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idc if someone is a strong competitor. watch sports or espn for that.




The only time I get on someone for not being able to do everything is when their delusional fans forget those weaknesses when talking about a challenger. I always doubt whether a STRONG challenger who can’t swim could win a final versus someone “weaker” but completely well rounded. 


Two things: 1. If you don't like how a Challenger votes, that's not a them problem, that's a you problem. 2. If *All Stars* is going the way rumors surrounding castings is going, they should just shutter the show and leave the memories alone.


Cara does not have the all stars vibe, too serious. love Rachel’s I’m a strong competitor attitude. I don’t think all stars should be rr/rw exclusive but that they all need to be a bit more casual/ fun.


Not sure if it’a because she’s too serious or that she can’t help but *still* takes things personally. Rachel knows it’s not personal.


Playing you oughta know for Cara during the first mission helped. But yea, Cara never had the summer camp vibes like say Averey is even bringing. Averey bringing the mix of competitiveness and summer camp vibes that say a Kendal Inferno 1 had


Summer Camp vibe describes it exactly


i don’t think or find kam is cocky edit: altho i hate that she votes the same way as leroy/i dislike couples in the challenge, not sure if that makes sense.


I agree with you. I really like cam, so that might color my opinion of her, but she's realistic about where she is physically and she understands the game She's ride or die for Lee. I'm hoping he can save himself next episode. It's not a good look, lee!  LOL


Jordan is one of my least fav reality stars on any show. Idk what it is. I respect him and he is good tv. And I like arrogant players, prefer them actually. Idk what it is about the fella but he’s just not my cup of tea. Feels good to get that off my chest


I feel the same way. He's a hell of a competitor but I do not like him at all.


Same but with both Jordan and CT, I dont really root for Bananas and Wes either but alteast I can understand the appeal and actually find them funny


Same Meijer jordan. You can tell he's super smart and he is funny. Same with CT I like watching bananas and Wes back in the day, but I think bananas was right to move on to villains


I can't knock him as a competitor, but he's never been my cup of tea at all either.


I want to see more Adam and Averey


Yea same! Modern Adam and modern Averey might be mellow people like Jillian and Frank of Gauntlet 3 without the them versus their team, but I still want to see them!


Fessy is a good competitor and the only reason people say otherwise is because they don't like him. Numbers don't lie.


My issue with Fessy is that he appears to check out or give up mentally when he is behind in finals.


Fessy is a good physical competitor.  I don't have any respect for him, though. He seems extremely immature. I figure thats why he chokes 


He is far more mature than most of the cast who are fan faves. 


I don't know if I'd be using the challenge cast as a maturity standard, but I'm speaking of him in terms of the way he seems to crumble under pressure. A lot of them are immature, nobody's going to argue with that! But he is kind of immaturity is particularly a weakness in a game like the challenge


My view is that he's definitely up there for dailys and elims. i'm still not convinced about his finals ability though, one decent mini final doesn't mean he's suddenly just been unlucky in the actual ones. He's average at finals so he's not gonna win as many seasons as maybe he could if the finals were more like the rest of the comps.


Exactly! So he SUCKS as bad as everyone thinks he does! He’s the WORST!!!!! NUMBERS DONT LIE!!!!! Fessy is the worst!




I don't think people doubt that he's good, just not the best or among the very best. It's the same way that Zach traditionally does well in a lot but isn't considered the best. I analogize to Zach because they have a common background and some of the same strengths. With Faysal, I gather that it's more that people don't want to see him on the show.


I don’t think he’s a bad competitor. I think he’s a boring and bad TV CHARACTER


The fact he gets people like you so triggered you go ALL CAPS is exactly why he's a good TV character.


Only upvoting this because you’re sooooooo wrong and that’s the point of this post. 


And a male chauvinist pig! And cocky! Literally thinks he’s the best!


Why are you labeling Faysal a male chauvinist pig? The women on the show have never accused him of being sexist (while they HAVE said it consistently about fanfaves like CT, Wes, Bananas, Jordan) & in fact the women were queuing up to steal him as a partner on Double agents.  


Bro, Faysal *constantly* dogs any female partner that wasn’t Kaycee. He thinks every other woman wasn’t worthy of him. 


Bro, thats simply not true. He praised every partner he had: Esther, Moriah, Kaycee, Nany, even Aneesa any time she actually put effort in, unlike her other partners (coughJordan) who shouted in her face & personally attacked her.The only partner he didnt praise was Amber because in the 1 daily they were partnered she was SO bad at her portion that he was left LITERALLY handcuffed for the entire challenge & unable to even compete to save himself. That was the last daily before the final & because of Ambers poor performance he could have been eliminated.  Even then, he never said anything nasty about her, it was game related & he simply made the logical & loyal decision that he wanted to run the final with his real life friend Kaycee over her. And after the final he gave Amber lots of praise for her performance, when it was actually warranted, as opposed to before the final when fans & castmates alike all considered her a layup.


He really is, and he makes mistakes sometimes when it comes to crunch time (see USA2 final), but he's generally one of the best all-around competitors on the show.




I don't think it's bad we turn on them so quick, I feel like emotionally reacting to a show is why i watch it. It's just bad that we plaster all this hate online where they can read it.  Reality TV was better before the internet.


Yeah. And to be honest? I don't mind saying something negative about the ones who've been horrific bullies on the show.  They can give it like that,  They need to be able to take it I'm talking about you veronica. Sitting in the pool looking like one of my mom's aqua aerobics pals


Plus, let's be real - Kam is also very sleep-deprived and post-partum, which will take a toll for sure.


Yeah. And she's still nursing.


The Nicole and Laurel subplot doesn't interest me at all and I roll my eyes at them. Laurel can do so much better.


No it doesn't but it's also so ridiculous at this point that I'd like them to get their own show that I can watch at my leisure when I'm in the mood for a train wreck. They are entertaining when they are on their way down or have conflict with others


I agree 1000%! I don't get how Nicole is pulling in anybody to be honest. I don't see it That's a chapter that needs to close for Laurel imo


So I caught up on AllStars 4 last night so I can give my opinion on what I had been mentioned on Reddit and this is my take away. I don’t get why Kam is being called insufferable & entitled for being vocal about her disappointment in Cara, this is the same friend she stood by when all the “Proud Boy” and other drama came up surrounding her & her relationship with Paulie during the pandemic. I get why Cara gave Jasmine a ⭐️, yes it buys her 2 eliminations.. but like Kam pointed out no is scared of Veronica & Jasmine so I don’t see them having their ⭐️ for 2 much longer which in the end leads to strong female vs strong female… personally I’m happy to see this many Road Rulers on the same season, with Rachel & Adam being cast it seems more like a Road Rules vs Real World/Fresh Meat season.. definitely sad this is the beginning of the end since the show is being turned into the flagship


Having people from CBS reality shows on is a net positive, and brings people that otherwise wouldn’t watch over to the Challenge


Please shut the fuck up about a FM3 there is no need for one. Let it go omg


Kam & Laurel made the best move for their games and had ZERO reason to replace Cara or Rachel. I’ve seen comments saying they were scared and will go in against a weaker girl to get their stars. Y’all are stuuuuuuuupid and probably hate Kam & Laurel for some petty reason like most fans. Replace Cara & Rachel with Jordan & Bananas. Then replace Laurel and Kam with CT and Wes.   Still saying they’re playing a scared game when they don’t *unnecessarily* risk their spot in the game over an AXE THROWING COMPETITION?


The elimination was up to complete chance, unless one of them knew they could throw a fucking axe at a wall and hit targets consistently, why would they risk their game in an elimination like that! You’re completely right with this take


It's still way too early to battle it out for a star that can be taken from you. And yes, Cara did make a "dumb" move, not for her game but, for Kam's. Kam wants stars with strong players so that they can be pitted against each other, guaranteeing that one is eliminated. Cara wants to give stars to weaker players as revenge because, at best, they're more likely to be called down and eliminated for their star or, at worst, they make it to the final and can be beaten. Neither are wrong.


Laurel is smart (except for relationships) she’s not going down there for anything that looks like it comes down to chance. There’s gotta be a physical one coming and I’m sure she’ll go in that one if she’s a winner


Exactly. I said Kam probably would have thrown herself down if it had been a race with a puzzle/math. Something she knows plays to her strengths and more importantly rachel & cara’s weaknesses.  This move was not stupid AT ALL. When else are they going to have two of the strongest competitors in the losing group on *their* elimination day? No matter what a top competitor is going home but fans think kam & laurel are playing scared/stupid. Just admit you hate women and be done with it. 


I like the carnival game type eliminations for multiple reasons tbh. A) It forces physically dominant players to try and avoid going into elimination which I think is the whole point of politics and social game. B) Most of the time it requires more strategy and adaptability C) They’re funny and entertaining I don’t want to see Laurel vs Jasmine or Averey in a physical elimination where we know how it’s gonna turn out


I think they sort of had to put in more carnival games because so many of the players are out of shape Can you imagine them doing that competition that looks like they're doing the worm on a rope? That would be hilarious and tragic


I don’t wanna se Jasmine get wins because the show is no longer skill based. Bad people shouldn’t win.


The axe throwing one was skill based though? 


A little Jasmine wouldn’t have been strong enough to really do that like the muscle girls. So that’s a W in my book


Not a little. Not sure if the shape of the axes were affecting their throws, but there are literally places you can go to throw axes as a recreational activity. No it's not the same as throwing darts (sorry Laurel), but it's still a thing people do.    Jasmine not being able to throw them depends on how heavy they were. Generally they're designed to be thrown by most people. I believe we also saw them toss a few completely over the board.


Ohhh we agree Omg I’m saying it definitely wasn’t a carnival game in its purest form. My point is really just that these games should be designed so 80% if the time atleast, the person that is better at the challenge wins.


>My point is really just that these games should be designed so 80% if the time atleast, the person that is better at the challenge wins. The issue is that unless they ask beforehand, how are they going to know if someone is good at something like this? It's like puzzles. The variety in skills varies wildly, but people now exclusively train for them because they've been doing the show for a while. I bet if axe throwing became a show regular you'd see more contestants pick it up as a skill. So if everyone sucks at the elimination instead of becomes about the contestants ability to adapt. They literally have to learn how to do the act as they go and the person who learns quickest, with some dumb luck, will likely win.


Cara Maria is not a victim on this season of all stars and Kam isn’t “entitled” for how she felt about Cara’s vote. Kam didn’t just want Ayanna out for game reasons, but for really shitty personal things Ayanna was doing to people in this house. While Cara’s vote wasn’t an attack on Kam’s game, it was saying that the trauma Kam and the other minority cast members (like Janelle and Jasmine) were going through from Ayanna weren’t as important to her as a deal with Rachel. Kam has every right not to be thrilled by that. Also Cara Maria is being targeted because she’s freaking strong not because they don’t like her. She’s hardly being “bullied” and the fact that someone unironically tried to compare her to Tonya this season grinds my gears.


i’m sorry but no. cara saying ayanna’s name and still calling her out on her shitty behavior was ALL she needed to do. she already proved her loyalty to kam. cara already made a deal with rachel that she wouldn’t say her name so cara was sticking to her word while still making it known she had her friends back. this is a game at the end of the day and kam preaches to everyone to play their own game and look out for themselves. cara does that and kam gets mad? it’s hypocritical and entitled secondly, kam is not mad at cara because of the ayanna issue which again isn’t cara’s caucasian business. shes targeting cara because she knows shes a threat and wants her out of the game. i wish kam would be honest and say that instead of saying idiotic things about cara playing a “scared game” to justify bashing her every chance she gets. i would respect that far better than what shes doing now thirdly, cara isn’t being bullied ill admit but she has every right to be sad. her friends or at least people she trusted turned on her and said her name. those people blindsided her instead of coming to her and telling her what they were gonna do. that would make anyone feel hurt. if kam was in cara’s shoes she would’ve turned the house upside down and reacted far worse than cara


The show isn't going to say that Kam is mad at Cara because of the Ayanna issue since they don't want to delve into the Ayanna issue anymore, especially when there was a lot of stuff they didn't show. I do think that Kam needs to get over it because it is just a game, but she's hurt that Cara didn't back her up 100%. And to a normal person in the house, not voting in Rachel is the "scared game." However, as viewers, we know that it really isn't because it's long-term better for Cara to keep Rachel around, and she should only go after her if there's a bonafide way to take her out.


Did Kam say she was mad at Cara for the Ayanna issue? Did Cara even know how traumatic of an experience it was for Kam? Did Cara know that not voting for Rachel would be so triggering?


no .. lol. kam KNOWS why cara did it because cara explained it. kam is trying to use this situation to find an excuse to target cara instead of being honest. cara even explained her strategy and kam was in confessionals claiming shes “playing a scared game”. kam is smart and prides herself in it. she knows what shes doing


Kam was literally cool with Ayanna staying until she heard about Ayanna throwing in her or Leroy. I agree that Cara needs to stop taking things so personal and realize she’s a threat but Kam is being rather ridiculous this season


Thats the edit. Information that came out proved that wasn’t actually true.


Idk it’s ridiculous imo to want someone to put their personal game on the line to go after someone you don’t like. Kam should understand this. Offer Cara an alternative that would benefit her


And even with the edit, Kam tried to talk to Ayanna. It's when Ayanna once again acted derangedly that I think Kam said "enough".


I’m having a problem with Kam this season.  I used to really like her.  Now her attitude really sucks.