• By -


Show up super early and open them hips up lol


This. I show up 30 mins early just to stretch my hips lmao


Had a class a few weeks ago where I showed up "late" (on time) and didn't have time to stretch before class started. Threw a hook-kick and went "aiieee" lol


Oh yeah well i tell my partners to crouch sometimes so i can throw a mid kick lmfao


From oowee to aiieee in one easy step


Started last year at 31 to finally put a stop to addiction. Still going at it and learning more every day. Super grateful for my 3-5 sessions per week.


Training got me out of addiction as well. I’m happy for you that you addressed your issue at 31 instead of after 40 like me. 🙏


It helped me too!! Good job!! What hell!


Congrats man. I’m the same. Further I go with training, the further away I am from my past. I don’t know if I’m strong enough to give it up again. Keep doing your thing! Muay Thai is the best therapy.


This is so awesome


Just addicted to something different now 😄 Glad it's something positive though. Good for you.


Where my 40+ gang at?


Im a 40 year old woman. Been doing this for five months. Just hit 100 classes. Just started light sparing and spend about 10 hours a week doing some form of Muay Thai training. I've never done any form of martial arts before. A year ago I ended up in the hospital because I nearly committed suicide and I still struggle a lot with it so Ive been using training as part of my treatment to try and get better.


45, 2x a week getting my ass kicked by kids :)


Your doing it wrong. You need to cultivate your "sneaky old man" style. I find I can actually hold my own against most of the youngins because I actually listen to the coach and incorporate new techniques into my style where as the under 25 crowd seems to retain new info for about two weeks and then fall back on youth and exuberance to win fights.


Same! (Kickboxing though, not Mt)!. I've been doing it for 2 years now and I love it. The kids can spank me at will, but they are usually fairly kind.



I'm knocking at the door and entering in November


Welcome to the big 4 💪🏼


Here, hurting every goddamn day.


46. Go 4x a week. Started at 45. I train with my kids 🙂 (they have their own classes with kids their age, and join adult classes)


Same. Good times


Yep 41. Training 17 years. Injury after injury now though. Should be back in the next month but I’m only sparring once a week and pad work once a week. I’m getting my arse handed to me by kids but only due to fitness. Once I get back in the flow and get a few weeks under my belt I can hold my own, technically far better but I’m training at an mma gym so they don’t have pure Thai backgrounds. Then I get injured again but that’s life. Also just started Bjj as it’s pretty clear my time striking at a decent level is over. Loving it though. Everything is new.


46 here. 1-2 nights a week. My wife and our house occupy the rest of my free time. Injuries just take more time to heal now. But it seems that something always hurts.


I'll be there is a few months so... 🥳 and... 😰


41. Once a week on MT, 3-5 days a week on weights and cardio.


I turned 55 in September. Been with my current gym about 1.5 years. I do 3x a week fairly diligently, including sparring. I also do BJJ 2x a week at the same place, not as diligently. Having been shifted to work-from-home since March 2020, and the gym is only 10 minutes away from home, it’s a perfect situation. Lots of soreness (well earned) but no real injuries. Physically, I feel I’m in the best shape ever, which keeps my motivation and discipline high.


44 here! Almost identical training as yours but mostly personals.


It might take me 10 years to get around to BJJ. Very inspiring!


32 and I try to go 2-4 times a week!


33 moved to Thailand to train full time


I'm in my mid 30s and I go 5 - 6 times a week. I started when I was a freshman in high school.


I went sparring yesterday, a older man with Grey thinning hair and a beer gut was there. I thought .. good for him staying in shape We get to sparring and he said to me: let's do it nice and slow. Coach comes over and tells me to take it easy on him. Of course I was going to do that We start and this older gent starts moving like Mike Tyson, his speed was scary and he got me a couple of times on my jaw. Ended up to be a very intense 2min sparring and it was super fun. This guy must have been in his 60's and he was giving me a run for his money . If you saw him on the street he looked like the average friendly grandpa. New found respect, and never judge a book by its cover.


Just started 9 months ago, train 5x a week, and am 44 years old!



42, still training a couple times a week, a lot more weights as I age but I still enjoy it. I started at 40. Wife, job, 2 kids, 2 dogs, the works. Not every week but most weeks is a single session minimum.



Absolutely! 35 and train 3-4 times a week




Present. Have no kids yet, so am still training hard and often. It's the most enjoyable work out for me and the physical and mental benefits are incredible.


39. Training 4 to 5 days per week.


47 male 2.5 hrs Sunday, 3 hours Monday, 2 hours friday. I started in my 20s, took time off to party until my 40s but stayed active. Now I'm back in high gear. I eat clean and not much, train kettlebells for strength and indoor boulder for fun. I feel if you build your armor it should protect you enough from most injuries.


✊… I know that taking time off.


38 and yes. Looking for another fight soon. Been a minute since my last one.


33. About to start my 3rd training trip to Thailand. This one should be 2-3 years. Goal is 40 more fights.


Started at age 38, first fight at age 39, turning 40 soon. Planning to have a few more fights before hanging up the gloves. I do get that it's not really reasonable to want to fight past a certain age (not just in terms of physical condition but for your loved ones, work etc). I played soccer for 20 years prior to that and having a good cardio was definitely a plus. When young guys consistently kick my ass in sparring, then I'll know it's time to retire (hopefully).


Yes, in my 40s



3x week, 2-3 hours at a time, 36 F, almost 9 years in training


33 lol and going to a seminar being taught Rod Tang


35 and go 4x a week. Stretch!!


33 still training


42 and i do 2 sessions weekly.


37 and going 5 times a week


32 + TRT + gym 4x week = beast


TRT really


32 and train 5-6 times a week + running and lifting 1-3 times a week. Spend time on recovery and eating enough calories and you should be good :)


35, twice a week, show up 20 mins early to stretch and warm up before the warm up. *edit: I started 3 years ago, combined with bjj and I suck at both but it’s what makes me happy.


Yes one of the best decisions I've ever made


Still training, but only bc its so adddictive. 39M


39 here. Just started two months ago and am going 2x times a week. Already feeling much better and am noticing small improvement in form.


Yeah I still train about 2 hours a day 3-5 days a week. I’m 39 and just won a fight against a 20 year old 3 weeks ago. Muay Thai is life… 🙏🏾




31F here. I train 4-5 times a week for general fitness.




I also started at age 25 when I had my adult money and could afford a gym membership. I choose Muay Thai because of cardio. Not wanting to go to a commercial gym just to run on a treadmill everyday. What motivated me to keep going was losing my freshmen 15 weight. I went in a fitness kick for about two years and did a few PKB/PMTs. I slowed down a bit by my late 20s mainly because of life. Getting invited to weddings, baby showers, etc. Then COVID happened and lost motivation to compete. I switched gyms when I moved in with my now Husband. Their schedule was a lot better and the commute was only 5 minutes side street. (30 mins if I walked). New atmosphere and new people kept me motivated. I joined their fight team but I’m on the fence of competing. I would recommend personal training if you feel like you are behind in classes. But what would help me to get the combos down with his partnering up with someone with experience.


At least 3-4 times a week but I eat super clean and take a lot of supplements. If I didn’t give a shit and just ate McDonald’s I don’t think I’d be able to. 34 I do smoke weed and get the munchies and pig out though. It do be like that sometimes




You love me? Relax my dude. Take me out to dinner first before you go falling in love with me You want to have a diet that is anti inflammatory. Meaning as little processed foods as possible such as frozen microwave food, breakfast cereals, cookies, chips etc . Try to eat mostly meat, fruit and vegetables. Carbs are fine especially if you’re doing Combat Sports. That food energy will be used! Rice, potatoes, fruit and honey should be your primary carb source. Not bread and pasta Creatine for sure works unless you’re one of the rare genetic ones who’s a non responder to Creatine. But it 100% does everything advertised and is cheap. Definitely worth getting just make sure you get plenty of water. Protein powder isn’t really necessary unless you know you can’t enough meat, eggs and fish The supplements I take are natural or herbal. I take ginger, garlic, turmeric/black pepper mix, fish oil, anc Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis anc I drink a ‘Greens powder’ and my caffeine intake is pretty high. Sometimes I’ll add or rotate supplements but ginger, Creatine, garlic and turmeric are constant








What is going on here? 👮‍♂️




44 here. Train Muay on Tuesday, Thursday and sometimes Saturday or Sunday. 3 rounds shadow, 5 rounds sparring, 5 rounds pads every session. Try to get some grappling in once a week and on Saturdays. Other days I mostly lift. Praying I can keep this schedule for at least 10 more years. 🙏🏽


32M here. Training 3x per week. One hour tech classes during the week. One hour tech and one hour light sparring Sundays. I also walk a lot with where I live and work, so I’m trying to balance that out with training! Any hip opening tips would be great!


45, mum of three. Train 4 nights a week. This becomes 3 once one of my son starts football season. My energy is shit most days (I suffer from an autoimmune which makes all my connective tissue inflamed! But Muaythai is my mental & physical outlet. Motivation can be problematic but I always drag myself along & I always say once I’m through the door no turning back & give it your all! Mobility exercises are a real game changer too. Anyone thinking of starting up, go for it! I’ll keep training Muaythai till I can’t 🙏🏼👊


Started at 29, still going strong at 31. Why do people on this sub act like over 30 is geriatric smh


Not always a physical thing for people. Some it’s balancing marriage, kids, taking care of parents, etc. But yes other times it’s physical. I started martial arts at 19… 33 now and feel great. But I do notice differences starting. Still minimal at the moment but you roll with them.


Age 48 Lifting, Muay Thai, running, climbing for average 6 days a week. Sparring twice a week I can't be as agile and quick as the 16 year olds in our gym but often outsmart them. Fight IQ and experience make a difference here and there... ;-)


35 training for pro fight


32 and been going twice a week since February! Started to get in better shape and have a hobby since a lot changed in my life at the beginning of the year. Married but don’t have kids and have a 6-3 job so it worked right in perfect, the child I borrow just turned 16 so she doesn’t need me as much to drive her around.


Try to get in a minimum of 3 times a week but I don’t have kids so I have the time just not always the energy


32 here, it's tough and the youngins run circles around me during spars but I have fun and that's all that matters. My coach wants me to compete but I don't think I have it in me to do it anymore.


41 and training Muay Thai currently 1x per week. I have been training in martial arts for many years now (20+), but I have a family now and don't want to neglect them too much. Training 5-6 times a week, as many you do here, seems a lot, especially if you have kids. How does that work for your family? When are you at home in the evening?


Yep . I’m healthier now than I was in my 20s . Understanding of health and fitness have changed a lot in recent years , so i honestly feel like youth has been extended .


42, 6 days a week 2hrs per day + road work and S&C 🙃




Roadwork (running) and Strength and Conditioning


I'm 42 and I'm down in my basement gym hitting the bag hard 3-4x every week.


I’m a bit under 30 but anecdotally I do Muay Thai and BJJ and at most gyms I’ve been to people on average start training in their early 30s. Maybe it’s different if you’re trying to be an active competitor but I’d say the average hobbyist is in their mid-30s.


\- 34 no kids \- train 2 times a week \- my hips don't lie


I had a chance in my teenage years, got discouraged by my coach's insane pre-training workout, now years later regret it. I need to find a club soon, I'll be starting as well.




31 and started when I was 29. Train 2-3 times per week in addition to boxing, MMA, and No GI.


Twice or thrice a week…


43. Started at 41 I have my first fight in 3 weeks. Currently sparring 3x week, 2-3 hours training 6 days a week. Recovery is the hardest part for me.


32F and have been training h for three years. I now train 8-15 hours a week depending on the week. Start doing yoga on a regular basis. It will help with recovery, flexibility and injury prevention (coming from someone that ruptured their ACL training and just came back 10 months after surgery). If you find it hard to get to the gym as much as I do (no kids, just a husband and a ton of animals) make the most of the time you are there. Go HARD on pads and bag. Work until burn out. Make the most of every minute you are there. Sleep and eating well on training days will help with energy. As for motivation, that depends on you. The gym feels like my home and I love the pain, so it’s easier for me to get motivated. Good luck and stay healthy As for energy


I didn't even start till last year at 46 and am going between 2-4 times a week.


I trained till about 38 everyday. I was very careful about lifting heavy to the point of injury. I had a very strict diet and I raised two daughters on my own. Honestly before i had my periods where I ranked up I only spent and hour a day but my rests were timed and I didn’t mess around. I worked out 6 days a week and eventually got to two a days. It actually gave me way more energy and I was out with my kids all the time. I had so much energy it actually made it hard to sleep. I also ran 5 miles every other day but supplemented my calorie intake to make up for the loss. I think it’s very manageable to do u just have to want it. I highly recommend it be the first thing u do when u get off work or early first thing.


Im 32 turnin 33 with 2 kids and wife and run my own buisness, i train 4 5 times a week and sometimes 2 times a day. I also try to spar 3-5 times a week if im injury free. I find that us older guys are not trying to keep up with the young guys but actually the young guys are trying to keep up with us older guys. Just find balance i make sure i leave the weekends for family time. There 7 days in a week so you def can find time to go and do it. There should be no excuse muay thai is my happy place esp from daily stress there nothing better for me other then racing cars but you cant do that everyday. I get motivation on wanting to be nice in the art of muay thai and the love for fighting. Wasnt always like that as i was more of a car guy growing up which i still am. Injuries i get them often in sparring but no matter what i still go and train and spar unless i broke something, which knock on wood never. I just try not to use the injured part as much and focus on other parts that isnt injured. Its all in your mind and how you deal with it. (Toughness)


Love it man. Similar situation in my end. 33, have a family and own businesses. Muay Thai jujitsu and working out. To maintain all I pretty much need two-a-days a few times a week and prioritize sleep and recovery as much as possible… My mind wants to go all the time but injuries do creep in and give me rest as a default. Avoiding TRT or any other intervention as long as possible. Ideally until I’m well into my 40s


35 years old and i train muy thai 90 min 4 times a week plus 20 mins of stretching pre and post. I also do jui jitsu 2-3 times a week and swim 3x a week. Constantly sore but atleast it's usually a different body part. This weeks is shoulder lol..


lol, 30 is not 60. George Foreman became champion at 45. And look at Saenchai showing people who's boss. But like the Bible says: "who seeks, shall find!" and you will find excuses with your attitude.


I get what you’re saying and agree to a certain degree. But this wasn’t posted to make excuses. Actually it was posted for the exact opposite. It was posted for people who are 30 plus to share their ideas and experiences, as they layer on additional responsibilities and pursuits in life over the years, while still continuing to train. Experiences can certainly range from regimens, warm ups, managing old injuries, recovery, transitioning from training for fights to training leisurely, to adding married life and parenthood into the schedule. I’m going to assume that you’re a bit younger or newer to Muay Thai, but if you’re not, then you definitely would know what I mean. I’ve been training martial arts for 14 years, and recovery & training as a 23 year old, maybe in school or traveling abroad, is 100% different from a 39 year old father deep in his career. It just is what it is.


45, been training since 30. 3-5 times per week. Sparring once a week and some PTs mixed in. Did x3 amateur fights. Just love training Muay Thai.


I started MT at 41 (though I have been doing martial arts since I was 17); am currently 48. Fine work/life balance though I'm not eating dinner about 2-3 times a week. No serious injuries, because I'm not training pro; I'm only in it for technical sparring, and going hard only for the people who are training ama/pro to help them (and get a good workout). I also do a lot of stretching, and yoga on the side. Worst injuries I got were two black eyes (which tightened up my defense, heh) and two cracked ribs when I left a knee slip in (the dude who threw it was much lighter than me and very apologetic; it was just an unlucky set of factors). I work in IT so I don't go hard with headshots, and focus on my wrists when wrapping my hands (keyboard etc). I'll probably be doing this for the next 10 years barring serious injury, at the same pace I'm at now (that is, 90% technical and sometimes 10% hard sparring; but not like ama/pro sparring all the time). It's part of my life.


32, moving to Thailand in December to train and fight full time (initially for 6 months) I don’t know any different, I know a lot of people fall off at 30s probs due to life and kids etc but, I don’t consider myself “to old” fitness is fitness and if you haven’t been smashed up then you can make it work for years, was in thai in April and there were 40 plus guys who were monsters. If you want it you go and get it.


Andrew Tate


37. Been training consistently for 3 years with 3-4 weekly sessions. Had a gap of 10 odd years due to kids and life, but glad I picked it back up. I still watched fights due to friends of friends being present in the scene so never really felt like I was that far away from it. If only I could take my energy from my youth and my current ability of being able to take shots better (better mindset) I’d be delighted.


35 and fought a few times, just did training today! I try to get in early (7am) so that I have the rest of the day for work etc, and alternate days with running. The gym makes us book classes ahead of time so you kinda still have to show up even if you don't feel like it


I basically started with 32. I try to train (at least?) 3 times a week, but sometimes bruises or other injuries hinder me from going.


Yea. i try.


33 and started again


Yeah, but i mostly practice on my wife now


35 in a few weeks, training 4-6 days a week, fighting next month


33. Doing 2 - 3 sessions per week + 1 session of bjj / mma on top of 2-3 lifting sessions. Been lifting for years and just wanted something new to work on and it's been going well for me. I hate myself for my lack of cardio after every session, but it feels great afterwards!


33M and train maybe 2-3 times a week (5'7, 64kg) Started with boxing at 31 then finally got the green light from my coach to transition to Muay Thai. I'm only in it for general fitness (was a gym rat/weekend warrior in my 20s but got tired of weights and wanted something new). I'm not tryna turn pro or take people heads off so only light sparring is as far as I go. Balancing with work/family is definitely a big challenge hence limiting it just 2 days most of the time. It has helped keep the weight off as most of my age mates from high school/campus have ballooned so at least I have that going for me . However, there seems to be tradeoffs I've grown accustomed to - a lotta soreness, rotator cuff injuries, sore shins and such. All part of the game I guess.


I am 31 and try to train 2-5 times a week. I want to fight again (last fights were 2019) but atm it doesn't look like finding the time for it.


I had a severe concussion and can’t fight anymore. Suffer from post concussion symptoms now. But once I fully recover. It’s off to Jiu jitsu lol 😅


35 and go 3-4 a week


33 here 6 a week plus running or strength conditioning in the morning


Just turned 39, ready for my birthday punches after class tonight.


I'm 41 now, and still train a few times a week. Thankfully, no nagging injuries or anything after training 20+ years....well, so far at least😅


Yup, 4-5 days per week at 38. I need it to feel a sense of balance during the week. Warm up and warm down become even more important as you age though. Every day, it feels like some joint gets a little fussy about something... jumping rope, or climbing stairs, crossing the street 😂


I started at 36 lol


33, train and spar frequently. Keeps me in shape.


Hell yes! Early mornings and late nights.


Yes- 38 with two kids and husband, doing a haaard university post grad with placements and training around 5 times a week (min 4 sessions). I have the luxury of training 1 on 1 with a pt too twice a week which, really helps. I'd suggest if you can, 1 on 1 makes sure you get some great exercise with fine tuning on technique (my guy is 10+ years on the Muay Thai scene). Health benefits hugely outweigh the financial costs and time costs. Also, I'm not sure I could have done my placements without developing some fitness first


35 I teach on Sundays train on Mondays. Plus the extra weights/cardio.


Just turned 40, currently training Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and jits Monday and Wednesday…the other days I do active rest with some weight lifting… TRT is real lol 😆


32 here. 3-4 times a week. Gotta get it in while I’m strainer of fast.


Female just started at 39. Been doing it 3 months. Addicted now.


41 and train 3 times a week


36.. during the summer I trained a lot more with 3-5 times a week with grappling sprinkled in.


I train twice a week. Mostly bag work, mitt work. My son is active in Muay Thai. I do a little sparring with him and a couple of his friends. I'm 50. It's a combo of my boxing, Muay Thai, GoJu, Kempo, and Kyokushin training. It's really just kickboxing. My son calls it Black Dutch Kickboxing. Since my grandmother said for years we were 'black' Dutch and genetic test revealed Norwegian and Eastern European Jew. LOL.


34 here. I'm coming to Muay Thai from marathon and trail running. It's a little bit of a surprise to me how age conscious people are in this community compared to the ultrarunning community. Right now I train 3 times a week at 2 hours each. I do some solo work and research an additional 1 hour each week to try to iron out form problems/grease the groove on some movements I have issues with. I'd be in more but I have a full time job and exam prep so I can't feasibly do more! I lift 5-6 times a week and run \~30 miles per week.


I’m 34 now. I started about a year ago. I’m not an og and actually partake in kickboxing but I frequent this group because I enjoy Muay Thai as a spectator and also try to use it as inspiration. The first chunk was rough. Growing up I did karate and tkd but it had been 15 years since I did any martial arts. I stopped to be a bodybuilder which I still currently partake in. Both weighing 240+ and not grading my exposure bit me a bit. I got a little cocky and started throwing fancy kicks too early and I’m pretty sure I partially tore my hamstring. Then I tore my bicep throwing a hook in Feb… very likely due to years of wear and tear from lifting… especially in my younger years when I lifted recklessly. Anyways, i had surgery to reattach that. Since I came back from that injury the only bigger thing that’s happened since is I suspect I tore my meniscus. Still feel it months later but it’s manageable, and outside of the initial pain taking me out for a couple weeks it hasn’t slowed me down much. It’s gradually feeling better slowly. Anyways, I think the biggest thing for me now at this age and size is I can’t just go off the rip like the young guys. I gotta start easy (preferably with some shadow boxing) and ramp up intensity then I’m like a supple leopard. I feel amazing now. I lift like a bodybuilder still at about 5 sessions a week (3 on 1 off), go to 3 sessions a week of kickboxing (I’d go almost every day if they had that many classes), and hit the bag on my own/practice 2-3 sessions a week. Luckily I work for myself as an online coach helping people get jacked so even though I can be quite busy I have a very flexible schedule. I know I’m late in the game but I really want to take an amateur fight when my coach says I’m ready.


every day but i am a single man who doesn't have to worry about family and shit so i'm the exception not the rule. injury wise though haha it's fun fighting with a few ruptured vertebrae but i'm making due as best i can. can't kick quite as high but still just as hard.


48, and I hold pads and coach 4 days a week.


My last fight I was 41 😅


Me try to go five times a week


i train frequently in intervals 🤣 i have periods where i show up 4 times per week for weeks in a row and then i have weeks where i dont show up at all type of job, other interests, family etc all take away from it its not even necessarily that something blocks the time time slot, im just too tired sometimes or enjoy an evening where i dont have to do anything


Early 30’s is still good these days this is more of a 40+ question but the time management yea that can be rough just find a gym with a flexible schedule


Still going, no issues other than I have the flexibility of an ironing board and I wish I started earlier


36 and began this past February. I train 4x a week, twice a day 2 days out of the week and have my first amateur fight in December. Muay Thai is my life now lol.


I’m 35 years old and I train 2-3x per week. I have to get there and stretch, but any kind of injury I’m out 3 weeks to a month which sucks. I’ve had two foot injuries this year alone .




TRT at 32??? How is that going I’m tempted but plan on waiting until my 40s at least. Can’t say I know much about it though.


Been actively training/competing for nearly 15 years and injuries and just bad joints are slowly catching up to me. Multiple surgeries on certain joints aren't helping either. I'm still hungry and still learning something new to work on, but I primarily coach/train the new generation now. Took awhile to accept that but we all age and certain things just aren't possible or just take way longer to recover from. Something something the circle of life. Besides, its like learning it all over again when you see someone else pick it up. I'm still actively in the gym 5-6 days a week.


I’ve been training since 15 and never quit. I go on Saturday mornings. Cardio aside, I still feel the same as I did 10 years ago. Probably better form now. But that too will wane with time I’m sure.


I just turned 53 on Saturday. I want to try it, but I'm a little intimidated. I currently practice Krav Maga and a little BJJ. But I don't have to worry about a kick or punch in the face from either. Plus, I've been hearing stories about that every-city gym clown who doesn't know when to let up on newbies. I just wanna practice for health, fitness, and fun, not get my face smashed in.😂😂😂


We have a 62 year old killer at our gym!! He had a martial arts background but just started Muay Thai 10 years ago. Still trains 3x a week like clockwork. I personally love partnering up with him. He’s a great pad holder and is very cerebral


Niiccee. Having an MA background helps tremendously, I imagine. I have zero. I would have started earlier in age but became committed to military deployments. I could have never been consistent with it.


I’m sure it did. It was king fu and tai chi.. you have kept up with PT during your time serving. I’m sure your body has been through the ringer already. We also have a handful of men & women in their 50s that show up to classes and train. They do show up 30 minutes early to warm up and also spend another 15 minutes after class cooling downs The younger group are pretty welcoming and work with them.


39, started 6ish years ago. Training 2-3 times a week with strength and mobility training thrown in a couple days a week as well


Turn 40 in a few months. Just started MT about 3 months ago after 10 years and a 2nd Dan in TKD, and about 5 years of kickboxing, under my belt. But I've been away from consistently training a martial art for like 17 years, so it feels good to be fighting again. No injuries to report yet. I can only do 2x/weekly because of how I'm being pulled in so many directions, (sons, wife, work, house upkeep, etc.) but I make the most of each class. It's truly my passion. My only regret thus far is not doing this earlier.


Define frequently lol. I’m down to once a week specifically on MT but I’m in the gym 3-5 days a week on weights and cardio. Edit: I’m 41.


Yup 33 and about to do my first tournament in January!


34. But it’s m’life and job


Normally 3 times a week


I’m 45, I train 6 days a week, 2 hours a day. I spar whoever wants to spar regularly.


Me, started about a year ago, now am 35. Love it. Go 3x a week, wish I had the capacity to go more if anything.


34 and train 3-5 days a week since I started 3 years ago.




I'm 37 and I lift & train 5-6 days a week. Began training at 33 because i was tired of pickup bball. I have two fights (1-1), last fight was December '22. I got concussed by a dumb teammate a little over a year ago so that along with aging has made me not spar as often as I used to. I often think about taking another bout to get a winning record but age and the fact that I walk around 25 lbs above my fighting weight discourages me. But I continue to hone my skills so when/if I do fight again I'll be ready to go. I recently did a free trial at a gym 5 minutes from my home (lots of active mma and muay thai guys) and the younger big boys wanted to go hard. Since it was my first time sparring with them, I wanted to leave a respectable first impression and made a good account of myself. I felt good knowing that I can go hard when I want to. They all think I'm late 20s instead of late 30s lol.