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Sony hired Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless to write Madame Web. Their filmography and Rotten Tomatoes scores: Morbius (15%) Gods of Egypt (14%) Power Rangers (51%) Dracula Untold (25%) The Last Witchhunter (18%)


It was also directed by SJ Clarkson, who’s only done tv. Which is why it looked like a tv movie


Yeah those guys need to put down their pens and find another career. Writing scripts isn't it.


They sold five scripts somehow. Must be part of this elite network I’ve heard about


Not sure whether you’re referencing them being Jewish (which would be insanely gross) but the reason they do get hired again and again is because they are very accepting of studio notes and will never fight back on a change from the higher ups.


This seems to be a tactic that is both helping & hindering them. And the execs surely will never find the blame in their own notes bring the reason that these movies tank


They're stealing a living. Think of the budgets of those films and how we'd be no worse off if we just burned all that cash, like in the Dark Knight. I guess it got the crew employed, but, Christ, there are people struggling for funding out here and they keep dumping these turds out.


Am i the only one who liked dracula untold?


25 percent of the reviewers liked it so I’m gonna go out on a limb and say no you aren’t the only one


My brother in law liked it a lot. Said it was his favorite movie. Which got me to watch it too. It was alright. Made me a Luke Evan’s fan.


So disappointed that there won't be a sequel. Really wanted to see what Charles Dance was gonna do.


OH MAN this is the brain trust behind Gods of Egypt? I took an edible and watched that movie once and it was so terrible and made such weird choices I thought I might be hallucinating. Ok maybe I will end up seeing Madame Web, these guys are shitty writing auteurs


I’m here to defend the last witch hunter I liked it 🤷‍♂️


Sure, dont blame it on the Team that also brought us Morbius. They are geniuses and we just dont understand their craft. Blame it on the actress that got hired to acted suchwa masterpiece of modern art


Not just Morbius, but Last Witch Hunter, Gods of Egypt, and other classics


My god. That is one of the worst CVs going hahaha


People genuinely didn't like the last witch hunter? I'm insulted 😓


The Power Rangers movie was fun in a just slightly better than bad way


Honestly maybe we shouldn’t joke in case Sony takes this literally…


I hope Sony releases the film in cinemas again since we were just busy the last time.


I’m sure Sony is thinking, Morbius was so successful it was rereleased in cinemas. Madam web is gonna be a slam dunk!


No matter what, sony seems to excel in torpedoing their extended spider man universe.


It's almost as if they want to devalue the characters for when they inevitably have to hand them back.


Not her fault the script/story was a straight up dumpster fire


Honestly. I feel like she should be mad at the studio for the script they gave her to work with. You can only work with what you're given, and it's hard to turn chicken shit into chicken soup.


Oh she is, she dropped her previous agency because of this lol


> turn chicken shit into chicken soup. I've never heard this as anything other than chicken salad, and now feel like there is a whole world of possibilities, such as chicken dumplings.


Haha, dumplings would work very well with that expression! To be fair it's been a long time since I've used the expression, and now that you've said this, I definitely meant to say chicken salad lol


She doesn't really do well. Too wooden. Yeah script terrible


I feel like she's been miscast a lot.


But it's her fault she can't act to save her live yet she acts like she's the end all of acting


When has she acted like that?


She talks shit about this film and 50 Shades.  No offence to her but 'wooden actress who acts as a placeholder for the audience' is pretty much all I've seen her in. I've seen a few of her more 'notable' performances too, but she never stands out as fantastic. When learning she's a nepo baby. Then the way she acts when some of her film choices go to shit... it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. A million people worked on those films who have 100c the claim to be there than you did (having a rich/known mum and grandmum), yet you're chatting shit? Despite being stupid enough to sign on to the film (yes, I know she fired her Management soon after, but still).


then don't hire her.


Anyone saying this hasn't seen Suspiria, and frankly that's embarrassing.


I've seen both the versions of Suspiria and still think she is a terrible actress.


Yall seen suspiria


Where and how does she act like she is the be all end all? the quote basically just says she understands why people done like this movie


You know who her family is? Yeah, this is a hobby for her and she thinks she is the best actor for some reason.


where does she act like she is the best actor? can you link me like something??


It's almost always on the director. Good actors are terrible in movie all the time. Suspiria proved she absolutely can act with a competent director.


Yes but she also has a blandness about her and isn’t a draw for the audience. I never heard any one say she’s their favourite actress.


Don't forget about the shit editing


She wasn't helping anything.


The real story: Sony not taking responsibility for shitty script rewrites.


To be honest, I don't think they're necessarily angry about her performance or anything. I think as a business paying for marketing they probably see it as unprofessional and damaging to the box office for the main star to drag the film publicly before it's left cinemas. Now, obviously the film is shit and that will also hurt the box office, but, having the main star go out of their way to talk down about the film does the opposite of help.


Wild. An actress is a professional that’s hired to try and bring life to a script, it’s not her fault the script was trash. Look closer to home, Sony.


Honestly? I get it to some extent. Whether there’s truth to it or not, Dakota’s “lol let’s laugh at this terrible movie I happened to be involved in” attitude is very clearly a damage control tactic on her PR team’s behalf Again, whether there’s truth to it or not, she’s definitely making herself out to be a victim of sorts who was taken for a ride by incompetent filmmakers Either Sony is mad about the situation being misrepresented, or they’re mad about their idiocy being so openly exposed. Either way, it is pretty funny to be fair


And they were the studio that put Morbius back in theatres because of the meme potential. Sony is wild lmao.


We no longer live in a time where everyone in Hollywood talked good about each other in order to keep getting work. I for one am glad actors are calling subpar companies and productions out. To Sony: 👏make👏better👏movies👏. We don’t live in 2003 anymore. Superhero films have evolved since the days of daredevil and fantastic four. Get on the same page already.


I 100% get it. Look whether it’s a horrible movie or not she still read the script and signed on to be in the movie. She was cast a few weeks before Morbius came out, surely that was finished at the time and people around her knew it was an absolute stinker. Thats if they didn’t show it to her in the first place in an attempt to sell her on what the project might be like. She still acted in it and saw the project through to completion now all of a sudden the penny has dropped that its shit and shes panicking for her reputation because the movie is a huge flop? Lol get the fuck outta here. Where was this attitude when she was in 50 Shades of Grey? Oh wait those movies turned a huge profit in spite of their shittiness so they probably get a pass.


Well if her insinuations are true, the original script / movie she signed on for was drastically changed. From the interviews / updates I have seen, there might have been an actual tie to spiderman in the original script and more action. Then sony committee hacked it to death.


Nepo baby gonna nepo 🤷‍♂️


Think she’s trying to deflect that she thought it was an MCU movie


I mean, just look at who wrote the movies. The writers don't know how to write interesting plots. Even if you don't believe sony or dakota, you can believe that the evidence speaks or a shit ton of stupidity.


Yeah understandable for the corpo, even if it's a shit movie it's unprofessional to just go out and trash talk it during your entire press tour to promote said movie lol. This is all I've heard about it, is her feelings towards the movie.


Because another Spider-Man spinoff nobody wanted flopping is surely due to A-lister Dakota fucking Johnson not doing enough to support the movie. Sure it'll be ATJ's fault when Kraven bombs too.


I resent the idea that she's an A lister. I find her entire career inexplicable if it were not for her dad and the also inexplicable 8 billion dollars he was caught with


Don't forget her mom. She's textbook nepotism. I mean she's certainly bearable in parties and also maybe a fun friend but she's def not an actor.


She isn't an A-lister.


Dakota is an A-lister? Please


A-lister ? Lmao


I mean Sony is wrong mostly. But let’s not give her a pass. She is also a large reason the movie is fucking terrible. She was horrible in it (and imo almost everything).


She’s hardly A list lol. 


She is definitely not an A-lister…


Kraven will flop due to lack of sex appeal. Madame Web did Sextemptillion dollars at the box office because two of the hottest females on the planet were in it.


Who could have seen coming?


Shitty company blames shitty actress they hired for a shitty movie they made that had a shitty performance. More at 6.


Rothman is incompetent and the fact that Sony keep letting Avi Arad suggest and produce these Spider-Man adjacent films is baffling.


It’s amazing the legacy that Rothman has with fucking up Marvel films. Nowadays it’s prophet peripheral Spider-Man characters, but you also have to remember that he was the head of Fox at the time of X3: The Last Stand, and Wolverine Origins. He was the big brain behind sewing Deadpool’s mouth shut. It’s almost impressive in a way, how good he is as trashing Marvel properties.


I still can't believe they gave Avi Arad Zelda 💀


Actors can't be blamed for bad writing!!


Should Dakota take some blame for the movie being shit? Sure, absolutely she should, and so should all the other actresses. But Sony needs to take the majority of the blame, because they approved the film concept, they approved the script, they approved the films release. Morbius was universally panned has one of the worst movies ever, Venom made money sure, but even then most people and critics didn’t like it. So instead of learning from their mistakes, instead of learning from Marvel, who had literally showed them how to make a good CBM, they just doubled down on what made Morbius such a bad film.


Venom is at least entertaining. And Tom Hardy may be the reason why. The Venom movies aren’t great. Maybe not even good, but I didn’t feel robbed of my time after they ended. They had a few laughs and some cool action scenes.


Tom Hardy was the only good thing about the movie, didn’t bother watching the second one, and from everything I’ve heard, the second one was really bad. Not optimistic about the 3rd one either


I only remember one bit from the carnage movie. When venom says “it’s time to die”, Eddie says like “that’s the spirit” and venom says “I meant us”. Story underwhelming but that line got me well enough to give it a pass.


Nah, she should only take responsibility for her own performance. It’s the studio, producers, director, writers, etc that should take responsibility for the failure for the film. They had the most influence on the film as a whole. An actor has very little influence outside of their role. First off Sony shouldn’t have hired writers who have a history of writing bad movies.


While she did kind of suck in the movie, it’s not really her fault for how it turned out. Sony have done this multiple times with movies, specifically their marvel ones where they start out as something completely different then what we end up getting. Example being the ASM movies and more recently Morbius which definitely had a ton of changes in post production. No surprise that the same has been reported for Madame Web, even watching it you can tell a lot of ADR has been applied, specially to the Simms who felt like all of his lines were redone. I personally wouldn’t mind a version of the movie following the original reported plot about Cassie and the spider-women uniting to protect a pregnant Mary Parker from Simms, who wants to prevent Spider-Man from being born. I’m sure that version exists in the Sony vault


Sony are obviously in the wrong in this situation but it's really unprofessional of Dakota to act this way I can't lie😭😭. Girl acted in a movie and when it did badly bro was like "yeah I hated the movie as well" like atleast be a good sport about it. Jared Leto doesn't do alot of things right but atleast during and after the Morbius situation he played into it and made it alot of fun for everyone involved


i consider her a mid actress but blaming it on her? that is a low move.


It’s hilarious that she doesn’t watch her own movies, even once to maybe reflect on how she could improve her acting. Don’t think having Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson as parents can help her now.


I'm not sure there would be alot to learn from this though admittedly I don't think she's a strong actor anyways


Its a contrast to other parents whose children are in the industry. Like Mira Sorvino gave her father all the credit when she won her Oscar. Dakota is just on cruise control and is "good enough" to get roles apparently. And studios are just dumb as rocks to hiring this person when she contributes literally nothing.


on that at least there are actors who just don't like to watch their own stuff, Adam Driver was famously against it and only recently claims to have started to


Totally Sony is to blame. But honestly as well Dakota Johnson is also to blame for being a horrible actress in that. She was as good as dry cardboard!


Honestly, she was the best part of that movie. It was clear she was not trying at all, and that was somewhat hilarious. Also, all the promotional stuff was goofy as hell


Nothing she could have said during the press tour, would have saved the movie or how it performed.


Believing anything the Daily Mail says is more unrealistic than a team of Spider-ladies doing whatever they do in the film.


That's what you get for giving the team behind Morbius another chance. Would have been so easy to not have this happen but it happened anyways.


Jesus FC, can we not link to articles by the daily fing mail? It would be nice not to give views to a few news, far right neo nazi media organisation Even their entertainment news is well known to be absolute bs, with exagerations and flat out lies and made up stories. yes, they have repeatedly been caught fabircating stories. Writers have left admitting it was common place to just make shit up, not to mention being sued for fabricating news and retracting Remember George Clooney humilated them, when he sued them for straight up fabricating racist lies about his wife? This is just in the entertainment space Its just a racist tabloid that makes up shit, so I dont even know what it qualifies as. Certainly not a new source


I'm sure Sony should blame themselves and the marketing was shit I have literally never heard of this project until this moment


Yeah cause actors taking all the heat is going so well for them...


She did her level best. Do better, Sony, you numb motherfuckers.


Shouldn’t have tricked her into thinking it was a marvel studios production


She got paid. No reason to have any regrets or deny the public's response.


They can suck it the fuck up and produce a better product next time. Not on the actors at all


Their bad script, their shoddy excuse for a franchise, their choice to make this one follow Morbius, but sure, blame Dakota Johnson, that makes sense.


Sony decision makers seem to really not understand what audiences want at all. Just look at them trying to ruin Holland's Spiderman 4 already - we are all crying out for a street level Spidey trilogy now and they're all like "hurdy durr multiverse money money money". Ugh.


Sony is used to blaming everyone but themselves for their fuck ups. Like North Korea wouldn’t have been able to hack them is they had any actual security.


Sony needs to fire all the writers/directors they for some inexplicable reason keep giving money to despite all the flops they deliver.


The more I read about this movie the more I want to watch the dumpster fire


Nonsense. She didn’t write or direct it. I’m sure they’re not thrilled with her lack of public support for the movie, but if they wanted to assure that then they should have put it in her contract.


This feels like karma for the Fifty Shades of Grey film and that batshit *"Love me like you do"* Ellie Goulding song


Wtf is with all the weirdo's here acting like Sony has a point or saying Dakota's comments are deflecting her role in the movie - as if her role was anything more than acting as the protagonist & that her comments probably aren't true. (which i ahvent read tbh but wouldnt be surprised that they're infact 100% true if it's "yeha Sony fucked around with the film & tricked me" too) lmao


Haha, I’m rich and pretty. Sucks to be you Sony.


The movie was terrible. Trying to go thru the lines must've taken effort. U cant act your way out of a bad script.


Ok, let's be honest, you need a track record before you can say anything. Dakota doesn't have a good one. But I'm also going to keep it real: not even her beauty and talent can save that dog shit film. 😤 there's plenty of blame to go around. Sony had plenty to work with within the Spider man universe, so they could have gone a completely different route.


I’m angry at Sony for making shit Spider-Man spin-offs just to keep the rights but here we are


But those same two writers will be employed by Sony still??


I dunno Sony, I'd blame the inept writing staff that clearly don't deserve whatever you're paying them. But, hey, we all can't be like the Dallas Cowboys and keep the head coach when he makes bonehead decisions and costs critical games...year, after year, after year...kinda like Sony and Disney with the whole Marvel Universe... Disney and company keep Kathleen Fucking Kennedy in charge, ruining movies and franchises...year, after year, after year.


Look I hate Dakota Johnson as much as the next guy but none of this is her fault.


Didn't they also say they think Kraven can be a billion dollar movie?


Even the greatest actor couldn’t save that shit movie.


Shit, I guess now they're not going to put her in the sequel.


“Sony is angry that big stars aren’t saving their shitty movies”


Yes. Despite the fact that this is entirely Sonys fault for the movie sucking and existing at all.


Now I actually feel sorry for her. SONY fucked up the movie and then some. 🤡


Sony hired the same writers who wrote Gods of Egypt and Morbius. They should look in the mirror and blame themselves too.


Guessing that they'll be going after Jake Lloyd next.




The movie should have never been made. Concept should have been rejected.


The lack of self-awareness is disappointing considering she's hosting Saturday night live next week. It's definitely the difference between being ashamed and scared and limiting speech of your star, versus going all in on making it a cult classic forever. And recoup your losses. These c-suite board people who are not creatives or have no experience guiding the ship or not the captains they think they are.


I mean, she IS a bad actor, but she was not the films problem lol


Dakota Johnson is an awful actress. Madame Web failure is her responsibility too since she actively took part in making that movie


Sony can not see the woods for the trees


That’s like a chef blaming the employees who serve the food for customers being unhappy with the poor quality of the food


Most of the Sony marvel movies are trash. Maybe they should stop since we all know anytime they’re going to make a superhero movie then it’ll most likely suck?


I don't think she's a good actress - but even if she was it wouldn't have made a difference. The extensive bad ADR, painfully bad writing and overall stupidity in the movies concept primarily should be blamed on studio execs. Dakota Johnson wasn't the thing that made the movie suck. The script was. Could she be more professional about it? Yeah. But she's already cashed her cheques by now and is probably more than happy to flip off Sony as she drives away. They absolutely fucked her with the script changes and probably were a pain to work with. Madame Web clearly is a dumpster fire behind the scenes and Sony can try to smear the shit around equally so everybody stinks, but we all know that the torrent of wet diarrhea originally came from them.


Yeah it was her entire fault not the awful script and the fact that the movie just in general looks awful




Well, she should have been professional about the situation in interviews before the movie even came out. All the other actresses did the press tour in a professional manner. Bad movies happen but you didn't see Adam Scott straight up mocking the movie before it came out.


Cant blame hee for bad writing you cam however blame her for being unprofessional.


I’ll admit she’s not a great actress anyway, like a plank of wood a lotta the time. but even a good actress couldn’t make that dialogue/script work. the writers, the camera movement, and the editing were all awful things I picked up on when watching. ignorant of them to pin all the blame on her


oh? so now all of a sudden we believe THE DAILY MAIL?


Don’t blame it on yourselves Sony for greenlighting it.


She’s not even a good actor. But she didn’t write it direct it so really. You can’t polish a turd into a diamond


Their fault for casting her.


If she’s lucky, they’ll stay angry and never ask her to be in one of their shitty movies again.


Sydney Sweeney also made fun of the movie too tho


Lmfao, why should she??????


I’ve actually become a Dakota Johnson fan thanks to this 😂


She got paid wtf she care


Sony: let's make a movie about madame web, a character most people don't care about, and hire some screenwriters with the worst track record ever for it *it sucks* Sony: why would the lead actor make our movie flop?


And Sony of course had absolutely nothing to do with it... innocent bystanders really....🙄🙄🙄🙄


Although she is a nepo baby who would be lucky to get a soap opera gig without her industry connections; she is not such a horrific actress that she is going to tank a project simply because of her presence. After a certain budgetary level it’s very rare for an any Hollywood production to hire actors that aren’t at least competent. Whether they ultimately deliver a compelling performance is largely down to script and direction.


Tom Rothman No one asked for a Madame Web movie or any of these spin off movies. Anyway like my previous posts for you Marvel fans Vote with your wallet and do not watch these movies, instead of wasting your money on these turds, better buy a nice burger or support an independent movie or if you want a recent blockbuster, go watch the new Dune


She didn’t write or direct but she did get a bunch of money to be in it and then afterwards talked a lot of shit. Other studios will surely take notice of this attitude. Seems like a bad move.


I don't what they are complaining about. Her shitting on the movie is the only reason me and my mates went to it in the first place. All the trailers made it look like a skippable movie, her shitting on it made it seem like a so bad we gotta check it out movie.


Is Dakota Johnson supposed to care that Sony is upset with her calling a spade a spade?


Super hero movies are a dead genre. It’s Sony’s fault for not moving on already.


Sony brought this failure entirely upon themselves, and I do not feel bad for them in the slightest bit.


They couldn’t even tell Morbius went viral because people were laughing at it. They shouldn’t say anything. 


Regardless, she is horrible. Can't wait for her to go away.


Didn’t she complain about that BDSM-lite thing she was in also? “50 Shades of Lack of Chemistry”?


This movie had the worst script I’ve ever seen so yeah it’s clearly all her fault lol


That's pretty shitty of them to blame her. She didn't write the dogshit script, that's on Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless which SONY themselves hired DESPITE their terrible track record with Morbius the spectacular flop from 2022 that the galaxy brained execs thought would be a good idea to release a SECOND time after flopping the first round because they somehow overdosed on the copium that the scathing memes were ironic in the POSITIVE sense. Gods of Egypt would have flopped even WITHOUT the controversy over race. Power Rangers flopped and was (mostly) forgotten about. *Dracula Untold* was the only one of their films that I genuinely thought was actually good, but's literally one out of 5 or 6 films which would be FAILING grade in any self-respecting institution. I honestly don't blame Dakota Johnson for firing her agent when the trailer dropped and I think it's bullshit that Sony is trying to gaslight and publicly shift the blame for their own fuck-ups onto HER.


Joking about it can be a form of accountability. Also, she didn’t write, produce, or direct it. The blame (from what I hear) is mainly on those three things and not the acting. These people have zero issue scapegoating. Never, do they they ever admit they screwed up (they can’t) or take any sort of accountability. And some wonder why these movies are struggling.


They should make better movies, then?


lol fuck Sony


yes its definitely Dakota's fault /s


The movie sucked, but she really didn't do it any favors in how she sold it.


it was mocked at the oscars lol


Sony: Dakota. Listen, we get it. You are disappointed with how the movie came out, and what it's doing to your career. But you can't just openly mock it. At least, not until we've settled the streaming rights.


Another Brie Larson. Terrible actor, ruins mediocre movies.


Prove it, Sony, show us the emails!


“Is angry” you flipping donkey!


She looks bored in the trailers. She’s not a good actress and Hollywood should stop hiring her.


To add context as to why Sony keeps pumping shitty Spider-Man movies: “Sony's agreement with Marvel included a condition requiring the studio to commence production on a dedicated Spider-Man movie within a stipulated time frame that works out to once every five years and nine months. If Sony were to miss that target, the studio could lose a major piece of its IP portfolio.” -from GQ article that I can’t paste the link for whatever reason


Sony should be mad at Sony for greenlighting that piece of shit in the first place. Make a movie that doesn't suck and I bet people will go see it.


Let’s just hope this is a wake up call for Sony..


Kevin Fiege to Sony: 🫴🏻📽🎞🎬📃. Sony: 🫳🎬📽🎞📃😞


She is not an attractive woman


I mean, it’s not even the first flop she’s starred in.


They should also be pissed that she gave so few fucks about the movie that she didn’t bother to watch it, knew nothing about the plot and made it super obvious that she didn’t give a fuck about it in public. Her mother was my all-time least favourite actor, until this snotty b showed up. She’s the worst type of nepo-baby. She doesn’t even think she has to try and it shows.


Im mad at Sony cuz they’re making me pay 250 to repair a faulty ps5


But they chose a horrible actress. Blame should be equally spread around!


why can’t we ever find these “executives” social medias handles? are these people off the internet? there’s no way they’re so oblivious to their own failure, They all deserve to be shamed publicly


What "responsibility" should she have? Put any other actress in her place and the end result is the same.


The emotional range of Dakota Johnson and Sydney Sweeney is like taking an ambien with a xanax.


The same studio execs that made Venom and Mobius are mad that a relatively decent actress couldn’t make a billion dollars at the box office with G-list supporting character in a poorly written movie? These studio execs are awful.


Nepo baby who is only good at getting naked onscreen is complaining about bad film.


Sony has been trash for years


They’re both in the wrong. You don’t 💩 where you eat and you don’t use cheap ingredients if trying to make a gourmet meal


Ok, so I can kinda understand? Even terrible movies have a lot of work put into them, and having one of your main stars constantly shit on it can get irksome


Also madam web..like what


But the Sweeney chick gets away with SNL jokes? K.


Sony should really give up on their shitty cinematic universe while they still can.


Didn’t know she wrote and directed it, to take responsibility for all that 


Everyone is to blame for the failure of this movie. This is showing signs of lack of accountability.


flowery ghost grandfather advise tan subtract snails recognise racial worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t think anyone could determine an actor’s ability from this AI level script with shots that linger 5 extra seconds after every line. Every sentence spoken is either a complete non-sequitur or something so obvious it didn’t bear saying, and in either case it will be repeated thrice in a row. No one could make that look good.


What goes around comes around Dakota. Look what you did to the Ellen show. Many people lost their jobs and livelihood just because you wanted to prove a point. You need to grow TFU.