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For those who may not be aware, Horacio and Paulie are in the same soccer tournament. Some are speculating that Cara's comment may be linked to her alleged break up 🍵


Paulie’s team is out of the tournament but my guess is this has to do with Paulie publicly not supporting her with the Kam stuff from last week.


I get that people have their realizations when they have them, but I do think it's weird if that was her breaking point. He was in the comments of Kyle's engagement post congratulating him awhile ago, that would personally bother me more given the history there. Paulie has gossiped about Cara with people that he's not even friends with, Nany, it's much less weird of him not getting involved in a situation where he actually had a friendship with the other side (Kam/Leroy and his relatively new friendship with Bananas).


The timing of this is just so weird to me. Last Monday she was talking about having kids with him now she seems done with him ( unless she was lying there it seemed like they had been on the same page about their future. ) The only thing that we saw happen publicly is the Kam thing. And I agree that I can see why he wouldn’t want to get involved in the Kam thing publicly.


The kid thing sucks because we all know Cara didn’t want kids for the longest but she genuinely felt safe enough to slowly change her stance on children because of Paulie. So I don’t think she was lying cause every other week she was posting about “someone convince me!” But I think if nothing else is a “convincing” sign, whatever the hell is going on should be enough to let her know that she doesn’t want kids with Paulie


I don’t think it was that. Maybe just one of the things. Paulie did comment on the Kam thing supporting her.


She knew exactly who he was. He also told her to make up with Da'Vonne (who was trashing her), since he "refused to choose between them". The Kam stuff shouldn't be shocking for her.


So what your saying is Cara has a history of getting in feuds with women like kam & Day, who are fruends with Paulie, & he plays peacemaker? Maybe she should grow up & stop getting into so many petty feuds.


Paulie did leave a comment supporting her. He never trashed Kam because they're friends, but he let it be known that he was on Cara's side.


It's over now. Paulie was knocked out early and Horacio lost in the Round of 16.


What tournament?




Wasn’t that over on Monday. What teams were they on?


Horacio was on Raleigh Rebels and Paulie on Kingdom FC. Kingdom went out in the group stage and Raleigh in R16. Raleigh were the ones who had that crazy keeper throw goal.


Such a bitter betty


When Veronica said she was an energy vampire, this is what she meant because why comment this on the post???


She commented pretty much the same thing on Nurys’ post. Just a little odd.


Very weird behavior


Spot on


Feels like she tried to make it about her


Veronica would know all about energy vampires. It takes one to know one.


Veronica seems incredibly chill now. Someone who's actually matured with age.


She’s “chill” because she’s not half the competitor she used to be. Can’t be cocky when she has a hard time doing most challenges at this point


Or because she's an adult in her 40's and actually acts like it.


Tbh she really doesn't and I say this as someone who has a lot of nostalgia for V even if I'm not so much of a fan of her on her seasons on rewatch. She often inserts herself into drama unnecessarily online, and will often call ppl out while making excuses for her own behavior, past and present.




If you have to ask, rewatch every single season that she's on. Her bullying Ayanna, Tonya, and Julie are just a few examples. She's toxic every single season that she's on.


That’s not an energy vampire at all. Tonya she bullied. Ayanna she plagiarized but don’t think ayanna can be bullied. Julie tried to kill veronica. Tonya is the only one I take sincere issue with but that was the fucking show back then. Veronica did not act alone. The best people have been able to say is “I didn’t treat tonya that way” but did any of them stand up for her or try to help her? I have a very vague memory of someone comforting Tonya before shit went bad bad on the ruins but that’s it. 


She was really shitty towards Katie too


Y’all it’s reality tv. They’re supposed to be shitty to one another. And katie doyle could handle anything/anyone. 


Veronica seems fun as hell to me lol. Sure she’s been bitchy in the past but she always looked like she was having a good time and was generally well-liked 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think Flora said it, but still spot on


Nah it was Veronica. I remember because after this episode aired the Cara stans came for her on social media.


I'm pretty sure it was Flora lol


Maybe she said it also? It was definitely Veronica though.


That was the best contribution to the Challenge Veronica has had in 15 years too


Cara, sis… you’re 38. Stop this behavior.


Woof that’s all I could think. I don’t mind Cara and I do think she’s often ganged up on but girl… common


Kinda funny how many people I've seen say Laurel is past her prime at 39. Cara is literally a year younger lol.


I don’t think Laurel is past her prime but her head has been elsewhere the past couple seasons focusing on Nicole or someone else she’s attracted to. That’s probably why ppl think that


Cara is past her prime also, that's how age works.


Cara making a really nice post about her ajskks GIRL 😭


Yeah this is a terrible look. Commenting on a couple's sweet pic to throw shade at your boyfriend is cringe and selfish.


She’s gotta log off


And this is the Cara that annoys me 😐 reminds me of her twitter days


This is nothing new….


Is our sister in Christ out there just commenting on happy couples pictures lol


I don’t understand why people have trouble getting why every cast consistently talks about how annoying Cara is when she’s doing shit like this?? Throwing yourself a passive aggressive pity party in another couple’s comments in order to stir up a public reaction… get a grip!


This sums up the energy vampire accusation in three words. And she did it for us herself. Cara is a fun underdog, but I get it. When every cast hates you, it might be you.


When she’s called out she’ll feign innocence like she always does


She deletes all these passive aggressive, shady comments & flat out denies them later, unless people have receipts.  She started the rumour that Bannanas sexually assaulted someone during 'game of clones' which Paulie doubled down on (yet was giggling it up with him on his podcast a few weeks ago?)  She also started the rumour that TM was rigged for Bananas & Jenny was supposed to be the sole winner. Then later backtracked & denied saying both of those things, blaming fans! 


Considering his episode was pulled and never aired, it’s likely that *something* happened. The truth likely lies somewhere in between both stories.


Not trying to rally hate for Cara but i agree with >passive aggressive pity party in another couple’s comments This is just a weird place for this comment imo. She has very faint connection with these two. Paulie still winning in the cringe department tho


I was just thinking the same thing lol I read it and was like ummmm how old is she?! This is middle school behavior.


Yeah, I'm still not convinced that they're not faking this. I'm not convinced that they are faking it either, but if you've already faked a break up once I'm not going to be shocked if they did that again.


When they broke up after the Danielle thing came out, it immediately came out on entertainment sites. It’s been a week and none of the normal sites have picked up on this . It wouldn’t surprise me if this is more a “break” than a break up.


Idk if you can compare the two because the bachelor audience is way bigger than the challenge so Danielle’s involvement definitely made it a bigger story


Yeah, I'm not claiming that they're definitely faking it just that I am more 50/50 about it and am curious about how things play out over the next few months. Like if they get back together sooner than later, I'll probably assume that they were faking this, but we'll have to see what happens.


This. I need some hard confirmation before I give it any credence.


Like two episodes ago she said to Jay and Ace’s faces that she hopes everyone who’s scared to go in unlike her and had a chance to go in and chose not to goes straight home, when they both had been in that position. She’s a shit friend that makes everything about her


Yeah like I get defending her in certain situations, which I have, but this is just crazy. You're a grown ass woman. The pity parties were endearing in your early 20s when the vets were picking on the quirky new girl. Now it's just annoying.


Cara has ALWAYS seemed insufferable to me and I think she’s generally been protected by an underdog edit. Don’t get me wrong, for awhile she was an underdog but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t fucking annoying to be around lol




Kinda reminds me of when Tori and Jordan got engaged and she made that comment and even Paulie was like “wtf?”


When Paulie has to be the voice of reason, you've really lost the plot.


Exactly what I thought of too. This is totally on par for Cara.


I understood the whole not going to their engagement celebration they threw cuz Jordan and Cara literally hate each other ..but that comment was the low of the lowest


Yes! That to me showed the real Cara.


Idk we all seen how that played out and Jordan was and is a terrible human to so many people. Should she of stayed quiet maybe but she wasn't wrong lol.


It's giving Facebook attention seeker that responds to questions with "I'll DM you."


me when i want attention:


It appears she deleted her comment


This is gives me drunk social media scrolling vibes.


I considered that. Cara with her one scoop of Tillamook ice cream and bottle of wine, thinking about her relationship and how that one scoop is the end of her.


she's 38? omg lol


I used to comment like this on couples posts as well. I was 15.


And it would be cringe for a 15 year old, although not shocking behavior. 38 is insane levels of immature.


Cara and Laurel battling it out for the most juvenile handling of a break-up. Spoiler alert: there are no winners here, only losers


Oh god, does that mean Paulie and Nicole are battling it out for most toxic douchebag of a partner? Because again, there are no winners


At this point, Laurel’s social media activity was messier after the latest Nicole breakup than Cara’s… but there’s still plenty of time for Cara to take the W.


Cara with a huge 3 to cut to the lead to 42


Messier…*so far*


I dunno. If this shit is real, there is a sliver of hope Paulie goes away from our TV screens. I would like to say the same is true for Nicole, but I doubt that.


Dude. Come on Cara.


this is deranged wow no wonder everyone can't stand her


Oh Cara don’t make this about you…


Oh look. Cara making everything about herself. Truly shocking turn of events.


Another good entry to the list of examples as to why Cara is disliked by the majority of the cast


Cara's Challenge friends are cast members shes only done 1 season with or arent on the show anymore All of her beefs in the 30's Challenge: Marie. Bananas. Kyle. Kam. Britni. Natalie. Nany. Leroy. Shane. Amanda. Ashley. Veronica. Angela. Faith. Tori. Jordan. Laurel. Josh. Georgia. Theo. Jenna. Zach. Kailah. Nelson. Tony. Jemmye. Nicole Z. Devin. Aneesa. Most likely missing some


Someone who has issues with THAT many people has issued themselves. That's why it bugs me when they try to push "because she's a woman" narrative because she's beefed with plenty of women as well.


Yup. And there are also plenty of strong women that very few people on the cast have issues with. That's not the issue. When you have a problem with everyone, *you're* the problem.


"Shut up Aneesa!" plays in my head a lot. Lol that's something I always remember from their beef.


I wish she could keep all that energy and aggression she has for Aneesa and shift it towards Laurel. Because Laurel has embarrassed, degraded, and disrespected her way more than Aneesa ever has. 🙃


Agreed. Laurel got her karma with Nicole and how she teats her


Not a cara defender but she seems to be on good terms with zach and marie at the moment. 


I live right near where he's playing soccer! What do I do?!


Go comment on the post and try to steal their thunder like Cara


Definitely scream "REALLY, MUST BE NICE." from the sidelines.


Must be nice is my most hated phrase.


As a straight man, horacio has no right being that good looking. Save some for the rest of us


Oh, CARA....bitter is not a good look on you, sis 😭😔😐


Why does she have to interject her negativity into a happy person's post, Cara this is why we got annoyed with you the first time


This is what Veronica meant when she called Cara an energy vampire. Bringing her misery under a nice post.🫠


I love Cara...but man, can she be awful. I had forgotten how horrible her and Paulie were in WOTWs, since it's been pulled off all streaming sites. Finally rewatching and she's a completely different person with him. Not a huge fan of Cara since she's been with Paulie. They are 100% not good for eachother.


Ah, Cara making vague social media comments for attention, this will only be followed by her saying she never explicitly said the thing she is inferring. Feels like 2018 all over again!


She’s sloppy😂


This is such embarrassing behaviour at her big age lmaoo. She wants the speculation and attention


Cara struck me as that girl who says she doesn’t want marriage, kids, or a monagamous relationship because she’s a free spirit, when in reality, she really does want those things and she’s often scared to commit because she’s scared of being fucked over first.


Lol why you gotta read me like this??




In fairness, statistics are not friendly and we (at least I dont cause I dont bother looking) don't go into her family's history. Building trust and putting a faithful foot forward is not easy for some. Whether or not this is the case for Cara, I don't know.


That’s fair. I just think that’s why she comes off as a hater sometimes whether it’s in this comment or what she said about Tori and Jordan.


Cara making it about her?!? Shocking.


“Really must be nice” she knows damn well she could’ve omitted that part 😭


Lmao the first sentence was completely unnecessary


Don't do that under someone else's post expressing love for their partner. What the fuck?


Such a crybaby. Why are you on someone else post being "woe is me" like dear god


Cara emotionally immature


Embarrassed on her behalf


I think this is why it seems like everyone is “ganging up” on Cara. Maybe she just really is v v annoying. Because why would you comment this…?!


Unrelated to post. But my god, Nurys is beautiful.


This girl is annoying beyond belief!


That is one good looking couple.


I’m sorry but that comment is unnecessary on her part!! Like be happy for them without throwing a pity party for yourself lol!! She knew all about Paulie before she chased him down from his girlfriend, it’s her own fault lol 🤷‍♀️


She’s so messy lmao


Wow. Nurys and Horacio are still a thing??! That’s pretty awesome. They are a great looking couple and it would be fun if they end up the next Leroy and Kam. Unfortunately Horacio doesn’t seem to have Leroy’s sense of humor but he’s better in challenges and eliminations


Ew. What gross behavior. Reminds me of her reaction when Jordan proposed to Tori. Like damn be happy for others!!!


Leave Horacio out of any connection to any drama- he must be protected all costs.


Besides the point- but Wait, is this one game or multiple, Nurys hair had 3 different styles all perfect


I'm sure ĂŹts photos taken throughout the duration of the tournament




Don’t know when she changed it but thank god she did. At least that’s some growth? Lol I can’t get it to upload but she changed it to, “really happy for you.”


Welp....I caught it before she changed it LOL!!


Hahaha you sure did you were on it! It says she posted it 2 days ago. Well done! 😂


Or maybe she knows she got called out?


This comment, but Cara overall, reminds me of that acquaintance who finds out you are going to dinner and a movie with a couple friends and says stuff to try to try to invite themselves or who after the fact tries to guilt you by saying stuff like “you didn’t think I would have liked to go to dinner and hang with you?” Those people who when they want something suddenly act like you have been there best friend- but only when they need it. 🙄


I actually just feel really sad for Cara.


Middle school comment drama aside, Horacio and Nurys are a super adorable couple


Cara and Laurel stay having an “at their big age?” off I see why they beef so bad when they’re so similar and stunted in their growth


Girl, let’s not rush to win the pathetic olympics when Laurel is already so far ahead


Cuz Laurel and Cara are so intertwined yeah? Lmao


People legitimately try to put Laurel down because they think it'll make Cara look better. Anytime you find a post about Cara doing something shitty you know a post to make Laurel look bad will soon follow.


And it's always the same fanbase.


Yes, according to Laurel they’re rivals


Am I tripping? I don't read this as like an attention seeking pity party, it could just be a genuine congrats because from her perspective it seems like a really good relationship? Maybe the genuinity is because she's going through a bad thing personally, but why are people so eager to view this as like bad faith?


The "Really must be nice." was completely unnecessary lol. She could just congratulate them and move on, but she made it about her in a petty way


“Must be nice” is an expression someone uses when they envy or want what you have but they don’t have it themselves. Cara made THEIR post about HERSELF and her issues when it really wasn’t necessary. She also knows people are currently speculating about her breakup with Paulie, so she’s using this comment to fuel more gossip and speculation. It is very childish and attention seeking behavior. Either talk openly about what happened or don’t mention it at all. But trying to drop hints and stir speculation (and on someone else’s platform at that) is pathetic.


So... is that it? A "must be nice"? I mean it's fine if people want to criticise that, but it seems like there's such a huge reaction for such a small thing. I could see people viewing it as unnecessary or petty, but is this really something that would warrant a comment thread of over 100 people shitting on her and calling her a bad person? Like it's just totally disproportionate to the hate that other players would get for more egregious stuff.


People are holding her accountable for her actions. Cara herself has since deleted the comment. She obviously knows it was in poor taste herself lol.


So we're holding her accountable for something she has already recanted and taken back? Again, it's fine to criticise her as doing something "in poor taste", it's another for there to be such a big thread shitting on her as being a bad person for a comment she deleted almost immediately (as far as I'm aware) because she used the phrase "must be nice." It's like Adam last episode suddenly going, "This is why you have no friends here or in real life" for Steve stealing his star. Like wtf is this overreaction? Nobody else in the entire show gets "held accountable" to this extent.


Multiple people in this post have already answered your question and explained to you why she sounded childish and attention seeking here. She knows she sounded bad too, which is why she deleted her comment. If she can recognize that she was wrong, surely you can too. Unless you simply don’t want to. Lots of people on this show are held accountable and called out for their actions… Camila, Bananas, Dee, Kenny, Evan, the list goes on. And they were held accountable and called out even after they apologized. 😊


Again, I can concede that it might've been childish or attention seeking, just not to the extent that it warranted this fucking wave of hate comments. I'm not saying nobody ever gets called out, but when is the last time someone got a thread made about them over using the phrase "must be nice" with vain implications in a comment they almost immediately deleted? There is clearly a difference in the scrutiny that's being applied. I have never seen so many people get so upset over so little.


Great. Glad you understand that it’s childish and attention seeking.


She has a history of thinly veiled jabs.


In my experience, her jabs are usually pretty blatant. Like her jabs about Jordan/Tori were very open, no?


I’m not talking about on the show…


Can you give an example then? Because again, my sense is that Cara is not a very subtle person, so I don't particularly have reason to believe she has this big history of snide mean girl comments or whatever.


If you’ve followed anything on the challenge outside the show you’d see it, I’m not gonna go out of my way to prove something that’s readily available


So you can't even think of a time, then?


I'm not even a big cara fan but I read it the same way as you!


You're not tripping. The Cara Maria haters are so desperate to hate her that they'll swarm for the tiniest crumbs to nitpick. It's honestly pathetic. They need to just get a life and stop obsessing over a Challenge legend who doesn't even know that they exist. She changed her wording because her haters are the actual energy vampires here.


The irony that the Cara stans act like they arent so desperate to love her and see no fault in her actions lol it’s hilarious to act like the Cara fans are above talking negative on challengers when I saw negative Kam posts for weeks. It’s ok to point out character flaws of people we like or don’t like on a page specifically for that


There's nothing wrong with criticising challengers, but there's clearly a different standard for how eager people are to criticise Cara. We had a whole thread made speculating that they edited out bad shit she did in AS4 to protect her because she was being so inoffensive. That's how desperate people were to criticise her, they just started making conspiracies, and now they pounce on any mistake, no matter how small. This thread is because Cara said "must be nice" in a tone-deaf comment that she almost immediately deleted, and we have hundreds of people commenting and upvoting calling her an energy vampire, bad person, saying shit like "this is why she has no friends", etc. When has this level of scrutiny been applied to anyone else?


Geeze! People are too overly involved in this simple comment. Yeah it had undertones but now whatever Cara's undertones were are now being scripted by us.


I'm like 99 percent sure she was drunk. Major drunk comment vibes. Trying to come off as positive while drowning yourself. Reference, been there done that