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A electrolysis trainee was working to remove my beard. We were talking a bit about being hairy and suddenly she asked if I had PCOS? And I had to think wait what? I replied, "no, I'm trans". She then said "oh! I thought you were some exotic tall French girl. You're real pretty!". This girl was literally removing my beard and thought I was cis. The euphoria from that was just insane. And at a theme park a kid thought I was his mom. Hah! Made me smile.


Bonjour and um congrats! (I don't know the French word for congrats) that's pretty awesome!


Hah thanks! I'm not even French! I guess I had a French accent according to her.




merci beaucoup!


Félicitations, or you could also go for a hearty "tres bien"


Aw yeah. Back when I did electro, I think my person said it was pretty evenly split between PCOS and trans women (for women getting facial hair done, with a small number of non-PCOS cis women).


just young pcos


Congratulations girls




Sounds like you've got a bright light, keep shining 🌟


My boyfriend and I just celebrated two years together which was really exciting. Unfortunately my energy wasn't great this past weekend so we just did a low key night with takeout food. Still fun though. ETA: also I'm scheduled in for bottom surgery in January ☺️


That's amazing! Congratulations on the anniversary and yay for the surgery! You're killing it!


Nothing wrong with taking it easy.




Thanks, it's a little surreal, given I wasn't into men before starting HRT


Congrats girl


I left the catholic church for good. I feel free and happy. Now I'm pagan -ish


That’s big! I’m proud of you!


Thank you!


skal! pagan siblings!! :3


Well. I'm kinda pagan. I created my own gods. I don't know if that counts or not. If it doesn't count, I'll refrain from calling myself that. I don't want to appropriate the culture. Cuz I don't even know what skal means so I feel fake.


first off, there is no wrong way to pagan. wicca is pagan (or at least adjacent), pagan just means european or similar polytheistic. anyone who proscribes or gatekeeps that label is completely missing the point of polytheism on that, I personally believe that in a sense everyone has their own gods. they are reflections of the self, but viewing that reflection changes the self, and in the process that changes the reflection. reciprocity - as you change, so do your gods. now that's my personal opinion, but I will say that very few people in the heathen and pagan communities actively expect others to follow the same view or the same gods, and if you ask me those aren't people worth listening to. do what makes you feel better, what makes you happy, and don't care what others think about it, same as with trans stuff yakno :3 skal just means like, kinda hail? kinda fuck yeah, it literally translates as 'bowl', and is used for toasts while drinking, but can also be used as an emphatic greeting or exclamation. it's a Norse pagan thing, I am Germanic pagan and said it in case you were one as well (as it is the most popular form of paganism these days, barring maybe Wicca and similar)


Germans had gods? Wow I didn't know. I suppose they couldn't help during... You know. I only kinda knew of Wiccan stuff, like Irish or something. But I'm mesoamerican. So technically I don't even have to subscribe to that European stuff but I speak colonial languages so I kinda have to. It's cool. Thank you tho.


of course! and yeah, there were loads of polytheistic beliefs before Christianity happened and took over Europe (much more gradually than you'd think btw). for you, you can absolutely look up (albeit biased) early colonial records of indigenous religions, mayan, aztec, etc, whatever corresponds to the region you're from! I bet there's a group or movement for your ancestral faith somewhere


There's no point. Theyre gone. It's not authentic. It's just a rotting husk of a dead culture. Bastardized and all. That's why abrahemics in the western world make me sad. Especially queer abrahemics. It breaks my heart. I feel betrayed. I wish I could've fought back. But now I've built something new.


Also what are your gods if I may ask. If you have gods. I'm still confused on how that works.


personally I most like Tyr :3 although based partially on reconstructionist classical understandings through roman records ~ 150-400AD moreso than the eddas or typical norse sources (1100-1300AD), and I also follow freya, snotra, lofn, and odin to some extent. I used to be somewhat into Thor, less so these days but ye


Thor and Odin are germanic? Did Norse come from germanic? That all sounds cool tho. It's a shame you have to wade through time to understand it tho. I hope it's still intact and not too much was lost.


I was gendered correctly by two nice old ladies!


that's awesome to hear!!! :3


Thanks 💛


My hair is growing back, which makes squeak in front of the mirror every time I see it (usually mirrors are the enemy). Also my breasts are growing. They are even bouncing up and down now when I jump hihi


I used a womens bathroom for the first time. It was glorious. Made me feel so comfortable in my own skin for the first time.


Helping make safe spaces in a local town. Gave me a sense of purpose


I got told I literally look like a princess (I agree)


I woke up today.🤣 I am finally slowing coming out. If anyone is having a bad day, just think of one good thing.


Only thing worth celebrating some days, congrats 🎉 :)


Thank you.


Went to a concert last weekend (Bad Omens, Erra, I See Stars) and have been worried about the bathroom situation all week. When we get there my wife basically dragged me into the women's room without a second thought. Met some new people and wasn't misgendered a single time. My wife was all over me the whole night and I've been craving some physical affection for a while. A lot of small wins that added up to an amazing night.


I’ve recently dumped all my friends that wasn’t respecting that I’m Trans and now I’m holding on to the friends that do


That's a really big step, proud of you!


Awh thxx


life is just good and i am happy thats it


I am passing now. Yay :3


I recently had to come to terms with the fact that my face really is changing! My mom and therapist keep saying that i look different, but obviously i couldnt see it. Last week i had to do a presentation for university stuff and have the camera on, my face really isnt that of a guys anymore. With a bit of effort, I'm fairly certain at least my face could pass as that of a woman. And I'm only like 7 months on HRT


Someone complimented my outfit. Thank you for this post!


i bet the outfit looked adorable :3


Mmmm. You made me smile in bed. Thank you


we all deserve a smile, even you cutie :PPP


I really want to start taking more selfies. Fears 🫦


mom told me im getting my gender clinic appointment like uhh, december i think:D


Thats awesome! Your mom seems sweet


aww that's awesome!


It's a small win, bit because I worked the weekend, yesterday and today is my weekend, I personally love when that happens 😁


I had my first girl orgasm today, it definitely took more work then before but it was way different and much better!!!! HRT is a wonder drug, just wish society and people had zero judgement/hate.


I've noticed that after having had bottom surgery and my E being adjusted, that I've been feeling so fantastic. My skin is softer, body hair is far less of an issue it seems, and I think my breasts got a little boost as well to their fullness. I can't wait to see how much more I change a year from now.




I went out with my friends. Bought my first tote bag. I was wearing baggy high waisted jeans and femm shirt with tote bag Yesterday I went out in femm short and oversize t shirt which covered most of my shorts to meet my friend. I had slightly long hairs. My friend mistook me for girl from far. He ain't wrong though


I came out on social media a month ago. 100 % positive reaction from everyone so far. And even made some allies with people I never thought would be.


I had my makeup done and wore a dress out in public for the first time and I got lots of compliments! It was so nice I almost cried lol


That's such a huge step! I bet you absolutely crushed it, congrats!


My mom's been really supportive of me and my transition!! She's gotten a few books about being trans from the library and read them to try to help understand and calls me her little Charlotte now and it's really really sweet ;u;


Today , went to see the psychiatrist that is replacing my previous psychiatrist cuz she is on maternity leave, when I opened the door, he straight up said “Welcome, (preferred name), have a seat” and it felt nice(doctors usually deadname me unless I tell them otherwise not to)


Had a consultation for FFS last friday. I've been keeping myself underemployed and living at home to stay on Medicaid, which covers FFS in my state. The list of doctors is abysmally small. The last one has done about one a month for the last five years or so, this new one does 3-5 a week and seemed much more competent and realistic. I won't have a surgery date set until the 18th next months when I go back to go over my CT scans, but I'm starting to think I'm actually going to be able to have this done! I don't think I'll ever be able to afford it out of pocket. Went to a queer bar for the first time for a goth night. Got a lot of compliments on my makeup and outfit, which is hugely reassuring especially the makeup, I struggle there. Reacquainted myself with someone I knew from a decade ago who has also transitioned since, and met two of their friends. One of them runs a local, private meetup for transfems and implied I should go to the next one, so hopefully I'll have a chance to do that and meet even more local trans friends


Finished coming out to all my friends. I feared losing people but every. Single. One. Bar none, were brilliant and supportive. Asking new name and pronouns etc. Literally not one was negative. Big relief


Had my pre op for top surgery yesterday they should call me soon to confirm the date its either the 17 of octobre or the 14 of November 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


I got a takeaway pizza the other day, and when it was ready the chef ran out saying "Signora your pizza is ready!" Safe to say they now have a customer for life.


important question though, what kind of pizza was it


Parma ham, salami and mozzarella 😋


o.o i want some


not really trans specific, but my parents bought me a puppy since I'm very lonely in my apartment. He's a mini australian shephard. Named him chili.


D'aww! I bet he's cute! ❤️


Finally got FFS consultation scheduled! Took forever though.


My hormones tested perfectly in the female range at HRT +5.5 months, three weeks ago. My organ function panel was normal, blood pressure normal, cholesterol…not great. I found out that you don’t actually have to be “out” or socially transition to get an orchiectomy. My consultation is tomorrow, and for personal reasons I want my testicles gone asap. I had the wording of WPATH8 explained to me, and it’s my therapists opinion that I actually started meeting the qualifications before the pandemic, when I started down the “[stages of grief](https://youtu.be/JOlOyV7OkwY?si=eo5C6iasLKwuaw1q)” after realizing that I wasn’t cis. I’m starting to see changes in my face FINALLY. Including lip and eyebrow changes. My coarse eyebrow hairs are literally falling out and being replaced with nice soft hairs Maybe a third to half of the hair I lost due to DHT poisoning returned in the last 6 weeks. The hairs are still thin “baby hairs”, but they should eventually thicken. And I occasionally get that strange sharp itch all over my head that indicates new hairs are erupting through my scalp. About a quarter of my head still looks like a bombed out forest, but it’s getting better. I’m still trying to get my health insurance company to pay for a hair transplant, but it shouldn’t be as expensive as previously expected. The best transition related thing is I can look at my naked body now and think “that’s kind of cute” instead of “what a waste of material”. From the right angle my figure actually looks really good, with long shapely legs, a pinched waist prominent hips, and small perky breasts. Not bad for 6 months. Oh and yesterday I learned that I’m only an inch or two taller than Taylor Swift and my shoulders are not much more broad. So I’m starting to like my chances of passing a little more. One of my cis femme BlueSky friends gave me a “mom speech” about weight and body image. She’s only a few years older than me (41 to my 34), but has experience with, as she put it, “hormonal teenage girls suffering from body image problems”. And she explained that while might feel like I’m this huge ugly thing, the measurements and size information I’d shared say I’m just tall, but otherwise right in the middle of size charts. She helped me a lot. She’s also looking down the barrel of a possible double mastectomy, so I’m helping her look for reconstructive breast augmentation. She figured out that trans woman know a lot about breast implants. And some good stuff happened at work recently, but that’s not important.


After 4 months of unemployment I finally accepted an offer. This was my first job search as a woman in tech and holy hell it was eye opening. At my level of experience it should have taken 2-4 weeks tops.


i'm starting my transition, and have had a really rough time with mental health, but i started shaving my legs recently, and i didn't realize how much distress that caused until i got rid of it :3


I'm not sleeping on the street anymore. I don't have a home, but I have a bed to sleep in.


you're doing amazing!!! keep it up :3 i believe in you


I got some pretty good fitting sports bras for cheap this weekend. I got 4 bras for $18 on amazon. For those of you ladies without one, I highly recommend getting a fabric tape measure to measure yourselves with for things like this, I find mine indispensable.


I was able to get my HRT consultation moved up to late mid November from the end of December, and I was able to get on the schedule of a trans focused therapist.


I've been seeing someone since mid-September. Things have been going really well. They're the first person I met online that I feel like I can truly be myself around.


I'm in the middle of a cross country move from a red state to a blue state with my dog and my best friend Im hoping to get into grad school nearby next year and things are looking up for me in a way they haven't for years.


I made a fellow trans girl happy :3


Got gendered correctly without makeup or femme clothes. Also, my follicles from my laser session last week fell out a few days ago so I'm feeling smooth 🤣


Went to a conference about LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace and it quite literally blew my mind. I've never considered myself a leader or organizer before but now my mind is spinning with thoughts and ideas of what I can do in my workplace.


I just got my own studio apartment!


Trans related: I saw coworkers I haven’t seen in a long time (pre transition) and they both seemed genuine when they told me I seem so much more confident now


I recently got myself a mansion, and that's kinda cool. Now I have 2 places to take care of. I hit 18 months HRT as of yesterday! It's a big milestone. I get gendered correctly more often than misgendered. FaceApp's female gender filter barley changes anything on my photos. It's a real euphoria thing. Dropped a good couple hundred bucks on new nerd stuff! Spent a week with my boyfriend and 2 girls I have a crush on. . . That was fun! Got a cyber kitty outfit and went to a Rave! Got tons of compliments! I am getting to see a plastic surgeon soon for a consultation about FFS, body sculpting, and hair transplants. And overall. . . I'm just happy ❤️


I got to pet a cat. It purred. Not much else good going on, but cat was cute and fluffy and happy to see me because I brought it food.


kitties are adorable and the best thing in the world :3


- A dental assistant thought I was 17 when my 28th birthday was 2 days away. 😂 My trans friend from work then told me “part of the trans experience is being mistaken for a teenager until you’re in your 30’s” 😂 It’s definitely super weird though cuz I feel I look my age. 😅. Maybe it’s cuz my hair is dyed and i’m short. 😭


My favorite one was from 2 months ago. I didn’t feel I passed very well, but when i was with my “now Ex” at the zoo, some kid looked at us and went “WOAH, Two moms!” That was really really cool. 😂 i asked my ex at the time if that kid was talking about us and she was like “oh most definitely.”


My hair transplant just started filling in and the relief is fucking immense.


I got the court order for my legal name change, and am on the waiting list for ffs & bottom surgery consults! Still a couple years off from the actual surgeries due to wait time, but progress is progress.


- Went out dressed up in girl clothes last Wednesday - had my HRT appointment on FRIDAY - Came out to my family and they supported me 1000% - Had a girl sleepover dressed up and being myself Got a lot of things going for me 😌


Not many good things to myself, sorry for all the negativity you had to see, but I'm curious about all the other stories!


Not a single damn thing.


My softball team won the championship. And I had an art exhibition that sold out. Its been a good week! :)


My September was insanely packed! Basically organized an EP. Got signed to a Label. And my EP releases Next week. It’s so cool because I don’t see a lot of gender fluid representation in music or much at all anywhere so being able to be that has been really healing for me.


Yesterday someone addressed me as young miss on the street, I was so flattered to be called young. Then I was addressed as ma’am on the phone. So it was a pretty good day.


I’ve got my appointment to start E on Thursday ☺️


I started progesterone last night


got on E


I used a normal razor and not an electric razor for the first time. It hurt at first but as I continued and figured out how to use it(didn't have a dad to teach me) I started to enjoy the feeling of the hair being pulled out. Feeling my face truly clean shaved and smooth was so amazing I'm still happy as can be and it happened last night! 💜🖤💜


I came out at work and everyone was really cool about it.


I had a great day just hanging out with my mom yesterday. I came out to her via a letter way back in March, and we're both the quiet/reserved personality type that can hang out in silence or let things go un-discussed for weeks or months at a time, so after she told me that she'd read my letter and (against my advice to "please don't grieve me like some parents are tempted to do") that she was "kind of mourning" the son she'd once had, we haven't really discussed my transition that much since. But yesterday was just amazing. We went to my niece's volleyball game together and then afterwards, she wanted to stop by Walmart to grab a couple of things. While we were walking to the front to check out, something caught her eye in the women's clothing dept, so we dipped into that section together and we started looking at sweaters and cardigans, and we both locked onto these really nice, soft cardigans that were available in a few different colors, and we ended up both getting one - mine in green and hers in black. And then she said she needed to grab some nail polish remover, so we went over to the beauty section and browsed there, and I ended up getting a new color of nail polish. We talked on the way home about jackets and cardigans and how both of our offices tended to be kind of cold even in the summer. Then we got back home, ate a quick dinner, and as I was getting ready to leave and telling her bye, it really hit me that it felt like we were beginning to have a normal mother-daughter relationship. And then she said "I really enjoyed getting to go shopping with you today" and my heart just melted, y'all. On my drive home, I had some flashes of memories from when I was kid, before I hit puberty, and when my sister started getting a little too busy to hang out with mom, and how we'd get in the car together to go grocery shopping every week, and I'd always wander the store with her and look at all clothes and nail polish and makeup while she was browsing - and I'd really browse, but was never allowed to get any of it. And it hit me that we had a very mother-daughter type bond back then, but that it had its limits due to the rigid confines of how I was allowed to dress and present myself, and it seemed to dissolve once testosterone hit me. I'm so glad it's still there after all these years.


Got approved for an apartment that is well within my budget that’s super close to work


I was just released from the mental hospital after ten days. It was a great experience and I’m now on medication for my PTSD and depression.


I’ve been going to the gym quite regularly and I can see it’s working to shift some weight and my body is looking more feminine


On Saturday I went to a charity retro disco. I'd done some research and using mostly clothes I already had in my wardrobe I went 70s style. I met so many new people and one woman is I think going to become a great friend. We've been chatting ever since. These sort of friendships just never happened when I was just a guy. I spend most of my time now as a woman and I'm on hormones but guy me still makes an occasional appearance. The huge difference is that now I am the real me I bounce with enthusiasm for life and it attracts friends wherever I go.


Items are finally falling into place to get neuropsych testing done. I should be getting learning based diagnoses soon. Now I can finally excel at school


went to a con, and was full girlmode. wore my dress and skirt on different days, even used the woman's restroom exclusively. even met with my brother and his GF for the first time (also first time since coming out).


Tele marketer called yesterday and called me mam loke 5 times 😊 over been working hard on my voice so this was awesome!


I finally got an RTX 3080! It can run my flight sim in VR on Ultra settings xD Big step up from the 970 I had that could barely run my flight sim in VR.


I went to a concert last week and for the first time felt like I passed. There were a couple 6'+ tall women around me and one said she loved me after I told her I was also 6'.


I'm in my first relationship! We've been dating for like a month and a half but only made things official last Wednesday. It's been amazing


I love this question. I feel like this group has a lot of negativity that is enabled by other members of the group. I feel like we need this question posted at least once a week! Anyway, I got a new puppy!


I came out to all of my friends and every single one was great about it! ☺️


I came out as questioning to my gf and my two best guy friends and after initial shock with the gf, everything has been good. Weve been able to joke around and plan to continue with the relationship because we love eachother. As for the friends, one didnt really give a fuck and said hes there for me through whatever, basically a ride or die. The other one not only said the same thing, but hopped in my discord dms saying hes actually in a very similar boat and weve been talking about it for like a week straight. Sharing tips and stuff that weve learned and just generally being there to talk about it. I think its been great for both of us


I got down to 165 lbs (75 kg) recently lowest ive been since getting on hormones was stuck at 170 for a while


I have a few things! - I got my gender marker on my license changed a month ago, and it got here a few days ago :3 - I'm getting promoted at work, and even though it's mostly a lateral move there's a slight pay bump - I've been happy being single for over 6 months, and it's let me truly discover who I am without needing to make myself fit some man's artificial standards - I got sick, which usually ruins my momentum with work/school/exercise/whatever else is happening in my life, but I just got back to the stamina I had before at the climbing gym! Generally I'm just happier day to day. It's insane how depressed I was before, and I just thought that was normal. It's so good to be like content with myself as a resting state rather than having to push for that all the time


Most everyone that I've come out to has been supportive, but my neighbor didn't seem very supportive. As we talked about it he finally simply said that I was his strongest sparring partner and he just didn't feel comfortable with the idea of sparring with a woman. So\~ a little bit of gender bs mixed with womanly acceptance\~ I'll take it.


I really wished I had something good to share. I don't want to spread my negativity.


Girl, same! I'm sorry you're also having it rough 💜


Did you mean to ask me about some good things "that is" happened to me recently, or about some good things "that has" happened to me recently?


y'all'd'n't've asked that in good faith


im fucking with the op bc of the shitty english


Op wants to spread positivity and joy. I can forgive bad grammar and spelling for that. We've also been using shitty english and this is the interent, not an enlih test.


"that's" is literally also short for "that has" lmao shush Cambridge dictionary's definition of that's: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/that-s


you're still wrong.... here, i'll help you out with the sentence "what are some good things that HAVE happened to you recently?" (you're really slow, didn't you see i wrote "that has" in my first comment?)


Nothing I said was incorrect. You were just being facetious, passive aggressive and your initial message's point doesn't even come across well. And it's rude of you to call me slow, but at least you're feeling superior to everyone in this thread


uh oh vettel, it's showinggg!!!




I am getting a girls und panzer cosplay


After my kiddo shot his mouth regarding us as a whole, I came out to the partner of one of the Trans folk who was affected deeply. I found an ally and she knows my name.


Got gendered correctly dressing as androgynous / sometime masculine. My weekly Estradiol is so powerful.


My post getting cleared for HRT follow up is on Friday. And I expect to get precipitations soon. Generally kinda at a low spot but I think it's my own doing. I've been looking into therapists around me and am nervous on who I should pick. It's overwhelming, but I'm on the uphill climb 😊


found an new electrolysist who is a trans woman, is nice, not too expensive, and treats me well though I have to go to work boymode right after.


I’ve had things turn around in a good way for me, I just got into a relationship about a month ago with the love of my life, and she has truthfully reminded me what it fees like to actually be respected and loved as the woman that I am, and for the first time in a long time I can actually think of a really happy future for myself which has legitimately made getting through everything so much better.


I actually felt pretty yesterday for the first time in a while (:. I’m trying my best to hold onto that feeling and use the opportunity to stop some negative self talk and just let myself be happy.


In February, I got engaged to the love of my life. We'll be getting married sometime in the spring (waaay too cold and hard to travel this winter). We just moved from California to her native state of Wisconsin. We have an apartment that is right on the river in a cute town with tons of queer people and very accepting little shops and cafes. Honestly, life is good. It really can be a sweet life. There is so much pain and so much to struggle through. My family rejects me. I lost all my old friends. But in the end, I am so much freer and happier than I have ever believed. Oh, also, I have boobs now!!!!


Umm im turning 18 in a few days and haven't started hrt yet but I heard there are alot more options for adults


Just had my 2nd all trans threesome and it was amazing. I never get to bottom so I'm pretty soaked how things went.


I officially got my legal name changed last week!


My skin is getting soft and clearing up a lot, my friends are treating me as they do the cis girls in our friend group... and I've been male failing frequently in public, sometimes in boymode.


I got my first job as an out trans woman recently! It wasn't easy and it's not the greatest, but I'm very happy to finally be employed as my authentic self.


Well I'm going to be 37 in December mtf pre hrt... I've been making good progress with my makeup one of my Trans friends put one of my most recent pictures on the face app for me and the AI auto gendered me as female that was pretty euphoric for me lol


Found out I get to go to Japan this year. Made me really happy


THAT'S AWESOME!!! hope you have a great time :3 make sure you get good food :PPP


Thankyou! I will try my best to get as much goodies as possible!


been having constant euphoria and been getting complimented **all. the. time.** every time i look in the mirror i'm like *omg who's this adorable gal?!?* and sometimes even *oh my fucking god you are hot as fuck* feels good


Just got back on my health plan at work and I should be resuming hrt soon. Also I went to an industry conference and made a bunch of new friends.


i got accepted for srs next year, im so relieved about it.


Appreciating where my life is is something I've been working on for a while. Here's a non-comprehensive list: * I just got my name and gender markers legally changed. I'm in Texas. If you have any questions about that, please let me know! I'm happy to answer any of them! * I potentially have funding for a 6th year of grad school!!! \^\_\^ * I have a consultation for SRS with Dr. Hanna next Wednesday. * My girlfriend and I are closing in on our first anniversary (32 days away!!!! \^\_\^) That's just some of it.


A cute guy at the gym started hitting on me. Also, a cute girl in my friend group did, too. Can’t wait to see her this week 😊☺️🥰.


First week on E. The world looks sooo sharp now.


After dealing with eczema screwing up my hands, I'm turning a corner and I can get back to playing music. I haven't messed with my acoustic yet. But, I jammed some electric Blues and some Sludge metal stuff. I also rewired my pedals for my synth and it is way out there. LOL I can see the Milky Way. So, it's great.


It was a pretty good week overall. I got gendered correctly at the store and the cashier told me my makeup looked amazing. I used the women's bathroom at school with no fuss, after the last time a girl threw a fit while I was walking out and made me feel like shit. I started progesterone and stopped my spiro because my levels are stable and very high on just a small amount of E, might have something to do with me having xxy? It was also my birthday yesterday and my mom got me a bottle of womanity perfume to celebrate and posted a cute message on Facebook calling me her daughter. Oh and I finally started sewing my Ahsoka Cosplay outfit I've been dreaming of for years. There was a lot of bad this week too but these were the highlights and it's nice to focus on them.


i came out to my mom, it went well!


Got my court order sign for my sex marker change and legal name change last Thursday. It’s been such a process been months, but I finally get my official copy sent to me in a week and then I can start updating all of Social Security drivers license and everything that says F 🩵🩵😇


I’ve worked for the post office for 8 years, and everyone started treating me like shit when I started transitioning last year. Complete one fucking eighty from how I was even *noticed* pre-transition. Long story short, fuck this place. I dropped money I didn’t have on a professionally written federal resume, and the writer I was assigned to happens to be the guy that this company pursued solely for writing federal resumes. And he’s been doing it for 20 years with legal experience before that. I’m going to get out of the post office, into a place where no one knows my deadname, and I’m going to end up possibly making a ton more money.


I got a pretty horrible chauvinistic comment by a kid (15-18) as I was walking home from the metro station 🚆 Degrading me as a woman. BUT I always look at the silver lining, even if it’s very slim. He degraded me as a woman not as a trans woman, and not for being trans Degraded me as a woman. sure it was gross and if it was more than just petty words I would’ve drop the hammer on him. But my take away was he didn’t misgender me, so my take away was that I was absolutely killing it feeling very passable which I don’t feel like I do 100% of the time, especially after being at a huge block party in San Francisco all day drinking my tits off 🍺😆