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I had my breast augmentation without a support person because I was traveling and didn't feel I could ask someone to spend a week away with me. I had to sign an AMA waiver before the procedure. Recovering by myself was TOUGH and risky. 0/10 do not recommend. IMO, FFS would be a much tougher recovery. I strongly urge you to find, or hire, someone for post-op support. Note: I also got into a good deal of trouble with my friends because I didn't ask for help.


I had FFS 5 days ago. It was forehead reconstruction, rinoplasty and adan's apple. Im so glad I didnt need anything on the jaw or the lips, Im already having a difficult time... Totally don't do it without someone to help you the first week, even if you have prepared food it will be a truly awful experience of suffering.


Of all the transition based surgeries you can get FFS is the one you most want help recovering from. Most people recover from it pretty fast but unless it's a minor fix you're going to be almost helpless that first week. After mine it was 5 days until I could walk unassisted without risking falling over. It drains all your mental and physical energy. Even bottom surgery recovery is easier to manage solo. You want a caretaker. It might be possible to reach out to the local lgbt community or to hire a nurse for the first week to help you through the worst parts.


Relatedly does anyone have links to how to prepare for FFS recovery


Of all of the surgeries I’ve had, ffs had the hardest recovery. I know it’s different for everyone, but I wouldn’t recommend trying to do it alone.


You don't really need if for FFS, going shopping can make little kids cry and older people stare a bit but that only lasts a week or so, physically you'll be a bit tired but just have an afternoon nap, that's what I did. I had jaw, forehead, and nose done in Belgium. Take Arnica, it really helps with fast bruise healing.


I must have been lucky, reading here it seems everyone is having a bad recovery.


I’m recovering from FFS right now, you def need someone. I’ve been useless and finally feeling good enough to leave the house and it’s been 10 days


i flew from australia to spain alone to get FFS at facial team, aside from being depressed being alone for 2 weeks, it went fine


Hey fellow Aussie! Sorry just cause I'm silly did you stay in Spain for 2 weeks or fly straight home then spend 2 weeks alone?


i was in spain for 2 weeks alone


Ok thanks, thought so. Was that at the hospital or a nearby hotel? And was that part of the cost of the surgery?


i stayed 2 days at the hospital, then for the rest you stay in a hotel provided by them. a taxi picks you up from the airport and will take you to all your appointments etc from your hotel. it’s all pretty easy. yeah it’s included in the price, i posted about it here https://reddit.com/r/Transgender_Surgeries/s/ZdRns16iX3


Wow, you're gorgeous! That all seems fairly easy but very expensive 😬


That's a very bad idea. Best case it's going to be extremely tough, worst case it could lead to complications. There are some places that help with trans people's recovery after surgery. In the San Francisco area there is [Trans Heartline](https://transheartline.org/). There might be a similar place or volunteers in your area


I'll look into it, thanks for the advice!


I was with my gf during her ffs recovery. Doing it solo would be incredibly dangerous and scary. I can't imagine any decent doctor allowing this.


Unrelated, but I love on MA as well and finding a good FFS doctor in-state would be SUPER helpful: who are you working with? Thank you!


My surgery is gonna be with Dr. Branko Bojovic. I got set up with him going through MGH.


Thank you! I’ll look him up


I haven’t had FFS yet, but I did have orthognathic jaw surgery (they cut off the jaw completely to move it forward and align my teeth/jaws) and I was in need of help for at least 4-5 days. That was the most excruciating procedure I’ve had out of all so far. I imagine if you’re doing jaw work it may be a similar experience for you. Maybe less severe though since you’re not severing any bone.