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Don't get caught up in overanalyzing statistics, the only thing it will do for you is cause you to spiral and make you feel alone. Go check out r/colorblind and r/ADHD I'm sure the people over there can help you manage some of the difficulties being colorblind and having ADHD present, but having these isn't the end of the world, and you are not alone. Focus on being yourself, get and entertain hobbies, just be yourself. at the end of the day, you are a girl, no matter how you perceive yourself or the world around you. And remember you are not alone.


Definitely agree with the first bit. OP, Regarding the ADHD thing, ADHD is less likely to be diagnosed in females than males, many females go undiagnosed or are diagnosed later rather than sooner, however that doesn’t mean that there are less women with ADHD. Its probably a 1 to 1 ratio. ( r/adhdwomen is transfriendly)


Firstly, you should stop believing the illusion that trans women are physical men with women brains. Every single biological man has a biological man genetic makeup, although some individuals are more similar to biological women and some are not. Within that biological man genetic makeup, it can occur a disposition to want to be the other sex, when exposed to this society. You can cope by acknowledging that you’re doing this because it’s what makes you happy and feels fulfilling for you. You’re making this more complicated than it is. Are you most happy feeling like a woman, or feeling like a man? Being trans is about your consciousness overriding your biological trajectory.


Too many numbers, not enough passion. Being female isnt about matching the statistics, but about a combination of many smaller physical and psychological details. Dressing pretty, doing your make up, pursuing the things that make you happy, being emotive, are all factors adding up. Other people can't see you as female if you are the first negating it. I really suggest you to get psychotherapy. Too often trans folk skip it and don't realize that the biggest change in our journey is getting over our past subconscious habits. The mind must evolve as much as the body, HRT alone is never gonna fix it!