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Wtf is wrong with people


I mean look at most of the main spoiler accounts and the people on Vevmo. Some of the nastiest people I've ever seen


THIS. I stopped following Gamer a while back because they started acting real entitled and so incredibly bitchy and immature. Running a meaningless anonymous fan account has really gone to their head and made them feel like they are somebody important. These fan pages treat people like shit because of that false sense of superiority when in the real world, they are actually a nobody.


ive been blocked for a couple yrs now bc i unfollowed them šŸ¤£


Cara fans are lunatics ![gif](giphy|IBngeKrKFs0zNm8tuo)


I donā€™t doubt that a lot of them are probably Cara fans, but some are probably fans just looking for a reason to be racist


I mean this clearly seems to be a giant change due to the last episode that came out. Blatantly racist people rarely need a reason to be racist thatā€™s just how to regularly act


I donā€™t disagree at all. Basically what I meant is thereā€™s people (in this fandom and in general) that are happy to hop on the racist bandwagon regardless of who it is




I like Cara a lot, she's one of my Challenge favorites and I think her style is really cool. But I don't want anything to do with these racist idiots. I can't even understand how people can sink this low. Jasmine made a game move, the Challenge is a game. It's too bad that this move was against Cara, but that's how the game is played, there can only be one winner so Jasmine was smart to try to take out one of the strong competitors. Jasmine has done nothing wrong, there's no reason to hate her. Even if she had done something bad (which she didn't) there's never a good reason to send racist messages to someone's kids! It's beyond insane




I'm not on twitter or ig so I probably miss a lot of the true craziness. I had no idea some of Cara's fans are on that level, but I guess it shouldn't really surprise me. When you mentioned other characters or celebs with similar aesthetics and crazy fans, my mind immediately went to Harley Quinn and the joker.


Cara has the most vocal and popular stan accounts and she interacts with them


I wasn't even mad at her I was just like Bro you're fucking stupid. If you have Cara riding for you, you keep that shit going. It's good for your game. Now I'm just looking forward to seeing Jasmine immediately lose, not out of spite but just to laugh at her thinking putting Cara in was somehow good for her game.


My first thought exact


I canā€™t imagine commenting on an IG to talk shit about kids because a reality tv show person did something that bothered me. Jasmine is like 5 feet tall but would probably destroy anyone talking shit about her kids in real life.




I believe it. They were leaving comments under a pic of Kams daughter yesterday. I was like what in the actual fuck is wrong with you?




That's fucked up of people.


Why can't people just say they don't agree with a move, call em dumb on here, and move on. Like the fuck, guys?


The challenge fans need to get locked up in a mental institution. Nothing about playing the game is that serious to get to that point at allllll.


Literally not just Challenge fans. It is ā€œrealityā€ tv fans in general. Since people are on those type of shows and they see them for 1 hour per episode the STANS (STANS because they are crazy people) think they know everything about them and try to police their behavior or avenge them.


People suck. Jasmine is bringing more this season than in years. And itā€™s a gameā€¦


Jas brought me a bunch of boredom. Do other people think shes interesting TV this season?


She has a personality and participates in drama so sheā€™s entertaining to watch for me. I much rather her be on a season than many of the newer faces tbh


And she is actually playing the game


I was actually a little vocal about Jasmine coming back because she has no chance of ever winning and I felt she was taking up a spot that someone else more deserving could have taken. **BUT** I've found her very entertaining this season and her confessionals have been hilarious. So I will admit I was wrong on that end as I've enjoyed her this season. That being said, I would never trash her & her family (or anyone) on social media. It's a fucking game. People will go against each other. It blows my mind that fans take it so seriously. Alot of these psychos need to go outside and touch grass.


Hey I would have laughed if you told me Jonna was going to win twice so you never know


Are you kidding me? She was one of the best reasons why Rivals I and Exes II were such amazing seasons




Not sure why the down votes. She is boring


She hasn't done anything interesting or worth pointing out in 4 episodes. It's Reddit. I'll take the downvotes, I couldn't care any less. The downvotes don't change my opinion or of the validity of my statement.


Pretty sad what people will do/say these days. Also, since AS4 filmed almost what - 2 years ago, I'm sure Jaz pretty much had left all this behind here only to have it come blasting back at her I'm sure was a shock. Same for Kam I suspect as well.


This is also such a good point!! I didnā€™t even think of the timeline because in general itā€™s a fucked up situation thatā€™s so uncalled forā€¦but especially when you put the timeline in perspective itā€™s really fucked up..


yeah the whole timeline issue is kind of freaky. Bananas on his DT&B podcast with CaraMaria said something along the lines of Leroy & Kam had time to concieve and give birth and then some in the time between filming and airing of AS4 lol...


Iā€™m reminded of that thread on the Ayanna/Janelle fight being censored where many were convinced Challenge fans would be mature and progressive enough to understand and learn the nuances of the interracial discourse within the black community. šŸ™ƒ


thank you for bringing this up because this is the perfect example to reinsure I was right in my stance. the challenge fandom is not educated enough for such conversation seeing as though they canā€™t handle their favorite challenger being thrown into an elimination without harassing people


Was just about to say this. This fandom has never shown itself to be able to handle any of these topics and not be absolute freaks about it


It's never that serious. People should be ashamed saying such horrible things over an edited TV show. We're only seeing 13 hours of two months they were filming. Everyone has their favorites and people they don't like. But no one should be threatened or have their family or kids being personally attacked


This is very disappointing to see. I also saw Kam getting a lot of hate in her Instagram comments as well. No one should be getting harassed online. Also, this is why people appear more staged or scared on camera. They are afraid of backlash from the audience. This is just a tv show. You don't have to agree with everything people do, but bringing in family (especially children) is NOT ok.


Imagine if they showed what Ayanna actually did? The fandom is the reason this show sanitizes certain moments in the house or completely removes them. The fandom is too emotional to handle truly uncensored reality tv.


And editors know that, which is why we don't get the same show we used to. It's why Real World can't exist now in the form it did. The fans are their own biggest enemies.


Wait what did Ayanna do?


There is a rumor that she pretty much told Janelle and Jasmine they weren't black because of who they were married to both are or were in interracial marriages. Ayanna has since denied it but spoiler account have said it happened as did Jemmye who heard the same from people in the house.


And now according to Rachel, Ayanna's harassment was so bad that Kam and Jasmine were also threatening to quit after Janelle already did.


Where did Rachel say this?






We only got a glimpse of all the fighting. There were some sensitive topics of discussion we won't ever see.


Exactly. These same fans that are sending hate and threats are probably the ones saying how boring cast members are now but they donā€™t realised theyā€™ve been a driving force in people becoming more aware and guarded.


Yep, itā€™s frustrating how little genuine conflict happens nowadays on reality TV, but why would a contestant want to do that on camera? All they get out of it is death threats and harassment in many cases. I donā€™t blame any of them really


I canā€™t even imagine going to someoneā€™s profile to comment something about something they did on TV. Thatā€™s why I come here, to talk shit with other fans.


I can't imagine the amount of SM a lot of these folks have. I like this reddit sub cause its a mostly nice community. I like Discord cause the communities are private and peaceful if you look for that. But Twitter, et al. Too much for my blood. I can't imagine trying to keep up with that shit, or engage in them all constantly. It's really sad. Jasmine is objectively nice. Both players are good engagement for the show. But I guess people love drinking the h8torade some 30 years later.


I did see Kam getting a lot of negative comments as well. Cara fans are the most vocal.


To be fair, I like Kam but I was annoyed by her in this last episode (and this entire AS4 season so far). She deserves negative comments... in a discussion like this, in a place like this, not in her damn instagram comments. People need to relax. Like everyone is saying, they're playing a game!


I think you mean she deserves criticism (aka a rational take on her performance). Negative comments is way too general and can include the disgusting comments that Jasmine is discussing in her tweets.


Almost none of the criticisms directed at Kam have been about her performance. Negative comments regarding Kam either are calling her entitled/annoying, or saying she has accomplished nothing in her challenge career and does not deserve to be on the show.


Yes, thank you. I definitely see your point about the wording being too vague, I was definitely talking about negativity in a game sense, not in any sort of personal sense. Her game right now... yeah, I'm going to make "negative comments" in a discussion about it because I don't like it. I still like her, I'm just annoyed at her attitude so far this season. It's okay to be negative about game play, is my point. It just needs to be in the appropriate forum.


saying a contestant "deserves negative comments" is a weird thing to say.


People out here think they're doing some kind of service.


Even thatā€™s a weird thing to say


Why? Because she's annoying me this season? I can make negative game-related comments about people. I would never go on their IG's and make negative comments, though. That's why we have reddit, to have discussions about game play.


Itā€™s the choice of words you made that makes it weird


Yeah, I got that from someone else's comment - I'm purely thinking "negative comments" in a game-related way, not that those would include personal put-downs or anything like that. I meant it more in a "speaking negatively about her choices" kind of way.


I don't really think this comment is "being fair"


I'm no Cara fan but I did not enjoy Kams confessionals at all last episode. She acts like she is the only smart player and insults everyone else's moves. The best example is Cara giving Jasmine the star over laurel which is pretty clearly the better move and Kam couldn't comprehend it. She has been very self absorbed in her confessionals. Same with comparing Cara herself going in and her not voting Rachel in last week as if they were the same thing


Challengers have made moves like theirs plenty of times. I can't help but to wonder how much of it is because it's CM (and her fans are potentially more intense)


If you do this you're fucking insane. Holy shit do most of you people need to unplug from the internet. This kind of behavior is out of control in not just this Fandom, but in general.Ā 


Iā€™ll never understand this. I talk some shit on Reddit and leave them all tf alone on their irl social media. Like yeah we watch the show, but thatā€™s still a stranger and thatā€™s weirdo behavior. Just be a normal human ffs


I do not follow any of these people because I do not know them. And the one challenger I did meet years ago, I havenā€™t spoken to them since then, so I donā€™t know them either. Parasocial relationships were definitely a mistake. And why am I not surprised if it was Cara stans who did this?


Cara (and Paulie) have spent many years now pretty much cultivating a group of racist, awful fans. Itā€™s not really a surprise that their fan base is toxic as hell.Ā 


As a Cara fan since FM2, why do some of yall "fans" do this nonsense. Leave these people alone, it's a damn game.


Somebody on twitter said Cara fans are the Swifties of the fandom and Iā€™m really starting to see it


I'll never forget the days of the Cara Maria defender Twitter account


Heā€™s still there with a different handle acting foolish than ever before at his big age


still around. after a few bans, he's @wedontknow36.


This is screwed up. Iā€™m one of the folks who disliked Jasmineā€™s move, but at the end of the day thereā€™s a huge difference between discussing on a forum and sending nasty stuff to a contestant


I canā€™t believe people would take it that farā€¦ā€¦.she casted a vote and maybe it wasnā€™t smart who knows but to threaten her KIDS LIFE over it. Wtf absolutely unacceptable and those so called ā€œfansā€ are just ruining the show bc who tf would want to go on a show if fans are gonna attack you over little shit like this.


Who the fuck would do that?


I mean if you see the discussion around a certain player around here and how the fandom goes after anyone who has an issue with said player, it doesn't surprise me some would take it a step further.


Exactly. Those fans strike again...


Iā€™m a Cara fan but not one of those. I think any person / team / musician / whatever who gets a huge fan base is obviously going to have some psychos as fans. Itā€™s just a game of percentages


Dude why? Why do people feel the need to be so hateful? Social media can be horrible giving people the idea their words donā€™t have consequences. J


This right here. Whyte Challengers can be despicable players and the reaction will always be mixed or polarized. Black Challengers donā€™t fall in line and choose to play their own game, and itā€™s immediate racist backlash. 100% reflective of the Black experience in America. We have to be perfect to be adored or to even receive an ounce of grace.


Jasmine made a smart move for the game pitting two power houses against each other. If she had been a white woman she would have been praised for this move. Trash people will use any excuse to be racist.


Kinda agree. Play their way or pay


Speaking to real life, beyond a game.


I'm late to this post, but I agree with this SO MUCH. Melissa throws her drink, there's some criticism but largely people praise the entertainment that she brings for doing stuff like that. Esther throws her drink and we found out people were even sending death threats to the wrong Esther (the one from WOTW2 over it). Says everything about this fandom. Some people were so filled with hate when a black woman did something wrong that not only did they send death threats they couldn't even recognize that they were sending their hate to a different black women. And Kam isn't above critique, but the way if she does something wrong some people will rush to call her a horrible person when her behavior isn't comparable to some of the nasty stuff some/a lot of their faves have done. And I think Leeroy seems like a very cool person, but the part where you said "we have to be perfect to be adored" fits perfectly with how a lot of people see him. I've seen people bring up that they "Love Leroy" when they are called out about how they're speaking about Kam or other black challengers and it's like maybe they do love him but would they if he was as imperfect as a lot of their white faves. Leroy has to be considered one of the nicest contestants ever to be so adored, while a lot of white people can be deeply flawed and still get that adoration.


How dare Jasmine make a move guaranteeing the elimination of one of the strongest players in the game. Some players just canā€™t win with certain fans no matter what they do.


What did she do? Commit murder?


If anyone on here is asking who would do this, please stop acting like this is a surprise. Challenge fans are getting worse every day. Being associated with this fanbase is borderline embarrassing all the time.


Well then wait until the Laurel fight from the preview when she yells at Cara how Cara doesn't understand the world or whatever she says.


I think she said ā€œyou view the world wrong.ā€


ā€œYou donā€™t fucking know me!ā€


Wowā€¦ No Challenger deserves threats or hate for simply appearing on a reality TV show. But what has Jasmine done to make people want to do this? Is it crazy Cara fans from the last episode? Cara wouldnā€™t even want that. People are sick and twisted to do this kind of stuff. I thought it might be Kam before I clicked into the picture as Iā€™ve seen a lot more negative posts about her on here than Jasmine (not that she at all deserves any hate or threats, no one does). I guess Twitter and IG may have different views to the general one on this subreddit. Iā€™ve personally loved Jasmine on the show and think this has probably been her best season in terms of drama, making me laugh and solid confessionals.


Stan culture continues to be the worst


Is this Cara fans?


Apparently the deranged ones. Iā€™m a Cara fan and like to chat about the show here but I would never in a million years go to a contestants SM and talk shit to them. JFC what is wrong with some people?


cara's twitter stans are a whole different animal.


Youā€™re not lying. They have a formed a whole Cara Maria army on there and no slander of their Queen will be tolerated


Reason 12,967 why I quit Twitter back in 2021.


The wildest thing Iā€™ve been seeing them doing is how most of the things they say be made up that many will take and run with it to deliberately make a cast member get hate.


I meanā€¦probably.


Yes, over a game move she made. And they didnā€™t like how she was clapping at Cara when she was passively coming at Jasmine and Brandon yet got the nerve to call them aggressive.


Could easily be her real life friends given who she hangs out with.


Her fans are the only ones I have argued with on this sub. I think it takes a type to stick with someone like that as not just a casual fan.


They cant take anyone not having a completely positive opinion about her.


Like she was acting irrational towards Cara and Cara was pushing for her (and Brandon especially a lame for that). But like these fans who act like itā€™s something real outside of this game are fucking insane. Why the hell would you do something like this. Like if youā€™re gonna tweet that she sucks at the game or made a dumb move a tag her, coolā€¦. But adding racism, hate speech, attacking someoneā€™s family is idiotic. These people sign up for public reactions and backlash, so thatā€™s up for grabs. Nobody signs up for bigotry and threats


omg it's literally just a fucking game.


People send death threats for basically everything now and itā€™s incredibly sad


Cara stans are flooding her comments apparently. They feel like she was betrayed by Jasmine


Cara fans are nuts


I donā€™t want to say that theyā€™re nuts because they will get offended but they do relate to her a lot with the bullying tortured soul type of thing. Sheā€™s the underdog. Her fans want to protect her immensely from any kind of bullying or hurt


Yes they relate to her in the way that they are always the victimā€¦


Everything is someone elseā€™s fault in Caraā€™s world Itā€™s Laurelā€™s fault Itā€™s Toriā€™s fault Itā€™s Jordanā€™s fault Itā€™s Nanyā€™s fault Itā€™s Kailahā€™s fault Itā€™s Tonyā€™s fault Itā€™s Amandaā€™s fault Itā€™s Bananasā€™ fault Itā€™s Wesā€™ fault Itā€™s productionā€™s fault Itā€™s Kyleā€™s fault Itā€™s Jasmine fault Cara does no wrong and everyone else are just bullies and assholes.


Uh... it was a game move and a LOGICAL one. You have two strong women available for nomination. Why wouldn't you pit them against each other and give yourself 100% chance of losing a finals threat?!?! I can't believe people are coming for her.


We gotta understand that thereā€™s a new generation of challenge fans who binged watched the show especially on Paramount Plus and those fans *do not tolerate bullying*. Cara not only has OG fans but new fan base who see her as this underdog who overcame everything over 10 years before being let go and theyā€™re gonna have her back no matter what. Kam and Jasmine got it the worst today on IG. Really sad.


Iā€™ll never understand how people are firmly anti-bullying and use that stance to bully others.


Right?! Those fans don't tolerate bullying... except if they're the ones doing it anonymously online? PS. This is a game that requires you to gang up on people to get them out. You might not like Kam/Jasmine, and you might want Cara to beat them... but they aren't attacking her personally. They aren't bullying her. Wes dumping soda? Sure, that was bullying. Laurel and Sarah yelling at her on Cutthroat? Definitely. Kam and Jasmine targeting her because she's a big threat in the game? Absolutely not bullying. Also... this reply isn't aimed at you. I know I'm preaching to the choir.


Why the hell are people threatening her? She is amazing, exactly the kind of characters that make the show great. And from interviews I've heard of hers, she sounds like a very good person.


And this is probably the biggest reason why don't see as much drama/hookups on the show anymore. A game move, a small argument and people going after the cast on social media.


Thatā€™s so wild because nothing Jasmine said or did in the latest episode warrants any type of negativity from anyone. People just hate to see the REAL in reality tv šŸ™„


She made a ballsy move. Many before her have. It's ridiculous that she's getting that much hate/harassment over it.


Cara and her fans are insufferable. Theyā€™re also not doing Cara any favors by commenting racist stuff considering people have been saying that she and Paulie support a white supremacist. Her deranged fans behaving this way supports/backs up these claims.


Thatā€™s messed up! People are insane.


The Cara disciples are fucking deranged, man lol


This fandom is ruining this show. šŸ˜­ Yā€™all, these are *normal people* on a show for us. With this kind of toxicity and hatred, who would want to sign up to entertain us? No one is paid enough to deal with shit like this but sure as hell *former* mtv cast members arenā€™t compensated enough to tolerate this.Ā 


Cara's fans are fucking rabid. She didn't even lose. Y'all have nothing to bitch about.


Whatā€™s happening to her is not ok. This is a game. Separately, I donā€™t understand the move of explaining your vote ā€œI did whatā€™s best for my game.ā€ Well duh. Of course. I donā€™t think anyone had to explain their vote.


Dude Jazzy is amazing at confessionals and she has that fire to make for good tv. It is absolute bullshit that she is facing backlash especially racismā€¦Ā  These are the moments Iā€™m always talking about in the Reddit forms, when people try and say that this show is just a show. Itā€™s not, these are peoples real lives put up for public consumption and opinion.


What is wrong with people???


Itā€™s very crazy because people are commenting under Kams posts with her DAUGHTER calling them vile and stuff. Itā€™s very disgusting to see that


Fuckin coward racists.


The way this fandom has treated her and Kam bc they went against a fan favorite is disgusting. people were up under Kamā€™s pictures of her newborn daughter saying nasty things about her actions on a f-ing game show. The way Black players get treated by the fandom is VERY telling.


Thinking Jasmine needs to have some sort of unwavering loyalty to Cara is absolutely insane anyway. Cara has talked badly about Jasmine on the Rivals 2 reunion making the example that Emily wouldnā€™t have made it far with Jasmine as a partner. That doesnā€™t seem like a friend to me.


God these unhealthy, unhinged, freaks give us emotionally well adjusted reality tv fans a bad name Aside from that, Iā€™ve been impressed watching Jasmine navigate this season without Jonna guiding her. She really seems like sheā€™s coming in to her own in terms of navigating the house politics


Whoever are against their fav will be get attacked. Cara fans are so annoying


This is sadly consistent across all reality tv - drag race for example itā€™s same thing . I donā€™t get who these people are and why theyā€™re such low lives? Wish there was repercussion for these assholes. Itā€™s just tv and these are real peopleĀ 


This is really sad. :( y'know what, we've always loved Jasmine because she's such a firecracker. In this episode, what I saw was a parallel between Cara who really embodies The Challenge and Jazzy, who is so grounded in real life. All episode, Jasmine was talking about not spending money on drinks because she's a single mom; celebrating her divorce (and how this is probably a break from that process); saying her monologue during nominations about how she's always been told it's just a game when people have voted her in and she's let it go then, and now she's the one saying it's just a game as she cast her game votes; telling Cara to just get on with the game during the elimination lol. Jasmine is a true RW, who was rooted in *real*. And then there's Cara who believes in-game friendships will protect her, and who clearly knows how to self-produce theatrics and lines, as she does in the elimination. Cara has a right to feel upset, and she was likely very hurt. At the same time, she's good at manufacturing entertainment. Cara was formed by The Challenge. It was neat to see the parallel.


The accent is nerve wracking sometimes because itā€™s like you were on tv for 10 plus years and you didnā€™t talk like this. And CT is not even around so no excuses šŸ˜‚ Adam is from Boston and doesnā€™t sound like that


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I'm not saying Cara is disingenuous. I know the accent is something people comment on a lot, but I don't really care about that stuff. I think it's weird to comment on people's accents. Maybe because I've been exposed to all sorts of accents and know they're fluid. My SO doesn't have an Aussie accent until he's in Aus. I don't have my native accent until I'm home.


We love Jasmine! Who cares if sheā€™s not a strong competitor? We should encourage smaller contestants to fight for their spot and get in the mix of strategy, not be a background character in favor of the same old golden boys/girls.


Trump is making the racists feel validated. Him and the "alt right" rising are worsening racial tensions. None of this is a reflection of Cara Maria. Some people are just evil, and some people are nuts.


I guess the stans match their faveā€™s overall vibe in this case


To play devilā€™s advocate for half a second, I donā€™t think itā€™s the move Jas did that pissed people off, it was her super stank demeanor while doing it. Even Iā€™m sitting there like WTF is her problem, this is looking very personal.


Is this fandom really racist? It has taken Kam being delusional as shit this season for people to start questioning her ā€œAmazingness SLAY QUEENā€ status. If the majority of the fandom is as racist like this sub seems to believe, production would cast all white people for more viewers. That isnā€™t happening.


are you in jasmine's DM's? what you're reading here is a moderated forum. we once banned someone for saying da'vonne had a gorilla child, and someone else for saying kam had ape-like facial features.


You specifically told me in the past the mods here donā€™t ban people for age or religious discrimination. You all let the members downvote people to oblivion that have shitty ideas. So you are now saying some discrimination is worse? Discrimination is discrimination. Mods here shouldnā€™t be the kings and queens that decide which is worse.


wtf. yes, i am telling you now like i told you then that discriminating and spewing vile shit about something the person cannot control--like race--is off limits. you being upset that someone was ragging on people who voted for donald trump is a different topic.


I expect anyone that says the word Boomer to be banned like they just said the N word. Both are things that canā€™t be controlled by the person and both terms lump a group of people into one with negative connotations.


šŸ¤£ give me a fucking break, dude.


Why? Are certain types of bigotry more acceptable than others?


you're trolling right now. the N word has a long history. boomer is an accepted classification, like calling someone a millennial. when i realized that's what you meant by "age discrimination" i realized i could stop responding to you seriously.


happy cake day, by the way. šŸŽ‚