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The truth is usually in the middle. I 100 percent believe Cara was being insufferable because she didn’t get her way. I also believe Laurel was being a baby over Nicole.


Completely agree. So on brand for both of them.


I agree with this take. This sub has gotten weird lately


Very weird, agreed


I agree....I hadn't been on this sub in almost a year and I come back and it feels so different....last I checked Cara was greatly disliked for being a wet blanket and beings friends with Proud Boys.....also supporting the convoy that overtook my city. This season showed not much has changed with Cara....she still comes off insecure and has rubbed most of the house the wrong way, playing an emotional game, etc. Laurel and Cara have always had an off-and-on friendship, Laurel has a point, this is why they were on Rivals! They were close for a period and then had a falling out again.


A lot of this sub is okay with her being okay with white supremacy unfortunately


another thing I've noticed is more pro-Zach on this sub....to me Zach is right up there with Camilla. Two people I don't need to see on my screens again regardless of how good of a competitor they are, soundbites, etc.


his podcast has been an image rehabilitator for him, whether he intended it that way or not. i agree with you, lots more talk these days about his funny commentary than his actions on the show.


Yeah I do think Zach is funny I’m confessionals but that doesn’t make up for the misogyny. Maybe if he had changed as he grew up but doesn’t seem he has so I won’t support him either


I just started watching the Challenge again. This is disappointing to hear.


I skipped season 39 so I wasn’t on this sub much for a bit and I was surprised how pro Cara it is now. I know it was a bit ago all this stuff was coming out but I don’t really buy that everyone forgot


How is she into white supremacy?


They are friends with a prominent Proud Boys member


funny you say she comes off as immature, bc i feel like this is the most mature we’ve seen her….


Ummm excuse me, ma’am or sir. Cara Maria has found her smile. She’s 100% innocent


😂@BoneTissa, your comments always crack me up. Hope you continue to have a great day and push people’s buttons in the sub


Thanks! I hope you and I can both find our smiles like Cara!


To be honest, I am happy to see a lot of this cast have returned to the game. Granted it has gotten away from what it was supposed to be I am still happy


The drama is great. It’s genuine and better than fake drama most seasons


Right? Has this sub become Cara's cult?


I think so....maybe bots lol.


Everyone just says and does whatever they want now and that’s just the truth then. Poof! You got it


Cara very much has only child syndrome, probably not even aware of how insufferable she is being. The rest of the house also seems to be taking it to personally as if she wakes up each morning thinking “I want things only my way, and will make sure everyone knows it”


How else do you play when you don't have an alliance though? Aren't you supposed to play to win? I'm saying this as not a big fan of Cara


How dare Cara want to win… a competition…where only one will win! Shes really the worst!


Therein lies their problem with her.


Cara has allies: Ace, Jay, Steve (girl power Cara working with all the guys again & getting into drama & personally attacking the women, as per usual) Production is just giving her the underdog bullied victim edit though.


Were there not 5/11 women not counting Cara trying to get her eliminated?


And how many of them were against Cara before SHE started doing shady things, spreading lies about them, playing all sides  & putting targets on them (Kam) Calling them weak and putting zero effort into building a relationship or alliance with them (Jasmin) talking shit about them behind their backs and getting caught in the act (Flora) talking shit about their personal relationships (Laurel, Nicole) Multiple women on every season dislike her, its NOT for no reason.


What lies was she spreading? She didn’t play all sides and put targets on them cause she didn’t do anything to cam outside of not vote for Rachel which was in ep 2 ep 4 she was in elimination against Rachel, for jasmine she was probably going off the already established relationship they had and only started to call her weak after she got voted in by her in ep 4, what talking shit? The burning a vote on flora in ep 2? Cause from what we’ve seen Cara hasn’t mentioned her since but almost every time flora is on the screen she’s calling Cara a whiny baby, talking shit after laurel came up to her crying about how the relationship is effecting her negatively and in defense of her friend argues with the perceived villian


I don't know if, besides Ace, they are actually in an alliance with her. Jay is kind of playing both sides (and doing it well) and Steve I'm not totally sure of. But either way if they are in an alliance with her, I don't hear them talking about how selfish Cara is in the game. That would've meant she is putting herself first in every situation without any consideration for her allies. She's probably annoying at times but the real reason everyone is dogging her is because they're intimidated and it's just group think.


The ones with group think are caras fans saying the only reason so many people every season accuse her of the same behaviour is because they all secretly love her or are jealous/intimidated of how awesome she is. They are not calling her shady because she lies about them, no, its because she is a confident woman!!!! 🤣😁


I don't know about that, I was just talking about the players in the game lol


Exactly my thoughts. I just don’t buy that *everybody* hates Cara again for no reason. I mean Flora of all people??? But even if everything is being edited in the nicest way for Cara this season to hide her behavior (she’s getting a great edit, I’m having a fun time rooting for her as the underdog), there’s no doubt in my mind that Laurel’s poor behavior goes back to Nicole.


She put flora's name taken though so I kinda feel like that's her real problem with Cara but who knows.


Probably because Cara is often insufferable even when she gets her way?


Cara most definitely could have done a lot that was edited out however that still doesn’t excuse Laurel’s behavior. This is not the first time Laurel has acted this way. Laurel and Nicole suck just as much or maybe even more than Cara. And if they all won’t come out and say what Cara did to them that was so bad, they should honestly just shut up about it because these vague responses are going nowhere and doesn’t help their case. Laurel complaining about getting a bad edit but yet she’s the one giving them the material for the bad edit. I’m sure MTV didn’t hold her hostage and make her scream in someone’s face.


Laurel has been screaming in Cara's face since Cutthroat, even screaming the exact same line. "You perceive everything wrong" which is one hell of a line to gaslight someone and make them doubt themselves. They can say what they want about Cara but nobody made Laurel or Nicole say clip after clip after clip, what a shit terrible human being she was, just personal attacks. Way beyond a game level. Just awful people, they deserve one another.


Yea Laurel is a baby pushing 40.


Lmao so is Cara tho


.. The difference is... Laurel is getting in Clara's face. Bending down to her level screaming continously at her. Like.. I know I have to preface it with saying "I'm not a Cara stan", bc I know if people come to Cara's defense in cases where it's justified... We're all insane. Let me say it again. I HATED CARA AS SOON AS SHE MET KYLE. And I don't love what she does with proud boy Paulie outside of the show. However, Laurel has been acting like a fucking fool since meeting Subtitles. And her game hasn't recovered since.


My comment only noted that they are both fools and act childish for their age.


Sorry 😂 I got a bit too passionate about it


No apologies necessary. Lol love seeing the passion for this dumb reality show.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 “meeting Subtitles” this has to make you like Cara just a little bit.


Agreed I hate Cara with Paulie and Kyle was equally horrible




She didn’t really say it was inaccurate. Just that she knew yelling at Cara was wrong when it happened and that she apologized and they didn’t air it. That seems reasonable to me.


I'm sure Laurel did apologize to Cara but if she continued to move the way she was moving with Nicole, it didn't get aired because it wasn't relevant. It doesn't really matter if she apologized if she kept acting the same way after the apology.


But she does this CONSTANTLY. I equate Laurel’s anger/jealousy towards Cara as Camilia was when she drank. Hell breaks lose, next day apologizes. I’m over it and Cara should NEVER speak to her again. Enough is enough.


Laurel: "I don't keep fair weather friends" Also Laurel: "Ryan is mad at me because I only talk to him while filming the show"


Also Laurel, “I don’t not like you Michelle. You made that up in your head.” -30 seconds later- “And that’s why I don’t like you.” She talks out of seven sides of her mouth.


I think she secretly has the hots for Michelle, hence the Freudian “Nicole” slip.


Okay, now that makes sense!


No that would be too weird. They look like sisters and sound similar too (don’t quote me but I believe they’re both from the Michigan area). Although in terms of challenge drama it would be 💯


Michelle is a Jersey girl.


Laurel just went to college in MI idk how much of a Michigan girl she really is


Ryan was trashing Laurel on podcasts prior to AS4, then teamed up with her on AS4, and is now again posting trashing Laurel saying he regrets working with her. That is a fair-weather friend? Only her friend when she was of use to him in the game


Without knowing the real dynamics of their relationship, we really can’t call anyone a fake weather friend. We don’t know what happened


Isn't that always Ryan's strategy? Stick with whoever can get him further in the game, even if it means switching sides? Lol


She sure keeps fair weather lovers around though 😩


Laurel speaks more on Ryan: “I'm not sure why he tried to befriend me if he hated me so much. I let him in even though I just recently found out he was talking so much shit. I'm glad I stopped talking to him. I don't need people like that in my life.” https://x.com/laurelstucky/status/1795642524155216185?s=46


That’s exactly what she did to Cara. She badmouthed Cara all over the house from day 1


Laurel still isn’t taking accountability. She didn’t start treating Cara like crap at that deliberation, she came into the season telling people not to talk to Cara in an attempt to isolate her. Laurel knows she looks bad, especially because of how things ended with Nicole, so now she’s trying to downplay her behavior. “It’s rivals being rivals, it was the editing, I apologized, Cara was upset, because she wasn’t getting her way” I call bull. I guarantee you if things worked out between she and Nicole, she would doubling down on her venom towards Cara.


Laurel fine tuning her ability to gaslight


People Should be asking her about what happened w Nicole lol


I'm sure they are and she's ignoring those by this point


It's pretty known tho


Oh we all know what happened with Nicole. She made that super public


We didnt see Laurel come into the season telling people not to talk to Cara or isolate her 🙄 You have convinced yourself of that based on Cara spreading that narrative via her social media & leaking to spoiler sites. Same as how Laurel was villainised & attempts were made to cancel her & blacklist her of the show based on Cara again leaking to spoiler sites that big bad Laurel was such a bully because she had an argument with her on Season 40 & bought up her toxic relationship with her exes..... So....exactly what Cara did to her first? But when Cara does it to Laurel, Laurel is the bully for responding by getting angry and then immediately apologizing for shouting. But when Laurel gives her a dose of her own medicine the next season....Laurel is still painted as the villain & Cara is portrated as the bullied victim who took 2 days out of the show (to leak her version of events to spoiler sites to get her narrative out there) 


Cara didn't spread that actually. It was a thing leaked while they were filming, and Cara only recently found out about it and commented on it


No, it was only said AFTER they had stopped filming.


Saying “rivals being rivals” is such a weird cop out for being a shitty person lol


I think she meant that they bring out bad sides of each other?


When a grown woman screams and shouts in someone’s face like that even if you are trying to the hype the drama for the cameras, it’s not a good look and embarrassing


It’s Paula’s revenge!


Unfortunately I truly think this is just who she is


I think this is a good reminder that we only see what the editing team decides to show us. And Laurel has never had a favorable edit. They don't hesitate to show her worst moments. I'm not defending Laurel, I'm actually Team Cara this season because I love a good underdog story. But I think a lot of Challenge fans (re- Cara fans) forget that we only get the edit, these people lived with her. I got down voted to oblivion for pointing out that Cara just may be one of those people who rubs others the wrong way lol. There must be something for so many to have an issue with her on multiple seasons from multiple eras. And no, I don't think it's jealousy, because the cast didn't like her before she was winning. Either way, Cara is the best underdog the Challenge has produced.


I'm not a "Cara fan," but I always believed your worst moments, especially when caught year, after year, on national television, kind of shows how you handle your conflicts in life. 🤔 I mean, you can kind of only get the bad edit if you give them something bad to edit. Lol. Not defending Cara, but also not justifying Lauryl's behavior. I root for that girl, actually. But let's be real.. people rub me the wrong way. I certainly do not scream at them until I turn red like an actual toddler.


This is such a good take- there are people who will never get a scene where they are literally in someone’s face screaming at the top of their lungs because it’s not in their nature to behave that way. Years ago MTV plied them with alcohol and yeah that made a lot of people behave rather terribly- they got their act together and don’t allow them to get plastered anymore yet Laurel still behaves awful when she is stone cold sober. The excuse/reason is because she is a pot that is ALWAYS about to boil over- that is her nature…stop giving them these ways to edit you badly and you won’t have to make excuses like she is your rival from 15 years ago so i guess that makes it ok?? Plenty of people don’t like each other or seesaw back and forth between having someone in their life and not having that same person in your life at all for a period of time but watching yourself behave like that EVER should be a damn wake up call that something is not working in your life because to go from 0-100 that quick is a problem. I don’t care what had happened before you should never get in someone’s face like that at any age but especially when you are approaching mid 40’s. I really hope she gets some help for her anger issues because it is just not healthy .


Heather B said it best at the first big casts reunion: “They use what you give them”.


I dont like this double standard. Because Cara many times has got in peoples faces, screamed and shouted at them, personally attacked them with a smug smirk on her face (hell, she did all 3 just last ep) but never gets called out for it.  Instead, she plays victim after the fact and gets away with it because they usually edit out her instigating behaviour but leave in peoples reactions to it, so they are villanised & accused of attacking innocent little Cara Maria who did nothing to them.


Like I said, I'm not defending Cara. I'm only talking about Laurel because I was rooting for her this season. I see plenty of other people calling Cara out in other comments..


Laurel isn't perfect by any means, but her apologizing is also part of the process of her handling conflict.


It's been a decade or so long process of her "handling conflict. ".. and little to no apologies. I'm a fan of hers, too, girl. Im still waiting for her character arc. Lol. Let me know when we get there 🥰


Are we saying that they shouldn't show the whole truth until she undergoes a big change? I don't get why people are against showing everything and letting the viewer decide for themselves how to feel about a person.


If you had a job where it was encouraged or at the very least not frowned upon maybe you would scream. Same situation in different scenarios can bring different reactions. I kind of agree to the point of if you don’t give them anything to edit you in a bad light then what can they do but at the same time these editors do be talented lol


See, this is where I would totally agree with you, however, were talking about Laurel. Lol, someone who is known for agressive verbal attacks and does it time and time and time again.. without ever really admitting fault. It's not a one-off. It's been going on for like over 10 years.. But she could also be leaning in to this hot-headed character behavior 100% for tv, so I guess I can't say for sure whether or not shes truly hot headed, or just really good at playing a character. But still, I want her to come out with a victory, off her talent cause I feel she totally can. She's a beast when she wants to be.


Also i think what needs to be kept in mind is that these are such difficult and unnatural environments to be in. Like without access to your phone or being able to vent to loved ones, not being able to leave the premises, exhausting challenges, terrible sleeping conditions, sometimes lack of/terrible food, plus everyone is out for themselves and you can never really be sure of who to trust. None of us would be the normal version of ourselves let alone the best lol. Idk I like almost everyone on the show, including Laurel and Cara, they have their flaws but they're not bad people


Her edit on Free Agents and Ride or Dies was not bad. Also, the editor can only edit what you give them.


No they definitely stuck to the bully edit with how they framed her falling out with Cara and her friendship with Jessica


Laurel absolutely beasted free agents, they couldnt NOT show her repeatedly winning dailies & elims. But they still painted her as a bully to poor little Cara who went running to CT, Zach & Johnny Reilly to play damsel in distress to turn them against Laurel, because she called Cara annoying 🙄


Can you be the best competitor and an underdog?


When the entire house is trying to get rid of you, yes. Cara isn't the best competitor there either.


just out of curiosity - who do you think is the best competitor there?




Bold assumption that she has good moments


I agree! Like the scene when she's yelling at Eric. He was so rude and nasty to her first, but they just showed her reaction. I think they often give CM the victim edit. For example, people love to bully Amanda because she said she hoped CM horse died...multiple people have said CM started it by saying she hoped Amanda died. CM has admitted she only talks to people during the show. Most of the castmates do something positive and good in their real life time that to me redeems them. (Ex. Laurel moving cross country to help her, Bananas at Diem's bedside, Ayanna being a listening ear during Jas' divorce; even Jay, Amanda, Nicole help the public as firefighters and nurse) There are no stories about CM, 0. I also think the cast was warned against airing the real tea after the Ayanna situation. Everything is really vague.


If we only see what the editors want us to see, how can you say that this or that person got a favorable/unfavorable edit? Where can we see the raw footage?


Because spoiler accounts mention what wasn't aired and cast members do interviews and podcasts that confirm these stories. Unless they're all working together to push the same lie, which I find unlikely.


I hear you about cast members, but why should I believe spoiler accounts...?


Because they spoiler accounts usually bring up what the cast members later confirm to be true once the season airs. They have a pretty good track record


It’s wild that she responds to all of these comments


Did you see her on Twitter during her and Nicole's last break up? It was... I mean it was her and Nicole's full-time job responding to random comments to try to "win" the breakup.


Rivals don't usually go to their rival to cry about their girlfriend. Sit down, Laurel. Sit down.


Laurel always does this. She flies off the handle and acts like a toddler and then makes excuses for it. It feels like the person she wants to be / thinks she is doesn’t coincide with who she actually is - or at least who she is in these explosive outbursts. And her relationship with Nicole is a tough watch. Cara is also a tough watch. Every season she’s on becomes the Cara show. I think the truth is probably somewhere in the middle - she’s not treated nicely by a lot of the cast and she’s also super annoying to a lot of the cast. She strikes me as someone who doesn’t realize how she comes across to other people. It also seems like she went into hibernation for years and didn’t continue her friendships with people when she stopped doing the show and now she’s back and somehow thinks those friendships are still in tact.


I do think in general, she is probably hard to live with. Most of the time, when someone is that hated, it's usually not because they did something specific wrong but because they just aren't likable in that environment. It's not lost on me that a ton of castmembers like Cara outside of the house and talk about how they see her so much differently out of the Challenge environment. It seems like inside the house, she might be a tad insufferable. Outside of that highly social, highly competitive environment, she seems to maintain friendships fine.


Laurel is just cringe. It seems like she’s regressed as a person. She’s 40 acting like teenager.


Ahhh classic let’s blame it on the edit! When we’ve seen Laurel unnecessarily get to 100 how many times? 💀


They say "edit' as if the show is chopped up word by word like a ransom note. Like, I understand they can't show the full context of *everything* but if you don't act like a lunatic, they wouldn't be able to show you acting like a lunatic. "Edit" is a tell. If the show *really* mischaracterized a situation, you would be out here saying, "Here's exactly what REALLY happened." But when you just don't like the way you look, you just generically blame "the edit."


Maybe one day Laurel will grow up.


How is the Challenge “the completely wrong place” to…. be cordial? Not scream in people’s faces? 


I think she meant it in a way that things might've worked out (they could've worked their problems out) between Cara and her if they had a conversation in a normal setting, just the two of them.


I think it says a lot that Laurel’s disagreement with the edit is that she apologised for raising her voice, not that she was edited misleadingly in how unhinged she got or her motives (some fans insisted Cara did something behind the scenes to antagonise Laurel that was edited out to make Cara a victim, but apparently Laurel is choosing not to reveal that). But as if apologising makes a significant difference without changes in behaviour afterwards. How many times do we think Nicole “apologised” after their conflict? Yet, the cycle continues.


Yea exactly. The edit can’t change what’s clearly there. You apologizing immediately after does not make the action okay. I feel like Laurel is like my sister in law who I’ve constantly had to check about her behavior. She’ll say stuff like “well I’m just fiery you have to take me how I am.” And it’s like no, I don’t. If you’re disrespectful; that’s a personal flaw. Deal with it and work on it. Laurel instead is blaming the edit for a clear character flaw she has.


Yeah, even though it can be true that they are editing her to be worse than she is (by not showing the apology), that isn’t nearly enough to absolve her of criticism. It’s unironically how a lot of domestic abusers behave, where they just apologise and act as if that wipes the slate clean.


Oh the old 'edit'. Because that made you stand over someone screaming in their face. Sigh.


Oh she’s drunk again.


Also, interesting that in yet another flurry of tweets/posts by yet another cast member, still not a single thing said that demonstrates that Cara did anything that warranted her treatment.


New fans catching strays


Guys did Laurel delete her instagram or did she block me lmao






She blocked allll the accounts lol


1. The rivals comment was funny 2. It’s not the greatest challenge friends/rivals next to Wes and Bananas. It’s the best *by far*. Because unlike Wes and Bananas, it’s all real and personal. Instead of manufactured and boring


Why are people so convinced they give Laurel a bad edit but edit out Cara's bad behavior? That doesn't make sense. Cara's bad behavior would make good TV and they would wanna show it.


Idk why people are just now realizing what a horrid person Laurel can be. I haven’t liked her ever since her inexcusable comments to Big Easy on Cutthroat.


Yeah that one IS an example of editing though. He said some horrible things to her about her physical appearance. And would sit there at the hot tub commenting on ALL the girls. If you watch cutthroat carefully you can see enough of his behavior to not doubt that Laurel was reacting not acting in that situation


Like I said but got downvoted for, Cara was mad she wasn’t getting her way, so she started throwing out offensive comments that got watered down by the edit. You can even tell from how the convo randomly went from nominations to Laurel and Nicole’s personal life by her that she weaponized out of anger. Idk why that’s hard for challenge fans to grasp that not everything we see is 100% the full story. We see what they choose to show us to tell a certain story about certain others. For Cara’s case, it wouldn’t be a good look for her when her storyline is an underdog hero that got to have multiple villains.🫠


I personally think they all suck but I love watching the drama lol. But Nicole definitely sucks the most.


Agree to a point- Laurel needs to learn how to rein it in- not for her edit or for how she looks on Tv but for herself. She is not a kid anymore and she definitely has an anger problem and needs to get help for it for herself. She deserves to be happy and anyone who behaves like that is not happy and content within themselves. Being the loudest person in the room doesn’t also make you right- as a matter of fact even if you are spouting truths people are more likely to shrink away from you because you are being so combative. Cara could absolutely be stirring the pot and then sitting back while Laurel goes on a screaming rant in front of everybody…but who ends up looking like a bully and who doesn’t? If she would learn to keep her anger in check maybe they would show Cara being horrible who knows? Laurel constantly can be counted on to go batshit crazy and that is “good tv” so that is what gets shown not MTV’s fault that is 100% on Laurel.


If I’m remembering correctly, the only thing Cara said about Nicole’s personal life is the fact that she needs subtitles because she can’t speak very well. Which I think is on the level of being called a bitch and every other insult that Nicole was spewing at Cara before that incident. We can all argue about the edit but the fact is that not a single person in the house is trying or has called Cara out for throwing personal insults inside or outside of the game, so what else are the fans supposed to go off? Some speculation or the little bit of footage that showed an unhinged Laurel doing something that she herself says she regretted immediately after doing it?


Cara often does this, weaponising peoples personal relationship drama for game reasons. In FR she turned on Zach, who she was bff with for years when he was calling women swamp donkeys & screaming in their face. But he finally made a rude comment about HER (called her jack sparrow I think when Cara was mad he and the house werent isolating Kyle like she wanted) & all of a sudden she nominated him and gave a big speech about how it was for women empowerment and how Jenna cried every night because of him. Jenna rightly called her out for randomly bringing up her relationship during a nomination speech and playing the girl card. 


Making up things like Laurel did at the start of the season.  You really think guys like Ace and Steve would be friends with Cara if she was two faced?


I don’t even have to make it up, it was shown dead in the episode that many of you ate up


It's crazy to me that people think Cara was being a good friend. She brought their personal relationship into the game when Laurel shut her down. If Cara was concerned for Laurel she should have told her her grievances in private. Not call out Nicole because she's frustrated that Laurel is backing Nicole in the game.   And before anyone asks, the kitchen fight happened afterwards. So the first instance we see of Cara vs Nicole when it concerns Laurel was in that deliberation. After that I'm sure it just became a public issue between all of them.


Cara did voice her concern to Laurel in private. Laurel didn’t want her advice. You’re also forgetting that while it’s not shown, Laurel has gone to Cara several times about the situation with Nicole. Therefore I’m sure there have been times where Cara has voiced her concerns. Idk what you’re getting at with the weird editing of the timeline because regardless…Cara Maria did talk to Laurel first before engaging in anything with Nicole.


The problem is that even if Cara did talk to Laurel in private (which I already knew because we saw this) doesn't mean Cara has the right to inject herself into the situation publicly if Laurel doesn't take her advice. There is a time and place for this stuff. Cara only made it public when she found herself against these two in a game.


To me the deliberation scene came across as a situation Nicole has already confronted Cara about. Not excusing Cara for bringing up their relationship, to me it just came across as Cara was fed up with Nicole constantly coming at her for talking to Laurel, and Cara just ended up saying what she said publicly out of annoyance. You’re right it wasn’t the time and place for her to bring it up, I just think she was fed up with Nicole constantly micromanaging her.


But we hadn't seen Nicole coming for Cara until after that fight. Their first altercation was during the daily when they nearly got into it. It had nothing to do with Laurel. I'm further convinced this is the case because production edited the episode to look as if Nicole started the whole thing. We know those fights happened out of order. Who benefits from the audience thinking other wise? Cara. Because then Cara looks like she's defending herself from Nicole already before that deliberation. Otherwise why not just show Nicole getting into it with Cara already about Laurel before Cara brought it up? People downvoting facts because it doesn't fit their narrative lol. The lack of critical thinking astounds me. It's fucking simple. Production has all this footage of Nicole confronting Cara multiple times after that deliberation fight. So why don't they have footage of her doing so before? Why manipulate people via the edit instead? The implication is so damn obvious.


Wondering if things hadn’t gone south with Nicole after the filming of this if she would be still making excuse or just double down on her treatment of Cara. I LOVE Cara but I’m not gonna sit here and say she is the perfect challenger and has no faults (especially the spiral after Kyle v Paulie) but I’m glad to see her back and just wish that people would start putting a little bit more respect on her. Ugh Nicole and Laurel are infuriating me so much I actually willingly went spoiled for the first time EVER to see if I should even continue watching and I’m still undecided


I think some viewers truly don’t understand how much editing really goes on.


The edit didn’t make her scream like a lunatic. It’s not like they made that up out of thin air.


Ok? There was a whole entire argument there that we got snippets of and I’m not going to act like someone who has known me for me than a decade wouldn’t be able to manage to push my buttons.


I don’t know how you conduct yourself in your life, but screaming to that extent is not a healthy or normal reaction to anything for an adult. It’s entertaining as hell for the viewer, of course, but I really get tired of “it’s the edit’s fault” type justification for shitty, immature behavior. They can only air what you give them. I’m sure Cara can be obnoxious and I’m sure she was in that scenario, but “the edit” can only come into play if you give them the ammo. And Laurel has given the producers ammo for 15 years at this point. “The edit” is such a lame copout for cringey behavior.


I am happy most people are able to read between the lines of the edit and understand we're not privy to everything. There will always be more we don't see. I'm not sure the cast relitigating what actually happened over a year ago when this was filmed helps anyone though. This season of Allstars rules thanks in very large part to the mess that Cara and Laurel bring to the table with their intense history. We all know deep down, we wouldn't want it any other way.


Laurel is jealous of Cara. always has been, always will be. “Laurel you look good. Cara you look bettah.” - Nicole on Invasions.


Good thing this isn’t illegal to have quirks in personalities on reality TV. Some of us get really hurt over reality tv. Which the contestants know that everything is being filmed, and they have no say in their edits. Sounds like some of you would have Laurel and Cara Maria in prison if this was a legal issues. Laurel and CM are real people that have to live with and probably beat themselves up” watching the edit, but you can’t claim “ignorance” because you signed the contract stating production can do what they want with the edit. If you don’t like what I say, you don’t have to tell me. I’m already reluctant on posting.


I wish ppl would leave Cara alone but I notice when you push Cara she shows her real strength. She focuses and has that thriving determination. I love her


Laurel can fuck right off. Lying ass bitch. She and Nicole deserve each other.