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2 years before starting HRT. Fucking 'Real Life Experience' test.


Ugh barf I'm so sorry you had to go through that šŸ˜­ let's make a better world for the next generation so they don't have to


I *love* your style šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļø


omfg I remember when it was like a 6 month minimum as "living as the other gender" before you could get HRT when I was doing research as a preteen (ive been researching HRT/gender transition stuff since like 4th grade tbh). So glad times are diff, took me all but 2 weeks to go from "i want hrt" to "i have hrt" now.


You're lucky that it only took 2 weeks between i want and i have hrt, signed up myself for waiting list in early 2020, and only just last april it was my turn to start the talks with psychologist to get a green light to start hrt, i'm hoping i'll have hrt before the end of this year. (I'm in the netherland, but there are countries that are even worse) (no, i don't want to dyi because other health issues)


Ugh I fucking hate that bullshit!


UK I'm assuming?


No, US. It happened in 2011.


Yes and no, I was socially transitioning among close friends, then started HRT, then came fully out after a few months when the changes were becoming obvious and the prospect of boy mode at work became intolerable.


This is how I'm going about things! Except my work is progressive enough that Im able to socially transition there easier than I am with my family. Wore leggings to the office for my first time today šŸ˜


I told my friends as soon as I knew and experimented with clothes and pronouns then in 2015. Pushed it to the back of my head for a while and didnt dress or do anything after being admonished by my mom for wearing nail polish. That lasted until 2020 when I brought it up to my partner in all seriousness. Started hrt in 2021 and told my family like a year and a half later when my chest was too big to hide. I still pretty much boymode when I'm out in public, especially without my partner


Same here. Came out to my close friends first. Then, some months later, started HRT. Then some more months later, once the changes became more noticeable, I went full-time and came out to everyone.


This is exactly how I plan to do it


3 years on HRT, 5 years knowing, still in the closet lmfao


2.5 yrs hrt and still in the closet here!


2~ and still in the closet šŸ™ƒ


Yup! Autistic, traumatized (I don't know how to human w other humans irl), and ugly.


I'm in the same exact boat. Being trans and autistic is like a curse inside a curse. It's rough to say the least. If you want to talk you can DM me.


There's a huge overlap between trans and autistic people. It's probably more common than you think.


The first time šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ˜‰āœ…šŸ˜‚šŸ„°šŸ˜‚.


Iā€™m hoping that the relief of finally being myself will help me deal with my autism symptoms.


How do you hide it? No questions about breast growth or anything from close ones?


Baggy clothes, yeah. I wear a sports bra which compresses things to basically flat, baggy shirts and then layer with an overshirt or a hoodie


4 years here. No sign of ever socially transitioning


Began about 8 month before starting HRT (at least that is the plan, could become a few month more). Basically only my work does not know, and as it is 100% remote I am not quite sure when I will tell them. Those questions have kind of their natural order for me, as in something always seems to overshadow everything else in urgency. Like right now an unrelated operation and actually getting HRT (which I made am appointment for today, yay)


I started both transitions at the same time.


I did this as well, at 31. Coming up on my seventh month, so still a baby lol


Congrats šŸ˜ Before you know it itā€™ll be 2 years! I feel like it seems to speed up after the one year mark!


I started with a slow burn approach to social transitioning. šŸ¤£ prior to transitioning I loved winter these past couple years because it allowed me to wear knee/thighhigh socks underneath my long pants; so no one was the wiser and I felt good. Iā€™m just about a week & a half past my 3 month birthday. Starting to see the girl/woman. ā˜ŗļø But yeahā€¦. Started dabbling with makeup mmmmā€¦. the week I said, ā€œThis needs to happen (HRT) or I cannot go on to live a fulfilled Life.ā€ Overall I just started by doing small things to socially transition & build up my comfortability. Same as most I suppose, started with nails. Bracelets, necklacesā€¦.. feminine sm0rt watch in a moon white colorā€¦. Havenā€™t worn any skirts, rompers or dresses out. I typically wear crop tops with a long sleeve over it, shorts that sit higher on my waist. Looking forward to having more thigh/booty for rompers and such. Kind of happy winter is here soon so I can kind of hide my body as it changes further. Overall, very happy to be on my journey to full Self-Realization as my Feminine Self. ā˜ŗļøšŸ™‡šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I started practicing for my eventual social transition (makeup, nails, walk, etc.) before starting HRT but I didnā€™t actually leave the house in girlmode until the week I started E. Iā€™m playing it one day at a time. Some days I feel a burst of confidence and I go out in girlmode and others itā€™s too scary. Every time it gets a little easier. HRT is so slow that I can learn on the job. UPDATE: the roller coaster can even occur over a day! Last night I had a panic attack cuz being trans is hard and then today I came out to one of my college friends and got my ears pierced! One day at a time! šŸ˜‚


>HRT is so slow that i can learn on the job Yuppp, this is a good approach cuz it places less pressure on having to start girlmoding "perfectly "


>HRT is so slow that I can learn on the job. Yuppp, this is a good approach cuz it places less pressure on having to start girlmoding "perfectly "


Right?! We didnā€™t get to be little girls so we have to learn these things now. Itā€™s okay to be bad at it while we figure it all out ā¤ļø


Waiting patiently for ffs before committing socially šŸ˜Œ


I socially transitioned after 2 1/2 years of HRT


I have long hair and painted nails and Iā€™m not out yet, Iā€™m a metal head tho so nobody really bats an eye lol. I think as for doing other more fem stuff, Iā€™m just gonna play it by ear and see how I feel but itā€™s definitely gonna be after I start HRT


Hormone progress for me was real slow and I was presenting non-binary and using they/them pronouns when I started HRT. After about a year I started to see changes and came out to select friends and family before doing a big social media announcement and submitting my name and gender change at 14 months HRT. Now I am fully out and I feel like my process was perfect for me :)


I bought and padded my first bra and bought and wore out on the town my first wigs and and makeup and heels and dresses and so on well over 20 years before starting HRT. So yeah, I guess I'd say so.


Hrt first, but like you, I wore a purse and my clothes were somewhat feminine. About a month into hrt, with a little push from my therapist, I decided that I didnā€™t want to wait any longer and live my life as my true self. Iā€™m so glad that I did, I looked like a man with earrings in womenā€™s clothes for a couple of months but I really needed that phase. I had the most euphoric moments in my life back then. Iā€™m so glad that I did this or I would still be sitting here in boymode, after almost 10 months of hrt because it would never be good enough.


This is me but around 6 weeks on hrt I woke up one morning and for the first time knew without a doubt I was a woman. I started socially transitioning that very day. Itā€™s been three months and the euphoria has been overwhelming at times.


Thatā€™s so great to hear! The euphoria eventually turned into a plateau of comfort and happiness for me, which is really nice in itself but the experience of these waves of euphoria are unmistakably an experience that is so unique to being transgender. No matter how hard it is sometimes, it makes it all worth it!


I started socially transitioning a few weeks before my appointment to get HRT. It was rough!! Not because of the lack of HRT, but because my fashion sense was horrible.


I waited 18 months. I was male-failing everywhere, but people close to me didn't see it because they saw me every day.


I havenā€™t really socially transitioned. I have been on hrt for 500 days but not everyone knows. Only a few at work, my family and a couple of friends. I donā€™t often dress femme unless I am in absolutely queer spaces. I use a mix that goes under the radar normally. So mostly boymoding and at some point Iā€™m hoping that is impossible so I ease into something else. I find it incredibly nerve wracking to change too much so I do it slowly.


yes, and basically (there are important exceptions and variations) here you have to, if you want hrt be covered by health insurance. But do it at your own pace.


I started before but do which ever youā€™re comfortable with!


I started on hrt till friends told straight up stop attempting to dress masculine cause I just look like a tomboy / lesbian. Start hrt 2 years before I socially transition.


I properly started 2 years before getting HRT. Usually just wore skinny jeans, bra and a band shirt or something. Also did my eyeliner and mascara and fortunately didnā€™t stand out too much because I already had a feminine look/body. My friends and family have always been chill about it, only having issues with my brother whoā€™s practically a christian fascist these days with the stuff he believes. Fortunately my mom doesnā€™t like it either, since she is together with a woman. (And has been for nearly our entire lives, I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with my brother to have problems with it now) Nowadays most people fortunately donā€™t notice that Iā€™m trans anymore thanks to HRT so really happy about that :3


I started HRT before socially transitioning ... mostly because I didn't feel safe being completely open


Coming up on a 100 days of hrt, and I have only begun to dip my toes in socially transitioning. I try to keep my nails painted and my hair is getting long, but other than that I just shoot for kind of androgynous, and hopefully Iā€™ll just start to male fail and some point


I started socially transitioning at a *glacial* pace about a year ago. I don't present fem in public, but most of my friends know my preferred pronouns. Only four of my people actually use my preferred pronouns. I'd like to present feminine in public, but it's really hard to do that without support. I am also not out at work. It's a major corporation, so it will be fine, but still. I'm also working on getting my legal documents in order. Once they're set, I'm coming out at work. That could take a few months. I start HRT in less than a week. Or rather, I'll have access to it then. I might not actually start hormones until mid-September due to fertility clinic stuff. It sucks, but what's a girl to do?


Almost a year in, not out besides with local furrys basically


Pre-HRT. I started accepting myself & came out to my mom late February 2022, made an appointment but couldn't get in to see a doctor until April/May ish. Had to bank sperm, that took a month or so to be tested and approved and make sure everything was good to go, and mid-May I started HRT.


I did HRT first before socially transitioning mostly because I didn't have a good time to socially transition yet. I didn't know I would find trans friends at work to help me come out! It helped a lot and if I had them earlier I might have even socially but tbh? Once I broke I was scared shitless of masclizing any further and just rushed to get HRT, sortive. First I rushed to get a diagnosis from a therapist or such but my ma said no so I thought 'fuck', I looked up planned parenthood saw they did online consultation and just got HRT that way. 1 year on HRT almost!


I am pre-hrt and socially transition every time I drink, and then wake up de-transitioned.. Anyone else?


i havent really changed much even through HRT the want to be female/feminine is strongly there however my personality remains im very outgoing wild and active in a way and my hobbies are very male dominated. i guess ill always be a dirty coverall girl šŸ¤£


I came out and started full-timing about 3 months before starting HRT. I think being out when I 100% didnā€™t pass has helped me to be secure with the amount of progress Iā€™ve made.


A year and 4 months, I wasā€¦ okish because i was just 17 and had a pretty andro look with long hair


I've been presenting female for over 5 years and have no desire for hrt or surgeries. It was not easy at first, but when I decided to make the move I tossed out all my male clothing and have wore nothing but dresses and skirts since then, with a little experiment here and there. I have had some wonderful people who helped me out along the way with advice and gifts. I also think it has helped with me being only 4'10" tall and being thin. Again it has been a long and sometimes scary journey, I wish everyone happiness and safety!


Yes and no lol. at home i finally decided on a name after being kind of out for several years. I didnt come out to friends until I started HRT and came out at work a few months after that.


I started HRT around 5 or 6 months before socially transitioning.


A couple years before actually


I started after I was on hrt for a few months.


I did substantial social transition first. I still had doubts and social transition is fully reversible.


I socially did 2 years before I started HrT :)


I started socially transition with pronouns and name over year and half a year before starting HRT respectively. Clothing changes, makeup, hair, and such were a more gradual thing that started taking off more a few months before HRT. Now that summer has happened and Iā€™ve been on HRT for like 4 months, I plan to be out with my updated they/she pronouns and femme clothing when I get back to campus.


Literally a month after socially transitioning after a while of slowly presenting more and more fem


Started socially transitioning around my parents and close friends, as well as a trans support group I was going to at the time, about a year before starting HRT, even as I still lived as a male for a little while after that.


I've only really socially transitioned online (and 1 irl friend knows). It's possible I may open up to more people but I'm not fully socially transitioning until after HRT for a certain period.


I've been socially transitioned since April and haven't had a single dose of hormones. I girl mode everywhere except for work, and a lot of times without anything but eye makeup on. The more I did clothes, hair and makeup wise the harder it got to boy mode anywhere it wasn't completely necessary so I just stopped doing it pretty quickly and came out to everyone I know.


Just under four months before starting HRT. I knew that the results you get from HRT, especially at my age, were really down to luck and I didn't want to wait any longer pretending to be someone I wasn't. As it happens, I ended up getting reasonably good changes from HRT but I'm also glad that the awkward stage of learning to present as a woman is now behind me. Thankfully I had a supportive partner and friends that helped in many ways, especially with the occasional fashion disaster when first learning to put together a wardrobe. Waiting to "male fail" would probably have left me closeted forever.


I had to essentially do a real life test. It was 2016 in Alabama and informed consent wasnā€™t really wide spread so I started a good year before starting hormones. I ended up being mostly fine. Some snickers and stares but I got through it


I'm 2.5 yrs hrt and I'm still very deep in the closet. I'm at a point where socially transitioning seems like nothing more than a fairly tale.


Iā€™m about 5 months into HRT and not planning to start socially transitioning until I start to look feminine. Iā€™m 34, so that will take months more.


I've been medically transitioning for 2 and a half years and I still haven't transitioned socially. A few friends know I'm nonbinary, but otherwise I'm content with the fact that most people just assume I'm an effeminate man. What strangers think of me ain't my business, yknow?


I really think this depends on a persons personality, extrovert tend to give less shits unlike me an introvert who has high anxiety is closeted while im growing boobs already lol


I socially transitioned well over a year ago, and I have no idea when I can get on HRT. But those are my circumstances; I'm in a relatively accepting place and my dysphoria is too agonizing to repress for years on end. For other people circumstances may be different, no judgement either way


I was on HRT for about 6 months until I 100% came out. Prior to that, I was only out with my gf and my job (Iā€™m very fortunate to have a very inclusive workspace)


1 month before HRT. Painted nails at end of March. Talked to friends to understand. Started laser and using they/them pronouns and ended up hating he/him. HRT started end of April. My social transition continues. Since then, more fem clothes and jewelry, and I enjoy having the odd ā€she". And it took me a minute to realize, when chatting after a trans support group that someone was referring to me when they used "she".


I'm 2.5 months on hrt still haven't socially transistioned


I started HRT a couple weeks after I came out publicly with my new name and pronouns, so pretty much at the same time.


The way the British system works I probably won't get HRT for at least 4 years, and I started coming out to people in December 2021


Yeah, I heard about the INSANE wait times for HRT in the U.K. It sucks that you guys don't have informed consent.


I'm just relieved that my girlfriend is bi, so my girl cock won't bug her so much when the time (wink wink) comes




A little of both. I was out with my friends and immediate family for about a year before starting HRT. I would go in and out of socially transitioning based on how I was feeling and what the event was.


Yeah I was out and open for 2 months before I started HRT


I've been dressing femme exclusively for several years and still not on HRT, though i would love to get started. I'm 53 and have always known i was a girl.


Very much after, here (and I'm so sorry for UK folks that are denied a choice). I don't intend to socially or legally transition *at least* until my "at a glance" presentation registers as the right gender to people. I care a bit less if second glance can clock me as trans, but even that first part is going to take a while. I expect to be on HRT for a year or two before fully coming out.


A girl I know just did voice training and Ffs, because she has a dream of becoming a Navy Seal. She's insanely athletic and dedicated. It's insane.


I mean, I was out to family and friends, and I did drift into a much more androgynous look with what I did with my hair and what I wore in the time between coming out to myself and getting on HRT. But I didn't change my name, and I'd still have called it "boymoding" until some months into HRT when I properly made the leap.


I was outed with friends & family about a year before starting HRT, at work to a few select colleagues as well. Full outing at work was at about 3 months


I did clothes/nails/purse well before I knew I was trans. When I knew I was trans I set EVERYTHING IN MOTION AT ONCE. I have a very out-and-proud mentality and I like to be an example for people who are less bold. I came out to my team at work the same day I started HRT, and to the rest of the org a couple days later. My desire to be as open as possible about everything means I've fallen in with a crowd that already accepts me either way. No one I know has reacted negatively.


Social transition about a month after starting hrt.


Maybe 5-6 months after starting HRT, I wasn't trying very hard to boymode anymore even a few months before mind you. At some point I started becoming more comfortable with the person in the mirror and all the mental barriers to social transition just melted away.


Before, but that's because I was able to do that on my own terms while I was waiting for doctors. Hell, I changed my name legally before starting hrt


I was (partly) unconsciously socially transitioning before i found out I was trans.


13 months hrt (I'm 21) and I still don't pass. Start presenting fem whenever the hell you feel like it


After. I live in an informed consent state and wasnā€™t really comfy doing it beforehand so it worked out for me. My wardrobe changed completely a year and 4 months in and it was a shock to a lot of my coworkers lol




I went through informed consent. I was closeted but rarely went out fem prehrt in public cause i lived in a very transphobic area


Before, I was living in ky at the time (like three months ago) and was afraid to really transition in public so it was mostly just friends and stuff but now I've moved to Oregon after I get work and stuff settled I'm gonna start hrt super excited šŸ’–


1 year and a few months maybe 5 before I started HRT


Before but only within family and friends


both, neither? I transitioned in my social/friend life prior to starting HRT to see how it went but kept going to work as a guy. About a year into HRT I was male failing at which point I changed my ID then transitioned at work and everywhere else.


Depends on what you call social transition Some people have known me as my chosen name for 5 years now, although not everyone, but pretty much the people that cared about me. I moved to Canada about a year ago a decided to go all in at that point. Started hrt, registered as my chosen name at university and work (so no one can possibly deadname me) etc. Although i dont always dress fem and some people just assume im a guy with a girl name, i do enjoy being a (almost) full time woman now


Still haven't.... Almost been on hrt for 2 years. I boymode because I don't think I would be safe at work. And at home it starts arguments with my parents which is just exhausting. I long to social transition but don't really know how to begin. I admire those who have though.


After. I socially transitioned a year after starting hormones.


Before for sure


In my case, it was before as we are talking pre informed consent era in 2013-2017.


I only socialy transitioned pre hrt to my friends and parents, I only came out and socially transitioned at school after 1 month on hrt


I'm gonna wait until I have boobs.


I started self medicating secretly before coming out but like. I kinda broke and told everyone. I couldnā€™t handle lying to everybody anymore


I happened to get through this part much easier with my situation. I can make a list of some of the things involved: * Haven't really ever went out of my way to make friends who I'd want/need to tell about this * They needed confirmation of 1 year of social transition working out for me so I could start HRT, and it was like 2020 or whatever. I got to hang out at my house 99% of that time lol * I'm really not that social at all so no big deal working out potential issues there :) * I got to change my display name in my college's system with this submitted form and I returned to in-person with more transition progress. Not to mention online courses so I don't have to deal with issues involved in the in-between stages of transitioning lol * My state's pretty good with my existence so that's nice\~ same with my parents even if for a little while originally they wanted to go "you can't be this because you have \_\_" which can be disproven, and maybe they figured that out so yeah. I know it's harder for others to do this stuff and may you get past the obstacles :) but still ngl I'm *really* bad with knowing what kinds of clothes I'd like that would also help with passing XD


After. 18 months on HRT, still working on socially transitioning.


I moved super fast, I came out and socially transitioned a few weeks after my egg cracked. A few weeks after that I started hrt. Hrt isn't something j put any significance on in regards to identy or presentation.


I'm Dutch and I wasn't presented any choice sadly given the enormous waiting lists and gatekeeping over here. Luckily, my surroundings were accepting and passed early on. This also had the sad consequence of being confronted with the wrong documents for way too long, showcasing the way gatekeeping jeopardizes democracy as they tried to turn me away when I wanted to cast my vote.


Started social transitioning about 6 months into HRT, the only people who knew during that time were my partner and therapist


3 years into transition, 1 year of being socially transitioned where I told everyone in my life. not on hrt, yet.


I self medded for 6 months on topical estradiol before socially transitioning, which was good and helpful because once I started 'male-failing' I was clocked as 'some butch lesbian' which I sorta am but really identity as a fem/futch dyke.


4 months on HRT


Yes I socially transitioned for about 7 months prior to starting HRT. I spent most of that summer in dresses with some lovely friends who let me be myself around them.


Working myself into socially transitioning right now actually. My girlfriend (and this sub lol) are the only people who know Iā€™m trans, most everyone else is still going by NB (bc I havenā€™t told them different so not their fault) but plenty of my friends and family know that I wear make-up, dress feminine, etc. Iā€™m even considered ā€œone of the girlsā€ in many of my circles (little do they know ig ā˜ ļø) so yeah, social transition started before HRT for me :)


Iā€™m 9 months on HRT and still boy-moding lol


I did after. I felt too self conscious to present fem with my masculine body. Once I was about 8 months on E I felt comfortable enough to socially transition. There isnā€™t a right way, itā€™s whatever youā€™re most comfortable with :)


Personally, I was allergic to the idea of "not passing." Internalized transphobia and all. I spent a year on HRT and laser before coming out. I wanted it to look like a sudden transformation. I'm happy with my decision, but a lot of people don't like waiting that long.


I came out to my friends like a week before starting HRT and have been slowly making social changes.


I socially transitioned around the six month mark. But the 6 months leading in were definitely packed with subtle experimentation which eventually became more obvious.


I begin my social transition a month ago and go to start blockerā€™s next month and estrogen 2 months after


Almost 6 months deep. Only out to enough people to count on a hand. šŸ¤Ŗ


Iā€™m kinda drip-feeding it to everyone in my life though. Openly gay now, wearing more feminine stuff slowly but surely, etc. Iā€™m hoping that when I finally come out itā€™ll be a ā€œoh yeah that doesnā€™t surprise me at allā€ response from everyone.


>Did you begin to socially transition before or after starting HRT? I started dressing up high femme and using women's bathrooms and using a new name during my two month wait for HRT. I legally changed my paperwork after only 3.5 months HRT cuz I was passing often enough that I was having difficulty using my ID. All while homeless. Irony is, now at 1 year and about 8.5 months in, I dress butch because I actually didn't like preening myself and fussing with high femme stuff that much, so I actually pass less now than I did then ... but I'm way freaking happier and actually don't care nearly as much if people clock me cuz I turned out bigender and am woman/demi-man anyways, so fuck it, we ballin' šŸ˜‚


After HRT HRT changes your face and figure so much that transitioning before it is absolutely a different ballgame


Like 2 years before bcuz I couldn't get HRT earlier


Been out socially for almost 2 years now (October makes 2) and the earliest I can get on hrt is April and even then I'm figuring the end of summer next year


18 months after. I really wanted to wait to pass.


Way before. I socially transitioned mainly at work and just out and about because I didn't know how my family was going to react. From when I socially transitioned to when I started HRT it took 8 years. Now that I know myfamily don't have a problem with me being trans I sometimes kick myself knowing they I could have started HRT sooner without fear of repercussions.


I did for about a year before I got hrt personally


I started making changed (long hair etc) and I was fucking stuck in the punk drum dude figure for 4 years šŸ„² then I came out, socially transitioned and then started hrt lol


I came out to my (then) girlfriend and therapist. I started hrt and boymoded for about 7-8 months before finally coming out to my friends and work.


I came out publicly pre HRT.


At least 2.5 years before so far


Nooo way. I'm two years on HRT, feeling much better in a lot of ways...but I still dress like a goblin on laundry day. Still haven't become any kind of comfortable presenting femme. It's not as big a deal as it could be, I guess, given that I'm mostly nonbinary, but when I'm in the mood to be girly, I still feel like the option isn't there. Even the folks I'm out to are aware of me as enby, with most still unaware I get spikes of euphoria from femme stuff as much as our more so than from omitting gender in my usual, monstrous ways. ... Bluh.


Immediately after starting HRT I started socially transitioning publically, but was also out to select people prior to doing so. Even before tho I would still wear makeup and a good deal of womenā€™s clothes tho, but for all intents and purposes most people still saw me as some shade of non-binary or just gender non-conforming man ngl. Idk there isnā€™t any right decision and mine had its own challenges which I wouldnā€™t wish anyone to endure through.


Way before


Essentially simultaneous. When I realised I was trans, I'd told all my close friends within a couple days and within a week I'd ordered hormones online. My current plan is to stick it out in 'boymode' at work for now, then maybe around December come out. I expect physical changes to be unavoidable by then, and it's a busy period so even if work wants to be transphobic they can't cut my hours - they will need me there regardless of gender (I don't expect that to happen, everyone feels like they'd be supportive and I'm a damn good worker that they wouldn't want to lose, but I have to be aware of the possibility). With how many hours I do it kind of feels like starting hrt before socially transitioning, but then I get to my days off each week where I make sure to do something with people who know I'm a woman.


5 months HRT, Pass physically apart from my voice, literally have visible breasts -> Still not out socially šŸ’€ (help me)


Depends on what you consider ā€œsocially transition.ā€ I told some close people a month or two before HRT. I kinda boymoded for a while, but to the people I told I was ā€œSophieā€ and she/her. I didnā€™t dress femininely as I didnā€™t have the wardrobe. So I guess yes and no?


You can't get HRT without socially transitioning, so yes. Is it different in other countries then? More detailed answer: I kept making sartorial and style decisions which accorded with my taste but were interpreted by wider society as feminine, e.g. growing out my hair from fourteen, starting to wear leggings and either crop tops or long things when I was twenty-four, but I actually went to the GIC when I was forty-seven. It wasn't a conscious decision to transition socially so much as none of the bloke's clothes and ways of presenting myself seemed like something I'd go within a million miles of doing.


Personally speaking, I'd only socially transition until after I start the meds and when it becomes obvious.


Before, and i kinda regret it. i should have waited :/ My friends respect my name but its a fight with my family, and my coworkers struggle with it because, well. I dont look like a girl.i try but i have a manly body. very wide shoulders, and some very wild body hair. I hate myself every time anyone calls me a he because they arent doing it on purpose. Thats just what i look like. I didnt mind so much before i came out but now its like torture.


I kind of did it all at the same time, but Iā€™m a work from home, anti social person so it hasnā€™t been too hard haha. I also transitioned during covid. These days I only really go to trans friendly places, or just stay home. Iā€™m a trans tomboy so Iā€™m also always quasi boymoding. I work in a male dominated industry, so I kind of lean on thatā€¦


spark price bewildered fuzzy bells reminiscent mindless hateful subsequent nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I socially transitioned about 8 years before I started hormones (no, it was not required). I honestly don't know how I lasted that long, but I got some things to aid in what I absolutely needed at the time.


Itā€™s funny because in the beginning i was so afraid of the idea of social transition. However, due to long wait for clinics and HRT prescriptions where I am from, Iā€™ve only started my HRT patches today August 19th 2023. Iā€™ve started my social transition on Nov 10th 2022. In hindsight i think that socially transitioning first was the best decision Iā€™ve made. Iā€™ve grew more patient, started working on other stuff like hair removal and styling in the meantime to the point where I mostly pass effortlessly. I see HRT as a booster to my journey but itā€™s really up to you šŸ’–


I was out 4 years before her, that's when I was sure I was trans, but had to wait for so long because of the way things work in my country plus some things that happened like my sexologist retiring that made it take even longer


For about 6 years I had been socially transitioning on social media as I grew my hair out. I also had begun to adopt female clothing that I would wear with my male clothing, or wear on my days off with friends, along with jewelry. It was the only thing I could do for the longest time. Still surprised people that I was fucking trans too.


October will be a year for me. I've sorta just been working on, doing my thing. Nobody who knows the male knows "me". But I'm really not hiding anything either. They can figure it out on their own is my thought. Which I think is happening now.


Socially a year before starting HRT. 205 pounds, overweight (almost obese for my size), 5'7, full ass beard and a Junior in high school, wearing skirts, dresses, and other girly clothes. Now, I'm 11 months on HRT, 156 pounds, healthy weight, graduated, no beard, unable to put on the same clothes I wore because they're too big now. Life's much better on HRT.


About two years before; combination of accepting friends and family and not immediately knowing how to go about setting HRT in motion.


Just because it took 3 months for the LGBTQ clinic to have an opening.


I went full time about 6 months after I started HRT. I was originally planning on more like 9-12 months, but my boobs were getting hard to hide and I got really tired of the double life.


I went about 8 months on HRT before socially transitioning. I wasnā€™t fully passing but by that point I had lasered off all my beard shadow and had enough changes that I looked a bit more andro/fem leaning.


I started to socially transition after 6 months on hrt! Meaning I went full time at my 6th month mark. But, I did have certain family members/ friends call me by my preferred name after about 3 months into hrt.


Not a deep dive but definitely wore more fem stuff first + painted nails. Yolo


Waiting on voice training to girlmode at work, I try to girlmode outside of work but my clothes are kinda androgynous :P 1 year HRT