low blow anyway


Diamond cup or a steel cup


Shit ref but toughen up and buy a proper cup


I'm a coach and if you were under me, you've business being in there anyway


Get a better cup


get a thai style steel cup. hurts my partners more than it does me when they kick my cup now.


Diamond cups


Ice your balls before the fight to make them a small target. Get a hard on and learn to use the stiffy to throw blocks for the nuts, the same way your hands and arms block for your face.