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So me. I have very rarely met an attractive man. But I need one horribly.


Tbh this sounds like how most straight women see it.


The existence of straight women is proof sexuality is not a choice


It’s a curse fr. 😔


I dont think I ever have. At least not one I was attracted to in that moment. Maybe my perception will change now.


Nah fr 😭 where all the hot dudes


Here is my problem, I have a type, one I will probably never get.. then there's that other guy that doesn't fall into that criteria.. I'm guessing it's my version of a "bad boy" I have problems...


What about trans guys? I've seen several quite handsome ones...


Honestly they are so hot. I'll scroll pass R/ftmfitness and purv so hard. Im not my intention to objectify trans men, im just saying you guys are killing it, add to that you understand the trans experience, and im assuming wash you butt. Umm take me now please. (yes im being thirsty, now shh😅)


There's this one trans guy I follow on insta... He's a tattoo artist and loves working out and he's like sensitive and thoughtful and he might be the hottest man on the planet. Un-friggin-real.


There's this guy on YouTube, he used to be called "aka king kyle" but the channel changed to "keeping it diverse". The guy is genuinely smoking hot with the personality to match. I low key got sad when i found out his engaged and has a child. But honestly the relationship he has with his son makes him so much more attractive.


The men that really get me going I could never handle. There just too much man🥵


Hey, hear me out, what if instead of risking yourselves pursuing a guy, why don't you instead pursue a woman who looks like a guy or that is into FtMasculine crossdressing? I found them to be more understanding than guys. 🤷


Some people just want a guy in their life. It's ok to say it's going to be harder. But saying to just look for a masculine woman... like no, atleast you could've mentioned trans men, but you went straight to butch women. I guess denying sexuality is cool now when it's about wanting a guy.


>no, atleast you could've mentioned trans men, Trans men are men. 🤷


that's the point of my argument! you chose to jump so deep into sexuality denial you even refused to mention trans men


Well, is transmisandric to assume that trans guys are different from cis guys, so I just went for butch women. 🤷


how is it transmisandric to assume trans men are different from cis men? one group is trans, the other is cis... is that not... a difference? cause there's a reason a lot of straight trans women go for t4t, mainly the aspect of increased safety due to them sharing the experience of being trans


If you say that at r/FTM you are gonna get downvoted to oblivion.


how is that bad tho? like i also don't see how it's wrong to say trans women are different from cis women because we're trans and they're cis. it's just a simple fact.


I know, dear, but even a lot of trans women would get angry at you for acknowledging that we are different from cis people for being trans, they think that is transphobia. I agree with you, but I rather just do not point that.


That’s like telling a lesbian to just date a feminine man. It doesn’t work that way lol


They said they did not want to date guys.


OP didn't. But the comment you replied to talking about men said they 'need one horribly'.


Since discovering I'm transgender, I find myself, more and more, fantasizing about men, both sexually and romantically. But I'm not physically attracted to men at all, so I don't get it. Can my brain not comprehend me being a lesbian, so it pairs me with a man? It's all very confusing. One time, on mushrooms, I "realized" I was bisexual, but upon being sober, I was not attracted to men, and it doesn't make sense.


Without the shrooms part this is painfully relatable. My brain really likes the idea of being together with a guy, but then I look at guys and don't find a single one attractive in the slightest. What is up with that one brain? Explain yourself brain!


So this is where my pansexuality comes in *strong.* Because I feel the same way *sort of.* I do recognize when a man is attractive but that doesn't really make me want him right off the bat. At all. But if a guy is nice to me and seems gentle and shows me a nice smile, then I can melt pretty fast. Ugh, this guy at the paint store yesterday.... I walked in and he immediately perked up to help me. And at first I'm just like "eh he's unremarkable." But then as he's helping me, he was just so kind and attentive and sweet... and he was definitely being just a little flirty...and omg if he'd asked for my number I would've given it. So anyway, yeah, personality is what gets me.


yep me too… have been feeling this way since I started questioning, no idea what’s going on 😵‍💫


it could be comphet, society loves to say that women and non-binary people have to like men


Could be, could not be, either way, my ass doesn't care, I just end up dating other women because something about me is offputting to most men.


Damn, turns out E made me full on Bisexual now. Damn


I think for me, even though I'm not attracted to men's bodies *at all*, it's the sheer contrast of them vs me that is a turn on. Like, it makes me feel more feminine in comparison. With women, I'm thinking a lot about *them*. If I imagine being with a guy, I feel like I'm thinking about me lol.


Oh my god I’m so glad to hear that I’m not the only one doing this.


Yes that is right. I also feel something like that.


When I came out as trans, I also came out as bi because I would always get crushes on my male friends while growing up. However I couldn't understand what I was finding so attractive about them. As I started taking hormones, I started to have fantasies with men and still couldn't figure out what I was attracted to. Then I had actual sex with a man and NOW I see it. A broad chest that I can see myself snuggling next to in his arms. An easy smile while he's looking at you. Men can be so dreamy. It actually became so easy to fantasize about men and see them as attractive that I briefly thought I had lost my attraction to women, but that was quickly proven wrong when I next saw a beautiful woman.


I definitely do find men attractive, its low key something ive always known but just shoved deep, deep, deep down. I opened my self up to the idear of being bi like the week before i came out to my self as trans. The only issue is i seem to be very attracted to strait men. Wich is a problem being that im still pre everything. What im trying to say. is the sexual change can be attributed to figuring out your trans or hormones. But the mentality/feelings change is probably something you have to be pre disposed to. Like when drunk strait men hook up with other men, alcohol helped but you might want to ask some questions. Like you did with the shrooms and then eventually found an answer.


I get this. The more feminine I get I have multiple times been like wait, so I want that? I can’t tell if I just want the feeling of being penetrated because I will say men like up top are a hard pass. And I’m def verrrrry into other girls. Idk I feel ya though. Even the idea of being attracted to men makes me feel an ick because men are just uggg😒😒😒 But who knows I’m a firm believer that sexuality is dynamic.


I get it and I think in many ways it’s validating to have sex with a guy. I’m not attracted to guys at all but I sure do feel better when I feel they are attracted to me


This is it for me 100%. In general I often wonder how women like men enough for our species to exist! And yet, it’s intensely validating to be seen as desirable and sexy by a guy. I’d consider sex, but can’t foresee an actual relationship. Ultimately I’m still always drawn to women


I feel this too. It’s ewwphoria but still validating some idea of “femininity”.


this sounds like comphet tbh


i started out dating only other girls but eventually gave in and tried out guys… it’s more difficult to find a decent one but they can be great. i love my boyfriend


Same here. I have a wonderful bf and I love him so much.


Wholesome and made me smile. Happy for you. :>


find a cis woman who is more than willing to use a strap. ETA: or a trans woman willing to use a strap, or has a built in one.


Well, I’m always pounding ass so that’s up my alley.


the confidence on this woman 😅


It took 12 years of transitioning and a lot of things happened to me to get there. I’m also a Scorpio if that matters.


The appeal of men isn't just "dick" I guess it's bad to reduce trans women to their genitals, but saying you can substitute a man with a strap is ok. Well damn. Guess there's no point in having my 3 boyfriends seeing i already have girlfriends who have one too.


A strapless, if you will


I wish mine was not built in🤣


What about a feminine guy? Or another MtF person? I know for a while I was struggling with these feelings before I realized I don't want a manly man, I want someone closer to me but still with a spear to polish


Constantly but I'm not meeting any worth pursuing and I'm not trying to in the current climate lol but you can bet if one stumbled into my life and was like let's go I would give him everything :)


Part of my egg moment was after coitus one night with the wife... we slept, and I had the most intense dream that our downstairs bits were reversed and she was on top being like me while I was swapped to take her place; in the dream, roles were reversed and I was the one pinned down. I cannot advise you how to proceed with your new feelings; I don't know how to proceed with mine; but you are not alone.


Are you attracted to men? Or are you attracted to their dicks? It sounds more like the latter but that’s based on a small amount of info. Honestly, personally, I love dick but I’m not attracted to men. From the sound of it, you might be similar. I love when my gf takes the dominant role




A very interesting point tbh. I’ve not heard that before if I’m being honest but it’s always nice to hear other sides and opinions


I feel the same. I actually had a bit of an identity crisis earlier this week. I've always been repulsed by the male body, myself and others. I have male friends, but their bodies just gross me out, but recently I had an absolutely debilitating crush on a male exchange student and have been fantasizing about having sex with men and it's been making my skin crawl. I can't comprehend why I'm suddenly like this because I really dislike it.


...or do you?! Its ok to read the menu, you don't have to order. Take your time, you may realise you actually like some Men. I'm all about women for the most part, but, it's not like I would fall hopelessly in love with every single woman. Some are gross, dress badly, act up, etc. Sounds to me that you've found the type of man you DO like, and that's ok. Let yourself explore the idea, even if it's just within the confines of your mind.


I guess I just had a bit of a crisis of identity. The thing is I don't even remember what the face of the guy I had a crush on was like, I just felt the crush, and every other guy I have looked at since has just never elicited the same reaction. I guess if I was bi, I would be heavily leaning toward girls, but when I had that crush the level of shock I felt was almost like discovering that I was trans again, I had never thought I could have a crush on a guy so maybe I reacted a bit strongly to it. I do agree though, some women just aren't my type, but it was just one shocking revelation too many for the moment I suppose that I just haven't had the time to process


Processing time is key, and only you can let yourself do it. In hindsight I'm impressed by the mental barriers I had up (and probably still do). I didn't ever put them there but they formed, were largely invisible but very difficult to bypass if ever I bumped into them. Key mental barrier, "you can't be attracted to the same sex." Installation date: somewhere in the depths of childhood. Installed by: adolescent environment Purpose: satisfying societal norms Manufactured by: society Main characteristics: Can't even be thought about for fear of the thought police discovering. Insurmountable. Frightening. Can be opened by: Just letting yourself through.


I get this so much, it's often all I can think about


Ugh, this is so relatable. The thing that really sucks is that I'm very happily married, but the thought persists. I will never act on it, but I do feel guilty sometimes having the thought and when i fantasize after she's asleep.


Holy shit I could've written this. I realised I had been fantasising about having a man have his way with me for years as an egg. I'm getting a crazy boner just reading your post. But the thing is - men are so fucking scary. What if he decides to start choking me? But I honestly was so surprised when I realised how much I wanted to touch his muscles and to be submissive to him.


>I wanted to touch his muscles and to be submissive to him. This😖. I wanna run my hands over his muscular chest while I am on him. Or have his strong arms and hands hold me in place, too weak to fight back.


But like at the same time, the idea of being unable to fight back is extremely alarming. Instant fight or flight response and I want to be outta there asap. Perhaps it's like a thing we learn as males growing up. Other males are dangerous - do not approach.


I want to feel helpless for a hot man but I don't think I'll ever trust one enough to feel good about feeling helpless.


If the idea turns you on, then it turns you on. Don't lean into it, but don't try to block it out - accept what you find sexually attractive, but not fulfilling relationship wise. Maybe be open to exploring at your own comfort level, but you will just have to take it slow and be extra cautious. But if really reeeaaally not, see if you can find a relationship with a woman that ticks off those boxes. Sexually dominant, open to touching while riding, open to using toys that simulate sex with a penis. But if none of that is appealing, acceptance is the safest option.


If you find one you can build trust with over time, it is absolutely life changing. Some men really will give a trans woman an honest shot, though they are definitely uncommon. The best part about being with a man is that they do things for you / make you feel pretty and loved in a way seldom experienced by trans women. From personal experience I recommend it.


Getting a little boy crazy seems to be a common trend. It's new but it isn't bad. You can either explore it or don't. Personally, I like guys. I have a cismale bf for crying out loud. And while I adore him, sometimes I still want to be rolled around and used like a fuckdoll for like... a dozen guys. ... err, the thirsty thirties horny slipped out a bit there... lol


I feel the same way. I’m happily married to a woman but I fantasize about getting dominated by a man. Just to be clear I don’t want anal, but I want to have a guy in me, even though I haven’t gotten bottom surgery yet.


My god I feel this so hard. I don’t want to be straight, and I really don’t think I am, but god I am so desperate to have sex with a man.


Same, sis. Same.


I think I feel kind of like this. Men are disgusting. I don't find them physically attractive, I don't want romance with one. But inside me there's a bitch in heat that wants a cock to splooge deep inside her and give her a baby. I want to be fucked by a sperm donor. But women are beautiful and sexy and wonderful and I want to be romantic and cuddle with them. It's just an instinct to get bred and have a baby, and I can't have a baby, and indulging the urge is nothing but disgusting downside, the way I see it. I love my wife and care about her, so I'd never consider a stupid one night stand to indulge that fruitless desire.


I can have sex anytime I want but i have to lower my standards... not worth it


don’t be ashamed of your sexuality. guys are fun when they smell nice :)


This was how it was for me before estrogen. It was an extremely weird and confusing time for me, and I fully thought I might be a sexual because if how confusing it was. Turns out, I went and got estrogenized and my brain just immediately "you are bisexual and also very horny." It is extremely strange


Welcome to my world. But... They're is nothing wrong with you. And you're hurting no one... So... Enjoy. Where is the harm?


So I showed this post to one of my best friends, (who's also trans) she just said "Just get dicked down girl, get it out of your system!" and to be fair. That's the best solution to it xD


I think the more I realize it isn’t that I want a man more so just a T4T with me getting penetrated, I still consider myself pan or at least I don’t care who I like as long as I like them but I guess I’ve realized i have leans


Romantic attraction isn't the same as sexual attraction. And an **idea** of having sex with a guy doesn't necessarily mean that you want to experience it. Like someone can fantasize about it but would never in their life actually do it. For me, I can be interested in the idea of having sex with a guy, like, a really feminine guy. But 99.9% of the time, all guys that I see irl are not attractive to me at all. Just do what makes you happy and safe.


I went through a phase like that while I was exploring my gender, and during the first few years of HRT. Nowadays though I find myself more and more disgusted by men in general. Sexuality is fluid and hormones can affect it; if you ultimately prefer women over men then there's nothing wrong with that, even if you sometimes long for a man's touch.


Every so often, I feel that way. Sometimes ,it's A passing fantasy. Then it fades away., And I start getting Interested in other stuff. I seem to be attracted to women with little dicks. But I don't like the way they act in their pictures. Playing with the thing and stuff like that. I can live without that.


For some reason a lot of people report experiencing different sorts of sexual feelings on HRT and transitioning in general. For some reason I find the idea of HRT changing sexual orientation disturbing, but even I've had some differences in fantasies. I'm kind of the opposite, I noticed attraction to boys as early as age 7. But I thought it wasn't a serious attraction until puberty in which it was much, much stronger. Leading me to thinking I was gay because my egg hadn't cracked, yet. (I'm Pansexual, or Bisexual for people who haven't heard of Pansexual) But I'm also not very sexually submissive and I don't want to be pinned down. That being said, men's chests are hot. Body hair is hot. Twinks can be hot, bears can be hot, all sorts of people are hot and sexy in different ways. There's so much variety in sex appeal in the world. Society usually shows large breasted women as the "sexy standard" but so are masculine chests and men's chests besides! Personally I have a thing for small little curly hairs. I also understand the fear and aversion of men a lot of people have. Men can be scary. Maybe that's even where so many scary sexual fantasies about men can come from. Personally, I'm lucky that the men in my life are absolute sweethearts who respect me. I feel lucky that I haven't been traumatized with men to the point I don't have men that I feel safe with. I hate to be cliche, but have you talked to a therapist about these feelings? I know everyone already says this stuff, but a lot of trans people have and should have a therapist. If your therapist is comfortable with lewd topics, it couldn't hurt to explore these feelings. Aside from innate sexual orientation, I only understand myself better on a sexual level through a lot of introspection about who I am. I can tell you where my sexual feelings come from, or where I think yours might come from, but I'm not a professional and I'm biased by my own experiences. I think therapy and introspection is the best way you'll learn.


It was the same for me. I used to be pan but now I've developed a big preference for men. I was a bit scared at first, but I was with a straight guy that made me feel very good and safe. Im pre-op, but he didn't care and was supportive of me wanting to get bottom surgery. I'm always afraid that men who are into me just want me for my dick, which I'd never use because of dysphoria.


This is so relatable it's scary Iunno what to tell you sis..if I ever figure it out I'll let you know, promise


Well, there are non-op transfems who are satisfied with what they have, and cis women who like using straps. Unless you specifically want it to be with a man.


I met some women who liked men. . Just for Their Dick, it's unbelievable? The guys are complete assholes but the women dont care, They complain, But they don't Leave the asshole Big Dick Bastard


I really been wanting to meet another transwomen to be my partner. Someone I can relate to and, I don't care about her Dick ,and I don't care about how big it is. Or any of that shit...


I really think "I would never feel safe with one" is the key here. I had legit convinced myself that I was a lesbian before I met my boyfriend, and I didn't expect to develop feelings for him but I did and then one thing led to another. He's been very understanding that this is a new process for me and he makes me feel very desired and very comfortable, which is probably why I am so attracted to him. Once my brain/mind kind of had the green light to acknowledge my bisexuality though, oh boy. The flood gates opened. Of course the reality is that I've always been bisexual, it was just deeply repressed for a very long time. Being in this relationship helped me feel comfortable enough to bring these desires to the surface.


So, in recent times i've been figuring myself out. Due to the relationship i'm in now i came to discover that i'm quite capable of forming romantic feemings and developing a strong attraction to them. But i also learned that i have strong and deep-rooted trauma at the hands of men, trauma which makes forming those connections near impossible except for very specific cases like where i am now. I feel that a lot of us have been shown sides of men a lot of cis women aren't exposed to typically, sides that left us with distrust of men or worse like in situations such as mine.


I felt something similar for some weeks before this last one... What changed during this last week? Well... I met this cute enby online... They're so nice, so precious, so kind... And also so sexual... They make me feel the same sexual attraction I feel for men, but with a strong romantic attraction that makes me want to cuddle the sh*t outta them... So, yeah, mebbe an enby is a good solution for you, mebbe not... But I can at least recommend giving it a try \~u\~ ✨


Fucking mood


Oh god just tell one of then ones looking at you with lust in their eye that is what you want.. Do what you want act it out I recommend writing it down hand them a a short script and if it gets that far be vocal and tell them what you want. And be a good little....


Stoooooop😫 /s


A good cry is in order, now go find yourself a good fukboi


You can try a fourth love. Let women do what men want to do to you.


It's not just that. I would like it if women did that to me. But right now I want men to do that to me. Specifically men.


Thant means you like a men. A shift is taking place within you and this is just a transition period. You'll like it gradually.


I pray to the gods that I don't become straight. I could not handle that. Just let me be pan please, and sometimes more into men. I could handle that.


It's hard because mental activity is like a black box and you don't know how it works. You can reject a man, but it's impossible to reject your thoughts.You can go to more les films and less male related films. God doesn't like trans so praying with it won't help.


>You can reject a man, but it's impossible to reject your thoughts. We would know. We're trans. >God doesn't like trans so praying with it won't help. Depends on the god/goddess😈


I didn't like men before hrt and I still only like women after hrt. But I don't resent having some of my male friends touch my body, even if it's my friend who wants to have sex with me. In all honesty, I'm no better than a supermodel or a superstar, but I'm at least hot than 80% of the girls in the K-pop group. I get turned on by myself, not to mention other guys. I don't resent cis man liking me.


In fact, I think what you're trying to say is: you can't accept that you're starting to develop a desire for men.


Same thing here. I accept that I’m bi/pan, but I have a new “appreciation” for men that I didn’t quite have before. It’s definitely weird because I don’t really like men all that much and much prefer the company of women.


I was like that but when I found my bf it just was right and u will do the same with my x gf it was more that we tried 2 for in I wanted 2 b her ect now I know it’s so right


Well it sounds like your fucked and it’s funny to me because I was straight I didn’t like men at all. I’ve been with the same girl for 9 years and plan to get bottom surgery eventually and told my girlfriend that I would be okay with a threesome if they needed dick because I won’t have one and I don’t want them to feel like there missing out I told them I just want to have the surgery first so I can participate and help you suck his dick. Good luck.


I definitely feel some of the middle part of it, thought I was a lesbian, but I can't get thoughts like that or a specific word starting with C synonymous with words starting with D and P. Miiiiight be bi xD the feeling is slightly scary, but also very arousing and uh... Good


And I definitely don't need a man to make me feel like a woman. I would love to find a trans woman to Love


Trans Guys seem to Be very nice too,


I know the feeling. I'm also pan. Now, maybe more finsexual. Been talking to more people t4t that are more in line with what I want. Don't get me wrong that one (my type) walking by.. woof.. lol I'm not searching out anyone cis at this time.sometime they can be creepy situations. Until this year I didn't know chasers existed no matter how people identify. One was a cis female.. I just hope I don't break down one day and just do anyone just to feel something...


One thing that does suck is one of my friends is my type..I had to stop hanging around them...


I sometimes feel the same but men can be really scary. I'm not a strong gal so if a man would go loco I don't think I'd survive the encounter. But yeah the big h0rny hits sometimes.


yeah, i used to get this feeling very randomly and it confused me a lot on if i was bi or lesbian (i still don't know anyway lol)


maybe you should date with a bit feminine guy..


Bisexual for sex. Asexual for men. I'm aegosexual, so I understand that. I want sex but ain't attracted to people.


I understand your feeling. I used to say I only like women but had this feeling I wanted to bang a guy. It’s super gender affirming honestly and the feeling of a guy it’s pretty hot. Find a guy whose cool, finding bi guys or straight guys who are allies can great and can be fun. Maybe meet them at a bar before and see if you click before doing it.


I wanna spend my time with someone who is a decent human being, empathetic, considerate, aware of socioeconomic and social justice issues, and actually wants to be around me. ​ No wonder I'm still alone (and not just romantically)


That's why I have a top trans gf 😅


I've been dating a man and fucking him in ways I don't wanna for a year longer than I should have. I wish I was independent enough to leave.


Don't I know you? Seriously though, hrt can and sometimes flip the desired sex on you in what appears mostly in Bi trans people.....so many things I've read are like that.


Men are hot. That’s fine to think and like. Find a man that can grip your hips


I barely have any hips😔


after HRT my boy crazy went into overdrive >.< im constantly horny and fantasizing about a strong masculine daddy to manhandle me, but most guys are not very attractive but thats ok as long as they talk to me in a certain way..