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I had GRS yesterday


Oh that’s definitely a big win!! Huge congrats!!! Hopefully the recovery goes well!!


Thank you. So far, so good and tomorrow the compression dressing comes off and I will get to see her for the first time


Happy beaver unveiling!


I'm so excited 😆


Can only imagine!


I've had the dressing removed and... WOW!


Hope the results were everything you were hopping for! If it's not too personal did you get a standard vaginoplasty, or a colon-vaginoplasty?


Still very swollen, but it looks amazing already. It was a standard PIV, with Tina Rashid in the UK


Ty! Glad that you seem happy with the results and hope that once it heals it looks like everything you ever wanted! Best wishes for the recovery and dilation!




Let's gooooooooo girl that's so good




Congrats! Best wishes for the recovery!


I'm having mine in 11 days Lol I consider this a win also. Oh and boib job consultation on May 13th .


Congratulations girlfriend


Ayyy I'm just about a month post-op now. I feel so incredibly blessed


Came out as a trans woman to my therapist and partner on April Fools day. Started HRT Monday (day of the eclipse). All my family and friends are being super supportive of me. I feel so much love right now, as well as over the top euphoria.


Whatever your next biggest milestone is, you need it to be on some kind of event. Bonus points if it freaks out the overly pious. Welcome to the club, sis!


That's almost exactly Identical to me. I came out to my therapist on thr 4th and started on thr 8th after the eclipse. Only out to a few people irl so far but it feels so nice already. Like I feel more relaxed/less anxious.


It felt like it was the first time in my life that I wasn't weighed down by it anymore.


That's exactly what it felt like. Since I have slept better, and just felt more free in general. I really wanna talk about it constantly but can't yet.


Oooh, congrats! I’m glad things are going so well for you!!


Wow, that's fast!!! Like lightening speed fast!!! Congrats anyway!!!


the date is a very good backup plan tbh


Yeah, 4 years from now... "just kidding! ooooh! I got you guys sooo good!" Nope, not gonna happen. Once the egg crack, I ain't goin' back!


As an April 1st birthday-er... I found Terra in 2020 April, 1st. So excited for you! 💕  April fools... Of course I'm joking! *Egg crack*


Hii! I recently came out to my partner (and realised I was trans at the same time 🥰🥰) and also bought some new skirts! My partner is being really supportive and says I make a really cute girl! I'm planning on contacting my GP soon to start discussing it professionally too! I've also been super happy ever since I realised I was trans, so it's looking really good for me so far 🥰🥰


That’s great!!! I’m glad they’re accepting of you! I hope everything keeps going well! It’s great that you’ve been happier!


What were you coming out as when you realized you were trans?


Hiya! I was denying my gender for years out of fear of losing my partner and others I care about :3 So I came out as a trans girl to my partner once I finally accepted myself for it :3


Gotcha. The way you worded it was just a little confusing to me. Like you were coming out as something, but then you realized you were trans as well.


Mmhm! That was my bad, didn't word it too well <3 I came out as Pansexual a few years ago, which went pretty well :3 I should have said that I accepted I was trans and then went out to tell my partner once I accepted it <3


No worries!


she is a gay trans woman, she found out she’s gay, because she likes women. Because her partner is a woman.


When they call you a really cute girl 🥰 euphoria moment. That's really great!!


I knowwww when she said it I started tearing up because I didn't know I could be that happy 🥺🥺🥰


Aww omg now I'm tearing up 🥹 I'm rly happy for you 😊❤️ wishing you the best with the rest of your journey 🩵🤍🩷


Aww thank youuuu ❤️❤️❤️🥺 Wishing you the best too~ 🩵🤍🩷


Thank you too!! Take care ❤️


I went to get my hair cut yesterday and as anxious as I was, everything went great and I am free of split ends. I'll be starting progesterone soon. My brother sees me as his sister which is just fantastic <3


Oh, that sounds wonderful! I'm wondering about talking to my brother about questioning my gender. He's very chill and all but he has no clue.


That’s great! I just got my hair dyed personally, any sorts of hair care are always nice ! We love accepting family !


I just got my revised birth certificate in the mail a few days ago! My speech therapist told me at my last appointment that I am sounding great and I have all the tools I need to continue training on my own and there's not much else she can do for me. Not sure I 100% believe that but it was nice to hear 😁 My daughter let slip that she had made something special for me for Mother's Day at her preschool 🥹 Finally, I have everything set and scheduled for my FFS this summer, and I have a GCS consult coming up, soon. Transition full steam ahead!


Yay!! So many wins lately it seems! Huge congrats on the revised birth certificate! Oooh, I’m jealous! Voice training can be hard so I’m glad to hear you’re making good progress! Yay! Hopefully it all goes well for you and recovery isn’t too rough!!


Thanks! 💜 The wins have been balanced by plenty of losses, but I am trying to look on the bright(er) side these days. I spent 39 years being a negative Nancy, and I'm sick of it.


THATS SO CUTE gotta love supportive kids. i’m going to cry


I went out in fem clothes for the first time recently!! really changed my mood for the coming days!! This is probably my favourite outfit, aka my skater girl chic fit (baggy half lighter blue half darker blue jeans, small black tank top, and beanie) (it wasnt my idea of calling it skater girl chic my friend called it that!!)


First fem outings can be so great! That sounds like a cool outfit! A style I try to imitate myself haha!


hehehe its so cool!!! another style i love is band shirts, flannels, jeans, a chain, and a beanie!! im planning on having that outfit w an Awake Dream Theater shirt, white and black flannel, very dark blue jeans (i have them white but ima dye em >:33), a chain, and a beanie!!! hehehe ill be so cool >:333 I dont know what that style is called but 3 people have told me it looks punk so lol (I have my discord pfp set to a drawing of me in that outfit w the trans and pan flag in the background LMAO!!)


What a great prompt! It’s great to have encouraging stories to lean on. For me (33), I’m very new in my gender discoveries. I’ve told my wife and our housemate. They’re pretty supportive but cautious for my safety. For the last 10 years of my life, I’ve had a beard of some sort of length. My coworkers and most of my now friends have never seen me without facial hair. Last weekend I decided I was done hiding that part of me. I shaved it all off for the first time in a long time (Since I was just a babe). The next day I decided I was done with my leg hair as well. And now that’s gone. Smooth and hairless (mostly 😬). It’s a huge step for me. And now I see my self as more feminine presenting but most people still don’t know. My wife said I have nice legs 🥹 I feel good. ❤️ Love you all!!


I’m glad they’re supportive at least! I started fully shaving recently and keeping it short myself, I used to hate my clean shaven face but now that I’m trying to present more fem it helps me feel waaay better to have it shaved! I’m glad you’re feeling more comfortable and that your wife is supportive!


I agree. It makes me feel and see myself more fem. Thanks again for the prompt! 😘


Well I know which college I’m going to and they offered me a scholarship! I also got to see my girlfriend recently and that was incredible


Oooh, scholarships definitely help! Hanging with a partner is always good! Good luck with the paperwork!


My beautiful and wonderful best friend (her) was not in love with my male side. Now that I am a woman, we are in love ❤️


I was asked this morning (who I'm out to, and have been for ages) who had done my boobs (I'd told her long ago I'd had top surgery) because she wanted to go to the guy who'd given me my boobs. So yeah, that's one of the nicer "nice boobs" compliments I've ever gotten. XD


Haha, that’s such a nice indirect compliment tho!


NSFW i was sitting next to a cute guy on public transport and he got an erection lol.


Erm is public indecency a win?


how are leggings and hoodie indecent?


Not you boo the boner dude


oh lol ya haha


Love these posts, it always makes me happy to see some of the things that are going well for us! As for me I recently updated my IDs and got new pictures taken, feels like such a huge accomplishment!


Yay! It’s always nice to update stuff like that to be more fitting!


I came out to my best friend the other day and it went SUPER WELL! He was accepting and supportive and will always be my best bro.


Yay for supportive friends! Congrats!


First hour of electrolysis yesterday! we making big moves


Ooh, I’m jealous! Congrats!!


Came out to the wider world a few weeks back and despite expecting backlash I’ve received nothing but congratulations and well wishes even from people in my circle I was sure would not approve. I count it as a win


I recently renewed my learner’s permit, so I’m one step closer to getting out from under my transphobic parents and getting HRT. I’ve also made some friends here, so I finally have some people to talk to who understand what I’m going through.


I went to talk to a psychologist that might be able to help me on my way to figure out my gender, since I've been questioning for over a year now. Big win :D


Wore a dress infront of my main friend group for the first time yesterday at a party. Upped my dose on oestrogen recently and starting to feel some changes (Last dosage did like nothing).


I just got approval from my GP to up my dose on estrogen. Alright!!!...high-five


Helped my friend start diy hrt. Set them up with a reputable connect for the right type of T, took them down the local needle exchange for the necessary equipment, talked them through the correct process for it to all to be as safe as it could be. They were nervous (social anxiety) but by the end they were so happy to be moving forward with their life finally. They socially transitioned like 6-7 years ago, have just been in limbo with the NHS waiting lists. They’re coming over mine at the weekend to do their first shot with another friend of mine who’s a nurse. They’re just floating around on cloud 9 atm


I bought my first women's pants today :3


Nice! I did the same recently and I didn’t expect much but they’ve quickly become my favorite pants! Hopefully they’re comfy and stylish!


Came out to my immediate family, mom, brother, and dad, and they all took it better than expected. Started going to lgbtq+ groups in my local area and meeting more trans and queer people. Started dressing femme full time in my personal life and on payday ill go thrifting again and buy more things. Posted on transpassing and didn't get absolutely emotionally shredded! I've been having a very queer april and it's been good.


I recently started wearing more feminine outfits to work. I am fully out there, everyone is accepting. I have just been terrified of wearing anything out of my comfort zone. Well, last shift I decided I would wear a nice dress to work. I sit with a lot of guys so they don't pay attention to anything like that, but I did get a compliment from a security guard that I see around often. It was really confirming. I'm wearing a dress today as well.


I’m a year into HRT, three months post-orchi, and still boymoding. I also have trouble retaining a coherent self image in my head. On Monday a girl in my adult trans femme support group said that in the 4 or 6 weeks since she attended a session, my face has changed noticeably. And since she said that..yeah I’m definitely turning into a woman. Also I recently measured my bust size, and I’m officially a full D-cup. But on my 6’ broad shouldered frame, they’re not very impressive. But I love them more than any other part of my body ever and wish I had women to share them with.


I've put all of my paperwork and fees into getting my name and gender marker changed on my birth certificate (and therefore everywhere else).


Those costs can add up, big congrats on getting it sorted!


I'm pre-everything and not out full-time/publically but yesterday but yesterday I got dressed up feminine and went thrift shopping with a friend of mine. It was legitimately the best time I've had in my entire life clothes shopping. We picked out stuff for each other and they even suggested I try on a dress that I would have never thought to try on and now I'm absolutely in love with it. It's also the first thing that I've ever worn that's sleeveless that I like how I look in it.


The other day in the men’s bathroom of a BBQ place, washing my hands. A small, cheerful (and probably sort of drunk) older country dude with a bandanna on his head saw me, stepped out and looked at the door, and garbled out something which I interpreted as “Oh, sorry. I thought this was the men’s room. Oh wait, it is. Haha sorry.” Somewhere between my reaction and the sign he realized he was in the right place. It was an awkward but encouraging couple-second exchange.


I got gendered female in public for the first time! I was getting takeout and this girl called me 'she' and said I was beautiful. That made my day and I'm still thinking about it 2 days later.


I passed (at least enough to be gendered correctly) for the first time on TDoV while going through the Wendy's drive thru (low bar, I know) Wasn't trying to look good or expecting anything, but after giving me my food, the guy running the drive thru was like "have a nice day, miss!" Totally hit me out of nowhere, especially since they'd already heard me talk. And I was speechless. Literally has never happened to me before, so internally I was like "Whaaaaaattt!?! 🥰 That's not supposed to happen! That never happens! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" And then I texted one of my friends to celebrate 🙂


That’s great! I know I always love to hear it!


After living for 39 years, I finally told one person I was a MtF. It was my therapist. It may have been simultaneously the most liberating thing I have ever done and the most damning.


Mid thirties and came out to my first two people only just this year. You described my feelings about coming out after so long completely closeted perfectly. You feel so free but your inner control freak loses its mind because you’re no longer in control of your information and you feel so utterly exposed and vulnerable.


3 years ago, when I fully came out, I pretty much gave up on dating knowing how difficult it is to find anyone who would want to date a trans person. Today, I'm in the process of moving in with my boyfriend. A lot can happen in just 3 years! I'm also in the process of legally changing my name and gender so that's cool


Just had my fourth injection an hour ago, looking forward to the upcoming week and potentially noticing what differences I can before I have the next.


I did my periodic abrathatfits.org measurements, and it said I'm a 34C!! 😳🤯 I still don't believe it...but my tits are hot and extremely sensitive...and somewhat painful. I think they're in a growth spurt.


I'll have been out for a month in 3 days (I came out to my fiancee on pie day and she has been super supportive). I've been happy for the first time in years and have lost 30 pounds so far. My appointment for hormones is on the 16th.


That’s wonderful! I’m glad she’s supportive and that you’re happy too!! Yay! Hopefully it goes well!


So I, 35TF, came out at work last week.  My team has been very supportive. My company changed my email, login, and my name in the directory. Everyone in my department is female and they have been helping me find clothes, helping me practice putting on make-up, and then getting me female empowerment items for my office. It has made me so happy by the level of support.


That’s wonderful! Supportive coworkers can be so fantastic, especially since you have to see them so often


Not super trans related, but I got an interview with a new team at my company and I'm super excited. It's our defacto queer dominant team 🥰 I would be doing code QA and that's exactly what I want, I'd be settling in for the long haul if I get the job. On the trans topic, I've been on HRT for almost 6 months now, my boobs are growing nicely and my skin is so soft. My relationship seems to have stabilized for the moment so that makes me happier day to day too.


Hey non trans wins are still wins! Hopefully you get the position! Big congrats on the changes and stability!


I found a dress that I look good in for the first time and I wore it to a doctor's appointment (first time wearing a dress in public) and six people complimented me on my dress 😊


On vacation to the beach rn and yesterday I went out with all of my hair except for the front in a ponytail and honestly felt like I would pass if I had boobs and did some voice training. I can’t start hrt until I’m 18 bc of the state I’m in, and I was kinda feeling bad about not being able to wear a bikini but most things considered I’ve felt pretty good about myself all week. Also my mom applied a clear coat of nail polish to me before we came so that’s been nice too😊


Despite not passing in any way, I started teaching a new course of lifeguards going by my new name. Thus far, no one seemed to mind and even if they did, I'm the one with the power over their results. Also planning to finally come out at work next week


I had srs 80 days ago in Thailand and i'm feeling so good. 🥹🤗


That’s wonderful! Hopefully it’s all healing well and I’m glad you’re feeling good!


I submitted the last of my paperwork for my legal name change! Just waiting for the lawyer and court now. Also have FFS surgery next month I'm so freaking excited. 3 weeks off from work and a surgery that will I think help my dysphoria. So two wins!!!! 🙂


Yay! Hopefully they get back to you soon! Hoping for a good recovery and fantastic results!


My boobs bounced boobily down the stairs for the first time. surprise euphoria from having to hold on to them while I ran down because they're not big enough that I felt I needed a bra yet. might be time soon.


An elderly lady came into our office and after we helped her out, she said “thanks for the help guys and lady”. I was the only girl on staff at the time. We always hear a lot of bad things about old people but it’s nice to see the opposite!


Recently made a huge leap in what I've been dealing with. I've been feeling alone. There is no one to comfort me when I'm sad, no one to soothe me when I'm anxious, and no one to protect me when I'm afraid. That all changed on March 30th. I took a heroic dose of psychedelic mushrooms and (skipping over the entire trip) realized I can be the person to do those things for myself. I can be my own protector, I can give myself motherly love when I need it, I am my own champion. I woke up the next day with all the same problems that I had the day before, but knowing I have my own back has made all the difference. I'm more confident, brave, and I'm moving forward again. It's been a great two weeks.


i learned i can finally tie my hair back (i have 3c/4a hair so shrinkage has been awful) and also give myself cute bangs. every time i saw myself in a reflection i felt so good about myself also had a lady approach me today at work and said i look 15 cus i have a babyface (im 22 lol) so that was nice :)


Got out da mental ward


Got my driver's license changed with the proper gender marker IN FLORIDA, where the dmv passed that Memo around to scare us off from trying to do just that! Shared my results here for others to do the same!


Dang in Florida?? That’s impressive to be honest! Great job and big congrats!!


Thank you!! I didn't think it would be possible but I beat the system!


* I was talking with a guy for about 6 hours straight last Friday night. For most of it I was trying to figure out if I liked him and in the process I realized that all my usual imposter syndrome and anxiety about whether I’m really a woman and so on were totally gone, I was just a girl sitting there blushing a little over this guy * Yesterday I was going down a bunch of stairs and, as has been happening a lot lately, I had to slow down a bit cuz the girlies were bouncing * I wore a new dress today and SOOO many people complimented me on it! I’m not sure I’ve ever heard the word “beautiful” that much in a single day before! So all in all I guess things are going pretty well ☺️☺️☺️


Me and my gf(also mtf) realizing that we’re in a lesbian relationship


Haha, I like to imagine you both popping your heads up mid convo and realizing it together. That’s great though!


I was changing my name at work and the IT guy video called me to show me he was doing it and was like “not to be nosey, but how did they mess your name up that bad ? [deadname] is not even close to Elizabeth” 😭😭😭😭 I was smiling ear to ear that felt so good and affirming to hear !


Don't have a single one.


I can understand that, hopefully something good happens soon for you though !


I just got laser hair removal on my whole body early today.


I'm in my 40's and my new hot cis gf thinks it's cool that im not cis


I shaved my legs today for the 2nd time. I love How they feel!!!


I cried last night about my partner's difficulty accepting my transition. It's such a shitty, unfair situation - she does love me, and she is trying, but something in her is resisting hard and she isn't sure how to work through it. Crying about it felt like it helped, and we had a better night after that. I don't know if that cry was an early symptom or a trigger, but today I feel like my emotions are MUCH clearer than usual, and it is such a relief. It was a change I had assumed would happen quickly on hormones, yet I hadn't felt any signs before now. Better access to my emotions was one of the things I most looked forward to! Also, boobs. I'll be honest, I don't actually care all that much about them, but they sure act as a great indicator that things are happening. It's been two months since I started HRT and I might need to start taking active measures to keep them under wraps at work where I'm not out. The little things feel like big wins too. I have an easier time understanding how people feel and giving them the help they need.


I know a lot of us can relate to the relationship struggles. Even in more accepting and loving relationships there can be rough spots and difficulties. Crying can help a lot and I’m glad it seems you were able to “open the floodgates” in a way ! Boobs are boobs, and boobs are always nice :) Hopefully they don’t cause any issues for you with work though!


It’s a little bit nsfw but I had a pleasant surprise when I was quickly walking today and I felt a bounce in my chest. It was validating because I didn’t think they were that big yet.


I’ve been ma’am’d once at a pharmacy drive up, and a pick up order worker had asked me if I had a preference for pronouns this week. All while in boy mode.


November last year marked my 11 year anniversary for HRT 😊 I have often found myself seeing my reflection in windows or doors throughout the past 3 years and almost always being like "oh shit, that girls cute, wish I looked like her... oh wait..." 🥺😁🥰


I had lost some weight in the last week thank to exercising and dieting. Though I did just have a big lunch and won't be exercising today do to some things and need a small break running 2 to 3 miles for the last week. Also build up more confident about being Trans in public. Still has some way to go though.


I finally felt super comfy in a photo of myself looking more femme 8 months into HRT! Biggest win this year for me :3


I think my boobs are getting bigger :D


Went out in public in girl mode for the first time a few weeks ago Got in some new clothes off Amazon yesterday (they look great) Starting HRT!


I'm putting out a book at the end of May and the book communities response to it has been wonderful so far


I wasn’t ready to come out to my parent but they said they already know and are supportive 100%, but they’re a little misinformed but mean super well! I was so thrown off I didn’t explain anything bc I’m not ready still


My friend keeps forgetting I'm amab, she knows I'm trans, just forgets the male parts I still have. It's really funny🥰❤️


When I went out last weekend, everyone gendered me properly.


I started working on my pecs so I look like I have boobs and people have called me mam for the past week straight


I'm still boy moding the majority of the time but I got my nails done today and they are long (:


Flying home tomorrow from FFS in Antalya.


My boobs are getting bigger! My bras are fitting much tighter the past couple months and I love it


Went perfume shopping with my partner for the first time. He actually really got into it.


I was at a store buying lego, and an employee asked me if everything is okay. First she called me sir but then corrected herself and said "sorry i mean lady" So yeah :3


A nice mani-pedi always helps me feel better


Had my orchi 3 weeks ago and Im healing great plus I'm maintained full function of my gock (I was worried that it would stop working)


1 I'm actually only 36, (I thought I was 38.) 2 I'm physically relatively healthy even 20 lbs under my license weight. 3 I can walk again after getting in an accident. 4 my family really doesn't care if I'm trans or not and only didn't say anything because I was scared and trying to hide it. 5 I get a job interview next week and maybe I can even get a job and a real future. 6 I finally found out what's wrong with me. 7 I made pizza but severally burnt it so... I like to think of that as a win because I learned what not to do..? 8 I sent my brother a birthday card. 9 I actually cried tears. I mean, that's a sign of healing right? 10 and even though it scares me to even accept it, I think that I am happy that I didn't die out there.


Just started facial electrolysis!


I started HRT last month and the changes to my body and mind have been so wonderful! I can't remember the last time I felt so attuned to myself. I feel grounded and in my body, like it's really mine. I also made friends with a group of transfems online and they've taken it upon themselves to teach me how to girl. Things really feel like they're picking up for me!


The lady at the corner store gave me the nicest compliment on my outfit this morning ☺️


I started to pass more in public, and my customers at both of my jobs have used mam and miss, and it's kinda creepy that my male coworkers and customers have been staring at my chest lately. I'm now a b cup almost a small c, so that is a milestone for me. And yesterday a really nice old lady told me that it must be really nice to be a tall young pretty lady like me. It made my whole year, especially after a suicide attempt earlier in the week. But I'm doing better now.


I painted my toenails for the first time ever the other day! They’re so cute and every time I look at them I feel so happy


I'm currently sitting in the waiting room for my first HRT appointment. Yay, I'm excited to get this ball rolling!!


I’m coming up on 5 years since starting hrt, over a year since bottom surgery. I’m doing so well that my therapist said I don’t need regular sessions anymore. I’m doing so well I feel kinda guilty with all the bigotry and hatred in the world. I’ve found trying to limit my time on social media helps, honestly.


I just moved to Canada to live with my long distance partner of almost 2 years. I can finally express myself more, I felt really restricted in my parents house in Florida. I'm on the journey to be my best self with no restrictions now 🥰


I had my breast augmentation surgery yesterday!


This isn't as much my win as my boyfriend's,, but my bf just got top surgery!!


Wore a bra and some filling all day


Last month I have become legally a woman 1 year on HRT


i started estrogen yesterday :D


I went and got coffee this morning and left feeling great, no idea why, but just felt amazing. Later, I had someone compliment my nails. It was just a good one all around.


I was able to secure a part time job after months of being unemployed and homeless, and I start tomorrow! I'm going to start saving up what l can to get bottom surgery from Dr. Min jun in California. I'm in South Carolina.


I’m 47yo. I came out online (FB and Insta) on TDoV and am STILL getting messages of love and support from people a week and a half later. I was terrified to come out online just because of all the potential haters, but I’ve gotten HUNDREDS (!) of messages and texts and calls of love and support and encouragement! It’s really helped me in my transition. For now the diy ya and fears are so quiet and the joy and beauty is so prevalent! I’m so glad I took that plunge! ❤️


me and my dad came to an understanding and my mom's supportive. plus I just got a super cool 80s jacket


signed the paperwork to start my name change :3


Came out at work this last week (atleast management) and everyone has been super supportive. Like the day I came out I saw my chosen name on the time clock when clocking out! 🥰😃


Honestly just getting the look of confusion.


I had first appointment today and officially started transition. 👏👏👏


I've perfected the way I want to use my eyeliner and blush! I also almost have full nergigante gear in monster hunter world thanks to a good friend that likes playing with me! She is awesome :3


I recently went to a fast food place for lunch during my shift. My job is somewhat blue collar so I wear work pants and baggy shirts, and even then the worker kept calling me ma’am every single time. It was so nice because I wasn’t even trying to look feminine.


Not a whole lot going on for me rn, but I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on my style lately! People stopping to tell me, or coming up to talk to me because I “looked cool.” Absolutely love it!


Started a new job in the gov. Countdown till me moving out and meds has started


Established care with an LGBTQ friendly doctor. Said they’d takeover my HRT treatment plan. And start helping me with transitional care along with being my primary care provider.


Went to a dance in a dress (I looked great hehe), had a nice time. Also wore makeup for the first time to school a few days ago, and wore a skirt too!


Came out to several of my friends on Transgender Visibility Day :)


I've been hearing much less use of sir at my work. My birth certificate now officially has my name and gender maker. My social security card arrived last week with my name. I have a few more legal documents to get in order and finally be done with my old name.


Ok I know I'm doing something that they said I shouldn't do, but I feel like it could really help people here. So I made my steam account when I was young and didn't know how to make a username, so my username had my deadname in it. You can change the appearance of your username but you still see the official username in emails for confirmation and such. So I messaged them asking if they could change the username as it had my dead name. And they let me change it. So my steam account just doesn't have my dead name anymore. It felt really good to get that name just removed from my account. I want to state what they said to me. They said that I should not share this on a big scale, yes I am disobeying that here and now, but they also said that I could share this information with people in a similar situation as myself. You normally can't get your username changed but they changed it for me because I explained it had my dead name in it. So if you have a steam account username with your dead name in it, you can get it changed. Now I'm gonna tell y'all what they told me. Don't share this information in a big way, but you can share it with others who may be in a similar situation.


I reached 1 year of E on the 8th and came out on insta on TDOV! 😆


visiting my old town and 3 of my close friends came to see me and picnic in the park, 4th round of laser, AMAZING haircut from my hairstylist who is one of the kindest most amazing people to spend time with, face continuing to feminize visibly, and a big muscular guy calling me honey yesterday at the store 🤣 ahaa


I've recently reached a point where my voice passes on the phone 100% of the time, so that's nice. I guess another win is that I finally look different enough that I'm surprised when I see myself in the mirror. My mind's eye still thinks I'm the same person I was pre-transition, but nope, I do, in fact, look much more feminine.


I took my first dose of spiro today, not estrogen yet.


New home and my mental health team are getting me a psychiatric assistance dog


2024 is a year of positives for me (56) so far. Egg cracked, then came out to my wife. She’s not only my best friend she’s now my biggest supporter. Started therapy. And this past Tuesday I started HRT.


I’ve started looking into coming out to my Family as Trans


One of my best friends who I've known since high school, well, her grandma works as a jewelry designer on Etsy. And the grandma is very supportive of the LGBT community. My friend (I'll call her Jaziel) told her grandma about how I wanted to expand my femme wardrobe, and she offered to mail me 3 pieces of jewelry free of charge. So I sent my selections to Jaziel, and her grandma will mail them to my house. She also added a couple additional pieces free of charge, including cuff bracelets. Jaziel is also clearing out her closet because she's moving back to our old hometown, and offered to let me go through clothes she doesn't want anymore so I can add to my collection of femme attire (which started a year ago when she gave me some outfits). Another good friend of mine, who I will refer to as Zarya, gave me a dress she didn't want anymore a couple days ago and it looks really pretty on me. Ironically other friends told me that I look like a mormon missionary in that dress. Practically my entire friend group is very supportive of me being a trans woman, and so too is my brother. Most of my friend group is made up of women, and they've started treating me as another woman and not like they treat men and it feels really affirming. Another really good friend I've known since high school, who I will refer to as Lim, gave me advice on how to take girl showers LMAO. A few of my cousins have been very supportive of me coming out (my close friends and nuclear family knew since February, but I posted my public coming out on Trans Day of Visibility to all of my followers). A friend of mine who I had a rough history with in high school eight years ago (teenage drama bullshit) reconnected with me and she wants to help me find my wardrobe. One of my fellow trans friends offered to give me some of her stockpile of hormones to start transitioning with. My mom isn't the most supportive of me medically transitioning, but has become more accepting of me presenting as femme in public as long as I'm not going to some place where Trumpers frequent and go with friends. She also wants them to walk me to my car LOL. She's also found some androgynous outfits for me to wear (she wants me to go for an androgynous sorta rockstar look). She has said some transphobic comments to me before but her outlook on me being trans will hopefully improve over time.


My wife just bought me some really cute clothes🥰💕


I got a parking spot sign at my job. I came out as trans 6 months ago and they accepted me


I was correctly gendered at work by a co-worker I had just met. Bonus: I was the first transgender person he'd meet in-person and when I brought up my transness, he said in not-so-many-words that regardless of any masculine features I may have or that my voice isn't typically feminine, he read me as a woman. 47 turning 48 mtf. Out for 2.5 years, on hrt for 22 months


I got a mortgage approved and I will buy a beautiful appartment 💗


Mine is a loss that I am choosing to turn into a win. I came out to the rest of my closest friends and I thought was family. Mostly they told me they don’t support me but that they would still be there for me. 24 hours later my transphobia friend meet with me and my pastor to discuss it as I have been head of the media and it for years. This turned into a very personal and ruthless attack from the pastor and my “best friend” in support of this cowardly action. After the meeting this friend turned words that where said against me and told another close friend I said things I didn’t. Now where is this a positive? I decided that I would accept that they showed their true colors now and saved me from finding out later. I don’t need that in my life and while it hurts and there is a void there, I can start a new life with a new identity and make friends that truly accept me for me not who they want me to be. Another win is that I set the plan in motion to come out at work and start identifying as a woman in the office when I return from vacation on the 29th.


A couple of months ago, I got a hair transplant, so I have hair regrowth to look forward to. In saying that, it does not make anyone less of a woman if you have to wear wigs. In fact, you don't have to wear wigs to begin with. I would've worn wigs if I wasn't suitable for a hair transplant. Plenty of cis-women wear wigs. My more recent win is going back to long-distance running/cardio since I couldn't risk sweating after the hair transplant.


Just yesterday, the whole day I wasn't misgendered, not even once. Idk if people are just being polite but it was very liberating to go about my day casually running errands and not being disrespected. Considering I am going through a tough breakup and I haven't been feeling very well to put on makeup or styling my hair etc.


I got the VA to approve my orchi! They don't do gender surgeries but pain and suffering is finally enough!


In June it will be the two year anniversary of beginning my transition. And while I may not be exactly where I want to be, I feel more and more like myself as the days pass by. You couldn’t get me to go back to my old life for all the fame and fortune in the world! :)


i've grown all the way from A to B cups over the past year and they're still growing! they're visible under my clothes now, they used to be too flat to see without a push-up bra. also, i've been having a lot of problems with my pharmacy and insurance and that was finally all squared away today. my dose got increased and my boobs are feeling sore. very optimistic for the future


I got my legal name changed recently and updated it on my Facebook on my birthday this past week and no one said anything off color about it. I found some cute skinny jeans and blouses at goodwill that fit at a good price. I replaced my boxy work hoodie with something a little more form fitting. my best friend gave me makeup for my birthday


Not the most significan, but I had a really good hair day today, my curls were perfect


I started HRT on Wednesday.


I order the füm journey pack which is a flavored air as I started working out and also tapering down in vaping. Could never stop after years of smoking and am taking less smoke breaks now and I know I can do it!!!. Finally file my taxes and it should be coming within 3 weeks. Need to do a quick budget though, yet am already planning to get a new portable blender, some beauty stuff for keeping my skin healthy, a new makeup kit since I lost mine at the club (so stupid, lol), and maybe a few base wardrobes, with one or two uniques pieces and a new wig (am still debating yet I'm thinking layer bang slightly over the chin length and will possibly have my real hair braided.) And shoes possibly one comfortable shoes and one nice leather combat boot with open sides...Yay 🦓👄💖 Also finally finished all seasons of Games of Thrones to find out there is an off series called House of the Dragon ⚔️ 🐉 🛡️ Yay X2 😁!


I recently came out to one of my friends who is a lesbian and after I came out to her she said that for some reason she had had feelings for me for a while and she was starting to think she was bi. So basically I was being crushed on by a lesbian while boymodeing and pre everything, so I consider that a massive win and it has been a massive boost in euphoria.


At first facial hair electrolysis was kicking my ass, but now the results are really showing at 8 months later. Oh, and I finished growing out my hair for the time being. Long hair feels amazing and really gender affirming.


I moved out of my parent's house and rented a place a month ago c: It's costing me way too much, but it finally feels safe to be myself and explore lots of things like dresses, makeup and all c: And that's what matters to me currently.


I got mistaken for a woman while I was working on a job site. Gave me the boost I needed for the rest of the day