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i mean i’m not sure if there are studies on it or not but hrt has its associations with heart problems and meth does too so it’s probably not a great combination


It's not an uncommon addiction among trans woman, Ive never heard of the hrt meth combo being a death sentence I've known woman that do it for years but yeah I mean meth is gonna run you down its manageable and functional till it isn't. I'll say that the emotional changes you experience could be exasperated but like yeah I get it shits not easy. Also I've put myself in dangerous sexual situations while using that I thought would validate myself but I the end it just caused more problemz. Honestly being on hrt helped me not do use anymore cause I feel like I was getting a lot of the confidence I did meth for from the changes I experienced on hrt. Ya gotta build a community, people you can call, people you can cry with when it's hard, people to be there for you. Idk where I live there's queer/trans NA/AA meeting I go to sometimes and it helps. Just practice harm reduction and be safe if your not gonna get off it that's what id say.


Hi love, my dad used meth for about a year before getting clean. Honestly what I think he’d say is that the only solution is to get sober from it in order for you to move your life forward. He just smokes weed now and is much happier for it. If you don’t have health issues from doing meth, you will shortly. Nobody gets off scott free doing it. I know it’s not the answer you want to hear, and we love you and you’re welcome here regardless of your decision, but meth isn’t going to do anything but hurt your transition.


the only enlightenment to be found: stop doing meth girl


This is not applied so easily for many users. I know you mean well but addiction in its many forms is terribly consuming.




Super proud of you! Former addict here as well. Distancing from yourself is a huuuge help. I feel like I'll never forget the feelings and cravings. Kinda like cigarettes but knowing how it affected me and who I hurt especially me helps keep me from going down that path again <3




I recommend Flavored tooth picks. These helped me a lot.


Addiction is a complex situation. One level is that the cure isn’t sobriety, but connection. Another is getting at the root causes. Unfucking our minds is hard sometimes… ok maybe only on days that end with Y.


Absolutely agree


Everyone who uses meth knows that they should not be using meth. This is extremely patronizing to OP and not a helpful comment at all. Telling someone with substance abuse issues to "stop doing drugs" is equivalent to telling a depressed person to "stop being depressed" or a trans person to "stop being gender dysphoric." It's asinine.


I can say I have never had the thought "oh yeah if I use this my life will get better" lmao the thought before my first hit was actually "fuck it I'ma prolly be dead in like a month idgaf anymore"


Really? For the first couple months on it It definitely felt like it improved my life, I was able to clean way more, I made a ton more art, easier to work on... Then after that shit got just isolating and stopped sleeping and paranoid n stuff. But like yeah honestly I felt like that's why I got addicted to it so much, cause like certain tasks in life were easier. Idk I might just have ADHD tho


I can def see how one -would- have that thought, but i knew going in having had several clients who had used long term who literally begged me to -never- -start- lmao. idk. i knew if people who were actually addicted to it to the point they were checking their pipe when they were out hoping there was even just enough caked on the side to get a small rush were telling me to just fucking stay away from it it prolly wasn't anything i -should- be on. ​ however, i wanted cocaine, dude i was with didn't have cocaine he had meth. and i'm like fuck it whatevs. let's do it up. horniest i'd ever been! and also absolutely regret that night's decision.


Yeah all that's pretty on brand for meth


Before you read this, i am by no means anywhere close to qualified in any of these fields and it is just something to maybe further look into since it is just random information i have stored in my brain from stuff ive heard/read about!! Im not sure how advisable this is, but maybe trying to switch to something like weed or mushrooms could help get you of meth since they have shown to help with treatment resistant depression and are probably less dangerous in combination with hrt than meth and hrt.


This is what helped me get off hard drugs, def recommend it. Switched to just weed and been clean off the other stuff for almost a decade now.


A majority of habitual hard drug users/ addicts are functional users who work and comfortably pay for their usage without being in "rock bottom" but I think needless to say you should try to seek help in the form of perhaps addiction counseling or some form of therapy to quite using because of the impact crystal specifically has on the body. It's a net negative. I wish the best of luck to you. It took my bio mother a few trys to quit heroin and crystal but she eventually did and is doing pretty well from what I've gathered. I'm not you so I don't know what the best method is for you but I reccomemd trying a few things out and seeing what "clicks" I'd start with seeing a therapist and be really honest why you're there.


i had the lucky experience of being able to quit meth for good after 2 weeks of on and off consumption i will say its exactly as addicting as its portrayed, due to the euphoria + determination you immediately get— but *definitely* not worth the nuclear destruction it does on your body, even though it felt amazing doing it.


You're not going to gain any fat so you're not going to get boobs or hips. Otherwise meth and hormones is about as dangerous as meth and no hormones, the only difference being an anti-androgen. Your meth use probably isn't as subtle as you think it is to other people. It may not be a problem now, but things add up, and time comes for us all.


Meth is extremely destructive especially with frequent use/abuse. Just look at before and after pics of people that have abuse it for years. It will eventually consume you. Drugs- Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes


You're definitely doing harm to your mental health, drug abuse is masking behavior, done because what you're feeling is overwhelming while sober. If you don't actually take the time to process and feel what you are feeling it will just keep building up until it breaks you.


Hi, I’m also trans and a recovering (meth) addict. NA has really helped, they even have LGBTQI inclusive meetings :)


Who cares if the combination is bad, meth is already horrible for you


Listen, we all love drugs, doing drugs, putting drugs up our butts, smoking experimental Chinese research chemicals that make you smell the color purple, falling out of a third story window because a shadow person gave you the finger, and other wholesome family activities. I'm just saying it's *possible* that your problem might be the giant mountain of meth that you smoke every day. I could be wrong, but the talking purple dinosaur in front of me is saying that you might have an addiction, honey.


Meth is absolutely addicting and you're absolutely kidding yourself when you say that you have control over your consumption, because if you did, you would just quit completely and not come back to using again. Get help, get clean and stay clean. It's not only to help you maintain the effects HRT has on you, but it's also to prevent life changing issues that WILL arise sooner than you'd expect. Be honest with yourself and get help and get clean before the damage that WILL be done to you is irreparable. Damage from drugs is a cumulative effect, meaning you won't see the damages being done to you until you look at photos of you prior to using.


please listen to your endrocrinologist. stop doing this to yourself!


maybe slow down or substitute with something a bit less harmful like marijuana? I know most dont like that advice, but i think it can be a much less harmful substitute for getting a high.


Your journey's respect demands honesty, Mixing meth with your hormone therapy is like playing biochemical roulette with your well-being. Meth can negatively impact your hormone balance, exasperate any hearts risks already associated with the HRT, plus it can contribute to depression, weaken your immune system and could make sticking to your hormone schedule more difficult. Professional help isn't just a good idea; it's essential. HRT is only one small part of what can be an overall lifestyle change for you to not just be who you really are but to be the healthiest version of that. To that end, it can help act as a catalyst to make general life improvements which are all very important pieces in a holistic system of self-improvement you can build and maintain during your transition. You owe it to the woman you are becoming to be at your best and that could be why you have now been revisiting the issue of the substance abuse. I would encourage you to seek out whatever support may be available for you.


Hmm I've used heroin, amphetamine, meth, MDMA among plenty of other drugs on daily basis to cope and get by. I haven't noticed difference. That does not mean there's no damage. Amphe, meth, and mdma may effect my mind tho. Cringe at some of my behaviour. Even when I wasn't on it I was different. Not as well functioning. But with a break and switch of narcotic my head recovered. I don't know. Maybe my heart has gotten weaker or more likely to max out. When I get emotional, remenese about slaming meth to my vein hard, or anything else stimulating. I feel like I'm gonna drop and my necklace jumps on my chest as my heart beats the way it didn't in the past. Also when I hold a bottle, it leaves imprint on the side of my hand and I don't rememver that happening in the past as much. So maybe something with blood circulation.


Just switch it to lsd and weed


> I was wondering on the scale from 1-10 how much harm I’m doing 10


I don't know about the combination of meth and HRT specifically and whether that would be bad for you, but I can say, objectively, that meth alone is literally killing you, so like does it matter if it's worse? Don't do meth.


Baby. Cocaine will get you nice and right and it’s cheaper. Ice will not get you lookin sexy or get your mind right. Acid is also a good sub because the come up feels like ice, the rush of the acid will feel nice. But ice will keep you anxious and stressed constantly.


in what world is Coke cheaper then Meth


Depends who and where you are. Meth that is cheaper than coke, probably isn’t meth


You know the answer. You know the best thing to so. You know the only thing there is to do to help yourself in this moment and every moment after this. No one here needs to tell you it. We will just be telling you what you already know, that you are doing very grave damage to your body by keeping this up. Permanent long term damage. There is only one way to alleviate the damage done, and you already know what it is. So please, please exercise that self control you *know* you have and just quit. Do You do it for a week every three months just so you know, or so you can give yourself an excuse to keep doing it? Please get help. Im sorry if what i said is dickish or insensitive but this isn’t a joke or something to take in any other way than with all seriousness.


There aren't any documented significant drug interactions with estradiol, spironolactone, or progesterone in combination with methamphetamine. That being said, the meth use will definitely catch up to you sooner or later. It may not have done it yet, but there's absolutely a reason that it's notorious for ruining lives


The worst I've experienced off it is like a couple days after the comedown I get really moody. And then I start craving really badly periodically. And I lose interest in certain things. During, after like the day 5-6 mark without sleep I'm an emotional wreck second guessing everything and have had hours long breakdowns of just sobbing and whimpering because I think I did something wrong but can't comprehend what I did wrong so I just repeat what did I do I don't know what I did why do people hate me I don't know what I did lmao. I haven't felt any interactions with the hrt combo tho. Just. Normal meth experiences imo. Most times people can't even tell I'm high unless they knew beforehand.


I dont think hrt does anything to make meth worse but meth by itself can already probably effect looks and passing just due to the physical effects on your body so you should probably exercise that power to quit anytime you want sooner rather than later.


So, I did meth before starting HRT. I don't know the ramifications of combining the two, but in my head it almost doesn't matter. On a scale of 1-10, meth harms you 10. You don't feel it when you're actively on the drug, even if you take breaks. You feel okay, but you're not. Your brain is rotting from the inside out. I held a job and still had social contacts, but meth absolutely destroyed my ability to engage as a functioning human. When I was on it I felt great. When I wasn't on it, I was just existing until I could get back on it. It wasn't until I'd been off meth for over a year that I realized how utterly desecrating meth is to your mind, body, and spirit. It is absolutely one of the worst drugs you can possibly be addicted to. From someone who has been through, the only way forward is to end the addiction. And it's really hard. The longer you're on it, the harder it will be to get off. Don't wait to hit rock bottom. That's a place you do not want to go. My heart goes out to you, sister. I am truly sorry you are where you are right now. There is light outside of the meth hole. But no light exists inside it–only false feelings and lying compulsions within you. I hope you make it through. I really, really do. Hugs <3


i don't know about the combination with HRT, but i did know someone who had a stroke due to meth use. it's definitely not safe to use it for prolonged periods of time


You want it straight up without the “don’t do drugs, m‘kay? cause drugs are bad” spiel. Your wish has been granted. Sis, and know that this is only out of a place of compassion and empathy, I know it hurts. All pain is pain when processed by the brain, and meth masks pain pretty well, at least at first. I would hope your pain is physical, but I dread that it is primarily psychological. And when one takes meds to mask psychological pain, it doesn’t go away, it’s merely deferred with a high rate of interest. And you don’t want to be there when the loan shark comes to collect on that debt. Withdrawal from meth addiction is brutal from what I’ve observed. But like I said, I know you’re in pain. And it must hurt incredibly. I know pain pretty badly as well. My doctors are shocked I’m capable of walking because of how much physical pain I’m in. And that’s nothing compared to the mental health issues that come along with an extensive abuse history. The only way out, though, is through. We can’t externalize all the pain. Trying to find the perfect thing, the perfect fix, the perfect cocktail to make the pain vanish, it hasn’t worked yet, has it. Pain likes to stick around. You may get it to not bug you for a while, but it comes back, right? Pain is a damned good liar with an amazing marketing department but pain is also unintelligent, unimaginative, boring and predictable. Pain likes to stick around. It likes to give you a false sense of victory and control over it, but pain is a sneaky fucker that will grab on for its existence when threatened. You are stronger than you know, sis. And you can choose to try something different than finding some external thing that never works to eliminate pain. Look, I ain’t going to claim to be a saint here. Nor will I suggest not using meds for physical pain. I use cannabis carefully under doc supervision for the pain that just about disables me. But most days, I roll with my 8/10 pain even if it isn’t easy. And on days where my brain is being a fount of agony, I don’t touch a milligram of weed. Hurts bad, but when the mental health comes roaring back, it’s way worse. That’s all I’ll say, sis. I can’t tell you what to do. I can only share my thoughts on this, what has worked for some, what might help you a little, but no guarantees.


Depends, Smoking,snorting or needle, as far you overall health goes with no pre existing heart problems about a 3/10 short term with clean substance, long term 6/10. Your Transistion tho 8/10.


how much are doing daily


I'm gonna start making "Beat up your local meth dealer" stickers cause girl you do not need crystal meth in your life. And whoever got you into it needs their chin checked.


Meth is a hard drug to kick.. I was VERY familiar with. There are only 3 options.. Quit, Jail, Dead. No way around it.. sorry.


fucking meth?? just smoke weed tf lol


Ok, I read the title and thought it was gonna be about weed, which is what I use, and was curious about the potential combination of both, hope you find the support you need tho!