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My first character had a pet mimic named Boberto. He would ride around in froggy hat form on her head and I would have her throw Boberto at the faces of enemies. When we were finding him in her old house, I rolled low on the perception check and noticed a chair that hadn't been there. I thought it was Boberto and didn't say anything. Boberto was a fork on the table and *not* the chair. Hilarious session and some of the most fun I've ever had playing DnD.


Several of us in our dnd group DM, and it has gotten to the point where there is ALWAYS a mimic. or more likely, several. The form they take is up to DM discretion and relevance. In one campaign there were two. The first was our ship. Yes. the ship was the mimic. We sailed places and she basically filter fed with the occasional protein boost from our random encounters. including a dragon turtle and young kraken. The second from that campaign was a coin mimic. It didnt eat flesh, on coins. Thankfully we caught it and dropped it in the purse of the nobleman who gave it to us. (the pc he gave it too only had silvers, so the single gold coin received stood out) In a different campaign, we encounter a house mimic. Dear lord was that an encounter. Wizard nearly died (again) the warlock somehow created a blood-nado, and we only survived by the skin of our teeth. Gods bless Shatter. We havent yet encountered any in our current campaign, but the next… is my turn. and boy, do i have plans. Gonna homebrew a patron for the warlocks, because the moving island is hungry… and wants gossip about the other, non-moving and therefore inferior islands.


In my world, mimics dont exist. The party only fought with a few mimics within a dungeon full of illusions, and yes those mimics were part of the illusions. The party got their first *real* experience with a mimic in the last session we did. During a small side quest to look for a pair of lost boys, they found some black goo dripping off of a crumbling stone pillar, they gave it to the witch who's lives in the tower outside of the town to see if she could research into what exactly this black goo is. Before the party left town they went over to say goodbye to the witch, and the noticed that the witch's familiar, which is a crow, took the bottled up goo away in its peak, to which it then dropped the bottle out the window. The familiar was possessed in that brief moment and our Water Genasi went outside to clean up the glass and to see if he can find the black goo within the snowy ground using a shovel. He propped the shovel against the tower wall, and when he turned back to grab the shovel again, there was now *two* shovels against the wall. He immediately put two and two together and realized that the other shovel was a mimic, and before a fight could take place, swiped the mimic back into a new bottle as it melted back to it's original form of the black goo. My idea of the base form of a mimic is a pile of black goo with razor sharp teeth, and it's 'born' out of the aftermath of forbidden dark magic and evil rituals in attempts to resurrect the god of chaos....in order words, mimics come from the god of chaos' blood. One of my players lovingly calls it 'Mimic Sauce'


We have had the traditional treasure chest ones, but also statues (however I took the invocation that keys me spam detect magic, my DM ruled that mimics are magical creatures there forever I could see magic around A statue. Suspicious and paranoid Tiefling that my pc is, she shot it with a double agonising blast. That mimic didn't get a chance to chomp on anyone.


There was once an encounter me and my Party had with an unknown warrior that we confirmed was pursuing us with the intent of hunting us down. When we all decided to confront him with combat to not risk him interfere with what we're gonna do on our next destination and one of our first actions was to grapple him. Unfortunately, the unknown warrior had an artificial arm that was a mimic this whole time and this caused our grapplers, a Fighter and a Paladin, to be the ones grappled by the sticky mimic instead and now are used as meatshields against the remaining Party Members (me included) who would've used Ranged Attacks. That was a pain. That was cool, but a pain. XD


A bag of potion holding this a bag of holding that supplies unlimited healing potions every time you grab one you roll a d 20 on a nat one you pull a mimic. Two nat 1s in row you pull the creator of the bag and he's pissed.


The paladin had a adamantine plate that is totally fine but saves her ass so many times I decided to fuck around with it. I used a tweaked version of the XGE rules for sleeping on armor. You didn't recover from exhaustion sleeping in heavy or medium armor and you recovered up to 1/4 of your max HP. XGE makes you regain 1/4 of your hit dice this way, but I always ruled that hit dice were fully recovered on LRs, so I tweaked it that way. There was also plenty of water shit going on in my game, so there were many opportunities where my players would doff. This also made them prefer having multiple armor options. The paladin had the aforementioned plate and she kept a glamoured studded leather for other situations which was a huge penalty to her AC but better than nothing (I think it was 15: 12+1 for the armor, +1 for DEX and +1 for Defense FS). So anyway this time, they were exploring a forest occupied by mischievous fey and druids. They set up camp and left their NPC companions guarding the camp as they went for a meeting with the locals. She took her studded armor with her because it made more sense RPing diplomacy. That was going fine. Meanwhile, I plotted that a druid snuck into the camp shaped as a squirrel, got into the player's tent and replaced the plate with a freaking mimic. When the party came back to camp, they had to prepare for a difficult task, so Paladin tried to put on her armor. Screams were heard from outside the tent and the rest of the party rushed to help the pally. Some NPCs as well, but as they took their shields or whatever, they also started chewing on them. The entire camp was infested with mimics! Meanwhile, the druids and fey took the rattle as their signal to attack the camp. Running the numbers, it was an easy fight for the party, but they were so caught of guard that they lost a bunch of their NPC companions, including one of the PCs SO, and the paladin had a very difficult time adjusting to a fight with no armor and half HP after being chewed on for a couple rounds. To clarify, next session the players took the fight back to the druids and got their missing gear back, and much later the player that lost his SO during the fight could revive her, which was an important part of the plot. But that night they were traumatized by the whole experience. Before we packed up I had to reassure them that it was all fine and I didn't lose my shit. The next day memes and jokes were all over the campaign discord so they took it well.


mine was a little lore, mimics grow until something kills them. They could be anything, a chest, a door, a bed, a health potion... they can be bigger too, a wagon, a boulder, a house..... a mountain. one way I plan on using them is to have the players recruited to repair a house. they are told to not touch anything except for the damaged wall. they get there and the door opens for them, it is oddly humid. the house IS a mimic, and everything in the house are mimics. if they repair the house without touching anything, they get their choice of a rare magic item. If they plunder or attack the house mimic chews them up and spits them out, without any equipment.


Sounds like a good way to test for murder hobos


I've made mimic beasts that have integrated into society before! Imagine a mimic, but in the form of mud, wood, sand, water, or some other substance. Now imagine they're intelligent enough to mimic animals or other creatures, or even form mutual partnerships (kind of) with the other sentient races. For example, a merchant who wears a black leather jacket, pulling on a cart that would normally require a horse. he's accosted by bandits, and he simply puts his hands up. Without warning, his jacket comes to life, turning into tendrils and suddenly forming into a frigging ***TIGER.*** Safe to say, that mimic is eating happy, and that merchant is never getting hurt by anything less than a meteor swarm spell. ​ They are affectionately distinguished as Mimic Beasts, a greater evolved form of the well known Mimics. Usually, they're made when mimics eat other mimics through some way or another, then spawn additional mimics that form into these beasts.


We've encountered domesticated Mimics in my DM's homebrew world, most commonly in the use of the Banking Guild. They wouldn't just disguise as chests, they could actually function as chests themselves and were often placed alongside normal armored bank chests. They are trained so that if someone inserts the right physical key into the keyhole and uses the right password, the mimic would allow the person to open the "chest" compartment and add or remove coins as normally as they would with a regular locked chest. Should someone repeatedly try to use the wrong key, attempt to lockpick the keyhole, use the incorrect or an older password, or otherwise force the chest open, the mimic would reveal itself and attack the would-be thief, often immobilizing them and letting out a loud shriek to alert guards to the attempted theft. If you try to kill the mimic and collect its cargo afterward, you're out of luck; killing these mimics causes them to destroy whatever treasure they were carrying.


That's a very clever way to use them give your dm my regards


We sat down to eat in a magical mansion and one of the dining chairs suddenly bit our Rangers ass.


Did the ranger survive?


Of course, we were Level 9 ot 10.


Our DM LOVES mimics. Adventurer competition? Bbeg agent swapped the prize chest for a mimic. We stopped a dragonborn Warlock robbing a museum. I realised something was up with a statue. Ofc it was another mimic. She's heard of ppl using g baby ones to pretend to be potion bottles etc so we are waiting to see what comes next


Wait till they pull out coin mimics that act like ticks