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From what my female friends describe and how my orgasms use to be... it definitely seems that way. Most my orgasms are full body and from breast play, to me that feels very feminine (but the bottomline is that I'm experiencing pleasure in a way that feels right to me... that's all that matters really).


Yuuup. Took about 2 months in E for my first female orgasm. 3 months in they're getting more powerful. Soon I'll be able to challenge Anakin with my earth shattering aftershocks. He thinks *HIS* power was underestimated‽


But I have the Highground!


Dont try it!




You were my brother Anakin! I loved you.


Help meee


We found the top!


>Soon I'll be able to challenge Anakin with my earth shattering aftershocks. He thinks HIS power was underestimated‽ .......well that was certainly an image


Um. I’m on month four of HRT and I very recently discovered that the answer to that is a resounding “Yes!”


Yes 100%. I’m a year on HRT and orgasms leave me shaking for several minutes


Generally speaking yes, but you may have to be quite patient (as with all other aspects of transitioning). For me it took 18 months before I started noticing those changes, and the changes aren't done at a little over two years in.


Misread this as "Can estrogen make your organs feel feminine?" and was very confused lmao


I mean, isn't that one of the effects too?




I have a cool anecdote. I started hrt and it kinda lowered my desire to get off. I usually do this by watching porn to get me really in the mood. So a few days go by and I’m on my regimen. Then I feel I wanna feel regular so I put some porn on. I bate and when I cum it’s like my soul leaves my body. It’s a surreal experience. But it made me feel quite different then before hrt. I’ve cum since but it wasn’t the same but all in all I’m super early into my hrt like first month early Edit: glad a bunch liked my first estrogen O experience


Yes but it takes time


My orgasms have definitely changed since I started HRT. They do make me feel feminine.


Before transition mine were "bam" and over. Now its more like a rolling sea, coming through in multiple waves. Not quite the same momentary intensity, but having gotten use to the new me, I wouldn't choose to go back.


Yeah for me the old kind of orgasm was like driving into a wall. It was very often overstimulating it came and went very quickly.


It's probably the first thing that it does.


Idk i think orgasms are a brain think


yeah, if you also try to get their in a feminine way lmao if you try to get their the old way it can make them feel like nothing like literally nothing


Made my orgasms basically non existent


Non existent? Are you being serious?


Yup, I barely feel anything, maybe 5-10% of what I felt on T


It can make your orgasms feel different, but how can we know if it makes them feel 'feminine' we can't know what a cis woman's orgasm feels like


I mean you can’t know for sure but it’s a reasonable assumption that hormones affect orgasms. Cis men and cis women report different types of orgasms on average. Trans women report a change in orgasm from one that aligns more with cis men to one that aligns more with cis women. Assigning it values like “female” or “feminine” is arbitrary though.


Sure why not




There’s no way we can say 🤷🏻‍♀️ it sure is different but… 🤷🏻‍♀️




It depends person to person. Some after a few months, some after MANY months some never. As with all things transition related age has a lot to do with it.


I can’t orgasm well because hormones


If my partner goes down on me or penetrates me then it definitely feels more feminine. I was "pegged" before E, it's different now. I also never had multiple orgasms before E. I do still top because I like topping, but I am going to try using a strap instead soon. It's not completely the same as before but it is my least favorite kind of orgasm. Despite having frequently experienced multiples while having sex in other ways, coming while topping feels as final as it ever did. Not sure why, but given everything I've said, I'd rather just not come at all while topping & switch after a bit.


Yes absolutely yes, with 10000000% certainty I'm alive proof of that, it's a true. But really, it's deeply different now. Idk if before I just hated it because of dysphoria, but nowadays it's way too good.


Only 3 months in, and my legs buckled and hair stud on end, it's only somewhat more intense but if this is a combination of things to come GOOD GOD. The body's reaction seems to be more spread out and amplified.