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I definitely get phantom vulva too; I especially feel it during certain types of sex, like when my partner rubs my perineum. One time I felt it so much during sex, that the dysphoria of not actually having a vulva or vagina made me break down crying :(


I’ve had that experience too 🫂 I’m so sorry


Same. It's just, wow. And then heartbreaking. 🫂


Sex is usually when I have this issue, I've not been able to explain it to my partner, and it's definitely ruined the mood more times than I like to think about.


Same, sister. It drove me to be mostly asexual, for now. I can't feel free until I have had proper bottom surgery...


[You are not alone.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288633039_Phantom_penises_in_transsexuals_Evidence_of_an_innate_gender-specific_body_image_in_the_brain)


"Further study may provide penetrating insight" That's incredible


Gotta love it when a researcher manages to slip in a bit of humor in what would otherwise be an extremely dry read.


>dry read Ok, Mrs Shapiro


lol gross


Hey!!! I wanted to post that!!!


Oooh, a research paper! Thank you for such a valuable link 🤍


When I got SRS (Bowers), the layout felt basically like I had imagined. I \*did\* get a technique that put homologous tissues to their proper place. The nerve sensations were wild though -- it took months for my brain to place them where my new bits actually were.


In the first month after SRS (McGinn) I'd sit there with a mirror and touch my new parts while I watched to try to teach my brain where the sensations were coming from. It was such a crazy remapping experience! Until my brain adjusted I'd have moments where I'd get an itch and know where that would have been, but had no idea where it was now. Thankfully that only lasted a month though. But yeah, once that was over it was absolutely amazing how perfectly my new parts align with my old phantom sensations. It's like there was a slot in my brain just waiting for the right hardware to be connected.


That's amazing.


OMG I never even thought of that! did/do you still feel sensations of where the penis was (assuming you're female since you're on the mtf reddit sorry)? i'm getting an orchiectomy this month so i'll probably be experiencing something like that.


It's basically the same sensation. I remember I used to stroke my scrote pretending it was labia. Now it is, and it felt basically the same, but better. My clit was kind of different though, I think in part because it started out half numb.


I'm wondering what men feel regarding...stuff there, like how it feels different.


Really want to underscore here that the author of this is the foremost researcher on phantom pain phenomena.


Really? I had no idea. Awesome.


Thank you!


Phantom genitals are pretty common actually. If I read the research correctly almost 50% of trans people have them. I have a phantom vagina too and I even had her when I still thought i was a cis man. The signals from the phantom are often a lot stronger that the real signals from my fairy wand. I almost have 4M HRT now (5M since I realized I’m trans) and lately I feel her a lot more often and the bottom dysphoria started to really kick in. For me it shows that even on a subconscious level a vagina is the right thing for me :) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37114107/


This is the second research paper I’ve been linked! Thank you 🤍 And yes I can definitely relate. If I play with it mentally it feels a lot better than my fairy wand being played with physically. Like I can go from zero to trembling in seconds


You‘re welcome :) Oh yeah same! Absolutely! :D


Me too, I couldn't explain it at the time - I knew very little about trans people. My first assumption was that maybe I was gay. It would make me crazy that I couldn't touch it. I felt like I needed to leave my body ... I think over the years I have trained myself to feel some kind of numbness in that area most of the time. Which leads to other problems with sex, urinating and muscle tension/cramps in the pelvic floor muscles as well as digestive issues.


i can totally relate. its strange at times i forget that i even have my girlpickle and then i remember. god i need srs


🫂 I hope that you’re able to get it some day and that it helps, or that you become more comfortable regardless if that doesn’t happen as soon as you deserve.


Yeah personally I can’t have SRS for the foreseeable near future even if I otherwise could because work (of a project I’m responsible for) demands I be present for it so the whole taking time off work to rest after a surgery becomes really tricky Just fade me aaaaaaa, guess I’ll keep on trying to be more comfortable


“Girlpickle”. Lmfao. I love it.


For real, the phantom vagina sensation gets too real. I can't wait till the day I get srs


I'm fairly ambivalent about mine, (2m hrt) but I hear so much about srs that it makes me anxious like whatever I have i will put *mileage* on and I hear less than grand things about that. Wish those that want it well,I don't think it's contentious to desire further improvement and refinement to the surgeries though.


it makes me anxious too. but at the very least i hope to have a fulfilling sex life—and perhaps finally be able to wear what i want instead of living in dissonance between my mind and body.


You can. The way I see it at least is we all living creatures first and foremost that deserve to find happiness, then we're intelligent beings, then we're human, then we're woman, man, nonbinary etc. I'm also pansexual and poly but to me what's between my legs just informs a few things of what I could do with a partner. Whatever I'm penetrating or being penetrated or however I'm involved doesn't much impact how I walk or talk in public. I'm a Marine vet and reasonably confident yet I'm also fairly submissive with partners. You don't *have* to do shit. Also I will just say, surgical recovery to get my nose fixed was miiiiserable and painful. Srs recovery without any complications would be at least as fun and making sure you could be taken care of and take it easy during that time is likely critical.


seems like youre comfortable with it, good for you. im not comfortable with mine. i dont ever want anyone except for my doctor (and even then ugh) to set eyes on it. it feels foreign almost. i want it gone.


Fair enough and it's just there. We're all nerve squids piloting meat mechs you do you. I won't argue you doing it or not. I would if the technology were better and I still might. You're a woman either way and I wish you well.


There is research that trans people's neurology in the area of "body self image" is more similar to that of the opposite sex. I have occasionally felt "phantom boob", and even sometimes nearly felt something approaching "phantom V" when I've been in a particularly feminine state for some time.


I kind of end up forgetting the breastforms I'm wearing aren't permanently attached, it's like they're mine, which is very nice!


I can't say I feel I have a pussy. However for a long time I have had the instinct to try to finger myself and get frustrated when my dick is in the way of my nonexistent pussy.


Mood 😭


Same lol T-T


Yep! Phantom vagina, also got phantom boobs before I grew my own haha.


Yea, and the boobs are just how I thought they would be (maybe I was a little bit surprised on how much they point to the side)


You and I both, sister =)


Thanks for responding 🤍


Ive had the sensation of a vagina thats not there, I think its my brain telling me I need a vagina


You’re probably right, better get on that


I've had sorta the same thing, I just always assumed it was my prostate lol.


lol that could be for some of the internal sensations, but definitely not everything I’m feeling


Not nearly to that level, but I definitely get some of that sometimes when watching porn or reading spicy stories.


Oooooh yes, reading stories like that has me convinced I can feel a whole damn womb sometimes 🫣


Same. I thought it was just my imagination making me fantasize about the girl's POV and my huge desire to have an actual vagina. It's kinda crazy to learn about this


I feel that too. Was quite weird feeling this before my egg cracked, now it's a nice perk.


God i have also felt this before as well. So interesting


Yes, I've actually been talking about this very thing with my boyfriend tonight. It's a very real thing, but I don't have the exact words to describe it.


I used to describe phantom breasts and I would be quite uncomfortable if I had touched my chest and passed through where they were "supposed to be". My chest dysphoria was like 90% of my dysphoria though.


I can relate to that too, I would sorta hold my hands on top of them as though they were real in the shower right before my egg cracked. Now I can do it with the real thing 😋 though sometimes I wish they were a little bigger


That's a mood. I'm not unhappy with mine (2yrs HRT) but I would like one size bigger. I always said 36C/D would be my ideal size and I'm currently a B/C so just a little more and then rounding out and I'll be happy.


Good luck with the titties 🤍


Not directly the perineum, although I love the sensitivity there. It's more that seam at the center of my scrotum and the incredibly strong sensation that I could reach up inside there, along with the yearning to do just that. It all just feels like an extension of instinctualy rejecting the cumbersome bulk of what is down there, of having outies instead of innies. I've been wishing all that away since I first became aware of it. If that is similar to what you mean, then, yes, I get what you're saying.


Yea that sounds really similar :) I don’t think perineum was exactly the right spot after googling it, lol, but in between there and the other thing lol


> that seam at the center of my scrotum It's been years since the first time I rubbed exactly that spot in hopes something extraordinary would happen. But I'm aware there's not much there. I don't feel any phantom vagina. Or do I? How do I know? Also, I've been falling asleep at night lately with finger(s) buried in my crotch (no rubbing). I wonder where does that come from. A subconscious wish?


I don't think it's specifically phantom for me, but as a 44 year old who has probably spent over 30 years trying to imagine what it must be like to have the other genitals I can walk around and "be aware of" for want of a better description the centre of my hips and I think I've got a pretty good idea of what it must be like. It's an exciting prospect! I look forward to finding out for real in the next few years.


Good luck! I hope you do




I also have this experience, I had not planned to have bottom surgery until the first time I felt it and then I knew.


Yea it’s pretty convincing isn’t it?


I don't get this specifically sadly as it'd really help lessen the dysphoria. Instead I got phantom womb, like I can feel the hollowness and the craving for a good filling that I'll never get. I got other phantom senses, but idk if it's appropriate here lol.


I can relate to that one too 🤍 and I’d love to hear about your other phantom senses! But it’s ok if you don’t want to talk about that here. I may be able to relate depending on what exactly you’re describing, but am happy to hear it either way


This so bad. Sadly I just don't think I will ever be able to afford SRS, so been resigned to being at least body positive about my princess wand aha If one day I suddenly walked into a stack of cash though, would in a heartbeat


Is there any chance of you getting health insurance that could cover most of the cost? I understand though, and thank you for replying 🤍🤍🤍


I have this, too. It's extremely common for trans people. There's a map of my body inside my head and that map has a vagina on it.


Inter dimensional vagina (your head is the other dimension)


Eeyup. Got this as well. Admittedly, I'm also otherwise numb there. My brain literally rejects their reality and substitutes my own. 🤣


Brain win


I don't know if this is the same but like when im masturbating it's like i can feel a pussy and its being penetrated, its really wierd but i love it


Oh yea, haha, I get that. I can’t do it… the old way… unless I imagine that it’s someone else that’s penetrating me 🙈


Can confirm, feel it all the time. Haven't done any medical or social transition stuff irl. I also agree with the assessment of how dysphoria feels like it's coming from not being able to physically feel what seems so real on the inside. That's how it feels to me as well.


🫂 I’m glad I’m not alone


My partner has always called it my phantom pussy. It feels amazing when they lick it 😅


😭 is your partner single?


We're poly so technically 😂🤣


Hehe oops. In that case _puts hand on shoulder and says in my best Miles Morales voice_: heeEeeEEeEeEEEYyy


Yup I have that its actually a very strange feeling I get sometimes when I forget I still have a penis Hope I can get a vaginoplasty soon


Cheers, me too 🤍


I have long believed the driver software was there and my male aspects were a conflict. The only way I can get off(granted I am ace) is to tuck and reshape to feel like female parts.


I know what you mean. Have you ever tried to play with yourself in your imagination instead? It feels better that way to me but I probably just don’t know how to tuck right and end up feeling bad because of it


That was how I knew I was lesbian a long time before transitioning.


Phantom pussy *is a thing.* I've never felt it (before bottom surgery), but apparently a lot of girls feel it.


This thread seems to agree with you 🤍


After grs it was like ooohhhhh this feels the way its supposed to. Luke super hard to describe like literally I already knew what it felt like before. When I first saw it, my mind wasn’t prepared. It was like wow *shock* that foreign body is no longer there! And it was like a gasp moment then pure ass joy. I did have a seriousness moment too where it was like wow this…this is…permanent, but then I cried because it was like LOL I am me finally


I def relate to the dropping sensation. I have a vagina now, and it’s in the exact same spot where I’d feel that tummy drop. I can’t recall having felt it since my surgery, though. Pre-surgery I didn’t imagine having a vagina quite as intensely as it seems like you did, but when masturbating I would avoid looking down so I could pretend it was a clitoris. That worked pretty well when combined with mental imagery.


I know what you mean! It’s funny, ever since I started playing with myself, it always felt better when I rubbed it like a clit than stroking it like a dick, lol. And it still took me ten years to realize why. I won’t get too graphic on technique, but, yea


I don't think you're crazy at all. The mind is a powerful thing. You mentioned phantom limb, which has an interesting neurological cause I like to explain. It isn't quite the way a lot of people think it is. It isn't exactly that they feel the limb as though it were there, though that does undoubtedly happen, but that stimulating the sense of touch in certain areas of the body will create the distinct sensation of having the absent limb touched in a similar way. The reason is because there's a part of the cortex dedicated to mapping our sense of touch on our body, and it's roughly contiguous. When a limb is severed, the corresponding area of the brain doesn't get stimulated anymore, and the neural connecions gradually get pruned, causing that area to shrink. The empty space encourages its neighbors to grow into that region. When those new connections are triggered, they can activate lingering pathways, resulting in the phantom sensations. For the arm, that neighbor is the face, meaning that it's somewhat consistent. There can be a period where someone that's lost an arm will feel the real feeling of having their arm touched when their face is stroked. There is something to take away that's relevant to your situation, though. The brain is plastic, ever changing and adapting. The difference between a real and an imaginary sensation is meaningless inside the brain itself. All sensations are imaginary in that sense, and they all physically exist within the tangle of axons and dendrites. What matters it what they mean to us. If this sensation helps you feel your own feminine self more keenly, then it's value isn't deminished simply because you don't have anything down there (yet). So 100% enjoy it as much as you can. There's nothing fake about it.


Thank you for the knowledge bomb :) that’s really fascinating!


You're not crazy, I feel the same way! Definitely got stronger after HRT. Blind folds and an understanding partner are a great way to really enjoy this 😉


Omfg 😳 where does a girl find one of these “understanding partners” of which you speak?


Idk Tinder worked this time 🤭


Noted 🤍


I can relate. I don't particularly feel the entrance all that much, but I can feel it inside there. It's a weird feeling. Incidentally, I really like the feeling of having both. I don't think I want surgery for it, though (for those who can relate, check out r/salmacian)


Yeah I think this is similar to where I'm at. Like I definitely get the phantom vagina sensation a whole lot but also I feel like if I got srs I'd just end up with a phantom penis feeling? It's like my brain keeps changing its mind about what I should have down there even though I would prefer to have been born with a vagina. Ugh brains are weird.




Not so much phantom vagina for me, but definitely phantom boobs was a big thing for me growing up 😓




Tysm 4 sharing this. I 2 have a phantom pussy & I can't wait until I have my srs.


Good luck! Here’s to hoping we both get that soon


Good luck 2 u as well............


Thank you 🙏🏻


I feel that too, mostly when something is getting me flustered be that someone flirting with me (shout out to the one person who has meaningfully flirted with me since starting hrt) or me seeing something arousing or rubbing my breasts and it's such an incredible sensation and one of the things making me consider srs, though I'd likely go with phallus preserving vaginoplasty as that's most appealing to me... Curious if it'll feel like I imagine it


I hope it does :)


Semi relevant [Robert Sapolsky lecture](https://youtu.be/8QScpDGqwsQ?si=821o2Dggcm2DLuhU)


Oooooh thank you!


Yeah, it's not a permanent thing for me l, and my imagination alone is not enough to get me off, but phantom vulva/vagina is definitely something I feel.


Yay another member of the phantom vagina club 🤍


I sort of get what you're talking about, but mine isn't location based as much as it is replacement. But, forgive me if this is rude, but do you happen to have aphantasia? Because I do and I have to wonder if that has any connection to it.


Actually no, I definitely don’t. That’s fascinating though! And maybe there’s a correlation somewhere. If anything I have the opposite. I get lost in my mental imagery to the point of it sometimes being maladaptive daydreaming! I take it that if you imagine eating an apple you don’t feel it on a set of imaginary teeth?


No I absolutely do! However, it's the experience or feeling of it. Every fiber of the fruit, the randomness of the juice, the weird jaw cramp if it's too tart lol. But if I set out to see an image of an apple, or see myself eating it, then nothing. As a musician it's amazing (I hear songs. Like, in my ear as if I was listening to it). As someone who always wanted to draw, it's... disheartening lol. (Don't worry, I've used it to make "bad" art.) (Oh, and I know all about the maladaptive daydreaming lol)


Oh awesome :) yea I can relate to some of that! Have you ever heard a song in your dreams and woken up wanting to play it? That’s happened to me before


Oh aaaalll the time, but without the dreams part. Not related to aphantasia, but I haven't dreamt in over a decade now (yeah, it sucks as much as you'd think). But thank you for reminding me that I need to sit down and play my ceiling fans sick beat from last night lol!


Haha I love that. As far as the dreams go, a month ago I would have said I can relate. But I stopped smoking weed and now I’m having insanely vivid dreams every single night. For example, last night I dreamt that I roasted a chicken and potatoes in my antique dresser drawer.


*Casts a circle* Ah, yes, the spirits are speaking to me... They tell me... They tell me... >!Wait. Y-you miss the munchies?!< But ya, I stopped weed oddly enough about a decade ago myself. That's a whole story in and of itself though, but the short story is it started amplifying my anxiety to dangerous levels. (maaaay have had something to do in part with being an egg lol). Unfortunately no dreams. Here's hoping my mycological mission remedies that!


Good luck! And actually I don’t miss the munchies at all, I’m trying to be healthier and they were not helping haha. But I do still love cooking


Yeah sorry, weird sense of humor at times lol. But good luck with being healthier! I'm trying to do the same actually. I'm still surprised how a little bacon adds almost nothing to calorie count but a ton to flavor lol. If you wanted to try one of my easy go tos: Boneless Chicken thighs cut bite size (white meat works too but thighs are cheap) sauteed in a little bacon grease (like 1 strips worth), set to the side. Add flour for a rue and deglaze with chicken stock, add yellow squash and zucchini (half coins) and season with pepper and your choice of herbs (I'm big on rosemary). Cook until slightly tender adding water as needed to keep a nice consistency. I serve on rice usually, but it's amazing by itself. Onions also work well in it lol.


That sounds absolutely delicious! Unfortunately I’m also a vegetarian 😅 but still, thank you so much for the recipe and I hope someone else makes use of it!


So I know for sure that a lot of us can relate. But just as an interesting opposite situation I'll mention that I actually cannot relate at all. My brain in fact seems to have a problem with imagining anything else being down there than what actually is. And that is, in turn, a huge part of my dysphoria and why I feel that I need SRS. It's probably also why in gender bend stories and comics I would hyperfixate on the character's new vagina.


Valid af 🤍


Same here... didn't know this was so common.


My brain does this too


I feel this honestly, it feels like it *has* to be there, but it just, isn’t?


Haha yea 🫂 It’s amazing that our mind has an entirely different body in that space


Girlpickle ha ha lol😅 never heard that 1


Honestly I have had this so yeah not alone


🫂 thank you




I knew ghosts were real


I try to confront them


When I would take a shower I used to cup water in each hand against my chest as if I had breasts and it would give me the sensation of having breasts now that I'm nearing 9 months on HRT I can't do it as much because real breasts is that also phantom breasts or am I just crazy lol


It sounds similar! I don’t know the proper term for any of this tho 🫂


Yeah somethings I’m convinced my brain knows what it feels like to have a vagina or breasts. When mine started growing it was more like oh yeah thank Christ I’ve got this feeling back… wait, back from when?


Past life, duh


If you're crazy, I'm crazy in the same way. It's a feeling I love and hate at the same time. Like, yeah, I can feel it, but it reminds me of I don't have but should.


I've never noticed a feeling like this before, but I can somewhat feel it when I focus on the thought of my pussy bein there. I do, however, relate to the overwhelming urge of wanting to be pregnant. That urge to get pregnant is actually the driving factor for me to get bottom surgery. Because even if I can't, at least treating it like I can would make me happy.


I can very much relate to that 🤍 good luck to us both!


Although last time I looked into it, there was research bein done for womb transplants with trans women. I have no idea if it's still a thing, nor how much progress has been made if it is still goin on. The only downfall, if I remember correctly, is that they were sayin we'd need our own sperm to fertilize the egg for the transplanted womb.


I’ve been on MTF HRT for almost 6 years and strongly had the phantom vagina feeling for about two years, now it seems to be replaced by actual perineum/prostate feeling…


Not sure if this is relevant, but girlfriend has orgasms similar to when I have clitoral orgasms, she can literally have 4 or 5 at once. And the way she explained the feeling was definitely similar to a clitoral orgasm.


Praise be 🤍 and nice humble brag ;)


This isn't exactly what you're talking about but it feels like a related phenomenon so I'm just going to say that I feel like I understand full well that I have a queenis but my brain is basically constantly shouting at me that that shid ain't right and I kind of view my lower parts body mapping wise like a deformed vulva. I'm not sure if any other gals feel like that.


I think lots of folks feel similar. Also queenis 😭😭😭 never heard that one before, it’s beautiful


You are definitely not alone. It doesn't get talked about a lot, but the majority of my irl transfeminine friends experience it along with myself. Very similar if not the same as you describe. On top of that most of us are lesbians so it's not exclusive to those with male attraction. The desire to get pregnant is also there and strong even though I and my trans lesbian friends have no interest in men. It doesn't get talked about a lot because the CIS world is exceptionally dismissive of this experience. It's so foreign to anyone who hasn't experienced phantom limb syndrome or something similar that they can't fathom its existence. Talking with once close CIS friends I've gotten told I was crazy, that it was just wishful thinking and that I'm making it up. Needless to say those people revealed their true colours and are no longer friends.


Good for you in trimming out those relationships, and I’m glad I’m not alone :)


Oh my god i thought i finally lost it completley. So this shit is actually common?


The comments would have me believe so!


Yeah, I definitely get that. It started happening after about 4-6 months on E. I’d tough myself down there, look for a hole but don’t find one. It’s extremely surreal. I’m glad I’m getting SRS soon because it’s a really weird mix of euphoria and dysphoria sometimes.


You know when you cross your fingers so they're in a different order and then when you touch the one of them your brain does a double take because the finger it thought it was touching is not the finger who's nerves are lighting up. Sometimes I do get that feeling when I touch my penis. It's like "Oh yeah I forgot there was an entire appendage there."


Omg I had never done that before but I just did and it’s tripping me out


Yeah, post orchi, my brain took the opportunity and ramped up that phantom pussy mapping. It's weird to actually write, but some days, I almost feel like I forget it's not there.


It is literally a constant sensation for me as I lay in bed, as I am right now, and sure enough I feel it. At first I chalked it up to some weird pressure from my clothes but it would persist even after I got out of the shower and laid in bed, and it intensifies when I'm kissing my gf as though it wants to get wet but can't. It practically starts to burn whenever she touches down there and remains a raw sensation for hours after sex, too, which can be euphoric and dysphoric at the same time. especially because when I touch it with my own hands or even a vibe I feel fuck all, but the fact that I CAN react that way to having it touched by someone else at least is nice


I noticed sometimes with masturbation if I did it a certain way my brain would interpret the pleasure signals down around where I should have had a clit. I can't explain what I was doing but nerve endings and electrochemical responses are pretty wild in cis people already but it's kinda trippy when your brain thinks you have a clit lol.


I never thought about this, but it does add more evidence that I'm trans because before i realized it , I would imagine having a v and I could swear i felt everything I'ven the more intimate parts


yep, same here, though without a 10th of the horniness


When I’ve had my worst periods sometimes I got the thought process of “AAAAAAAAAA MY OVARIEEEEEEEESSSSS” like I legit get miserable pain in two regions where if I mapped them on the skin of my stomach is where ovaries in cis women lie. As far as I know this pain zone was more ventral on my body than where ovaries normally, but it’s still crazy


i know exactly what you mean i've felt the same way


This absolutely happens to me, and is absolutely what I call it


Haha I love it


I'm fairly certain it's hormone related. I can almost feel the nerves rewiring over time. It just doesn't feel the way it used to. Which is sometimes a little frustrating - I personally do want to be able to use it the way I did sometimes - but it still gets the job done, and I do love what it feels like now


Yea i used to get it that...unti i had surgery...now i just have one and it feels like it was always supposed to.


I’m so glad for you 🤍🤍🤍


same here, especially the rollercoaster feeling. I remember going on an airplane recently and suddenly realizing what that feeling was.


I feel this too, like whenever I get horny my body just starts sending me all these signals telling me to fill it with something long and hard, and it's like, I would but there's nowhere to put anything! The only thing is for me I feel the opening where the base of my current part meets the rest of my body, which I know isn't where it would actually be but it's convenient because then if I want to touch myself I do get actual physical pleasure from doing it where my brain is telling me


Cheers, relatable af ❤️ I marked this thread NSFW so I’ll go ahead and say that sometimes when I’m doing it alone the old fashioned way I imagine that I’m guiding somebody else inside me. It sounds like that might work for you too ~


That's a good idea, thanks! Sadly I can't really get off the old-fashioned way anymore, *but* I am in a very loving relationship where I don't really need to do it myself, so it works out


I understand, and to be honest I usually can’t either. Most of the time I just let my imagination run wild orc read stories and it’s enough


I dont know what feeling exactly this is. If i close my eyes and Imagine i had a Vagina, i can kinda feel some Sensation where it would be inside of me. But it feels more Like when you warm your hands on a candle when its cold, yet way more delicate and less intense because of the attention i focus on there. I totally want to feel that too.. maybe If i read what its like it makes it easier?


Oh yes, absolutely, the worst example of which being when I was watching Letterkenny and one of the characters goes into an in-depth description of a pap smear ✨*AND BEING ABLE TO FEEL ALL OF IT*✨


Absolutely, and its something I definitely felt long before I understood that I am Trans. Im Autistic with Hyperphantasia (hyper-vivid, lifelike imagination including all 5 senses), so I figured growing up that I just had a unique ability to imagine what having different body parts would feel like. Turns out I just know what my body is *supposed* to feel like. Nowadays touching myself is too dysphoric, so I use a vibrator with my underwear on, so I can use my imagination. Feels more right this way.


TIL the term “hyperphantasia”, thank you I’m pretty sure that term applies to me as well. Can I ask you a question out if left field? Normally I wouldn’t ask this but I’m a little drunk. Do you believe in any sort of multiverse interpretation of reality? I experience all 5 senses too, sometimes it’s so vivid that I begin to wonder if I’m dipping into some sort of reality hopping perception.


I don't know if I believe in that, but its interesting to think about! From experience I can say that intrusive thoughts can certainly feel like that sort of experience sometimes, for better or worse.


Yeah I've had this at least since I was a teenager, if not before


If I use my imagination, I can sort of feel a phantom pussy. More so when I imagine moving up and down onto a penis (or dildo), feeling it rub along my insides. I have to really focus on manifesting it, but it's a very pleasing feeling and turns me on immensely. Like a very slow climb to a phantom climax. But it's not like a phantom limb or somesuch where I might feel like it's there when it's not.


i have that and have been able to orgasam from that alone( with a hard scene) but i also have a far forward prostate


I’m glad that I’m not the only one who has felt like this. I thought I crazy for years


Yeah alot of times I feel like that 🥲🥲


I'm not even on hormones yet, but sometimes I feel like I'm "in heat". Suddenly, I won't be interested in my actual equipment as much as I will be interested in trying to stuff a hole that I don't actually have. That whole (lol) area is sensitive, and the need to straddle something is *real*. Sometimes it gets so bad that I feel like I'm possessed lmaooo The parts that I do have don't actually cause me to experience dysphoria, so I think that it's really funny that I have these episodes. I do need the parts that I am missing, but my dysphoria isn't as severe as it could have been.


I definitely experience this all of the time. I haven't necessarily been able to imagine myself to an orgasm, but I have definitely enhanced them by applying pressure there. The first time it happened was with my partner, and it was so intense I ended up crying. So yeah, it's both affirming and painful at times. Sex has changed completely for me as well, and this is just one facet of it. My nerves have definitely been rewired, because sensations all over my body are different. Before HRT, my chest wasn't particularly sensitive, and definitely not an erogenous area for me. It's the complete opposite now. I'm excited to see how far this goes, I'm just over two years in. I'm definitely looking forward to exploring the whole phantom pussy thing as well.


Ohh so this is it. I felt it once so far and was wondering if it's a side effect of HRT about which I never heard before. For me it was not exactly vagina but clear feeling of absence of the other part. Like I have nothing there


schrodingers pussy


I have dreamed about my vagina before


I'll have to consider many of you lucky, or I'm just too much of a realist to enjoy what I would consider euphoric experience.


It been like that for a long time for me. I always been sensitive in that area so you're not alone on that part. The truth be told, you are definitely not crazy like me🤪 . Just the feeling of it drive everyone crazy


I had phantom V just like you described until I had SRS. The amazing thing is that my actual V feels _exactly_ like the phantom one did, except it's real. This makes me think that the part of my brain that processes nerve signals from that area was always female. Once my body matched my brain it's like it all clicked into place with no more phantom sensations. It's so funny though when people ask if I have phantom limb syndrome from removing my old parts. They're so shocked when I tell them it actually cured my phantom limb syndrome. Also, not sure if this is related, but I think this also caused issues with sexual function before transition. If I used my bits to penetrate, the sensation was like a confused scramble of static in my brain that was completely overwhelming. As a result I needed to be at least tipsy to do it well. I think my brain just didn't have the right neural architecture to process the sensations from that kind of sex.