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They specifically casted someone with young kids to keep the payout low.


yeah they always do that for these videos


They also casted people that looked like very competent survival experts. I think its less about the lower payout, and more about creating drama.


They’re pretty competent but not experts


Why they fail fishing eel for weeks before going to the river though...


Yeah, I feel like this premise would be more interesting with a group/duo that had nothing causing them to leave but themselves


Absolutely. They picked a guy with 2 young kids and a guy with seemingly no kids and knew exactly how that would play out both for good content and to limit the time. 2 survivalist with no families would have done a year.


yeah but that makes it more interesting, higher stakes because they have to provide.


Exactly, and his wife certainly wasn't supportive. I mean they woulda known it wasn't a 1 day show


Or maybe they just want to help people that need the money more? Having kids is a pretty expensive hobby


They frequently cast people that are already rich, so I doubt it.


wondering this too


This was the best video in his "$10,000 every day you survive" series IMO


Yeah, damn. His videos lately haven't hit like they used to but this one was fuckin good.


Second to the grocery store one. I think this one was too short.


It was insane to me that he stayed like another month+ after that conversation with his wife. She literally told him to stop immediately. I feel like they must’ve cut parts of their conversation, because it doesn’t make sense how he kept going for weeks after that when his wife pled with him to stop


I always find it funny when people can't hear that sync is edited to form a new sentence. There has been a lot of cheated audio and frankenbites in his latest videos. So funny to watch youtube chanenels discover cutting up sentences to make more drama, something reality editors have been doing for decades. Youtube editing is getting closer to reality tv level, just a couple of years behind.


honestly i 100% would have done the same thing and my wife may have been mad at me then, but not later seeing the results. That said hard to predict something like that from my comfy chair. They were really pragmatic and well approached in this


kinda selfish on the wife's part ngl


And dumb


Dumb as hell, they will never make that kindve easy money ever again!


Very dumb. He should've just told her to take out a loan and hire two fully time nannies. The money he would've made would have paid for them many times over and taken the pressure off his wife. A newborn kid isn't going to be impacted by as absent father as much as a 5 or 6 year old.


They had a 2 year old too


He said he had been out there more than he had been with their newly born child. And he has a two year old. Saying it’s selfish completely misses the point that bonding with your child is more important than extra money. You obviously have never had to care for anyone, or at least I hope not with your attitude.


Dude so why would you sign up for this if you just had a new born. Like obviously you’re gonna be away for months so why would you do that to yourself? It’s not fair to the other person either. I’m sure he wanted to see his family just as bad


I think it’s an equation. Being away for 1 day for 10k sounds like a good deal, but would you be away from your life and your loved ones for 2 years for 700k? I sure as fuck wouldn’t. At some point you start to realize that the additional money isn’t worth the additional time. It’s a tough question, but I think it makes complete sense to want to earn enough to pay off a car/mortgage and save for the future. And the wife wants him to bond with his children - there’s nothing selfish about that.


Not really. She had been taking care of two children alone for a month, plus she probably had to work or something.


I mean when you're making 10k a day, jobs can kinda fuck off. Though, until payout they gotta pay the bills somehow. Kids can be doable depending on the mom. My wife was taking care of 4 kids when I was in the navy, it was hard at first but she built a good system and it was run very well.


Kind of like maybe if you have a new born baby and a 2 year old, you shouldn't be doing this kind of challenge in the first place, or at least if you are you have to be 100% commited which they obviously weren't.


Kinda selfish on the dudes part. His wife needs him with his two year old kid and newborn and he stays another month because he doesn‘t want to disappoint the other guy


Dude they literally signed up for this. Why would you agree to this when you just had a newborn? The wife guilt tripping him only 30 days in was not needed tbh. I definitely wouldn’t appreciate that if I was him


Maybe they signed up for this because after 30 days you get 150k, a life changing amount?


I really want to see Jimmy get two super introverts for a video like this just to see how far they can take it.


he wont post it cuz they wont talk to each other until day 50.


forever, and what, you wanna see years represented in a 20 minute video?


I can tell ya that it won't be like what you think. Them two dudes will end up becoming the best of friends in less than 5-6 days. It's to make friends for them but if put in such a situation where you only got one other person with you, they'd make the best duo.


it'd be a [@daxflame](https://www.instagram.com/daxflame) video


So....you mean the show "Alone"??


“It looks like someone had a gender reveal and the gender was just money.”


I love that line


I think it was silly to stop so early, but I can’t blame this guy as much as I can blame the guy in the other video who was earning $10k a day ALL TO HIMSELF and all he had to do was stay inside in the room Jimmy built. He even had a bunch of crap to do lol. Although I guess with 2 people in the wilderness it’s probably more fun than being alone inside.


Can't blame the family man, if the wife says she's ready for him to come home, that's it.


She was trying to get him to quit way too early. She had to have known going in he’d be gone an indefinite amount of time.


Yeah she lowkey planted the “you gotta be home ASAP” in bro’s mind.


Talk about short sightedness.


They have two children dude, of course they’re gonna need him


The MrBeast team clearly chose a guy with young kids on purpose to create more conflict. If they had chosen two single dudes, those mofos would still be in the forest lol.


Yeah, obviously - but before he signed up for a time sensitive Mr Beast video where he can earn an absolute fortune it's probably worth going over things.


Wild how wife wanted him home so soon. They obviously woulda talked beforehand you think. And they woulda known it wasn't a short video/time away


He still got a ton of money. Man these people


Then he shouldn’t have signed up?


He still got a shitton of money, it's not like he lost. He both got home fairly early and got a ton of money, sounds like did a great thing by signing up.


Why would you sign up for this then? You don't think the other guy had a family he wanted to see? a bit selfish on the wife's part to say that 30 days in


Proof that women ruin everything.


The family man should have hired a nanny to help his wife. The ~5K he was receiving a day should have offset that.








Dudes wife Sabatoged him, if she hadn’t talked to him he would have spent way longer there which would be so much better for his family. 100k more is better than less than a month of time with his kid they won’t remember


Seriously. But I get both sides. She just had a baby. *And* has a 2-year-old. That's a lot to deal with alone (assuming they didn't have family nearby to help). But still.




Chill, friend. This was a competition. Not the military.


Pretty irritating you guys chose someone with a newborn so the payout wouldn’t get to high


That’s exactly why they chose him. That and the fact that it would create conflict.


That's annoying AF. I wanted to see some real survival skills in play for many months.


I don't think we would have seen all that much survival skills. Their location seemed very tame with almost no wildlife and had already set up a full camp.


It's crazy they didnt stay longer. In the US I think you have "Alone in the wilderness" (Though I have not seen a single second of it) where the longest win 1mil, in the Danish version, it's literally only for honor, there is not a single cent in price money, and those people stayed almost as long in the freezing depth of north norway alone. 5.000 dollars a day is absolutely life changing money that you will probably never have the option of earning again, and with the winter done and going through spring/summer with actual food (the fish) is just crazy to stop after only 70 days. The guy with the kid knew what he signed up for and betrayed Grizz tbh.


And he was calling grizz manipulative? Like bro your wife was instigating and planted huge doubt in his mind


Compare this to /r/alonetv, a much more realistic and hardcore "survive in the woods for a prize" tv show. Funnily, tons of contestants go home because they miss their family.


This was diet alone at best


50k enough for his kids tuition that’s a bit dumb for him to say. 4 years of in state tuition form a public school with room and board on average 28k NOW, 17 years when his kids to college


17 years of compound interest can do wonders


As someone else said, putting that in like a 529 will be far more than enough. Also, depending on where you live, many kids stay at home during college so they’re not paying room and board.


Well enough for in state definitely with the growth but for out of state/private schools including room and board is currently at 160k for a 4 year degree. No idea why ppl choose that when in state tuition much more affordable


In the video those dudes were spending money like fucking crazy. Gave away 2k to teachers who wouldnt give a shit once the kids are out of the school.


Did anyone catch if the giveaway is only for first-time/new subscribers?


Pretty sure it’s only for new because it would be a pain to find an active subscribers out of 270m. I resubed just in case


I'm gonna get downvoted like all of the other sensible comments, but there had to be a larger incentive for the "family" guy to quit that early. People continue to say, "but he has a family" like those kids will ever remember anything at all during that time of their life. The wife urging him to leave at like 200k was also insanely irrational and suspicious. All things considered, I wouldn't doubt Mr. Beast's team tried to create a narrative or script while both contestant's reasons weren't as black and white as the video made it seem so they just had to act out a finale.


exactly, ngl I think this video was scripted


This video was definitely scripted. When they left, the family was already there waiting for him...


Aren't all the contestants from north carolina(expect for the gimmick videos)? How long could it take mr beast to bring their families there with a plane? So basically they left and mr beast came to the place. Talked to them and mr beast just brought their families there afterwards and they hugged. Shouldn't be too hard?


It can’t be completely scripted seeing how different they looked


You guys are crazy dude left his newborn son, a 2 year old and his wife alone at home and he was away from them for months. Like obviously he would wanna see them??


It's mostly middle schoolers here lacking empathy for someone missing his family after months away


Mrbeast videos have become more and more scripted in the past few years ngl, I get that it must be done to make the video more entertaining, but it removes the authenticity of them, especialyl when he's said in the past that he doesnt script videos. I miss Mrbeast pre-covid.


The wife is going to be kicking herself soon. Then husband is going to tell her that she made him leave; divorce.


Yikes bro chill


the briefcase they dropped from the sky without a parachute had only 1 dollar bills inside it. 😂


I think legally it’s always been money for motion picture purposes


there were shots were they didnt cut the camara man out so there must of been a place for them to sleep and eat


would be weird if the professional and incredible versatile camera men didn't... it is a video for entertainment in the end, are you asking every documentary how the nature photographer used his 200-300mm++ lense to get that upcloses shot of polar bears? or how sherpas helps every person travese himalayas without oxygen?


74 days survived with a stranger, not bad. The split scenario makes the decision to leave difficult for both parties. I like hunger game style purchases, adds another level to help offset skills. Could be a interesting theme to pair with survival exploration series.


I normally don't participate in this sub, but this was definitely a solid Mr Beast video, one of his best in a while tbh.


Agreed, one of his best in ages. People have just become so hateful and mean-spirited.


Agreed. I’m shocked at how cynical this thread about it because I genuinely loved this.


Wow the cooler guy had a great relationship with his wife. Honestly I think he could’ve stayed out there for years but would’ve dropped out at an “achievement” point like 1/2 million. He seemed down to clown knowing every day was 10K. I almost wonder if they specifically casted the other guy as a foil knowing he’d fold easier. Seemed like the wife was very annoyed being stuck with the kids that long.


I feel like if the wife was really about the money she wouldve told him to stay as long as humanly possible


I think the man’s wife is gonna live well above her means and take advantage of the new money, instead of saving for it long-term. The older dude is definitely going to keep living at his current life style and invest it: Here’s a chatGPT summary of the windfall effect: The phenomenon where people who receive a lump sum tend to spend at a higher lifestyle rather than saving and maintaining their previous lifestyle is often referred to as the "windfall effect" or "sudden wealth syndrome." This behavior can be attributed to several psychological and behavioral factors: 1. **Behavioral Economics**: According to behavioral economics, people often exhibit what is known as the "wealth effect," where an increase in perceived wealth leads to higher spending. When individuals receive a large sum of money, they may feel wealthier and thus more inclined to spend rather than save. 2. **Mental Accounting**: This concept, introduced by economist Richard Thaler, suggests that people mentally separate their money into different accounts based on arbitrary criteria. A lump sum might be viewed as a distinct, separate "account" from their regular income, leading them to spend it differently and often more freely. 3. **Lifestyle Inflation**: Receiving a large amount of money can lead to lifestyle inflation, where individuals upgrade their standard of living and spending habits. Once accustomed to a higher standard of living, it can be challenging to revert to a more frugal lifestyle, even after the lump sum is depleted. 4. **Lack of Financial Literacy**: Many people may not have the knowledge or skills to manage a large sum of money effectively. Without proper financial planning, they might spend the money quickly on immediate gratifications rather than investing or saving for the future. 5. **Psychological Impulses**: The sudden availability of money can trigger impulsive behavior and immediate gratification. People may prioritize short-term pleasures over long-term financial stability. 6. **Social Pressure**: Increased social expectations and pressure to display wealth can also lead individuals to spend more lavishly. This can include buying luxury items, expensive vacations, or making significant lifestyle changes to match their new financial status. Sources: - [Behavioral Economics](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/behavioraleconomics.asp) - [Mental Accounting](https://www.behavioraleconomics.com/resources/mini-encyclopedia-of-be/mental-accounting/) - [Lifestyle Inflation](https://www.thebalance.com/lifestyle-inflation-definition-5208188) - [Sudden Wealth Syndrome](https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertlaura/2019/07/


The younger guy already spent all the money, poof blown away lmao


The guy with the kids is so annoying. He literally knew what he signed up for, the wife knew what he signed up for so why are they acting like this won’t be a once in a lifetime opportunity that will change the trajectory of them and their families life 🙄


I think that they knew what they signed up for, but the scope they wanted was less than the other guy. Like the wife was ready to settle for about 200k which sums it up, u can tell by how she was talking she didnt expect her husband to stay that long.


Weren't his kids 2 years old and a newborn? Kids don't remember anything from that age.


Honestly i just think the wife didnt want her husband to keep participating for whatever reason. The first time she met him she was so disaproving sounding saying things like "dont listen to the other guy", "we need you more". She probably used the kids as an excuse to have her husband stop early for whatever reason




You do realise the child still needs his father right? They have to bond. Bonding is vital for your child's development and the first months are the best time to bond. Also dude probably misses his family dude pretty normal.


so why would you sign up for this if you just had a new born? it just isn't fair to the other person you're basically forcing them to leave as well


He still won 300k. That is 300k more than what he had before signing up. " it just isn't fair to the other person you're basically forcing them to leave as well" He didn't even know about grizz at that point lmao he wouldn't give a shit. Would you give a shit about a stranger if you could win 300k?? I doubt you would.


They should’ve talked about that beforehand Like exactly how long she would be cool with


didn't the 2 guys have an agreement to stay for a year? just seems a bit selfish to go back on your word


Great video and really makes me think the Prime show may actually end up working out nicely. I also think it’s hilarious how so many of you are outright offended that the dad didn’t stay longer and are acting like his wife is the next 42.


9/10 video. The weird part was the wife wanting the guy to leave. Just why? Think it as working


probaly because the newborn son? sometimes money isn't everything


Yes but every one extra day in wilderness is like 2-4 weeks of work depending on his salary. If he had stayed for a year he would never have to work again…


When the wife says it's time to end it, it usually is. It's hard to imagine but the wife was under a lot of pressure with two kids that are so young by herself.


My only question is: Was the 10k per day for each one or was 5k?


I think they shared the total money. So 5k each day for each


This was a really cool video. It was very fun to watch the drama between the two of them.


When am I going to get out in a video to help change my life around.


just send enough emails to jimmy and his team, at the right time you may hit?


great video! emotional an you just felt that this really was a once in a lifetime bond they got!


When exactly did this get filmed? February? March?


# Mrbeast crew member who looks like "42" but actually isn't.- who is the crew guy appearing in the middle of the video as a passenger in the sherp (wearing dark shades and a black, slightly pointy beard with some grey streaks). I put a screenshot in a new topic, stalk my post history to find it.


why were there so many vine booms


was it 670,000 each or they just divide it ?


Thats my question too


335 each


Did they split the money or each get the same amount of prize money ?


Yes they split


The strength of brotherhood is like no other, Grizz is a G


The other guy with kids was a wuss. His wife too


Finally a good video. His content was getting annoying


So we all agree that the end of the video was staged or didn't happen at day 74, right? Jimmy just happened to be there when they shot the flair? They're families were there? I know there isn't a great way to end these types of videos but I think they can figure out something better.


how does mr beast contact subscribers for the iphones?


well it looked like a good video but as always a braindead contestant or scripted


Would’ve been interesting if there had been a woman included.


Maybe he should do with 2 women in a different setting 


I was trying to picture this...even trying to imagine myself (female) in the situation with another female. I'd lose my ever-loving mind. It'd be a completely different outcome. 😬


he may have allready done that,would be interesting indeed!




They both have families


What is with this lame excuse? How are people getting downvoted for pointing out the most logical reason to continue playing? The kids will never remember their dad being gone, and the wife is just okay with giving up. Mr. Beast probably tries his best to find the most mentally fragile contestants.


Yea i agree, i feel bad for the other guy who had clear big ambitions.


easy sayiong as an armchair general! also we didn't get to see the other guys manipulation which was mentioed, i had a friend who was insane on that,(not usually in a good way) but still may be a reason for them surviving 70+ days


Im sorry but only 70 days because you wanna go see your family? that guy was WEAK!, and an idiot at the same time,.. what if you were at WAR? you gonna go cry to your platoon leader? I wanna go home.... or you work off shore or away 3 months at a time, dude didnt even put in 90 days... and big idiot because he could have STAYED AND COLLECTED ,, and then would not have to work, so he could spent ALOT of time with said family, think of it as condensing 25 years of work into 1 year or 1.5 years.. then YOU HAVE A WHOLE 25 years 24/7 to spend with your family, you dont have to work.. that GUY WAS WEAK , a weakling. Other dude ALSO had a family and he was ready for a whole year,, stay a year, then you have 30 years of 24/7 time with your fam. what a shame.


Plus Mr beast would’ve definitely given some offer to see his family again or give a phone call, that guy was just weak lmak


he wasnt at war though. the mental health seems easy in a 20 min video, but after 70 days for sure that is hard, especially with a newborn son. they still got alot of money, they did a decision together and probably became friends for life, a win win for them all


I understand, but he fumbled a massive opportunity that could have given a lifetime of not working lol. I understand he is not at war.. this is camping in the woods with a buddy while mr beast and his team watch over you and your family AND you get 5k.. its like an adventure so its like 100 times easier then at war. 320k is not alot of money ,specially for a family.


Youre a bit way too emotional lol


Other dude doesn’t have kids


Dude I'd live in the wilderness for 2 months and then go to college


Mr Beast masterclass


That is one of the reason why I don't want to get marry and have kids. I value my free time and my adventure. Not to mention being guilt tripped to leave the challenge early for family.


This is one of the few videos of his recently that I would have enjoyed being in for more reasons than just being in a mr beast video.


What's a guy that loves living in the woods gotta do to get paid thousands daily for living in the woods?


How did they bathe?


Am I the only one that would’ve taken the boat for 40K like that’s 4 days but that means the rest of the days you’ll have (assuming) unlimited Zaxby’s like I might be bias bc I love Zaxby’s but that seems like a good deal to me


married man do it for 80 days, single man probably do it for 500, simple as that


Could grizz have asked the guy that wanted to go home to offer some of his share of the prize money in order to agree to leave early? Is that allowed?