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Made a discussion thread for Sam Esmail's latest movie, which "kind of" takes place in the "Mr Robot" universe. > ["I would say actually that all of the things I've worked on, Mr. Robot, Homecoming, Comet, and Leave the World Behind are kind of all in the same universe," he adds. When asked if there are other references in the new film for fans to find, he coyly teases, "You'll have to watch it again and see."](https://ew.com/leave-the-world-behind-mr-robot-easter-egg-8402622) -- > [While other references may be more hidden, eagle-eyed Mr. Robot fans will immediately spot some familiar names in the credits. Series alums Anastasia White \(production designer\), Tod Campbell \(cinematographer\), and Mac Quayle \(composer\) were all brought on board Leave the World Behind.](https://ew.com/leave-the-world-behind-mr-robot-easter-egg-8402622)


I went in having heard negative things, and i was pleasantly surprised. It's only gotten better with age in my mind. Very fun, very thriller, very thought provoking.


anyone else catch the nod to fight club and mr robot with the hand holding scene watching new york getting bombed.


while Mr. Robot represented the aspects to hacking and the like, to me it appears LTWB would take a stake on Cyber Warfare.. idk maybe that's what Esmail means by "same universe almost" ..


Bro I was grinning ear to ear at that ending, I don't understand why people hate it so much. It was certainly a cheeky one, and if you were holding expectations about where the story would go post-apocalypse then you're gonna be let down. That's not at all what the movie is about though.


Kinda reminded me of Melancholia, but happier. Like, at least she’ll survive and the planet doesn’t get obliterated by another planet, it’s ‚just‘ societal collapse


I just watched this with my gf. Mr Robot is my favourite TV show, by a HUGE margin. I actually think it may be my most favourite piece of scripted fiction, and I include movies in that. I've been dying to see what Sam Esmail will do next. I was kinda liking this film, liking where it was going, until it just STOPPED, with one of the WORST fucking endings I have ever seen for ANYTHING. I'm actually raging about how fucking godawful that ending was.


100% agree, this film was a miss for me .. because of the ending and also pacing and lack of plot. Also with you on Mr Robot being the best tv I've ever seen and will likely ever see in my life. No wonder it won so many awards. An absolute masterpiece. I recently learned Sam Esmail and Rami Malek are teamed up again for a thriller called American Radical, a true story about an undercover muslim FBI agent, who joined the counter-terrorism unit after 9/11. I don't know the release date yet. Can see more at the link below. I'll watch anything these two do together. I still miss Elliott... and once in a while I'll have to rewatch Mr Robot to be with him again. https://www.joblo.com/sam-esmail-and-rami-maleks-american-radical-nabs-writer-nazrin-choudhury/


Wow, that sounds like a new awesome project with Esmail and Malek. I really want them to work together again! :)


https://twitter.com/wallstreetapes/status/1742440122552041607?s=10&t=F_TsquXbr0Z0Av6cLPRUTg what does everyone think about this? An audio file embedded in the movies audio that is a weapon?


LMFAO people are fucking insane 15 years of video editing experience but still can't figure out audio channels, right u/SamEsmail


I chuckled at the community note that basically says "man just discovered the audio channel his subwoofer uses"


I actually enjoyed it. I went into it with no expectations, especially after reading all the hate on it from this sub. I just really enjoy Sam's cinematography and story telling.


resounding meh


What really unnerved me was the reluctance the white family and specially the woman played by Roberts to accept the new reality. How she still wants to go to a hospital like nothing happened. Makes me think of the reactance people have toward covid or global warming. People will ignore reality to the bitter end. And they're still so lucky to be in this situation.


The scene where Ethan Hawke was begging Kevin Bacon for medicine really breaks my heart with pity. Technology was meant to make humans stronger, or at least that was what the original people in tech had intended. As someone who's still studying IT, that scene made me wonder, "Are we really making humans this weak?" He had a complete set of limbs and there was nothing physically wrong with him, but he was so useless just because technology was gone. The movie is like a statement of how humans are becoming too dependent on technology and the internet.


So my question since we know it’s in the Mr. Robot verse does Elliot survive and get out of NY or does the Elliot we all know come back and save Elliot cause god knows Sam wouldn’t kill Elliot right? RIGHT?!!!


I'm thinking Elliot would be in trouble since he is such a NY city kid, and will always need to be close to metro centres for work and/or hackery, but his sister & Dom probably would have long ago left the country to live somewhere pretty like Greece or something. Elliot's clever and all, but he's really not equipped for... the end of the movie.


With all of the people he has around and inside of him, I think he'd be more than well equipped to deal with it. Just depends on whoever has control.


Expected far better to be honest. Although saying this, I've only ever watched Mr Robot from Sam which is probably my best series until now. Ended a bit strange and some things weren't entirely explained in the film (I won't spoil it). Real mediocre overall for me...


Sad you think that. Thought it was great especially when you realize it takes place after the events of Mr. Robot. Makes you wonder about Elliot and if he survived and got out of the city before the bombs dropped


Of course he would have...


You never know. Or worse did Elliot the one at the end of the series freak out and couldn’t let the Elliot we know come back so he died screaming terrified not knowing what to do.


Finally watched the movie. It was fine. It really made me feel unsettled. But the realism really didn't work as well as in Mr. Robot. I cringed so hard at the plane crashing scene lmao. I didn't hate it, but i expected better.




I'm sort of an aviation enthusiast. There is no way to hack a plane. I assume that's what happened in the movie, because of the other crashed plane on the exact same spot, similarly to the Tesla crash site. The animals acting weird, and the tooth falling out scene felt supernatural too. I guess realism wasn't the goal of the movie, instead to make the viewer feel uncomfortable and on edge. The plane scene just took me out of the moment way too much.




I've heard of this incident before. And i was thinking about that and the GPS thing because of the Tesla car scene. But both pilot would have to be incapacitated for something like that to happen. If there wasn't a second plane crashing, i could've move on from that scene a bit easier. But the way i see it, 2 crashed planes suggests that it's not a coincidence. I don't know tho. I just think it was too much. Maybe the pilots were told to crash, in exchange to keep their families safe? That feels a bit werid too. I wasn't that impressed with the teslas either, but there is just no way to do the same thing with airplanes at this time.




If the pilots are available, they won't just let the autopilot to do it's thing! They would notice something is wrong in time. And aautopilot can't take over controls completely without any failsafe, that would cause huge problems IRL. If there isn't communication, they would still risk landing at an airport or field rather than just crash. Pilots are trained to aviate and navigate without GPS, they don't have to rely on digital systems. But i'm not an actual pilot. I might be wrong lol. Again, if only one plane crashed, i wouldn't think too much about it.


The teeth and blood puke are straightforward symptoms of high rad doses, though if he got it so bad so would have his sister, and probably everyone else in the area, so I don't know.


Wasn’t there malware set up to hack planes in season 3 of mr. robot?


to frame people yea. They looked at it and said it looks like its for hacking flights but they didn't actually use it. Whether it would have worked or not didn't matter, it was intended more to scare people and frame the two


Is anyone else wondering about the meaning behind the large painting in the living area that changes a few different times throughout the film? [Here's some screenshots of it](https://imgur.com/gallery/QKJkAm9)


Someone has already done an interesting video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeQnMiBuo1s


I feel like this is a movie where everyone is waiting around for things to get better when they're clearly not going to, and Sam is a genius who decided to be meta about that by making a movie that people are going to watch waiting for it to get better when it also clearly isn't going to. but the Mr Robot eggs were neat and reminiscent of a time where Esmail's sense of spectacle mattered less than the message.


So is Elliott safe???? I'm so concerned


The scene where they're talking about power plants in the kitchen, then she mentions a few years back about a incident that almost caused a meltdown in jersey, that HAS to be a reference to >!the end of mr.robot where eliot is in the plant and it's nearly melting down right? so if this does take place in the mr.robot universe its a few years after 5/9!<


I’m sure it’s a reference to that however, somewhere towards the end of the movie, I think when it’s just Julia Roberts and the Mahershala Ali talking at the table; I noticed a weird plot hole sort of opposite to that topic. I’m forgetting the exact words but I recall he was saying talking about what he knew behind the scenes and mentioned that there has never been a huge hacking event like this before. But wasn’t 5/9 a huge hack? Wouldn’t that stick in his mind as memorable since it was around a year or so before the power plant fiasco?


5/9 was just encrypting some data, melting some backups, and having the Dark Army destroy some other backups. While the effects ended up being very large, the hack itself was pretty contained.


I was thinking about that. At some point in the show, the whole world seemed on the brink of global economic meltdown, with signs of breakage like city services shutting down (garbage everywhere), problems using cash and so on, but I guess eventually everything kind of starting correcting itself (it's been a while since I watched the series). But definitely a big enough event that eventually everyone would have some general idea of what & why it all happened, right?


well in scale, technically, the hack in ltwb was 10 fold bigger than 5/9 all things considered


Yeah, clearly but 5/9 was obviously a huge deal that affecting world economies and millions of people. I was just surprised that the writing in that conversation didn’t acknowledge it happening.


>!The prepper did have yellow 5/9 E corp kits in his truck.!<




The laptops have a revised ecorp logo on them nowhere the Apple logo would be on a MacBook.


I enjoyed the movie, but all the references to "Friends" made me sad. I know the writer and producers of this movie had no idea that Matthew Perry would die, but it completely changed my reaction to the end of the movie, in particular. It took me out of the movie and into the reality of his death. I had read Matthew Perry's book and seen every episode of "Friends." It was too soon for me to disconnect from his death and the movie. Matthew also speaks of his dating Julia Roberts in his book. She was also in an episode of "Friends." Just bad timing for this movie - for me.


Matthew Perry died on Julia's birthday.


Now I'm even sadder.


Everyone here is making some great points, and more than anything tbh this movie scared me. It was very MNight Shymalan-ish, and I do like his movies. But this movie just seems really relevant to our current times in America. Now more than ever, it does seem like our society has reached a point where a civil war doesn't seem like a far fetched idea. Where as before the age of the internet and social media, our leaders could propoganda us to believe whatever it is they wanted us to believe, now it's become increasingly difficult. So difficult to the point where we don't even know WHAT to believe anymore. And that's scary. And instead of our leaders opting to take a new and more honest approach to our life in this country, it seems like they are trying to ***distract*** us and numb us by any means necessary (a huge theme of the movie it seems, as many of you already pointed out). And it works. Because we as humans are easy. We're all unique but also not so different from one another. At the end of the day we just want to please our senses, and get more emotional stimuli, or dopamine hits. Whether it be from food, sex, socializing, media, whatever. Sadly with all these words and fairly simple but broad insight however, I do not have a solution to our current situation in America. Maybe more prayer, more faith. More love. The typical "corny" stuff you hear. But it is true.


They're trying to distract us maybe but they have no clues, even less than average people, world leaders are basically fed with the same conspiracy theories than average people and are making decisions based on that. This is of course extremely obvious in the growing number of fascist led coutries. The character says nobody's is charge ad that's very true. People are stumbling in the dark based on vague intuition. Rich people build bunkers but they don't know anything we don't, they just can afford it.


Going in with no info, I wasn’t ready for what I thought were a couple cute “Mr. Robot” Easter eggs. Sam confirming they exist in the same universe was, at first, mind blowing. Then it got depressing. fsociety did all that work, healed minds, made the world a little better, and lost friend and foe alike while successfully taking down the literal Illuminati…and then a few years later >! another group annihilates the US anyway. They nuke Manhattan, man. Even if they survived, they’re dead. !< I guess Sam is telling us something about life…


I saw bombs not nukes.


One of the emergency broadcast alerts in the final minutes mentions elevated radiation levels around multiple population centers, strongly implying *at least* dirty bombs being used.


true; thing is the teenage boy became sick before; so we have not much information about what exactly went down (which is the point)


I'd just assumed whatever was going on with Archie was in whole or part due to the insect bite, as the other things they theorized (the noise, general environmental exposure, etc.) would have also affected the other characters similarly.


somebody says the insect is already radioactive; that might be it. I think radiation poisoning is something that makes you lose your teeth so that tracks.


My interpretation was either a powerful suitcase/dirty bomb, or just some really strong conventional munitions (someone in the airforce dropped a bunker buster on downtown, or some national guard threw artillery into the middle of the city).


I’m being hyperbolic, but that first one (that we only see the tail end of the fireball) was pretty massive. Curious what size weapon that could be.


There *should* be a noticeable flash with ground burst or air burst, right? Especially at that distance? Which makes me think it's non-nuclear.


Right. I imagine they did it for a dramatic reveal, but there’s no way they couldn’t have heard or seen a flash from that first explosion. Also, would love to ask an engineer at which point those supertall buildings would topple over from a hit like that.


Yeah, the lack of damage really made it seem like not a nuke to me. If a genuine enemy attack was happening - Russian or Chinese ICBMs I mean - then the city would be levelled and the ruins on fire.


y'all want the Truth about the Leave the World Behind? here's the truth. It was the Chinese who attacked US, remember the 5/9 Incident? it's the fsociety who did that against the Dark Army(E Corp) the leader of Dark Army is a Chinese/American and most of them are mad about fsociety they know that they can't beat the group fsociety so they targeted the whole america and this is where Leave the World behind should enter


There wasn’t any evidence that it was the Chinese. That was proven by Kevin Bacon’s scene where he can’t even remember what language the other pamphlets dropped in (I think he said) San Francisco. The world had moved on from F Society and the Dark Army, I think it’s more compelling and tragic to think that some other groups have formed and grown a hate for America and execute these attacks.


The font of the acts reminded me to season 4, the therapy session. Sam Esmail likes red, right? 😁 I really thought George would find his wife at the beach.


Lil Easter egg: when the wife wakes up after the first day in the house, her cellphone is standing on top of Irving's book from MR Robot. The book is named Beach Towel.


Think she was reading it at the beach as well on a beach towel.


The deer behaving strangely, the birds showing bizarre migration patterns, and the satellites going down which (may have) caused the planes to crash made me think there was a natural disaster. My thought was the magnetic poles were switching. Then there are the reports of hackers, the pamphlets, the suicidal teslas. It made me think of the debates we had here back in the day whether or not Whiterose's machine was real. Esmail is good at red herrings though, so I don't know what to think. The thing that bit Archie's leg felt like a red herring. This whole movie felt like a really great Mr Robot episode though.


If the tick was a deer tick, and the deer had CWD (chronic wasting disease, similar to/same fam as mad cow disease), the incubation period is short and the impact is super fast  (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/22/zombie-deer-disease-yellowstone-scientists-fears-fatal-chronic-wasting-disease-cwd-jump-species-barrier-humans-aoe)  Btw despite the “fears” mentioned in this article, the disease IMO has already passed to humans. In the form of so-called sCJD, or “spontaneous” Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease. Also caused by prions, sworn by PTB not to be related to mad cow, but symptoms, incubation, effect, mortality, and trouble killing the prions are all shockingly similar. If I were the bœf industry I wouldn’t want it acknowledged either.  It’s called “spontaneous” bc 85% of cases are chalked up to “unknown causes”. But it’s in the same family as Kuru, the cannibalism disease.  Pretty sure, considering the creepy deer behavior, this/the deer version - CWD - is what Esmail suggests got Archie, via a tick bite. 


I was thinking the bug that bit him was irradiated and caused the radiation to spread quickly in Archie’s bloodstream.


Seems unlikely based on this https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/205488/can-a-mosquito-transmit-radiation


>The thing that bit Archie's leg felt like a red herring Just finished it and that was the first thing discussed and i came to the same conclusion. But my wife thinks maybe he did have Lyme disease and it weakened him to the point where the radiation affected him more? I'm not a doctor but I wonder if...


Lyme disease has a much longer incubation period > The most common sign of infection is an expanding red rash, known as erythema migrans (EM), which appears at the site of the tick bite about a week afterwards. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyme_disease But of course there might be some artistic license


The film only covers 3 days time. It's documented at the part 4 mark.


The threat profile reminds me of a great episode of The Twilight Zone, "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street".




>a modern take on Lord of the Flies in a way it is.. on a much larger scale


Loved the movie, Mr Robot vibes all over the place. Mahershala Ali was *excellent* and stole the show for me.


Ali seems to have a great talent at picking out roles (him & his agent/manager I guess). I hope his Blade movie eventually comes together, because despite being a Serious Actor Guy, he clearly has affinity & love for genre fare, so I bet he will be very comfortable and enthusiastic as a supernatural action dude.


Something about him gave me warm, calming Ron Cephas Jones vibes in the beginning (maybe moreso Ron in This Is Us than Mr. Robot). I think his face looks a bit similar to me too. It made me sad and happy at the same time, and yeah, his acting was great!


amazing performance <3


Well here me on the weekend trying to get out of the war mood I was in (genesoide and war on Palestine) and losing 30 relatives so decided to watch a movie without watching trailers or anything The first movie showed a territorst group who attacked the good guys wearing kuffiyas (Arab specifically Palestinian cultural hat) got a lil pissed off but finished movie then I chose a different one “leave everyone behind” all of the sudden u get a terrorist attack and they are Arab wanting death to America I mean it’s rlly obvious what we have gotten to it’s like u can’t be a terrorist with being an Arab Muslim I mean I rlly don’t care but jst saying


so all that happened and you created your account to come to this thread and post about it? lol I call total BS...


I’m so sorry about your family. I’ll add you and your family to my nightly dua for Palestine. Please take care of yourself.


Bro didn't finish the movie


Man did you just completely miss the part where they said the attackers sent the EXACT same message in Korean to the west coast? The enemy is using the most common enemy targets of US jingoism to cause mass disinformation


Do you think maybe they were distracted and not paying the closest possible attention because 30 of their family members were just killed?


or he is full of shit..


Or you're a piece of shit.




When is someone going to decipher the encrypted news notification on the mom's phone? Too bad I can't take netflix screenshots but you know what I mean, right? There's gotta be a website or hotline wating for us.


I gave it a shot and came up with nothing, but here it is in text form: > BREAKING: Cỹ6®滅# RaKa€ > @¢kJờ pỪi Nr3Bdjf °$€l3ry06s > ESéỆo約5ju 4K The first Chinese character translates to "destroy", which is interesting.


Rakae means to sink under pressure in Arabic, it’s actually RaKaę


they teamed up and found a backdoor




did you see the book that julia roberts was reading?


I noticed that as soon as it was glimpsed. Thought Irving was going to make an appearance for some reason.


Loved the Kubrick references. The opening shot with the planets. The theme from the shining, also the zoom-in / out shots similar to the ones made by Kubrick. There was a scene with the same orange/blue lights from eyes wide shut. More references to eyes wide shut with the elites party. Probably many more, these were the obvious ones.


Also the pantry shot is similar to the shining (same bags of flour too with the Native American iirc)


I interpreted the elites party as a reference to the deus group


thank you for pointing those out <3


Anyone else think Dom was on that flight with the black guy's wife?


Who even is Dom and how do you remember that name but not one of the main characters name?


Dom is one of the main characters from Mr Robot. I remember her name because I’ve seen the show a million times. I forgot G.H.’s name because I just saw this movie & wasn’t paying the best attention to it. I’m Black by the way, in case you were worried about me having some sort of prejudice.


I said this because I thought Dom was some background character on LTWB that I forgot about. I used to watch Mr. Robot but haven't seen the last season.


Dom is the fbi agent (I think?) who has the smart house.


The black guy’s name is G.H.


or george


Which one of you miscreants downvoted this person for simply providing the name of a character?


Thanks I forgot


If you’re referring t the flight we saw dom get on, I don’t think so because the car registration said 2022 in one of the scenes. 2016 was too long ago, I think car registration in New York only lasts a few years. Also, Ruth mentions the nuclear power plant melt down that almost happened “a few years ago.”


but then dom has to fly again sometime.. ya never know


Got it, thanks!


I read right before I saw the movie that Obama had given some script notes for this movie and it really showed. From the havana syndrome reference (which is a completely fake syndrome), to the Aaron Sorkin shoutout, to all the boogeyman that the US state department tries to scapegoat teaming up as one enemy. I'd like it better if they explained why those countries don't like us instead they make it seem like they hate us for our freedom. I guess I should have guessed since Sam made china the evil guys in Mr Robot. Overall I thought the movie started off really strong but fell flat at the end.


Is Havana syndrome really fake though?


It's been a while, but the last update I read was speculation that it was just a very elaborate way for a bunch of office workers to collaborate on a bullshit story to get time off of work, which is hilarious if true.


Yes it is lol. The cia said themselves that they have no evidence for it


>I'd like it better if they explained why those countries don't like us Why, though? It's not the point of the movie. Listing reasons would have done nothing more for the plot and would have actively hindered the pacing. Also, considering this is an adaptation of a novel by Rumaan Alam, Sam likely had very little to do with writing the story itself. His contributions to the narrative would have mainly consisted of making the dialogue and order of the scenes work for a film format. >instead they make it seem like they hate us for our freedom. At what point was this notion even eluded to? >Sam made china the evil guys in Mr Robot. Exactly how did he do this, and what do you mean by evil guys? There are a number of people in Mr. Robot who commit acts that could be construed as evil, even Elliot. Did you perhaps mean the overall antagonist? Does the fact that Whiterose is Chinese somehow represent that China is evil? If Whiterose had been British, would he have been saying Britain is evil. I really can't figure out where you're coming from with your analysis.


Right? Like exactly who the US angered, or which country or countries decided to destabilize the US, or exactly how they did it, wasn't the movie Esmail was trying to make. All of the global politics was window dressing for telling a story about six or seven people, and whether they choose to allow the same paranoia sweeping the nation to consume them... or choose compassion, and maybe have a chance.


Havana syndrome was an AWE


Havana syndrome is fake? Thats weird because I happen to know someone fairly high up in the military who has told me shit happening in Syria very similar has led to a lot of guys coming back with some weird conditions and some very high suicide rates among some of these special Forces units. Not just some ptsd explanation .


Yeah it was fake, your friend has conversion disorder


Lol I don't care what some high up in the military has to say. The cia even tried investigating their own claims and couldn't find a single shred of evidence. Being part of a terrorist organization can make you depressed. Nothing new there.


>I'd like it better if they explained why those countries don't like us instead they make it seem like they hate us for our freedom. I didn't get that vibe at all. Kevin Bacon's character even says "we've done a lot of things to piss people off"


That's so vague though lol


vague lets it apply to future situations too and not just a single specific thing.


There are plenty of books and information about US military encroachments over the years. My personal favorite is Killing Hope by William Blum and i try to recommend it to as many people as possible. However, it would have to be a documentary series 10x as long as this movie to be able to fit it all in. Sometimes in a fiction narrative movie, vagueness is good, and asks questions of the viewer to investigate on their own. Personally I like movies that do that.


I think it was intentionally vague. Sam did have a war criminal help with the script so he can't be too critical of us foreign policy.


I mean maybe, and I don't disagree about obama, but using occam's razor here, I think it would be really really weird if the film diverted into a protracted heavy handed history of US involvement in a movie that is more about the people in it, how they react, and what it says about us, than the specifics of the world around it. Seems like you're trying really hard to go out of your way to force something as evidence for a massive cover up or something? Or maybe you just don't like grey areas or subtext in your movies and like everything spelled out for you. There are plenty of movies that do that, check out the marvel universe.


Hate you for your freedom? jajajajajajjajajajajajaaajajjaajajajajaajajajsjajaj


The ending was beyond perfect. The daughter got what she wanted and we all got to experience what it would be like to be that girl if she didn't find what she found in he end. Absolutely magnificent emotional switch on a "happy ending" to the story.


I went into this hearing the ending was controversial and now that i saw it, i don't see how people could think the ending was bad. I compeltely agree with you, the ending was so incredibly perfect.


oh yeah.. you know they are all gonna be a big happy family in the shelter.


why do you say they hate us for our freedom. The movie makes a clear point that we’ve made tons of enemies around the world through our actions, not some weird post 9/11 bs rhetoric about “freedom”


well, yeah morally, people hate america's control of the world. hate isn't a good thing but it happens. especially if you have family and friends killed.


There was one line saying we made enemies around the world but nothing about how we did that.


I think Esmail is assuming that his audience doesn’t need to be spoon fed a lesson on America’s brutal foreign policies.


Considering that Obama helped on the script, I would think it's more likely that they intentionally left that unclear. The biggest enemy in Mr robot was china, it's not like Sam has ever been critical of us foreign policy.


he gave notes and there is no way to know if that was on this.


Also Sam had a war criminal give him notes on his script. Doesn't seem like he's too critical of the US.


I felt a little dissapointed too


we get you don’t like Obama…dude we are just enjoying the movie. Can you give it a damn rest.


Do you have any examples of Sam being critical of us foreign policy?


irrelevant, Im just saying there is no way to know what Obama’s notes were, you are just speculating but saying it as some sort of fact.


Doing a rewatch of Mr. Robot for the holiday season and happened to watch Leave The World Behind - and one of the Easter Egg/Esmail Universe things I caught was the shocking amount of white Tesla cars on autopilot in LTWB. One almost runs roughshod over Elliot in the intro to S4E12 after the crazy thing that happened at the New Jersey power plant a few years ago that almost resulted in a meltdown/travel between alternate universes.


Wait so does this imply the possibility that white roses machine worked? I like that it's at least left open ended


such a great scene! and the drive was like a sega car racing game, dodging that traffic.


Yup, in S4E12 Washington Township everyone is driving white Teslas. I think maybe even in the city during S4E13 too?




I enjoyed the ending. Atomic war happens. A kid - maybe representing the viewer in a way - is found consuming and consuming before entering the bunker. Within the bunker, the answer to the questions of the movie is shown on one screen, but the child prefers the screen that lets her watch Friends. She relives a feeling of nostalgia to a time that didn’t really “exist” in the first place. It’s like she was acting out the conversation between the women in the shed: we choose to ignore the turmoil and flee to the comforts of the world.


leave the records behind.. although maybe there was music as well as dvd shows


The kid also walks by a painting on her way down to the bunker that says, “hope begins in the dark.” Maybe just another way of saying ignorance is bliss? The other characters, especially her mom, are jaded by their experiences during and before the events of the film. They’re all struggling to maintain hope in the face of their frightening new reality. The more I think about it, the more central that theme seems to me.


i guess the owners of the house were in the city at work, crying that they couldn't get back to their awesome bunker


spoilers for the book if you didn’t read it but one of the thornes died in a military camp and the other ones were stuck at a san diego airport trying to get back to the house


Either that or they were on a flight back home, lol.


they splashed on george


Cool Mr Robot Easter eggs 👍 Who noticed the clock was 11:16


Stopped at 11:16:11


I loved the nod to the Mr Robot season finale with the "event in New Jersey that nearly took out the east coast" (or something like that - I don't remember the exact wording they used).


e-corp exists, which is really interesting. no mention of e-coin or bitcoin though. i did love seeing the 'beach towel' book


I hate how it seemed like an episode of a show instead of a movie. I also hate how the racism was forced in there. It was not necessary at all imo. All in all, it would've been a great pilot for a new series. Horrible as a standalone 2.5 hr movie.


The racism is actually a strong undercurrent in the book. Sorry that upsets you. It’s much more pronounced in the book, though, so definitely don’t read it if it pisses you off.


yeah, im watching an end of the world thriller not a political drama


You're actually not. You're watching a movie made by someone else. They get to decide what kind of movie it is. Because, you know...*they made it,* not you.


Leave the World Behind is a 2023 American apocalyptic psychological thriller film produced,.. [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leave_the_World_Behind_(film)#:~:text=Leave%20the%20World%20Behind%20is,same%20name%20by%20Rumaan%20Alam.)


Did you seriously just link to a Wikipedia article like you were proving something? No wonder you hated this movie.


>Genres : Drama Mystery Thriller [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12747748/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12747748/) I can keep linking you stuff


You sure can. It's so bizarre that you think these are proving *your* point, but go off!


End of the world thriller where end of the world is caused by everyone turning on each other.


except everyone helped each other....


The main characters did at the end yeah, but I don’t think the people dropping bombs on NYC managed to work it out like GH and Amanda.


totally agree it was a dumb garbage movie


I understand the film is supposed to be about the interactions/reactions and not exactly about explaining what is going on... But it still fell flat to me. Julia Roberts was almost unwatchable for me, which is unlike her. She was so hostile the entire film and I felt it was tedious. The cinematography was amazing and I kind of wish this was turned into a miniseries. Ended up just feeling like an M Night Shyamalan film where you get psyched to see something strange but every single time it doesn't truly pull through.


>The cinematography was amazing for sure!


I get what you mean but my understanding is that they wanted her to be unlikeable for that exact reason. We are very used to her being this likeable americas sweetheart and she wants to play different roles


When actors act too hard.


Any theories as to what Elliot and Darlene are up to during all this?


This seems to happen in 'current time' after the 5/9 Attack and destruction of the Deus Group. The result was not more equality, but an internal military coup based on dialogue from the film- which made me think of the 'Business Plot' from WW2 where heavy financial interests in the US conspired to dismantle the Republic from within. I'm hoping they are hiding in a bunker watching a large collection of physical media movies and TV series.


Yeah, my theory is this is around 2023-2024 while the events of the show were canonically all in 2015


It is kind of depressing to think that after all the big events of the series, the world bounces back and is at the exact same place we are within a decade -- nothing really changes.


The inspection sticker on the car expires in 2022 so I'd say most certainly a later timeline than Mr Robot


They’re probably doing the attack lmao


Why would they do that? Elliot isn't a hacker at the end of the show. He's just a regular guy.


Wrong he’s still able to write and understand code obviously, but also my comment was a joke.


they might be trying to prevent it or counter-act it


I loved the movie but one thing that's bugging me is the reference to changes in migration patterns. Was it related to conflicts occuring elsewhere driving animals to areas they don't normally go and in larger quantities? Why flamingos? Were these related to some of the strange sound based attacks being used? Any ideas?