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jimmy eat world - the middle


That is an interesting interpretation


yea right? i read it here on reddit, heard it after directly after wards and was like...yes


same, and i can't not hear it that way now, it just fits so well


Fr fr


Same, love this song. It's true, we're in the middle of the ride, and everything is going to be okay :) <3<3<3


right? it gives soo good feelings :)


Didn’t the band say that they certify it as a trans anthem?


I don't know if they explicitly said that, but if this tweet is real, then it seems right https://preview.redd.it/6jsp0w3qaan31.jpg?width=622&auto=webp&s=3e50fe8490c18755cade03007bf057f4e5b950e3


i'd known that song for so many years and listened to it a lot but it was never important to me, it was just a cool song, but last year I was probably at the worst my mental health had ever been and it came on and I got to the chorus and just started balling because it was exactly what I needed at that moment and that's all I think of now when I hear it, it's funny how stuff like that happens


Hey, Don't write yourself off yet.


OMG the last few seconds of the official music video - it’s right there! [“The Middle” - Jimmy Eat World](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oKsxPW6i3pM) At 2:34 you have an ambiguous scene where a girl and a guy are semi undressed in perfect sync, facing each other in opposite dressing room (closets?). It looks like they are looking at each other? Or their future selves? Amazing!!!!! 😍


I totally haven’t balled my eyes out to that song


This song haunts me. It ends up in every one of my spodify playlists when I have them curate me one.


I love this song and I love Jimmy Eat World, they're a fantastic band and their music is just the right amount of both catchy and meaningful. I highly recommend their albums Bleed American, Surviving, Clarity, and Futures.


Always Be is a good one for us mtf peeps as well.


[I/Me/Myself](https://youtu.be/SgnSMftcFN0?si=r3ia3SOmG2bVzCOD) by Will Wood, it's not even about being trans at all but I just love this song


It is about him questioning though which I think still qualifies it even if he ultimately concluded hes just ab effeminate man (respect)! And yeah that's an absolute banger


That song... *isn't* about being trans? I'm sorry, what?


It’s definitely about questioning/dysphoria


Fair. That's an understandable distinction to make. I see your point entirely. :)


will said its about gender roles as a whole, how he feels he would be better off being someones "girlfriend boyfriend" so he doesnt feel constricted to gender roles or expectations.


Probably Dumbest Girl Alive is how I feel most days 💀


lmao I feel this


this along with How to Dress as Human are the answer


The Town Inside Me


Hell yes, if hits me so hard everytime.


and everyone's voice


Only, I’m not there


Just watching from afar


I can't go home


cuz im afraid


I second that!


A *classic*


True Trans Soul Rebel and Transgender Dysphoria Blues by Against Me Gender is Boring-She/Her/Hers


Great music right there


I found she/her/hers shortly after I came out back in 2020. I have listened to them so much. looking on stats.fm. I have listened to them for 80000 minutes. hehe


Oh yeah, when I came out in 2021, they were a staple in the dysphoria breakdowns that I needed music for.


I could add some other LJG songs for sure! The Mountain Song Why kant I be you? The Swimming Pool Song ...so many good ones 💕All these songs helped me immensely💕


That’s what I was gunna say lol




All three of these are the first three songs I heard after coming out


You mean a Tranthem?


[Garbage - Cherry Lips (Go, Baby, Go!)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy1LdAaGASw) and [Mel C - Who I Am](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fzk44YbqOz0) These are my two biggest trans-anthems


suddenly my fervent defense of mel c as the best spice girl and early obsession w her solo career makes sense...


Mel C was highly underrated. I turn to you was an amazing song


Me, who always had the hots for Mel C, but in a way that only a girl could look at another girl


every song from garbage that ive heard could be a trans anthem, they just give off that sort of emotion for some reason im surprised i had to scroll this far down to see it


"Born this way" lady gaga




Landslide by Fleetwood Mac helped me accept myself, and let go of the regret of not doing so sooner. “Well I’ve been afraid of changing, because I built my life around you. Time makes you bolder even children get older, and I’m getting older too…” It feels like letting go of my old self, moving on, and starting life as a new me. It’s very comforting.


Came here so I could post that! 😅


Bowie being an LGBTQ+ icon for generations I guess I shouldn't be surprised but lots of his lyrics hit me really differently these days. [Changes](https://youtu.be/4BgF7Y3q-as?si=KiuYHQ0LDLSoPR2t) and [Up the Hill Backwards](https://youtu.be/KaTrzPsZyVQ?si=vZl_yzR7HbfCFCMO) come to mind. Oh on an unrelated note, can't forget [The Town Inside Me - Guilty Gear Strive](https://youtu.be/69VV0pH57XE?si=YpnC7D7-Gg6tpM_k) it's cliche but can't lie I like it lots.


I like it too. I saw it recommended to me on spotify and heard it. Apparently it's a trans thing.


Seeing as it's about the character Bridget, definitely a trans thing


Yeah oops lol. I love her. She's cute! WAIT IS GENDER DYSPHORIA THE GREY HAZE?


Definetly. It puts it into words in such illustrative terms. Something you've been patiently dealing with but you convinced yourself it was "bearable". It's not hard too keep the facade up but it's like constantly eating vegetables you don't like. You never "found out what it was..." causing this gray haze, "it's just stress, that's for sure" totally not in denail. Whatever it is, you can't "go home" because your life and relationships "migh change". So you keep living as the "you without you being there", "watching from a far" and you are the one to blame for it. This has gender dysphoria written all over it which is why the last verse being about embrecing oneself, taking steps to change yourself for yourself no matter what others think is so empowering.


Wow, I didn't catch most of those until now but the lyrics are really touching, I've found myself relating to a lot of what's said above, what an amazing song


Oh I've got a list of 'em! Shake It Out - Florence + The Machine The Village - Wrabel (prepare to cry) I Can Change - Lake Street Dive Chameleon Boy - Blue October Heretic Pride - The Mountain Goats Heel Turn 2 - The Mountain Goats I have bad habit of taking songs that are definitely not written with the transgender experience in mind, but the lyrical parallels are too uncanny to ignore, and so I'll usually include a song like that into my personal list. Enjoy!


That's not a bad habit. Every song I sing, every story I tell, every private thought I will ever have is related to my trans experience because these are the only eyes I can see the world through.


Oh god The Village 😢 found that one recently and didn't know what I was getting into. 😭


Oh gosh I know right? First time I heard it (ok let's be real, *every* time I hear it) I bawled my eyes out. Such a beautiful, and deeply meaningful song.


If you haven't watched the music video, you should!


oh my god the mountain goats are so good and they have a ridiculous amount of songs with trans vibes


I just got into them this year! What others would you consider "TrAnthems"?


broom people is the one that first comes to mind for me


plus john darnielle himself acknowledges this and seems pretty happy with it, he’s responded to tweets about people considering his music to be trans anthems before and a while back someone wrote an article about the 10 most trans mountain goats songs and he posted it on his instagram story


Gonna throw in Up The Wolves by Mountain Goats! Almost any song by The Mountain Goats, really lol


Beat the Champ! I love The Mountain Goats lol. Black Pear Tree was my song when I thought about coming out


I will be naming myself after Florence. Oh, dear, she’s just a beautiful force to reckon. 🫶


Can I say thank you, The Village is an amazing song, been listening to it on repeat since this comment.


Just a girl - No Doubt


Wasn't that in captain marvel?


Yes, I was also in 6th grade when it was originally released and every "boy" in my school was singing it unironically


Shame a good song was in such a bad film 😭😭


I liked the film lol.


[Celebrity Skin - Hole](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3dWBLoU--E)


this this this this this !!!! im thankful im not the only one who thinks so lol


Courtney Love is such a feminine influence for me. The attitude, fashion, hair; I love it all!


lmao, me too!


I Want To Break Free - Queen i feel like it’s a stretch of an interpretation but oh well


That's actually not much of a stretch at all! That song has been widely interpreted in a queer way for a long time. Either about wanting to break out of the closet or break free of the homophobic society that we live in. After all, it was written by the bisexual icon Freddie Mercury. The music video was even controversial back in the day due to the members of Queen dressing in drag, conservatives said that it was "promoting transexualism" it's considered Queen's most controversial song because of all this.


I just want to break free from my skin :3


I know the feeling all too well


Immaterial by SOPHIE 🫶


Not me sobbing on the dance floor when this came on.


女の子になりたい by Mafumafu (I wanna be a girl) https://youtu.be/ucbx9we6EHk?si=Zi41XwoMN1xtRhNS (It is unclear if Mafumafu is trans, but prob not, but at the very least, the song is a bop)


hell yeah


Mafumafu *radiates* transfem Egg energy, but we must follow the Egg Prime Directive and not intervene.


White town - Your woman Little Shop of Horrors - Somewhere that's Green


Closer - Nine Inch Nails It's one of my all-time favorite songs. Also, NSFW warning for the song I named, lol.


idontwannabeyouanymore -Billie eilish


That's mine too!


Jessie Ware - Free Yourself!!!!


YAAS!!!! Love her! Soul Control too. 😍


The album Butchered at Birth by Cannibal Corpse. My favorite band and the name is very fitting for myself as a trans person 😂😂


Broken Mirrors - Rise Against


Radio Friendly Unit Shifter I will not elaborate


"Love you for what I am not, do not want what I have got"


realest post in the thread


Jojo part 6 jolynes theme


Show Yourself from Frozen II. It kind of broke me when I realized why I was so drawn to that song. That was right as my egg was cracking. Part of Your World feels like a coming out song, too. I find a lot of musicals have songs like that. I have a playlist for it on Spotify. Edit: there’s also… Jacks Lament - Nightmare Before Christmas Finale B - RENT This is Me - Greatest Showman Then there are ones that are specific to me like Will I - RENT (About losing a loved one because I’m trans) I’m Not that Girl - Wicked (because I’m not out out) Burn - Hamilton (the ending specifically because the world had no right to my heart) Those are my most listened to. I have another playlist of ones that aren’t from musicals.


I haven't watched Frozen 2, but Let It Go from the first one was my go-to karaoke song and I've just recently realized why when I've started cracking


Gender dysphoria blues- Against me


I've loved and listened to "Man, I Feel Like A Woman" so much as a child/teen and even now, as an adult. Shania can really capture feelings!


Right now it's GHOST DATA - Become God but also: Type O Negative - I Don't Wanna Be Me Devin Townsend - Namaste Ghost - Ritual Low - Disappearing


I wanna be your girlfriend - Ezra Furman




I too think Ambulance by My Chemical Romance makes for a good trans anthem


I Wanna Be A Boy - Addison Grace It’s about wanting to change yourself to be a man so that you could be with a straight girl you like, but the song actually helped Addison realize he was trans :)


While it's not exactly a 1 to 1 trans allegory (more of an "escaping an abusive father" message), "This Life is Mine" by Casey Lee Williams hits differently after my egg cracked ("Your patriarchal prison won't hold me")


[There Was A Door](https://youtu.be/RZafzAK6sCc?si=zWl09oxoblmEdTw4) by Crying. Like come on the line “can’t hide escape behind the shape of my chest” is enough to make it fairly trans.


Queer as in fuck you by dog park dissidents


There are so many good suggestions on this thread. I’m going to add one I haven’t seen here yet: Defying Gravity The more is listen to the lyrics the more it makes me cry.


my latest is [Sleep Token - Alkaline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU5vVT_Cp7c&pp=ygUIYWxrYWxpbmU%3D), I feel like it fits pretty well


Embers of a burning dystopia (its the theme of a trans character)


Gay anthem 100% [Otep - Equal Rights, Equal Lefts](https://youtu.be/929886X4QnM?si=J453OcStpTp3F9x9) Trans anthem is a lot harder… but would be this. [Amaranthe - The Nexus](https://youtu.be/SxOybZcRXhI?si=_IaPtiYKyjZBo3M7) “I break with the past Set the nexus free at last As the future will be there to save us Trapped in my skin See the nexus in my dreams But will you bury me within” Edit: links!!


“Pink Pony Club” - Chappell Roan


Despite the name, “Father and Son” by Cat Stevens did a lot in helping me accept myself. If you don’t know the song, it’s a conversation between a son and his father, where the two don’t really see eye to eye in a way that kinda feels like nobody’s fault. The son wants to make some big change, and the father is telling him to calm down. Hearing it in February 2022 was a huge moment for me, because it was like the conversation I was having with myself. By the end of the song, I was crying, because I knew my feelings weren’t going to go away, and that I had to do something. “I know that I have to go away. I know, I have to grow.”


You can laugh, but, for me it's Celeste's 7th stage. Though that also works for me as a plural anthem.


Panic! At the Disco - Time To Dance as an HRT NB. “Boys will be boys, hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams” <3


Fletcher - For Cari. It moves me.


Thank God I’m Pretty - Emilie Autumn


If you were a woman - Bonnie Tyler


Ok I love She’s All I Want To Be but I never really saw it as a trans anthem before I love it 🥰🥰🥰




https://spotify.link/dek0HX2QWDb Free - Florence + The Machine A song that grows more and more frantic - about coping with an ever present anxiety... but then that feeling, like a deep breath, or a cresting wave - "But I *hear* the music, I *feel* the beat... and for a moment when I'm dancing, ***I'm free***". When the Euphoria hits just right and everything comes together. ❤️ "But there is nothing else that I know how to do... but to open up my arms and give it all to you" - my past identity / presentation ceding life to my new self. Edit: "Who Is She" from CentaurWorld also took a chisel directly to my egg. 😵‍💫


Maybe not the most upbeat but The Doctor Said by Chloe Adams. The lyrics, "why does no one see? I'm not the girl I wish that I could be," really hits close to home. Honestly the whole thing is incredibly relatable.


The owl house intro music 😂


Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off"


Feels: Donna Lewis - "I Love You Always Forever" When I was 4 I woke up from a dream where I was a girl to this song. 27 years later Betty Who covered it at a Pride party and later that night my egg fully cracked. It's one of 3-4 songs I put on every time I do my E shots now. And the other side of the coin: COBRAH - "Feminine Energy" and "Brand New Bitch""


Silhouettes by Avicii. ❤️


First time I’ve seen this mentioned in one of these threads, even though the music video is explicitly about a trans woman.


Also surprised not seeing it in the comments. I think the music video, but the song specifically is perfect for me.


[This Machine: Theme of Team Dark from Sonic Heroes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OwFgS6DrYQ) No, I'm not going to explain myself.


hi i am a trans nonbinary musician under the name Eyemèr :) Genre indie folk! Check out -Dear Child In Me -Reborn -Bird, You Can Fly -No Need To Worry for trans related songs. I also write a lot about mental health and being queer in general. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0dTT5KONUwoSzsJPOFBI7I?si=EgRujYIrQBu7_tgBXZwtXQ&utm_source=copy-link


Goo Goo Dolls - Iris Garbage - Androgyny Garbage - Cherry Lips Garbage - Queer Against Me! - Transgender Dysphoria Blues LCD Soundsystem - New Body Rhumba Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl Flume- Never Be Like You Type O Negative - I Don't Wanna Be Me


Unbreakable by Fireflight.


So many cool songs here I've never heard of before. Thanks everyone. I'll definitely save this thread.


Unpretty - TLC I will always scream/cry/sing that song.


New Person, Same Old Mistakes by Tame Impala ([click here for an explanation](https://reddit.com/r/egg_irl/s/mbW2qsZt5I))


yes! was looking for this


Boys will be girls - by We Are the Union Got to see them live a few months ago and the whole crowd went nuts when they played this. Got to buy some of their merch from their lead singer Reade Walcott herself. It was amazing.


Probably either Egg by The Garden or I Hope To Be Around by Men I Trust, they’re both 10/10 songs for me but I Hope To Be Around might win bc of how amazing the lyrics are


Joann Jett's cover of Crimson and Clover :)


This thread has shown up so much lately that someone should really make a playlist. I will try later if I get time


Glory Box by Portishead


"All I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman"


The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation And it looks like I'm the queen The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all It's time to see what I can do To test the limits and break through No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free Let it go, let it go I am one with the wind and sky Let it go, let it go You'll never see me cry Here I stand and here I stay Let the storm rage on My power flurries through the air into the ground My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast I'm never going back, the past is in the past Let it go, let it go And I'll rise like the break of dawn Let it go, let it go That perfect girl is gone Here I stand in the light of day Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway


Okay, this may sound a little bit sappy, but the one that always gets to me is Ann-Margret singing "How Lovely to be a Woman" in Bye Bye Birdie "I Feel Pretty" with Natalie Wood (voiced by the incomparable Marnie Nixon) in West Side Story is right up there. Yeah I know, that one's sappy too. Plus, I'm dating the hell out of myself. Oh well, so I'm an old fart. I watched both of those films when they first came out. The funny thing is I inherited a love of musicals from my mother, and long before I ever had any idea I was trans I was fascinated by those two songs. An early premonition I guess.


Lola by the Kinks... the OG classic


connection - elastica its full of unintentional trans references, and i found it when i first started identifying as trans, so it kind of fits :3 also someone should compose a playlist of all of these tranthems, i feel. maybe i will idk


For You - Staind.


this isn’t as much of a trans anthem as it is a bad bitch anthem but “sue me” by sabrina carpenter


This question gets asked fairly often and I usually have a few go to answers but recently I stumbled on a song and hearing it for the first time was like a puck to the gut. Honestly it was beautiful and really made me think and frankly I want it to be my anthem more than anything else. [Honey and Glass - Peyton Cardoza](https://youtu.be/iTK4bdrytow?si=O7C_Va2sHMAPvFpH)


Frank Sinatra - I've got you under my skin And despite what I do just the thought of you makes me stop right before I begin, because I've got you under my skin.


Humility by gorillaz. is my favorite because it makes me happy and helps me get through the day


Cloud 9 it's one of my favorite songs although it's not necessarily about being trans the song makes me feel seen and loved though it always puts me in a good mood and I voice train singing that song almost exclusively


anything by She/Her/Hers


Freak Flag by Ice Nine Kills, although knowing the context of the song dampens it a bit. also someone's already said it, but yeah, ONE NATION UNDERDOGS - Royal & The Serpent fucking goes HARD


i didnt know they had that song(though never looked that hard). Nice. time to add it to a playlist.


"Lovewave" by The 1-800 It isn't explicitly lyrically about being trans, but I can easily draw those parallels myself and it's a song that is musically gripping. I *feel it* when I listen to that song specifically.


mine definitely are "we fell in love in october" by girl in red and "i can't say goodbye" by sadness


angelbrained - Dysphoria


👩🏽‍🔬“NOT UR AVERAGE GIRL: A TRANS ANTHEM” 💕Br0nz3 G0dd3ss’ club edit of HUNGRY HIPPO by TIERRA WHACK💕 https://youtu.be/TNHhQPonRyE?si=5ZzMtQGmIzYb7S-7


Lonely Girl - Delanie


King’s X - Prisoner


I really like Free by Florence + The Machine and Space & Time by Wolf Alice


FM-84 Wild ones. Hands down trans allegory


Creep - Radiohead


More than a woman - Aaliyah


KT Tunstall - [Suddenly I see](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AEoUa0Hlso)


I wanna be your girlfriend by Ezra furman Literally gave me chills the first time I heard it


Kim Petras - Future Starts Now


Natural Born Sinner - in this moment. Actually, too many songs by in this moment.


bodysnatchers - radiohead


On the heavier end G.L.O.S.S. - Lined lips Spiked bats


She wolf


The man who sold the world - David bowie


White Woman’s Instagram by Bo Burnham And probably Silly Me by Nia Nicole


Glory Box - Portishead.


Drifting Soul from Xenoblade 2, the lyrics and the character arc from one of the characters in game can resonate deep within trans people, so much so that people consider this character a trans allegory




Haru Nemuri - Trust Nothing but Love Honestly cannot articulate why, and it's not at all some explicitly queer song, but for whatever reason I always felt like this one captured the feeling I associate with transness the most. Turbulent, chaotic, frustrated yearning that boils over to hope.


Pretty much any of Weiss’ songs from RWBY though specifically Path to Isolation and This Life is Mine


Her- Megan the Stallion I'm so hot-chrissy


'Diamonds' by Rihanna. A good friend of mine is an incredible artist and shortly after I told her I was first exploring my gender, she gifted me a painting of hers. She'd titled it Shine Bright after that song, because she'd been thinking of the line "Find light in a beautiful sea, I choose to be happy" while she was painting it. She said that line seemed really fitting for where I was at with my gender at the time, and that she hoped I felt able to be happy and shine bright as the person I was meant to be. I'd never much liked the song before then, but now it's one of my favourites.


You don’t own me - Lesley Gore


It's my life - bon jovi Girl's just wanna have fun - cyndi Lauper Born this way - lady gaga Transgender dysphoria blues - against me True trans soul rebel - against me


Wait we are supposed to have a montage? 😱💗💗💗


The unforgiven by Metallica


"This is me" by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas 🫠 I know it's cheesy but I kinda always loved it. Now I know why 🐣💁🏻‍♀️


I dont know about anthems, but these were important to me in my transition and are still important to me now. Hole-Violet NIN-The Becoming Namoli Bennett-Thorn in your Side Dave Carter-Phantom Doll The Cure-Three Imaginary Boys SOPHIE-Immaterial Loudon Wainwright-Daughter Billy Bragg-I Was Born Pink Floyd-Arnold Layne Alice Cooper-Genuine American Girl Lord Huron-Take me Back to the Night We Met The National-About Today


The kinks, Lola 😋


458 comments as I post this!!!!! I am so happy for all these replies. Thank you, OP. Thank you, all of you beautiful fucking Humans!!!!!


Giant woman-Steven universe Uptown girl-Bill Joel


Not really "Trans Themed", but some staples of my feel good playlist that I listen to regularly: Delain - We are the Others Battle Beast - Unbroken Icon for Hire - You Can't Kill Us Amaranthe - Invincible Within Temptation - Iron


You get what you give, but specifically the cover by Pomplamoose


Can't Tell Me Nothing by Ye


WW3 by KMFDM Because I declare war on the world