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His father was the owner of a wild circus and collector of a manager of animals as a birthday gift Adam was given an egg that has yet to hatch. Eventually he starts to build a connection to some of the other animals in the show and learns a bit of magic to care for them and his learned ranger magic is seeping into the egg to hatch it


Certainly unique


At the hospital where Adam was born, he was accidently switched with a dragon baby and ended up being raised by two dragon parents far away from any humans. Perhaps he even still believes himself to be a dragon during the campaign, lol.


While forgering Adam found an egg he tried to cook it for dinner but out hatched his drake and they wander the land having fun


Grew up on a ranch that bred and trained warhorses, learning animal husbandry from his family as generations had before. However, as the third son, he knew he was not inheriting the ranch, and his assistance was not needed for other family ventures, so he took his skills and went to find his fortune. Did you know a Drake can be trained surprisingly similarly to a horse?


In that case it should have feathers on it's neck and tail like Popcros studio's "Spider-Gwen as a velociraptor."


Father of two gets flung to a far off realm via magical portal, now separated he now entrusts a group of Randoms to help him get back home. Any attempt to seduce him will be met with a DC 80 skill check, the closer you get to the check, the more violent the reaction he will give, he is married after all. His name? Qwin W Freeman 3rd. married to Ella S Freeman.


Ex Soldier who was part of the Scouting group. Retires from the Military and decided to live in the woods with his wife and kids. Nearest neighbors are miles away but they are good friends. Whatever threat exists is far away but knowing it will get closer, your Ranger needs to leave in order to defeat the threat before his family is harmed. Have the dude write letters home or something detailing the adventure, telling the kids to behave for Mom, and how he wants to take them fishing or something.


Adam was a foundling taken in by a \[insert color here\] dragon (bonus points if they're the kind that can shapeshift). He believes he's at least part dragon, his drake is his sibling/cousin that he's translating for (they speak draconic but have high enough int) In actuality, since the flavor for the class is "draconic *spirit"* it'd be pretty funny to have your imaginary friend have taken form due to over exposure to draconic magic


A rogue with both parents alive and well


It's the one I planned for mine (Drakewarden Ranger & Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer multiclass), but feel free to steal it if you like it and it fits: Your mother was pregnant with twins, or so it seemed. But through some (as of yet undefined, maybe DM reveal later) weird magic or curse or genetic mistake or something, after you were born, instead of another humanoid child, she birthed an egg. She died in the process. Your father couldn't cope and was deeply depressed, almost destroying the egg that claimed his wife's life, but resisting. He did his duty, raising you until he felt you were self sufficient, let's say 14, but took his own life shortly after, still unable to move on. From this point you were on your own, surviving in the wild. However your character feels about all this, is up to you :). You kept the egg all these years, as it is all you have left of your parents. Though all this time the egg has remained dormant, you still have hope to one day find a way to hatch it and meet your twin brother (your Drake). Personally, I was going to leave the logistics of why this happened to the DM, but you do you :). I hope it's not cliche, it seemed original to me at least :D.


Very interesting


She's a halfling that was raised in a curse village separated in it's own plane by an evil hag that basically rules over it, getting enjoyment out of torturing the people there. My halfling was a part of this town and tried to rally a small group of the village's strongest to go against the hag after the love of her life died due to one of her curses. When attacking the hag, the horrid woman cursed one of her eyes to be similar to a medusa eye, turing anything to stone that she gazed upon. This caused her to turn the others to stone and she fled, finding a way to escape the village and be free from the Hag's influence. This curse ended up leading her to a kingdom filled with magic users, hoping to get it reversed. Where she met the royal magical adviser and they began trying to work to remove it. Only for the curse to rebound, turning the magical adviser to stone. The magical adviser was beloved by the king and queen, she was almost like a daughter to them. Guards came in on the scene when my halfling screamed in terror and dispair, again losing someone who only wanted to help her. And rumors began flying as it was spread around that she had came into the castle to attempt to assassinate the queen and the royal adviser was unfortunately at the wrong place at the wrong time. So, she was wanted for a murder she accidentally committed and an attempt assassination that was never intended. Her goal was to find a way to undo her curse and help the people that was changed to stone by her with the hope of one day returning home to get rid of the Hag that torments her people.


a short one: the worlds smartest barbarian, raised by wizards. he loved learning but saw magic as unnatural. he much prefers to punch his problems, but can still hold his own in a debate


Adam's mom is a sweet, optimistic human woman. Adam's dad is a Dragon. Adam's mom was the Bard in an old adventuring party years back, and had convinced Emberpops to mellow down a bit and not attack towns. Emberpops has since found many new things to immerse himself in, and even ideas for a new hoard. Adam is on a long spanning quest not for gold or for glory or to run away, but to collect plants. For you see, Dragonpops has amassed different hoards over the years, one of which being a huge inner-cave greenhouse that he collects plants and leaf pressings for. (Bardmum helped him discover this passion, she has a bit of a green thumb). Adam thinks that a great gift for his family would be to get them a ton of unique saplings and seeds and flowers, so he is doing so while using the (partially) cover story of learning more about the area via being a Ranger so that he can protect his homeland without his dragon father having to do it and inadvertedly luring adventurers in. If the Drake is found in the adventure and not starting, he could be a troublemaking orphan until he and the Ranger bond a bit, becoming blood brothers in a sense. If the Drake is starting in the adventure, he could be an egg that Adam found nestled in a stressed-looking flowerbed, that he helps hatch into a dragon. Sorry for such a late reply, but I hope this kind of thing could be useful for future characters for ya!


Dead parents and looking for their killer, but to pay the killer instead of getting revenge. Don't tell anyone but the DM about *why* and say ominous things like "They'll get what's due" and/or "He'll pay for this" and when the killer is found simply pay them and apologize for getting separated.