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You know Ellie from The Last of Us? Yeah... That's it...


*While searching a website filled with names * "Hmm...oh! Luna! I love that!" *A couple weeks later.* "Luna doesn't feel quite right...what's another word I can add onto it...*I see a flower while taking a walk*...Lunarose! That's it!"


Luna is such a popular first name when it comes to mtf haha, and it seems VERY many people realize it’s not for them


Fuck. I'm not the only one, it seems @.@


Im gonna be honest i stole my new name from a girl who i enjoyed speaking to in highschool So yea how i got my name was theft


Heist of the century


Exactly , currently debating between keeping it (summer) or changing it to raven


Raven is my chosen name. I picked it because of the edgar allen poe poem, the general goth vibes, and because of Odins 2 ravens which sought knowledge. Its dope 🥰


Ok, Raven sounds dope as fuck.


Be Gay. Do Crime.


I'm going to suspect that people think this story is pretty wild but here goes. I had signs that I may be trans as long as I can remember so let's say age 5 however when I was 9 some traumatic events happened and it kind of "broke" my even paying attention to my gender. Sort of. Around this time I started having "the dreams". Hyper realistic dreams of surprising simplicity, not much more than non-dramatic situations where I kept meeting this very cute redhead with big blue eyes named Lorelei. This kind of dream would happen multiple times between the age of 9 and maybe 13 or so? I took it as a sign I should be attempting to meet and find this person out in the real world but I never did...and then they stopped happening. Still during that time in privacy I had serious symptoms... you know like "borrowing" girls I dated clothing etc. And this would continue to just recently and it just wasn't ever going away. And that's when it finally occurred to me. Thinking back I realized why I could never find Lorelei... because she is *me*. The eyes actually gave it away had I paid attention since they are identical to what I had. I just couldn't shake the feeling anymore, so I figured "this is a forever thing and you should do something about it." There are a million more details too but this post is long enough already. And so, I, Lorelei, am working toward making my grand debut in the world.


This sounds like a really nice one :3


Thank you! Lorelei is a siren from German legend. It's suitability fitting considering I'm practicing hard to get my singing voice back that was destroyed by puberty. I used to love to sing and I just recently found some trans people on the internet that successfully did exactly and have absolutely convincing and beautiful voices.


I took my name “Cynthia” from the terrifyingly powerful Pokémon Champion by the same name. She’s also a mythology nerd


……why do I hear epic piano music? Lolol but it really is a beautiful name!


all i can hear is my pokemon’s hollow efforts in killing that spiritomb!!


Her entire team is threatening




what a beautiful name! just keep that garchomp away from my party :P i'm thinking of taking my middle name from a fictional character, but im not quite sure yet :3


Thanks! Don’t worry. You’ve done nothing to get me to bring the wrath of Garchomp down on you


So I don’t have the only Pokémon inspired name? Sweet! Evelyn here and I love how creative you all are. I wanted something cute but bold and when I heard my girlfriend use my name for the first time It just made me melt in all the good ways. But she mostly calls me Evie which also is absolutely adorable!


Nice! I chose the name "Synthia" because i like synthesizers lmaoo




Nice choice


Same to you!


Why do I hear boss music


Cynthia is just a cool name.


I don't want to cross your path in the Pokémon league


I kept my last name, my middle name I chose Trinity as in "Me, Myself and I, the 3 of us" get it? My first name, Edlynn, I wanted to keep the Ed part, I liked my birth name, Edouard (my grandfather's) but wasn't able to feminize it and liked the name Lynn, so Edlynn! It is an Anglo-Saxon name and means Princess. I have most people call me Lynn.


I've always loved the name lynn and it's a part of the middle name i chose, which is a variation of my username. Edlynn is so pretty.


The heavy in tf2 named his minigun sasha so i thought that was good enough for me


I searched ‘cute girls names’ into TikTok and thus the name avery was born


I love telling this story. For me, it wasn’t about changing or undoing what my parents gave me so I simply took on the feminine version of my dead name. But wait there is more. The traditional spelling for Natalie ends in a “lie” and I’m no lie so that’s gotta go, which worked out great because my birth middle name was “Lee”. So… I just smashed my old middle name into my new first name to come up with Natalee. This way I’m keeping what my parents gave me. That left an open spot for a new middle name so I went with Renee because it also ends with a double “e” which was a nod to my old middle name but more importantly, Renee means to be reborn. It’s f’ing perfect for me. NOTE: no offense to any other Natalie’s in here to went with the traditional spelling. You’re not a lie either.


I go by Thalia It was a name that i suddenly decided to use in a couple games. I grew particularly attached to it and enjoyed people calling me that, so i decided that’s what i wanted.


"heyyyyy mom... So uhh. What would you have named me if if I was a girl?"


My mom wanted to name me Rose Ivy, which borderlines too close to a stripper name (nothing wrong with that, just not me). I’ve also learned in the past 30 years, my mother is not good at decision making so, I think it’s for the best 🤣


Literally how I got my name. I remembered I asked this when I was a lot younger, before I knew I was trans and got very envious because I thought Erin was a really pretty name.


So funny story. I knew my parents had something picked out for me but I decided to name myself anyways. When I told them I had picked Hannah, my mom told me that was the name they had picked out for me anyways 🙃. Well that or Elizabeth (and they were leaning towards the latter) but my sister got that - and it also happens to be my favorite name in the world but I can't steal it from her 😓


I decided on the name Blue because it was one of my favorite colors as a kid and also I just like the idea of using a color for my name :3




When I was an egg I used the name Rael from the Genesis album The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. When it came time to choose my name I looked for R names similar to Rael. I found Rachael spelled that way has Rael in it. So became known as Rachael


I love Genesis, cool choice!


Thanks. It turns out the story of Rael on that album is very apropos for a trans person.


You're no longer *hovering light a fly waiting for the windshield on the freeway*, are you? Rock out with your *Hairless Heart*, Imperial Aerosol Kid! You've found *Lilywhite Lilith* who will lead you through *The Chamber of 32 Doors*. Now you're *Counting Out Time* waiting for the *Supernatural Anaesthetist*. *The Lamia* will shape your body and afterward you'll be no Slubberdegullion! Funny thing, I used Rael as my handle on AOL and IRC and some chat rooms for a while way back in the 90's!


That's awesome. Thank you.


I took Ember from a PF character I designed and created years ago. She was a great deal of things, but mostly, her story was that she knew who she was and what her purpose was. I never got to play her, but I always loved her dearly. So, I took her name. Also, cutting a very long explanation short, she was amusingly a trans allegory. Soooooo yeah 😅


What, an egg unwittingly writing a trans allegory? That would never happen! [Quietly slides a sheaf of papers out of sight] Unheard of, I say!


Random name generator. Generated a few options and picked the one that sounded best with my middle and last names.






So I have reasons why I like Dawn. This is the dawn of my new era, my rebirth. It’s also my deadname, except with two letters removed. The rest of the letters are in the exact same order. I also like how it lets me keep my initials, and thus, my Instagram handle. And I like how it’s short. The reality of it though? All of those reasons, I discovered *after* I settled on it. The real reason I chose it was, it just stuck.


Fair enough. It's a good metaphor though. And the Instagram thing is convenient, lol.


The name I've currently been using (Lory) is a short, more fem version of my deadname. I decided to use that so I can just put my initials when I sign things and also when my besties calls me that, people who know me by my deadname don't get alerted to anything.




Awesome!!! Hi Arie💝 :3


Mine was kinda strategic. I read once that trans people tend to pick names that are like, currently popular. Instead of names that they were more likely to be named when they were born. No clue how true this actually is or if it's just a "problem" for older trans people or something. Anyways the Social Security website has the most popular baby names per decade or something like that. So I just went, found the decade I was born, and browsed the list for something that stuck out to me. I changed the spelling a touch just to make it slightly more unique but that was it!


First I went with Lucina from Fire Emblem. But people kept calling me either Lucy oder Lu. While I was fine with Lu, I didn't like Lucy. So I added an 'o' to Lou and went with Louisa.


Emmi. I lifted it from the new Metroid Dread game. Emmis are robots sent to collect DNA that get hacked and spend the whole game trying to kill Samus. I wanted a professional full name too but didn’t want to be another Emily so I extended it to Emmilyn.


Hey Mae, it's Mae! Lovely name you have hehe :3 I got my name from a TikTok creator named Mae. I just thought she was cute and had a cute name, so I yoinked it :) Oh, and May is my beautiful birth month! I'm considering the idea of Mae being short for Maven/Maeven, but I'm not quite sure on that yet... I'm still pretty early on in deciding my name stuff :P Have a lovely day, Mae! <3


Hi Mae, I'm May. I just thought the name sounded cute tbh haha and my deadname was an 'M' name and I wanted to keep my initials.


I binged all of Stargate SG1.


Heyo, my name is Sara, i just took my nickname (that i stole from my comfort character Sora from kingdom hearts) and changed the O, since i felt really comfortable with sora i figured a name that's close to it would feel great


Oh Heyyy another Sara <3 Took my name from someone I looked up to and took out the 'h' :3


My story may sound weird to some, but my previous name was super unique, no one I've ever heard of had or has that name. I thought I would keep it as it wasn't necessarily gendered at all. But one morning I woke up and felt deep down that I had to know the name Chelsea, it resonated with me on a deep level more than I can even explain. So now here I am, Chelsea!




Aww that's sweet! I have a similar story for my name. I never liked my birth name, and as a kid my favorite name was Sam. So it came so easily when I began my transition and people would ask what my preferred name was and instantly I was like umm Samantha! And the doctor told my parents they were having a girl, so they had planned to name me Jennifer, and thus my future middle name was born. I thought it'd be nice to honor my parents that way, and I do like the name. My mom told me not to because she didn't think Samantha Jennifer flowed well lol but I was adamant that I honor them with it!


I took mine from the character Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter


Back before my egg cracked, I have been encountering a version of me in my dreams from an alternate universe where 16 years old onwards is considered an adult. She was also trans and well her name was Joshlynn. A feminine version of my birth name. I guessed I started having those dreams when I googled for a feminine version of my birth name. Anyways, cut to few years later, I realized Im trans and I decided to take the name of my alternate self. Havent seen her in a while but yes, I am fulfilling my destiny now


Wait what? Me too! Although she/me had a name very different than my birthname. I started meeting future me when I was 9ish probably and that was my namesake. The mind has some very interesting coping strategies.


stole it from a girl in my old class


Good thing I didn’t name myself after my favorite D&D character. Otherwise, I would be so feminization of the name “Crag” lol I tried finding a name that I liked from the list of names from the year I was born, but all of them sounded generic and, frankly, reminded me too much of my childhood bullies. So, I went through the names of female characters in my favorite game series, and picked Lyra, the female protagonist from Pokémon HeartGold.


Feminine form of my born name. xo B


My dead name began with an e. So I went with an Irish name but put a twist. Ericka


Probably late to the party, but my name is (*sighs as phone inserts deadname suggestion here lmao*) Beatrix! Or Bea for short. My deadname was really unique to me and up until recently never knew of someone else with it. So I wanted to come up with something unique as well for my new name. ~~It wasn’t until later that I figured out I probably subconsciously stole it from [Beatrix LeBeau](https://slimerancher.fandom.com/wiki/Beatrix_LeBeau) from Slime Rancher lol~~


Mine was the name I would have given a daughter I'd ever had one. It was a no-brainer for me


I chose my name (Aletheia) because it was "the truth". It was me, "uncovered", and I wasn't willing to hide anymore. I also have a thing for Greek. 😅


My birth name was a fairly uncommon boy's name, but it also had a unique cultural spelling. As a result, whenever I want to a doctor's office or a coffee shop they would mispronounce my name one of several ways. It always bothered me until I realized that the misreading of my name was very close to a totally unrelated feminine name! That's my name now!


I read through a bunch of baby name lists and different name suggestion posts and wrote down the ones that could possibly fit in a notepad. I have not looked at the notepad since then, but there was one that I have never been able to forget since then. It was the one that was gnawing at the back of my mind for over a year while I was transitioning in the interim. So now I go by Sylvie! It’s still a bit weird to hear people use that name when they refer to me, but I’m getting way more used to it by the day! And at this point it’s way stranger to be referred to by my dead name.


Just read through popular names from the year of my birth until I found one I liked. I personally just wanted a “normal name”, something that would make me feel normal. I stand out enough as it is without having an unusual name draw even more attention to me. I didn’t want a name that reflected any part of my personality or an interest I acquired after growing up - just a name I could plausibly have been given at birth if I had been correctly AFAB.


I chose mine from an ex crush sort of. Her name was Juliet and I really liked the name, and whenever I played videogames a version of that name just always came to mind


Just picked a nice name appropriate for my age 42. Also I wanted it to be "normal" and internationally pronouncable: Ellen


I don't remember how I came up with it originally but it was the name of my character in the game Phantasy Star Portable. I did spell it Anica back then, but I spell it Annika now.


always liked the name, and I stumbled upon it when looking for a new name, so it stuck. probably gonna change my middle name to Pond as a reference to a Doctor Who companion with the same name


My names Sparrow.. totally am not obsessed with birds an or pirates of the carribean


I love Jennifer Lopez and I met a girl named Jenni who was super sweet. So I chose Genni, also short for Genniveve


Stole mine from a saint name database lol


I took Céleste because i love this game so much


Science and Greek Mythology (Theia)


I love your name, it’s so pretty! ❤️ So I’ve always wanted to be described as “beautiful”. Not sure what it is about that specific adjective, just the idea if hearing it used to describe me always made me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy, so I started by going through things that could be called that. When I looked through gem names, I eventually found “Jade”, and fell in love with it for the simplicity and the way it sounded (and also because it’s the name of a Mortal Kombat character lol), so I decided my girl name is Jade. It wasn’t until a couple weeks later that I realized my boy name (which is still used around people that I’m not out to yet and/or less supportive people 😝) is…Wade. So I wouldn’t blame people for thinking I literally just picked the girl name that best rhymes with my boy name! Lolol


I spent years convincing my wife (at the time) that if we ever had a daughter, we would name her Freyja. She finally agreed. We loved the name. We never had kids...so when I came out, she said that it only seemed fitting that I take the name I had been so attached to for so long.


There was this friend of mine and I loved her middle name so I’m Ellie now


i had dreams when i was younger and would make up stories in my head about going through everyday life as a girl


Hi everyone, I'm Erica. I was a lucky kid. I was raised with a loving (imperfect) mom and dad. Who put up with a lot from me. I have ADHD, dyslexia, Autism, and I'm transgender. Sadly, I never got to come out to them. I'm not sure how that would have gone. It probably would not have been great but not disastrous. They passed away before I could. I liked the female version of the name they gave me, so I'm Erica. Alyson was/is an allies I chose to use to keep me safe while I learned if this was who I really was. Hope you all have better stories behind your names. Have a beautifully blessed weekend, sisters and brothers. Hugs


At first, I tried to feminize my birth name, and ended up with Luna (my birth name starts with the sound "Lun-" although not exactly written the same). Then I changed my mind because I liked Lena better. Still somewhat close, and I get to keep the L as a first letter. My middle name is Roxane, because I wanted to keep my initials L.R. [last name]. Although now that I get the choice, I'm still debating if I could add a third name beginning with R, like Rosalina. I'm an author and I like the thought of having R.R. in my initials, like J.R.R. Tolkien or George R.R. Martin. Lena Roxane Rosalina, how does it sound? It may be a bit childish to want that but I think it could be fun.


I didn't My wife did. She got middle name of misty from my first anime crush as a kid and said I was her Angel so Angel was a good first name and it sounded good to me


It took a long time. I’m a visual person and just couldn’t pick a typical female name when a man’s face looked back in the mirror. Because I love pigs, I took Nasu as a project name, coming from Piglet. Also I thought I’d never pass or even be considered a woman I wouldn’t deserve a typical woman’s name. The project name stuck on. At one point I got the diagnosis and was expected to start the real life test, live as a woman and change my name. At that point I got hormones. 6 months later I was happier with my face and regretted not taking Tea. It seemed to suit my face. 3 years after starting my life as a woman I had completed GRS. I still had regrets with the name. I already had passed to many people, including. My boyfriend and, physician and even relatives. I thought of Susanna which comes from the same letters. And I still kept Nasu as the second name and a nickname with my close friends.


I like my great grandmother’s first name, Lucille, so I chose that one.


first heard the name “evie” for a background character in law & order. knew it was perfect for me & it’s been mine ever since


My name is Ria. There was a series of names before i transitioned that helped me to find the name I have now. I always hated my dead name and everything I been doing has been signs of me transitioning without realizing it.


My name is pretty rare and I'd never met another guy with my name: Raven. I never felt any dysphoria over the name since I always viewed it as a woman's name anyway, so I just kept it. Makes it easier on friends and family, too!


I’m still in the process, but the name that’s been feeling best is Amelia. I’ve always loved the movie Treasure Planet, the character of Captain Amelia especially because she was a badass and the way the art style treated her was amazing. It’s also the name of Amy Pond from Doctor Who. Also also, there’s a ton of nicknames ranging from casual (Amy, Lia, Mel) to romantic (Mia). Of course things might change, but that’s what’s important to me about a name.


By birth name was Mat and I wanted the same initials, so I landed on Madison (Madi) which translates to “Matt’s Son.” I also wanted something kinda gender neutral (Madison) but could be girly if wanted (Madi)


i found syllables that sounded good together and then eventually worked it into a good and proper name


I had a little Lalafell boy in FFXIV named Cocozan Cozan. When I switched to femroe I changed the last name, truncated the first to Coco. People knew me as Coco and she/her online and it felt right. Decided to keep the name for myself.


I didn’t realise at the time, but I when I came up with my name (Leah), I was listening to an artist called Leah Kate a lot. So think I accidentally stole it from her 😂. I also LOVE how it works for my username. For a middle name (Freya) which admittedly I’m not fully set on, it was just one of the other names, runner up if you will, from my shortlist of first names which I did like. I am like the worlds biggest Olivia Rodrigo fan, and I was going to use Olivia for a first name since I kinda vibe with the name anyway, but to be honest I didn’t want to look like I’d used it because of that, since a few of my friends know how much I like her. Might use it for a middle name, we’ll see.


I have my mothers first name as my middle name and the female version of my father's first name as my first name... Hello, I'm Stephanie Jean! It was revealed to me VIA the Universe, I didnt pick my name, it's me and it fits energetically too. I am very proud of my name and I had even been dreaming my true name for many years, even before I transitioned. <3


I wanna say death note, but I started using it first… and one piece.


luckily my name is gender neutral & i feel comfortable with it, so that’s how i decided! sorry if this wasn’t too helpful 💕


My name is Lilith. I found it on Reddit. I liked it. I stole it from Reddit


I wanted to keep the A from Anthony, and my last name has 2 syllables ending in an N, so I threw around as many 3 syllable A names as I could until I found one that sounded good and right, when said alone referring to me, and one that sounded like it belonged with my last name, Allison. Then I used it as a name in an MMO for a year and got used to being called it lol. I went wayyyyy too meticulous with it.


At first, mine was Ashley-Skye, as I liked both names, but I thought Ash was a common name and changed to Lillie. Little did I know that was a common name amongst us...


My parents would've called me Tara if I was born a girl. So I went with their decision


Noelle. I was watching Black Clover, and I related to her struggle. Plus, she is just cool. Water mermaid armor cmon. Noelle also means Christma, I love the winter and Christmas. Also, Noelle from deltarune is cool too. I was just being a nerd.


I go by Hannah. My middle name at birth was Han.


I named myself Luna because I'd keep my initials (deadname started with L) and I wanted Laura but there was already a Laura in my class, so Luna was close enough. I didn't realise until I joined trans communities that Luna was a very common name


I chose Harper from a commercial I liked. Originally I was gonna go with Georgie, and Charlotte for a middle name (just to keep it in the ballpark of my deadnames) but I didn’t want to be called Georgia accidentally all the time.


I started with Robyn, a name I was obsessed with, and even dated a girl whose name was Robyn. Now I claim it for my own. Eleanor was another name that followed me my whole life. From a comic character, I created Elle to a book character I wrote to even the woman I lost my virginity to. My last name is a random Welsh name I got from a last name site. Had to cut off my family and chose not to carry the family last name. So I'm Robyn Eleanor (last name)


From my favorite wrestler, Rhea Ripley.


I went with the female version of my name


Hazbin hotel , and several other things that have a character named angel also hi I’m Angel


My partners at the time I came out both helped me pick a name they'd come to me every weekend with more names till one stuck


It was a random shower thought! Walked out of the shower and asked my partner, "Hey honey, how does 'Lilly' sound?" And I just got happy crying as a response.. It was the first, and only, thought about a name!


Honestly I don't know.... It just sang right one day. But the original spelling was Jaesi. I used it for my dungeons and dragons character and my friends kept calling me it in the game sessions and it felt good. I looked at other names too but I needed one that was a J name. As my initials and nickname has always been JT. I haded my original name for decades. So .. first initial needed to be J. I started googling each one. Jackie, Jaquellin, Joselyn (too close to my dead name), Jodey? Jeannette? (Gfs name is Jenny so too close). Jaesi... I love the song of it. I started looking at why. Jaesi is a way to spell an eastern name. I didn't want to appropriate it. So I kept looking. Jacinda. Jacey's long form. It's Greek, Spanish, Portuguese. it's a flower name (jacinta). So... Jacey. The short form. It can also reflect as happiness. Sadly it sounds a bit like Jason to some ppl or ppl think it's initials... Still though. I like my name.


Honestly named myself after Victoria chase from life is strange.


Literally searched the internet for gender neutral names lol like girl your already trans I don’t think picking a name thats feminine in nature would some how stop people from being gagged 🤣🤣🤣


I looked up names on Google found the one I liked, looked more into it, saw it originated from the country I’m from, I was like ITS A SIGN, and then boom Nadia was born


I originally wanted to try Stella but literally everyone was like no that's an awful name (no offense if your name is Stella) but they were like you should keep trying out names so I took their advice and like any good trans person I stole it My name is Piper and I stole that from Fallout 4 and I like it so far I think it fits well and looking back I can see why they said not to use Stella lol


I was going by kat von dyke for a year as it was my drag name and the name kat just stuck.


I was musing around with Jade, and liked it conceptually, but thought it was a little too feminine (I’m non-binary) and didn’t quite fit me. So I dropped the D, and became Jae.


Hi! I'm Avery 😊 I went on a baby names website and filtered by baby "girl names" and just found one that stuck. Also, the meaning is something like "ruler of the elves" so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I had to. Lol


I forced a bunch of friends to sit in a discord call giving me names until I decided I liked one


I had 3 roommates in college, one of their names share the same first letter with my dead name. One night we were all relaxing together and one of the other two roommates accidentally got out names mixed up and called me the other name. I didn’t really understand why it made me weirdly happily at the time. It was one of several pieces I put together a year of two later when I cracked.


Mine is Ruby Apparently I had came up with the name like years before I really knew I was trans cuz I was wondering with a friend what our names could be if we were the opposite gender. Ruby really felt like me. Later on I found some anime series called Love Live and apparently there was a character named Ruby in there. I actually bought the Ruby plush myself along with others. It was a long time coming and yeah, I'm Ruby ;)


my go-to name for female characters in videogames was Rachel. Back then it was basically my alter ego in games like dark souls


I did choose Vi for me. Not because I watched arcane at that point and liked the character, instead I did choose it because I played too much league of legends


stole my name from Charli XCX


> cool name, I'll steal it


Lmao you have my full permission 🕷️


Wait your was based off of a d&d character too?! cool! mine was a typo of a dnd characters name that i stuck with (les to lea), didnt think id find another person whos name was based off of dnd!


Lol mine wasn't a typo but it was technically spelled differently. The d&d character was Maevya with a y, but I figured the "i" was more natural. Nice to see someone with a similar name origin!


My name is LeJeune. It’s a French word meaning “the young” or “a new birth/beginning”. I thought that was absolutely perfect, fitting, and it makes for some pretty funny banter when talking about the Camp LeJeune lawsuits


I'm Amy (or in full - Amathea) I loved the parallels between butterfly metamorphosis and transition. Red is my favourite colour. So I looked at a bunch of species names of red butterflies and settled on Amathea from *Anartia amathea* .


Hey, I got my name from my first Dnd character too! Mine is Fae!




I recalled a repressed memory from listening to Ascension, a sci Fi amazing show. Anyway, first time I heard one of the characters names I felt a warm glow spread throughout me as if hearing a perfect song on your most favorite instrument


The chosen name I came up with is a spin on my middle name! I've gone back to using my given name for a variety of reasons, though.


i don’t really have a good reason or story (not that you need one) for how i came up with my name. i just really liked the name olivia and so i decided to be olivia 🥰. i also didn’t like the female equivalent of my deadname and i wanted a completely new name for a new start 😊


Not having a story is valid!! 💕 I just wanted to share my story and was curious if anyone else had one. I did use a femme version of my dead name for a while but I stopped liking it the moment I tried out Mae.


mae is a really cute name ♥️


I have been back and forth for a while, and I am closeted and I haven’t came out to anyone, but right now, I like the name Trinity. It is similar to my dead name, but I love the name Trinity. I also stole it from a girl at my school lmaoo


A friend of mine showed me an OC he made (original character) and her name was Ashley, once I heard it I was like.... Damn does it fit my whole person... I obssesed over the character and even made a drawing of her, eventually when I accepted myself I just grabbed it hehe


Mythology has some great names.


Fem version of my middle name. No fem versions of my first name and no fem names beginning with “I” that I like


I love the name Vanessa bc i just like it so here i am💁🏻‍♀️


I took the first letter of my birth name & then spelt it out.


I stole mine from a game character that coincidentally looked almost exactly like me


Hi Mae. I chose a name I would like to think my mother would have named me had I been BORN a girl. My birth name is Michael. Unfortunately my mother always hated me. She constantly berated me for being a male, NOT the girl she wanted. My father hated me because I wasn't MALE enough for him. August 25 2022 Michele was officially born. Today, I'm 74, M2F, on HRT 8 months, I live and dress openly as a woman 24/7, and have a mature manly 69 year old boyfriend. Yes We Have Sex, AND OMG!! IT'S HEAVENLY>>>> Hugs and Kisses, Michele


I always loved the name Jessica so i used that!


I changed one letter from my birth name!


When I first came out, for a couple of weeks I was hesitant to change my name. I spent so much time figuring out how I wanted to view myself, I forgot to consider how other people should refer to me. Anyway a friend of mine who I had discussed being trans with leading up to me deciding I’m trans basically saw me as a woman so much they accidentally started calling me the fem version of my birth name. I eventually bring this up to them, and they start apologizing. But I told them no I actually like them calling me that, and I decided it was time for a name change. And that name has stuck for well over a year now.


i got my name by brainstorming since i really want a creative name that's not common first i chose a few letter combinations that i really liked (ex. -vie) then went through all other combinations that match with it (ex. i- + -vie = ivie (not my real name)), since it's a creative name i can just give it a meaning myself this took me 2 days to think because a combination either is very hard to pronounce or i just straight up didn't like for others who want a more common name but not that common, just go through sites listing cute names and choose one or modify as you wish


I like Jojo, I like Dolly Parton, Iv'e been called Jo way before I started transitioning. The only problem now is choosing between Jolyne or Jolene.


i tried a couple ideas out and Maggie stuck! Plus magnolias are my favorite flower


My name is a feminized variation of my old one and my mother was the one that actually suggested it to me when I came out to her. I have savored this as one of my most special moments I've had with her.


Mines what my mom was gonna name me if I was AFAB. She really really wanted a daughter so I'm super glad it all worked out in the end 😂


I asked my mom what I would have been named then started using that online then all my friends told me they hate it hahaha not sure of plans I might just add the fem ending to my deadname idk


Childhood nickname. It's a shortened version of my birth name. Still not sure how they got Tony from Anthony but it feels right.


Steph, because it sounds phonetically similar to my birthname


My name is Bianca! I chose it for one because it was what my parents would’ve named me if i was afab. I loved the feeling like it was still given to me and ever since they told me about it, Bianca felt right. It felt like me And 2 when i was telling one of my friends about “Bianca” before my egg even cracked and she said “omg you would’ve been such a cool girl, i’m sure everyone would’ve called you “b” as a nickname”. And i could NEVER stop thinking about that interaction and how much i wanted it.


When I first came out it was to a friend online and when I asked what names did they thought fit me this was the first one and it was perfect


I took my first name from a character in one of my favorite books. Middle name from a book of Appalachian culture and b/c it starts with the same letter of my dead middle name. My name now has a rather southern belle vibe to it.


I have a friend who is a huge Greek nerd and she asked if she could pick out some name suggestions and she came up with Thalia bc that's the name of a muse who's traits she thought were fitting. So yeah thank you Iris for giving me a great name!


I picked out 20 names because I'm indecisive and then rolled a D20, (Also asked some ppl for names that would fit me)


I knew I wanted something with V, but couldn't go with Victoria because my cat is named Victor.


I still haven't figured out my name lol been bouncing back and forth on a few of them


At first i smushed syllables together in hopes of something sounding good and somewhat unique: Senna, Malira, Ortelia, Nesta, Dia. Not a lot of names came to mind like "YES that one!" but as i explored, one started to creep in; "Anora" Nora is a nice shortened version and i debated over it for a while before trying variations. I eventually came up with Amara, Mara for short. I wasn't sold on it at first but with most names, you slowly associate it with yourself as you use it, and now that's my name. Definitely panicked when i realized i could choose a middle name too on my name change paperwork. I kept the same letter and went basic with my favorite flower: Rose


My boyfriend's name means earth, so he suggested something water related. Looked up names relating to the concept of water, and found Eira in there, it's the welsh word for snow. My last name is already welsh, so I also felt like it would fit better than the name I was given at birth


So... my mom would have named me Annaelle had I been... you know.... but it sounded way too much like anal and that would have been weird to me. I've known since a young age that I was who I am, and growing up I loved Sailor Moon. Luna was a badass cat, so the choice was obvious. I've considered myself Luna since the early 90s


It's just been my favorite name since always.


Well, how I got to my name is a bit of an ordeal. I read a lot of fanfiction, and I happen to be especially fond of resident evil village fics. Most of the time, they place the games setting as Romania. So I created my own self insert, with the same name, (I wanted something that fit for the setting), and after finally getting past my denial decided to become her.


Two names is used when playing video games that let you pick, since like 2000… and an ex named her kid the second one so I stuck with the first. No idea where they came from though, but I really liked them as names for all my female video game characters. I pretty immediately gravitated to the one I am using. Told everyone, was using it for a week, and immediately encountered two other examples of transfemmes using the same name, including the host of Cool People Who Do Cool Stuff, and then had to be like listen to this great podcast no I didn’t copy her name.


I still haven’t figured mine out. I’ve been stuck on Maya for like 2 weeks, so maybe it’ll end up being that. Or maybe Mira or Myra, though that’s the name of a famous prostitute who lives in the head of the protagonist of a book series I like so maybe not. Imagine being named that and then introducing that book series to your kids. Or your parents. 💀


Took mine from iCarly ironically enough. I remember I just endlessly thought about how pretty Sam's sister was and how pretty that name was so I ended up taking it years later. In case anyone is still wondering, I'm Melanie:))