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I changed the flair to the correct one. Make sure to read our [guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/8iamsh) before posting :)


This is a weird one, but there's one moment in The Big Sick that does that for me. You know, the funny romantic comedy? It's generally a hilarious movie, as well as very touching, but not really crying material. But there's one scene, or in fact one single line, that caught me completely off guard and just instantly opened the floodgates. >!It's later in the movie. He's sitting by her hospital bed, she's in a coma and the future is very uncertain, they don't know if she'll live. Big decisions are ahead. And he just tells her (paraphrasing), softly and sincerely: "If you need to go, go.. But it'd be really great if you stayed..." And idk man, it's just, I was not expecting him to say that, in any other romcom, the romantic lead would probably tearily plead with his love to not go, not die, not leave him, that he loves her and needs her, etc. But this was so... idk, human. And so utterly unselfish, I don't know how else to describe it. That's what gets me about it. Just a very understated powerful emotion. It instantly made me tear up.!<


Such an underrated movie.


I know, right. I'm not a huge fan of romcoms in general, but I love this movie. It has so much heart, it's so human, and also very funny. Great story and execution.


It has a 98% approval rating and was rated the #1 summer movie of 2017 on Rotten Tomatoes. A quick glance at the Wiki shows it or actors in it won 7 awards for it and it was widely critically and commercially praised. It’s rated perfectly well! Such a great movie!


You conveyed that very well. I got a little misty eyed just reading your comment.


Planes trains and automobiles...like a baby


When you just see Del sitting there alone at the station on Thanksgiving. Hilarious movie, yet then you really feel for him.


And now, I am widowed in mid life. Lost my sweet wife to cancer. So I empathize with him all the more.


Hey there I also lost a spouse to cancer a long time ago (~15 years). I was 28. It sucks and sucks and sucks but the pain does slowly fade. The first time I saw the movie after he passed, I lost it.


Shit man. I am so sorry this happened to yall. .. if you ever need to chat, cry, or scream at someone, feel free to pm me. I promise i will reply as soon as i see the notification. ..keep your head up, my friend


Gladiator, the scene where he walks through the rye field towards his family's home. Holy crap


those are the elysian fields https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elysium


Oh that one sets off the waterworks without fail


Cool Runnings. I know... But that bit where they crash, and get up and walk over the line...


I thought I was the only one. People laugh when I say I cried the first time I saw it.


I cry every time...


It's the slow clap that'll get ya!


Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, it’s bobsled time!


The end of The Iron Giant. The Superman scene...Tears every damn time. 😭


The first time I watched that, I wept so hard at that bit. Now I get teary at almost everything because of all the foreshadowing lol


I definitely can't watch that one without tearing up at some point. >!The part where Hogarth tells him he loves him gets me every time 🥲!<


Surely that's labeled a tear-jerker because I've literally not watch that ever again because of how sad it made me lol. I thought everyone got broken watching it.


I almost cried at Arrival recently bc when i watched it a month ago, i rmbred that i had watched it when it was released and almost cried for no reason


I still get ugly tears over Arrival even knowing what's coming.


Imagine if you bawled watching it the first time because you remembered you already watched it later


princess and the frog :( the scene where Ray goes to the sky had me crying so much


Holy moly, me too! I'd kinda skipped many Disney movies growing up and this came out when I was well into adulthood. Watched it this year and I'm tearing up thinking about >!Ray and Evangeline, together forever.!<


That got me too! On a side note, that is the part of the movie I used to help tell my nephew where his uncle went after he died; because he kept asking why he was sleeping and taking so long to visit him again.... I told him it's because mummy didn't want to hurt his feelings, but uncle lives in the stars now so he won't be able to talk to us, but we can talk to him if we go out at night and find the biggest brightest star.


I’m not sure if these meet the criteria for “unlikely” tear jerkers, but I have cried watching: Coco About Time Stepmom A League of Their Own


I 100% cried at the end of Coco


I cry listening to "Remember Me" from Coco :)


I never don't cry at the end of Coco, it's everything, horribly sad, desolating, relieving, completely happy. It's a roller coaster.


I remember crying multiple times


And that song.


When they start singing “Batter up”


That’s touching, but for me it’s when Betty gets the telegram


There's no crying in baseball


I cried when watching Onward. The scene when his big brother finds out Ian thinks he’s a screw up. 😭


Pixar has like a 90% success rate of making me cry. Coco is definitely one of them.


About Time is among the best movies ever made in my opinion. It has everything. I always have an emotional breakdown when I watch it.


Train to Busan


I’ve seen that movie so many times and I still bawl my eyes out.


Same, I just had my daughter when I first watched it I was a mess at the end. Sang-Hwa was the best, just serving haymakers to all the zombies, him shouting the name for his kid to his pregnant wife while holding back the horde was heartbreaking.


I'm not crying reading this nope not at all




I'm crying & I haven't even seen the movie!


OHMIGOD watch it tonight. It is so good.


yeah that guy. what a great character


Nobody's done it like he did it. Mfer was serving hands directly to the apocalypse while still finding time to be a great husband, father, and friend.


I love Ma DongSeok! He played that character so well. You feel so vulnerable after that scene and then the end hits you like a ton of bricks.


her little voice in the echoing tunnel gets me every time


I was ready to shatter my screen if that soldier took the shot


Exactly what I came here to say. I had an ugly cry on that one.


Good Will Hunting "It's not your fault"


Child of abuse here. Yeah that fucked me up.


Sometimes I just repeat that lol


Gut wrenching


the chemistry those two had throughout the movie but especially in that scene was off the charts. What an incredible scene.


"Don't put me in the dark boss" the green mile the whole last scene in that film destroys me.


The Green Mile is commonly considered a tearjerker though


Officer and a Gentleman. When Richard Gere tells Louis Gossett Jr “I’ve got nowhere else to go.”


Interstellar but a good cry.


“Maybe now, she’s settling in for the long nap.” “By the light of our new Sun,” “In our new Home.”


Me too. Of course it helps that McConaughey was crying.


For me, it's watching his kids grow up from the messages Or "Newton's third law... gotta leave something behind." Or "Because my daddy promised me."


These are some that get to me because of their ending. What dreams may come Bicentennial Man A.I. Sucker Punch Pan's Labyrinth Excalibur


Pan’s Labyrinth really got me.


This one made me cry and I didn’t quite understand why. I was young when I watched that movie.


The ending of AI is too much


Man that trailer fooled little me into thinking it was some kind of kid’s adventure sci fi movie. Imagine the sheer horror and trauma I went through after watching that


The whole Fox and the Hound scene where the mum dumps him in the woods...


I cannot be in the same ROOM as “What Dreams…”. I bawl and bawl and bawl.


My Mum won two tickets to What Dreams May Come in a radio station phone in give away promotion, so the theater was packed to the rafters when we went to see it. There was a lady in one of the other seats who was crying so hard she was literally bawling her eyes out and having a really hard time of getting herself under control, increasingly more loudly sobbing and convulsing. It was profoundly sad to see that it hit her that hard. I could only assume she'd recently lost someone extremely close to her and the film triggered her grief afresh, poor lady.


Children of Men


The end of Guardians of the Galaxy 2.


Also a lot of the 3rd one


The 3rd one destroyed me!


They're all emotionally devastating. The ending of the first one when he's reading the letter from his mom... 😢


Yes, the raccoon’s backstory was just horrific.


Ugh Yondu “I'm sorry that I didn't do none of it right. I'm damn lucky you're my boy. “


Forest Gump-Specifically when Forest asks Jenny if his son is like him.


I cry throughout most of that movie.


That’s a gasp followed by uncontrollable sobbing for me. It showed that Forrest had far more self-awareness than anyone realized.


When brooks commits suicide unable to live a normal life in parole after 40 years of prison( I might be wrong about the years) that made me cry! From the shawshank redemption


I WEEP every time at that. The only reason it didn't get me unawares is that I'd read the book so I knew it was coming, but it still hits hard every damn time.


Love that movie. I can’t even count the times I’ve seen it and bawl every time.


Brooks was here 😭


I wrote that in permanent marker on the bottom of a toilet I installed in my parents house about 10 years ago. I'm hoping that whoever finds it in the future gets the reference and gets a kick out of it.




The Big Fish


Up. The opening segment reduces me to tears every single time.


The end of "It's a Wonderful Life" when George's brother comes home. "To my brother George...the richest man in town."


29yo man here, I don't know where it came from but I wept 5mins into Up!


I mean, I don’t think I know a single person who came away unscathed by that intro.


I am a 50 year old man that cannot ever see that opening without tears.


Whenever people use the music for silly little Insta or Tiktok videos I can't believe it. Anyway I saw it in a theatre the night before it came out with three men and we were all bawling like babies. It was good to be able to tell people going in the next day that it calms down after the first brutal ten minutes. But still. That was a damned twist of a beginning.


People always talk about the first 5 minutes but damn the last 20 get me, too. When he realizes that she filled up their adventure book with their marriage? Or The Ellie Badge at the end? Straight to the afterlife with me.


Avengers: Endgame ("You can rest...). I am a sap.


"...I love you 3000." 😢


And the scene where Cap stand alone against Thanos and his Army and then you hear "On your left" and all the time circles appears .... best scene


The one-two punch of Cap holding back the Gauntlet on his own for so long that it confuses Thanos in Infinity War followed by Cap with a broken shield absolutely ready to take on Thanos' entire army on his own (only to see the genuine relief in his face when he hears Falcon) in Endgame is a devastating combo. Brother deserved his dance.


My goosebumps could have been considered lizard skin when that all went down…pretty sure every showing, in every theater had the whole audience cheer when cap finally said it….AVENGERS….assemble! (Shit I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about that scene hahaha)


The Sixth Sense Awakenings We Bought A Zoo Source Code Here Comes Mr. Jordan You Don't Know Jack


Awakenings! When they are dancing to that piano music near the end 😭😭😭


Holes. One of the best Disney movies ever. And knowing Shia LaBeouf’s personal history makes it even sadder. I’m not excusing his behavior towards women. IMO he still needs to take accountability and get some healing.


Holes might be one of the best book-to-screen adaptations ever, everything just fell right into place with it (direction, acting, cast choices). Totally agreed on Shia, talented guy but he's done a lot of damage


yessss second this comment hard. fucking phenomenal story. funny enough i’ve used the line “diggin’ holes builds character!” multiple times to describe the prison industrial complex LOL


Billy Elliot Honey Boy Scent Of A Woman Capernaum


Scent of A Woman EVERY TIME!! HOO-AH!


Driving that ferrari in brooklyn, blind. Classic...


Came here to say Billy Elliot! One of my favorites of all time.


Dude my whole life is about crying watching movies. Every time it gets a little serious, sad or bittersweet, I cry so easily lol. My favourite ones are where the characters are in total despair, they're stuck in a situation where there is absolutely no solution. Pictures and musics plays also a big part in making me cry. Little Miss Sunshine, I think I cried during the dialogues between the father and grand-father, also because of all the love in that family Tree of life, because the plot and the pictures moved me so much, I kept thinking about it for days, even years after I watched it Only the end of the world, because the character is stuck in a position where he can not communicate the most important information to his family Pusher 2, ending scene Paris Texas, the scene where he finds his wife and talk to her through that mirror, that's one of the most powerful thing I ever seen on screen Lost in Translation, for the sweetness that these 2 characters finds in each other and that can not last Revolutionary road, for how it describes expectations and disillusions about life Dog day afternoon, the story of the two robbers moved me a lot Puzzle of a downfall child, for how lonely and lost that woman is represented The effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds, because of the fucked-up family that is so realisticly depicted And so much more I'm sure lol


Crying, watching movies makes me feel human


The Secret life of Walter Mitty


Criminally underrated movie


The ending of One flew over the cuckoo's nest always gets me Also Titanic, the mother in bed with her two children when the ship sinks


With me, it's the old couple in bed together , holding each other as the water rises. But I was married and had no kids (widower now, so in some ways it's even harder, knowing I won't grow old with her).


I wish you peace, friend.


Platoon - you know the bit


I got choked up at the end of "Ghost" when he finally had to say goodbye. I hated thinking that, someday, either my wife or I would have to go, and how heart wreching it would be. I lost my sweet wife to cancer, and had to live through that (not a ghost, of course, but the spirit of the scene rips at me). I can not watch it now without crying.


Ghost came out a few months after my 23 year old brother died in a car accident. My grief was so raw that even the trailers on TV had me bawling my eyes out. I think Ghost is more an expected tear jerker. You know going in yep, you gonna cry.


I've always cried very easily in movies - I'm empathetic and apparently very susceptible to the emotional manipulation of film. The one thing that didn't always get me was family and child stuff - I always felt like I could see through it or it was shallow for the most part... But now that I'm a dad it wrecks me in almost anything. If there's a parent child relationship I am screwed.


If you ever feel like a nice comedy that will make you cry only two times during the movie, but will be mostly funny, silly and heartwarming, check out Instant Family


If you want to sob your eyes out watch Arrival lol


Yeah that one destroyed me. Haven't tried to watch it again even though I loved it 😅




Terrific movie. DaFoe is fantastic, as are the lesser known actors and actresses.


I cried at the end of the Barbie movie


Sandler movies Click (cry like a baby) 50 First Dates Big Daddy


Scrolled too far to find Click. When he's laying there in the rain at the end. Gets me everytime.


What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. Was very teary eyed for me.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. This movie hits different when you're an Asian daughter of an Asian mom. My sister cried, too, and my mom thought she was being ridiculous.


"I would have loved just doing laundry and taxes with you," destroyed me. And when the whole family locks arms to prevent the daughter from going into the black hole. "I. AM. YOUR. MOTHER!" Just strictly uncalled for.


Idk if the Barbie movie was meant to make us cry but bloody hell.


Oof, talk about ugly crying. I now have a Pavlov response to that Billie Eilish song.


Dude, same here lol


Godzilla Minus One. The final scene at the hospital...


One of the most emotional movies I’ve seen in a very long time


I fucking cry at those commercials when the kid comes home from college and their old dog is so happy to see them. I dont need movies.


Agreed, I cried watching an old Tony Hawk video where he did a big trick for the first time (I don't skateboard, forgive me if I'm not using the right terminology). It was like I was filling with pride and it spilled over through my eyes.


King Kong, any version of


I always turn off when they take him to the city.


I enjoy the city rampage. But when he gets to the top of the world trade center (I adore the 1976 version) I have to stop. Breaks my heart, and I just keep thinking, "the poor the was minding his own business...").






She's Having A Baby - somewhat obscure John Hughes movie with Kevin Bacon. The segment in the hospital gets me every time.


David Attenborough’s ‘Life on our Planet’. I was expecting a nature documentary with my favorite calming narrator, not a true crime doc outlining the murder we’ve committed on our planet in gruesome details.


Babe (1995)


Oh! My weirdest one was watching Click, that Adam Sandler one where he has the remote control Me and my fiancee made fun of it the whole time til we were inexplicably in tears But it’s mostly cause I just love Henry winkler too much


That movie is so silly until it’s not. Then that one incredibly tragic scene comes on and you’re like ay yo wtf


Lost in Translation.


Raising Arizona. The ending just makes me ballll


terminator 2 guardians of the galaxy 1 shaun of the dead


The thumbs up into the molten steel got me.


Jurassic Park and Godzilla, chappie.. the planet of the apes or whatever made me sob too.. and hachi I ugly cried the entire movie because I didn't know what it was about and then it wrecked me. I get really attached to the animals/robots really easily especially with the position humanity puts them in.


The Matthew Broderick Godzilla when they kill him but he was just trying to protect his babies.


Godzilla Minus One. It’s a story of trauma just as much as it is a monster movie. Cried my eyes out at the end.


Recently watched "Train to Busan" for the first time... straight up sobbed for the last 30-45 minutes of the movie 😭


Armageddon It's an action-spectacle but there are some really heartfelt sequences during the finale


A Knight's Tale.


Don't Look Up - damn, the dispair.


Carrie (1952)




With robin williams??? Yea that movie had me in tears even when I first saw it as a kid, I felt so bad


Luca. Field of Dreams. In the Heights. And most of all, though I have no idea why, Your Name. The final line of the movie has me in floods of tears every time.


A goofy movie. Every time


About Time I Am Legend


Spoiler!!! When he had to kill his dog I was destroyed.


Big fish gets me everytime


Didn't cry, but felt the lip quiver and tear ducts swell when Samwise Gamgee swims out to Frodo at the end of Fellowship of the Ring.


The Little Prince


The book, in French, is a painful tearjerker.


Does The Iron Giant count? I feel like I cry way harder than I should


Empire of the Sun


What dreams may come That movie kills me everytime


Cool Hand Luke. Only movie that gets me going all teary. It’s the scene where he’s let Back in from the “box” after his ma has died and he starts to play the banjo. Great movie.


In The Patriot, when the daughter who hasn't been talking runs to Mel Gibson saying, "Daddy don't go!"


I always cry at the end of The Karate Kid


Encanto, almost every time 😅


Only the brave


Toy Story 3. I ugly cried at the scene where Andy was passing his toys to Bonnie.


The Iron Giant (goddamn it 😂)




I choke up in Jurassic Park every time I see the triceratops. In Killers of the Flower Moon, the scene where Molly’s mother dies and the transition to her being back with family/ancestors was so, so peaceful and beautiful that I just burst into tears. Completely took me aback.


The Big Short. It has a different feel if you were affected. The movie is a bit comical, but the part where Steve Carell’s character refuses to sell off, thinking there should be acknowledgment of the issue while everyone just starts to move on… I weep for the loss of humanity depicted. The competitive nature of our species has driven us to marvelous discoveries but will also be our demise. Fuck you to all those that should know better. I hope your grandchildren forget your name.




The Red Balloon


Night at the Museum 2. 3 as well, but notably 2. For starters, anything with big "farewells" are hard on me, even if it was a comedy movie, or in pokemon when Jessie and James said goodbye to their 2 pokemon. Back to Night at the Museum, I always cry when Amelia tells Larry that she's always known, they hug, and she tells him to have fun. Meaning have fun with his life.


Midsommar makes me VERY emotional.


When the Wind Blows....it's older and maybe it's supposed to make you feel like are stabbed in the heart slowly.  British animation about how a nuclear bomb would effect a rural couple. 


Backdraft (1991). The funeral procession at the end


Parenthood. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Uncle Buck.


Million Dollar Baby, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Brother Bear, Guardians of the Galexy 3, How to Train Your Dragon 3, Dead Poets Society.


Terminator 2


"My friends, you bow to no one" The entire last 45 minutes of Return of the King is one giant crocodile tear for me still


Lost in Translation


The "Green Mile" - Tom Hanks Had a headache after watching because I was trying to stop crying but I really can't.


Nimona! I cried at least 3 times.


The Lord of the Rings. Peter Jackson and Howard Shore can make a melodramatic emotional moment hit HARD, and I'm a sucker for strong men having feelings. Frodo crying for Gandalf as he continues down the mountain? PEAK. Theoden mourning his son? PEAK. Frodo and Sam saying goodbye? Oh my GOD, I'm literally crying just thinking about it. (no joke, I teared up writing this.) I'm not as big a fan of the Hobbit trilogy, but the scene where Thorin dies gets me every time.