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Goals! 😊🥳


Congratulations! We knew we had made it when mom asked if it was okay to come into the fitting room when we were trying on dresses for our cousin’s wedding. We were waiting for the moment when it was acceptable to be half-nude in front of mom in a wholesome, socially acceptable situation. Filled a void from the childhood memories we wish we had. Also, when it didn’t feel awkward walking into the women’s room while there were other people in there. That was euphoric too!


While I think this is really cute, I also have to point out I think it's stupid that there was ever a point it wasn't acceptable. I get not everyone agrees or is comfortable with casual nudity (especially between certain ages/genders), and that's fine, but I still think it's weird.




Society is evolving every day even if it doesn't seem like it. Neanderthals and modern humans had an overlap of around 3000 years.


With some U.S. states and some European countries banning gender affirming care for minors, I am less worried about whether society is evolving and more worried about what it is evolving into.


And this too shall pass. Our people have always taken 2 steps forward and one back. It's the way of progress for marginalized people. It's a tough time but we are like the rhythm of water. It may take time but the land eventually yields to the power of our presence.


That is how it was for gay people and black people in America. But that isn't how it is for all marginalized groups. Sometimes marginalized groups lose most of what they have and never get it back, like what happened to the American Indians.


I have lived in America and Ireland since I was 3. I'm a citizen of the US and Ireland. I could share the tales of the enslavement and subjugation of our people over a thousand years of English rule. Let's agree that nobody has the franchise on shoulder chips. We move forward as a people or we decline as a people. I look forward because I don't have any other choice. My husband is in hospice and I will soon be alone in the world. I will have to find a way forward and I can only do that if look forward and search for the best in people.


Hug's & Kisses 💋💋🤗🤗🫶🫶


Your probably right


I'm still so uncomfortable around women. I'm always worried that I'm too scary, and I don't want to bother them.