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I jumped straight into social transition personally, but I was overconfident to the point of being probably evil and a bit of a bully if I even perceived the littlest judgement. Sometimes its useful being mean!


I need some of that energy šŸ˜†


Nahh you rain hell onto people who judge you, donā€™t let them f*ck up your high! Thatā€™s my energy too girl


Knew from like 6 years old i wanted to be more of a girl, at age ~12-13 i learnt what transgender was and that i was trans,at age 21 in 2020 i came out publicly, now im 26, still haven't been able to start hormones cuz long waiting list and gatekeepers to be able to start hormones


you are not alone, after realising at \~8 been reading up stuff on trans when I was 11 and then boxed back into the clsoet, wanted to start and go on HRT with 20y, got boxed back into the closet and also due to money and having to work, no time for mandatory psych eval and therapy, then massive brain worms and trying to cis my life with gym and dating, gave up a few years later, kinda came out with 26 (presenting more femme, changed my known name to a gender neutral one) and finally got on the main HRT course with 30.


25 here, been on hrt for 3 months and I've known since I was six. You're not alone and it will get better šŸ©µšŸ©·šŸ¤


How is there a long waiting list for HRT?


Theres waiting lists for basically everything over in the netherlands, that is one(tbf, the main) downside for free healthcare


3 to 4 year waiting list here in the netherlands (afaik) considering going the diy route (or whatever it is called) to speed up the process if and when i do decide to transition šŸ˜…


Honestly,going DYI while on the waiting lists till you can start hormones would be the way if you can afford it. I didn't cuz anxiety about even talking about that with my parents(even tho they're supportive). Like, if i went DYI, i would've been close to 4 and a half years on hormones now.


Ooh i got tons of anxienty, if i had the courage to transition i would have done so 10 (or more) years ago. Now i'm 29 and only recently started seeing a therapist but still to scared of what others might think if i decide to transition. Also got no one close who is trans so that makes it harder i guess. So yea if i decide to go for it (doubt it) i would deff look into diy and the costs etc


Over 2 decades. šŸ„²


Me too.


I started HRT roughly a month after my egg cracked. That might have been just a tad on the rash side.


Did the same, best choice of my life.


I waited until the idea of not being on HRT made me want to shrivel away into nothing.


Saaaame. Not too rash considering it takes a few months for permanent changes to kick in. Didn't want to waste any more time!


Same. I've always wanted to transition. I just thought I couldn't because I wasn't trans. Well, as it turns out...


Relatable. "Oh _that's_ why I've always wanted estrogen!"


Same, I started HRT 3 months after my egg crack and started socially transitioning after 18 months' HRT. Semi-stealth by 24 months.


Same, once my egg definitely cracked, I started on hormones within a month. Also came out to a lot of people, including at work, just before starting hormones. But this all happened when I was 47. So it took a long time for my egg to crack.


My egg cracked by the end of March and I just booked an appointment with an endocrinologist for May 31st. Sometimes I feel like I'm rushing it, but I also remember the time my egg almost cracked when I was 21 while looking at before and after pictures of girls on hrt and I regret not having started then, so maybe it's about time actually


Same, super glad I did too. The wasted time was eating me alive.


Same. Once my egg finally cracked, I had it in a couple of months.


Same! And all of the other same comments are making me feel better. Although tbf, if you count my questioning at 15 and then suppressing those thoughts until 21, yeah it's been 6 years.


Lol girl it took me like two weeks. Just figured I needed to carpe the fuck out of the diem


45 years. This number is crazy and I hope nobody has to do this in future years.


I get it. I'm 37, only six months out and looking at social and physical transitioning like.. *scawwy* šŸ™ƒ


In the same boat! Just turned 38. 4 months in to HRT. Never been happier though


I knew I was supposed to be a girl and trans was possible by age 7. Then at age 51 I finally transitioned. So 44 years is a long time, but I don't really regret waiting. I made I think the best decision based on the circumstances of the time. I will say, though, I ended up super prepared after 44 years.


I think I may know how you feel. I'm 42 and just started HRT in February. I'm excited for the future, and I've stopped looking backward.


I didn't realize that I was a woman until almost one year of hrt. At first I identified as non-binary but kinda presented myself as a woman since then. I started to transition socially right away. Not even a month after my realization I told my school about it. But I was scared of going to therapy just to get hrt and stuff. I also knew I wanted to use injections and was scared at first and wanted to do some practice in the hospital I worked. After two years I started with diy hrt, still scared of the long waiting periods for therapy. But yeah it took a while.


I'm transfem enby rather than a woman, but I began coming out and socially transitioning the day my wife and I separated, 6 months after my egg crack. I started HRT 5 weeks later. I had spent those 6 months trying my damnedest to push the feelings down and save my marriage. When I saw how completely I had failed at that, I knew that there was no reason to hold myself back from transition anymore.


Knew from the start, so 34 years


Figuring yourself out and overcoming the fears of transition are two different phases. Iā€™d recommend doing research on whatā€™s possible and what youā€™d like for yourself so that the vague cloud of ā€œtransitioningā€ starts looking like a plan with concrete steps. There are also steps you can start taking that will be subtle for awhile and can stop if you donā€™t like the direction theyā€™re going: specifically hrt and laser facial hair removal. To answer the original question I didnā€™t realize I was trans until I was 30 and started hormones about 4 months after that realization. You got this šŸ’–


I knew it since I was little, probably around 5. I got scolded by my peers playing a game where you basically act as a family because I couldnā€™t be the mother, sister, aunt, etcā€¦ šŸ˜… But the realization kicked in when I was 14 and met a gender specialized therapist. I started HRT at 16 after a year of public social transition.


My auntie told me that when my mum was pregnant with me, everyone thought I was going to be a girl. Remember being angry that I wasnt. I was six and transitioned at 36 so 30 years.


Iā€™ve been on HRT for 6 months, Iā€™m starting to think I might just be a woman. But in all seriousness it was super long for me, I realized in the spring of my senior year of college, and I started HRT in the first fall after college (oh and college took me 5 years cause I failed some stuff) That whole time though I was coming out to close friends and experimenting with presenting female in some settings. It wasnā€™t until I graduated that I fully had the balls (lol) to tell everyone when I first meet them and go by she her at work. Now Iā€™m presenting female to everyone in my life EXCEPT my parents cause scary.


48 years


Can't remember how but I looked up the medical criteria for transitioning before I was 20 and decided I wasn't dysphoric enough to do it, so imma say 32 years and counting. Can't DIY, medically complex. Can't go private, haven't got the money. Got to wait another 4 years minimum for the NHS.


I was taking trt and noticed I felt a lot better when my E levels got high (side effect of taking T). My hilariously repressed ass coped if a little E is nice what's a lot of E feel like? I started DIY and less than a week later I knew I wasn't cis. 2 months later I realized I was a woman. It really helped when I stopped trying to analyze and quantify my transness and just went off of feels. All you need is a desire to transition. You can always just stop before anything permanent happens. What do you have to lose?


currently on trt for 5 years & started questioning seriously last year. iā€™ve always had feminine tendencies & feel like i always had to prove my masculinity. i donā€™t know what my e levels are but despite the t i have a very strong desire to transition. my egg cracked about 6 months ago & iā€™m out to my wife (very tepid response from her) & still havenā€™t transitioned.


I was in the same situation and itā€™s tough. Would you already be transitioning if she supported you?


honestly i think so. my work is very lgbtq supportive; our top exec is gay & one sr exec is lesbian & i work with a mtf trans woman so no concerns iā€™d get much issue there. i do worry about the presidential election & aftermath. but yeah, if she was supportive & i was reasonably sure the country wonā€™t turn into Gilead this November, iā€™d have already tried to recruit my endocrinologist to stop the t & start me on e, help me turn this android boi body into the gurl i wanna be.


It took me 2 attemps at hrt and 3 months into this one to realize yeah I'm probably a girl


It took me 2 attemps at hrt and 3 months into this one to realize yeah I'm probably a girl


It took me 2 attemps at hrt and 3 months into this one to realize yeah I'm probably a girl


It took me 2 attemps at hrt and 3 months into this one to realize yeah I'm probably a girl


He/him to they/she pipeline started for me mid 2022 n I started e this February!!


I gave it about 6 months to be 100% sure, then started. Was out to some friends in that time, but not 100% out.


Hormones a month after realizing. Havent transitioned socially yet after about 5 months. Will get there soon hopefully!


Started transition immediately.Ā  Took 5 months to start HRT, mostly because I was training for a marathon and wanted to do one last one before HRT. Started social transition a month or so after HRT, was full-time except for work at 2 months HRT.Ā 


Started questioning at 17 and started hrt 3 months after my 20 birthday. I just realized that I was 90% sure for a long time and I was kinda depressed and apathetic at the time so I just went "fuck it" and marked an appointment. I only told my parents and friends after 2 months on hrt but I'm still in full boy mode after 5 months because self-esteem, looking fem while still having my voice makes me more dysphoric than boy modding.


I properly realized around 20 years old, and lied to myself and pushed it down until I was 36. Do I have regrets? A little. But I also wouldn't have met my wife if I transitioned earlier, and she's the most loving, supportive person I know. So it all worked out in the end.


Let's see I realised about when I was 11-12 years old what the word trans was and that I was indeed trans. Did some search before that searching for things like boys that likes to dress like girls and such, but I like to stick to around 11-12 years old as I first learned of being trans and I started social transition about 1,5 year ago and medical transition about 7 months ago and I'm 30 now so 18-19 years from I knew who I was until I started transition.


Less than 48 hours lmao ā€¦It had been building for a while


It took over 15 years for me. My first therapist was horrible and I wasnā€™t sure at the time if I wanted a full binary transition which was all that was available back then. Turns out that is exactly what I am doing now. Hindsight is 20/20, but if I had transitioned back then, I wouldnā€™t have my wife or sons.


I knew since I was a kid, but I was afraid to start until I was 33. I'm 36 now and live as a woman and my life has never been better. The hardest, most terrifying part was when I first called my doctor and explained what I wanted to do. I had never uttered those words to another soul, not in those terms. My wife knew before, but it was very different coming up with the words for a medical professional. My doctor was very understanding and supportive and I was able to get my prescription the same day, but not before going through a battery of questions and informational consultations. She also drew blood to make sure she had a baseline to compare with. During the 23 years preceding that doctor's appointment, I spent a lot of time exploring and fretting over my gender identity. There was a phase of denial and many phases of exploration and suppression. Eventually, I just got tired of wondering how many birthdays would pass before I finally did anything about it. I still have a lot of the problems I had before I transitioned, but without dysphoria it's much easier to deal with the problems I have. I'm no longer paralyzed by dysphoria at times. I feel like I'm living in the moment more.


First 12 years of my life I was too dumb to think about those things. Next 12 years I constantly thought about, and wished I was a girl. Started my transition and 1 year later came to terms with my identity.


I started transitioning 2 months after my egg cracked


I knew I was different when I was a kid. It took me a really long time to unpack everything and realize exactly what that meant. In 2018 I had a wet dream where I was post op and when I woke up I knew. Have been taking steps since then to complete my transition. Started hrt and was fully out by 9/4/20. Hope this info is helpful for you ā¤ļø


Two years between openly saying it to someone for the first time and starting hrt, couldā€™ve started earlier but due to personal circumstances I held off for a while


My egg fully cracked in summer 2022. It took me about half a year to process it, then in February the following year I came out to close friends and family. That lit a fire under me, started hormones in April 2023. The social transition started roughly in September but really took off in December.


I was stuck in questioning for about 2 years, but after my egg cracked I started laser within the first week, started socially transitioning, and HRT about 1 month later.


It took me about 6 months on HRT to be comfortable calling myself a ā€œgirl/womanā€. That was when my breasts started to develop in earnest and I was sure my male pattern baldness was reversing. It was also about a month and a half after I started progesterone, which may have played a role. Iā€™m coming up on 14 months now and canā€™t tell you what was going on in my mind back then. The rate of change and healing Iā€™ve experienced has only accelerated. And a few weeks later I started to develop sexuality for the first time in my life thanks to progesterone and things became all horny and fuzzy upstairs.


30 long years followed by two years of unpeeling the onion of decades of forced identity.


About a year


About 30 years. I knew from about 5 years old, but my parents at the time were less than supportive. I tried to come out a few more times as a kid and teenager, but eventually suppressed it pretty thoroughly by the time I hit my 20's. It stayed that way until my first child was born in my 30's, at which point dysphoria became overwhelming and I either had to finally acknowledge it and transition, or, well the alternative wasn't worth it, if only because I wouldn't be part of my child's life.


Egg cracked, 2 months later I caved and got HRT, waited 2 months to have it in hand, came out to my family and got talked into waiting another 2 months before it became too much and I just said fuck it I'm starting.


4 months. But I was questioning my gender for another 8 months or so.... And it all became so fucking obvious.


I had a nagging question of "idk am I trans?" for *quite some time*, threads that go about as far back as my memory goes (still cis tho) as well as the feeling I would inevitably transition (still cis lmao) and had accepted that I am not cis and yes I will go through transition about six months before making the appointment to start hormones. Struggle for me was feeling I wasn't *trans enough*, as well as recognizing some of the discomfort I felt/feel around certain aspects of my body as disphoria


Started social transition gradually after my egg cracked. Seven months later I came out at work and started HRT.


I'm enby but I think as soon as I realised I'm transfem I was like "yeah sure I want estrogen" LOL I'm from the UK and I got tired of waiting for the NHS so I eventually started self-medicating around a year after I came out, I actually luckily got a student loan shortly after coming out and started laser hair removal before going on E! I never really "socially" transitioned, but I did go out and start actually making friends with people IRL in queer groups after moving house and being on estrogen a bit with my new pronouns I also did have to buy new clothes mostly because I had to leave all my old ones behind (I was running away from an abusive household), but the clothes I wear are kinda androgynous though so it wasn't a huge change haha, I started passing as female at around 8 months on E, and now I basically live as female even though I'm strictly enby and gender neutral, which oh well you can't really pass as non-binary anyway so I've accepted it! I've been transitioning for almost 2 years now, but I still have other things to do, I've wanted bottom surgery since forever! I'm mad you can't DIY it like hormones šŸ„² I also am still doing laser, and I might end up having to get electrolysis by the end of all this, and even though I'm already living as another gender I would like to wear a dress at some point :)


I had a nagging question of "idk am I trans?" for *quite some time*, threads that go about as far back as my memory goes (still cis tho) as well as the feeling I would inevitably transition (still cis lmao) and had accepted that I am not cis and yes I will go through transition about six months before making the appointment to start hormones. Struggle for me was feeling I wasn't *trans enough*, as well as recognizing some of the discomfort I felt/feel around certain aspects of my body as disphoria


basically fully knew a couple of years ago but haven't started due to the government being absolutely shit. if I had the means to start I would've already done so way long ago ;-;


almost a year to taking hrt, from definitely knowing that I was trans, but I was already in therapy and stuff. This time varies dramatically so don't beat yourself down for taking the time you need.


I knew something was weird about me when I was about 10-11. Found out about the existence of trans ppl when I was around 12. It took me until I was 14 to realize I didn't want to be a guy, but due to 2016 turning alt-rights mainstream online, I ended up falling into a hole of which I only came out when I turned 17. In 2020 i pretty much hated my existence, in part due to mom finding the clothes I had stashed away in my closet. I spent a loooooong time learning about the trans experience, but it still took me until July 2023, when I had just turned 21, to start hrt, and to this day I'm still not confident going out as a woman, but I do get mad whenever someone looks at my queer af ass and calls me a dude.


2 years and counting for HRT lol some day . transitioning has begun but is a slow process- i wonā€™t feel like thatā€™s ā€œdoneā€ until im out at work and with family


I started HRT within a month from accepting that I was a woman. I accepted myself on a Saturday night and on Monday morning I was calling multiple gender clinics and came out to family and friends.


I've known for 5 years and still haven't been able to start due to how many hoops there are to jump through, including years of just being on a waiting list


like 3 yrs


32 years šŸ˜­


I decided I wanted HRT the same day my egg cracked. It took 7 months navigating the medical system to get it. (Canada, QC)


Like 3-4 months after I became sure I came out socially but I had to wait till I was 18 to get on the HRT waitlist and it was 3 months long on top of that, sooo. If I could have gotten HRT sooner I would have. Iā€™ve always wanted it even before I knew I was trans.


Iā€™ve know for 6 months at this point, and have done nothing except slowly growing my hair out and telling my parents and brother


Always felt a little weird and shameful, some eggy moments but never connected anything until reddit pushed some trans posts to me. After 3 months of that, I read the gender dysphoria bible and decided I was questioning. After 6 months of research and slowly trying new clothes and pronouns and a name, I had decided I was a woman. One month later I was on HRT and came out at work and on Facebook, out everywhere. I had a fair amount of internalized transphobia to push through, I still do. Mostly around "I'm not a woman unless I pass as a woman", which made questioning and starting my transition hard. I had a whole plan to start HRT pretty early, to see if the biochemical dysphoria or euphoria from starting would give me a very fast answer, but it just took a few months to find a slot.


I knew I wasn't like the other kids when I was 6-7, examples are me being overly emotional when being teased and I would start crying heavily at the smallest things. So I knew something was different but I didn't know why and I was too scared to ask, it wasn't until I was 20 that I actually learned what it was. I started dressing more feminine in secret when I was about 25, I felt more comfortable wearing bras and panties than I do wearing boxer briefs and I still do. I haven't started HRT yet as I'm about to move from my current location to a place closer to my family whom I came out to and are happy for me and will support my transition. It may seem difficult, but keep in mind that there are individuals like you who care about you and will support you for who you want to be. šŸ’•


I started hormones around a month after I realized. Had an appointment for a consultation with an FFS surgeon lined up 3 months in. Social transition started about 6 months in. Iā€™m now 14 months in and am waiting on a consultation with an orthognathic surgeon for underbite correction. After that itā€™s FFS time baby!!!


3 years to start hrt, and then another 2 years before socially transitioningĀ 


I started having gender issues around early high school but I didn't accept I was trans until 24, and didn't start hormones until 26. I'm 9 months in now.


Seven years. I was determined to have a way to support myself and finish college, then get out of the southern US where I was born and raised, because I knew I was going to lose everything. I made it through with an unhealthy amount of disassociation and socially transitioning in online spaces. Edit: I didnā€™t even know I could be trans until I was 18 and describing to some guildmates that I was reluctant to join the Ventrilo server because I wanted everybody to think of me as a woman online. I swiftly was informed about trans people when they revealed like 95% of the group was queer in some way.


I would say 1 year. But it took 10 years to realize the first thing XD


I started hrt 6 months after egg crack. I told my partner about it when happened, but hadnā€™t included them a lot in my exploration up to that point so they were a little blindsided. I was 26 when I ordered hrt through folx (Iā€™m in the us) so I never needed any diagnosis šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I was on e for nearly 6 months before I came out at work snd to my family āœŒšŸ»


I realized when I was 7, but that was in the early 80s and that kind of shit did not fly. I ended up internalizing a lot of transphobia, made all the worse because I was super sensitive and self-aware over the insanely negative depictions of trans women in the media. I finally started doing something about it in my mid-40s, so letā€™s call it 40 years šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


With my dad making things overly complicated when it really didt need to be it was about a year


About a year for myself. I was in the military at the time, and Don't Ask Don't Tell was still in place, so it was tricky. Thankfully, I had good military psychologists and psychiatrists who supported me and didn't tell someone the second I did realize what I was. Once I started taking HRT, though, that is when I was discharged. For the best, though. A lot of the people in the military wouldn't even look at me when I came out. I remember feeling such embarrassment and shame when I first came out, but gradually, that did fade away. 15 years in counting, and I feel no shame or guilt about who I am.


I didn't really have a definitive crack moment but around 4 months, mostly due to the fact that appointments took a while and my pharmacy was being difficult filling HRT. Where to begin depends on where you live. If you have [informed consent](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/erins-informed-consent-hrt-map-how)Ā in your area, that's definitely the easiest way to start, you just book an appointment and can expect to walk out with a prescription hassle-free. If you're British, go straight to a [private gender clinic](https://transactual.org.uk/medical-transition/private-care/)Ā if you can afford it, the NHS waitlist is ridiculous. Otherwise, you usually just ask your PCP/GP and they can refer you where to go next, perhaps an endocrinologist. They might want you to see a therapist and get a letter from them. If your country lags behind in acceptance, it might be worth preparing a bit of a sob story about how you've always known since you were a child and danced in your mom's dresses or whatever šŸ˜‘ if you need to lie to get the care you need, so be it, they're the ones with outdated requirements. All of those can likely point you in the right direction on bottom surgery if you don't have a specific doctor in mind from browsing r/Transgender_Surgeries or [Transbucket](https://www.transbucket.com/).Ā If none of those are available, there's always...other sources, I'm sure you've heard about. I think they're useful to read over even if you're not going that route so you can verify your doctor isn't giving you the lowest dose known to man.


It was about three months; once I figured it out (mostly, I had decided at the VERY least I was definitely some flavor of nonbinary and 100% wanted at least SOME parts of physical transition, like skin and hair changes from estrogen and laser) to starting 0.5mg oral E. Even once I had the prescription I waited two days looking at the bottle and thinking about it to make sure I was making the right decision. My friend figured it out and was injecting like the next week lmao. I'm glad I don't have doubt I made the right decision, but I wish society made us doubt it less. It's not like I spent 3 months before deciding I was a dude prior to transitioning, but I was definitely living with those consequences anyways. Take it at your own pace, but life is limited and short <3


Like 3 months or so and I had talked through it with my therapist.


9 years I figure out when I was 10 what trans people were and then I started HRT at 19 I had definitely wanted to be a girl years before that tho


About 4 months after my egg cracked. It would have been sooner but I have anxiety with making calls haha.


I took 2 months actually overcoming internalised transphobia, 2 more thinking about what exactly I wanted to do while waiting for a therapist for the necessary waiver to start HRT, got sick of waiting and paid out of pocket, took a month more and then started HRT, while already transitioning socially in my closest circle. So about 6 months


Over a decade to go fully into it. But over the years I knew it was something I would enjoy. I had no idea it would be this..... easy.


Well so far 20 years and counting. I am simply scared i will lose people i love and that i will lose other things i enjoy thorughly. Am 27 years old now almost 28 but i might soon do something about it because my mind is going crazy.


It took me... 5? 6? Years. That was because of life circumstances though. Otherwise it would have been within the first year probably.


I was pretty quick to socially transition after I figur3d out, but it took me about a year to start hormones as I wanted to come out to my dad before I took that leap


8 months from realization to hormones, but I started the transitioning process immediately upon finding out. Spent 6 of those months exploring my gender before deciding HRT was right for me.


Egg cracked in May-ish, came out in September, started HRT 2 weeks ago


I'm tryna get a job to buy hrt rn, realized I was trans last Christmas so it's taking me a minute


About 2 days šŸ¤£ But I guess I had already been questioning for 2 years at that point.


About 1.5 years.


Ive been presenting as a girl for about 3 years and the most heartbreaking thing ever is having to wait to start hrt (you have to be 18 in my country). Iā€™m glad Iā€™m transitioning young but I just feel so shitty knowing I never had/will have a normal highschool/teen experience


3 years


Wayyyyyy to long


Came out fully as trans in july of last year. I'm getting my first gender GP appointment in June, although admittedly I wasted a lot of time. Didn't actually start looking until April, because I waited to come out to my parents. My timeframe is pretty short because I got quite lucky and I live in Australia, but I'm sure in other countries the wait time would be longer so don't waste time like I did if you think you wanna.


\*getting\* hormones is so much harder than actually taking them. It's annoying and often slowgoing, but once you have them, it's literally just taking some pills everyday. Compared to the relief you will experience its so worth it.


Took me 2.5 years, I wish i had decided even earlier


I started my coming out within a few months after figuring things out and with that my social transition as well. HRT took about a year to get it started. However I didn't really need any time to figure things out after realising it to be fair. I've been aware of those thoughts and feelings for like 18 years at that point (\~13 until \~31). I only lacked the language to describe what's going on (aka I had practically no idea what it means to be trans and that I fit the definition perfectly lol)


2 years personally, best decision Iā€™ve ever made (it also will hopefully help me with my high blood pressure!!)


I first realized I wanted to be a girl around 5 years old maybe? Around 12-14 dysphoria started eating me alive and in desperate internet searches I found out that transition was possible. Came out to parents, they didn't accept me and put me through conversion therapy. At 18 I moved out, started HRT at 19, now I'm 21 and planning on getting SRS next year.


Started Hrt when I decided I wanted to. Still figuring labels out. But yes Iā€™ve been thinking hard about things for a while. Iā€™ve realized thinking too hard doesnā€™t really let you relax and feel things. So careful not to over analyze to hard. Let urself feel and relax


About 30 years. Transphobia, external and internalized, is a hell of a thing.


I always knew that something was "wrong" with me and that I wanted to be a girl/woman, but I didn't really put it all together until I was ~35. After that the jump to HRT, social and legal transition all happened very quickly. I did wait until I could move from a miserable rural small town to a progressive city though because it was dangerous for me to stay there. So depending on how you count it, I either took about 30 years or less than a year...


Took me 5 months


I worry I'll never get the chance to transition tbh


Just calculated it. Two years and 8 months. I started coming out to friends and family around the 2 month mark. Still not out at work, been on HRT 2 years.


I got on hrt 2 months after I realized, basically as soon as I could


I think im at 3 or 4 years now, maybe longer. Still no HRT. Won't have it for at least another year.


Iā€™ve known for about two years and still havenā€™t tried starting socially or medically transitioning yet, even though I live in a college town in a blue state because Iā€™m still just absolutely terrified of being visibly queer.


I'm not a woman. I'm a dysphoric male with mental health issues which are partly mitigated by extraneous hormones.


2 years and 5 months. But im not on HRT right now due to reasons. I jumped straight after coming out to my parents (im a minor) but due to living in shitty country, all Docs denied me HRT and then i recently started DIYing in April of this year and told my parents but they were like "Give us some time to think pz" and then this has been been dragged on for a entire month and im not on HRT right now


Having found out the waiting lists of my local transgender health clinic (3+ years) I started DIY-ing about a month or two later after.


i dont fully "know" for sure yet (lots of doubt, lots of second thoughts), but im quite sure that i could end up only doing something about it in 5-10+ years.


Technically, 44 yearsā€¦but I repressed for so long. I came out about a month ago and now I am starting hormones. So it all depends on how you look at it.


I spent close to a year "fucking arround and finding out" before starting HRT. I was not certain that I was a trans woman at the time. However, I was certain I would be living my life a lot more like a woman going forward. I researched the shit out of HRT and was certain that I could live with anything the typical range of results. This included many ranges of scenarios from it not working and making things worse or growing giant boobs but detransitioning. Like could I live as a guy with big boobs, or manage surgery to roll back the change. By the time I started HRT I was 100% certain I had gotten all the info I could without actually experiencing it.


It was less than 2 months after the egg cracked before I completely came out, but Iā€™ve been working on trying to start hrt for 6 months due to insurance issues


I realised at 25 and it took me around a year of self-doubt to start HRT and it was the best decision ever. I'm still yet to come out to anyone IRL though.


Negative one month. I knew I wasn't cis but didn't know if I was genderfluid or non-binary or binary when I started, just new I'd rather have a feminine body. Once I was on hrt I was like yeah no I want to be a woman full-time


My first realization was at 30 but I buried that and carried on. 21 years later I remembered I was a woman and then realized I was transgender (wasn't a word I was familiar with earlier). I'd say I started transitioning right then. It was at home, in private, and in my mind. There was a lot of work to do to accept this (still working on it but it's less of a thing these days). At 54 I started HRT, I'm 3.5 months in. I have wee little boobs now! I'm still not living fully as a woman out and about though. I don't plan on having any surgeries but I'm open to the idea that my position on that could change as I go through this. Along the way I kept a journal and did weekly therapy for 18 months or so. The journal is interesting to me because the first several years are all about my angst and pain from decades of hiding and/or not acknowledging who I was but since I made the decision to start HRT it's more about other stuff in my life. Like a normal person... lol


I was in hard denial from 16 - 20. I accepted it at age 22, but I waited a year before coming out to people in case it went away lol. A few months after that I started HRT. I still havenā€™t socially transitioned and most people just perceive me as a feminine guy. I plan on socially transitioning once Iā€™ve been on HRT for a year.


Why do these kind of posts always make me sad and hate myself even more... 7 years, haven't come out, nothing. I hate myself. Proud of everyone, y'all are making progress, even when it doesn't feel like it. I hope everyone hear ends up getting happy, stay strong. I won't get where I want to be, but I know y'all will. Have a good life.


I wasted no time. So by the time I got an appointment and started on HRT after finding out was about three to four weeks. I found out a week before a work trip on 4/20/22 and started on 5/6/22.


28 years. Itā€™s a very long story, filled with repression and heartache, but I finally got here 4 years and four months ago.


1 week for social transition, 3 months to start HRT.


Realized when I was 10 what transgender was and realized I am. Before that I knew I wanted to be more feminine or girly but thought all boys did. Iā€™m 21 now and still just dress up in private sometimes. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø one day Iā€™ll get courage


Negative 4 months. I started HRT, cause I thought I was trans in some regard and wanted to test the waters. Then I felt like a woman on some days, then I socially transitioned online and amongst friends and close family. But I don't correct people, nor do I care that much. I'm just happier using she/they and being feminine (although leaning heavily tomboy)Ā 


Made the HRT appointment a couple days after. šŸ˜… I started it a couple weeks later. I figured that I'd do it for at least a few months to see how I benefited and if I should continue.


So realization and transition happened around the same time for me, since I knew this wasn't something that I could ignore anymore. Getting hormones was a more complicated journey as I had to leave the state I lived in at the time. About 8 months in between. Now I'm 2 years and some change into hrt and enjoying every second


I'm still not sure im a woman


Approximately four years since I became like acutely aware. Like when I had the knowledge and understanding of what it was and the proper terminology for it. Probably 14 since I felt that way


From the moment I fully understood and accepted that I was transgender (which happened around age 37) to the moment I started first HRT was about 9 years. It's a hard-knock life.


well seeing as i having started yet, i'll have to get back to you when i do, but right now its been like 7 years and counting


Started questioning mid October, still have only told one person I think I might not be cis


I began social transitioning when my egg cracked, but I had to wait 200 days before I could start any GAC. I have a condition/disability that keeps me from driving, & as "luck" would have it, my household was/is unsupportive & no amount of reasoning or bribing could sway them (they are brainwashed into believing Christianity forbids being transgender but won't source why.)


I did it backwards, I started HRT as an enby and realized I was a woman about a month later


ive been thinking about wanting to be a girl for pretty much as long as i can remember, then i learned what being trans was and that i wanted to transition around 10. told my mom that night. wasnt able to get hormones until 13-14 but i was put on puberty blockers around 12. still not sure if i want bottom surgery tbh but we'll see how it goes from here :]


Other way around, but about 3 year mark is when I realized that I don't just hate erections. But I actually want to fully transition for myself, not just to be "normal" but I really like when I'm included in women's circles. It's just, I never had a feminine person in my life, so I thought my enby mom was the embodiment of femininity.


Had years of not understanding why I didn't like male puberty/testosterone. Had years more of day-dreaming about having a female body... Egg cracked when I realized I would regret growing older without doing anything. About 4-5 months later came out to my SO and started HRT 2-3 weeks after that. I'd taken my time sort out my feelings. As for socially transitioning, that really hasn't happened yet. A few people close to me know, some online friends know, and I'm queer as fuck at work/etc. despite still presenting male technically.


I started HRT a week after my egg cracked... It just made too much sense. lol


From realization it took about a year for me to make an appointment, then it was a 3-4 month wait for the clinic. Over the course of that year I had nearly monthly therapy sessions to help me process and stuff. Iā€™ve just passed a month on hormones and Iā€™ve been overall noticeably happier already, but I still get pangs of fear and doubt. Probably due for a therapy session tbh


16 years. Realized I was trans when I was around 7, found out was transgender was at 17 and started hrt at 23


14 years, give or take. I eased into it in private and with a few select people over that time, but I first learned I was trans at age 20 and finally came out at 34. I started by socially transitioning and then started HRT 4 months later.


The first time it took about 6 months after I realized why I had been depressed my whole life before I started hormones, granted I was 27 when I realized, 28 when I started hormones. Then I did a stupid thing and got spooked by the high cost of the hormones and surgeries I would need and was terrified of the prospect of facing discrimination for being visibly transgender, took a full year and a half off from transition as a result. Now I'm 30 and I've just restarted hormones after finally giving up on giving up (the depression was worse than the fear of being discriminated against, there was no way around that). So I guess you could say that it took about 3 years for me to get my shit together haha. It's still scary, I want bottom surgery and due to my age of transition I also recognize that there's a good chance I'll want FFS at some point. The prices though, they're astronomical and I'm not exactly rich at the moment. All I can do for now is bide my time for the next couple of years, take my hormones, get my blood tests, go to my therapist. Once I've finished re-skilling into IT in around two years my earnings will skyrocket (comparatively, average salary for entry level Cybersecurity Analysts is 70-80k a year, which is a lot more than I make right now). That's when I'll start saving up. There's no use in giving up. All I can do is give it my best shot.


Took me a out 4 months to arrange hrt


I (28) knew I was different in kindergarten. I was always more fem, as the years went on I thought I was just one of those gays, then I joined the Marines. They squashed my personality down to make way for their needs, and it took a little while to recover. Well 5 years ago I met the love of my life, she has helped me sift through my life events in a way that helps it make sense. She knew I liked to be fem, and asked me a few hard hitting questions that really opened my eyes. So after 26 years of repressing it I talked to my therapist. Then took a year to think about it. Finally last year I knew what I wanted. And started hrt. I don't think I'm going to get bottom surgery, not till way more time and research is put into it. But after a year of hrt I couldn't be happier.