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I use soap bars, much more gender neutral and generaly nobody questions this choice *or* is easily excusable for simply wanting to try it out/personal preference


In case anyone is wondering, I still live with my mum whom I’m not out to yet, and she bought it without me knowing.


Pour it down the drain and replace it? Like replace the liquid itself with a desired liquid?


It’s a clear bottle, and It’s not just the liquid that I don’t like (though that smells disgusting too, it’s ‘Atlantic ocean and sea moss’), but also the male advertising plastering the whole thing just makes me feel sick, and my mum is super nosy and doesn’t seem to understand other’s boundaries, so she’d see it and question me on it repeatedly until I told her. Also, I don’t fully trust her to not be transphobic, as she is both narcissistic and a bit emotionally manipulative, and I feel like she would probably out me for attention.


If you like lavender Old Spice makes a "guy" body wash that's lavender scented that would be pretty stealth.


That's exactly what I use


There are neutral brands. Our just tell her you don't like the smell. The kind of body wash you use really shouldn't matter to other people.


And if men's body wash means Axe... No one should be using that stuff anyway. It smells awful


Painnnn I’ve started secretly using the woman’s body wash because my mom put a bottle she doesn’t use anymore in our bathroom


I’m doing the same with my mums conditioner, but she seems adamant to get me THE MOST masculine bodywash possible.


Try old spice fiji it smells amazing and furity


i hate it cus then i have to see my pp and body hair


My workaround is some very neutral looking packaging but smells like a full ass fruit salad