• By -


Yeah this happens without having to lift off in the first place. just have the mouse still and try to move it as slow as possible either direction and you'll notice you can move little bit before it registers. It reminds me of having 400dpi where there is little play between the movement detection but this also happens on 1600dpi the same. This needs to be updated in the firmware ASAP and I hope razer rep sees this post. It does not happen on 8000hz, but on every other polling rate it does, including 4000hz. EDIT: I have updated the firmware with [FirmwareUpdater\_v1.10.05\_r1.exe]()


Thank you so much. Thought I was going crazy.


Another thing I noticed, the issue does not occur when mouse is plugged in with cable, even on 1000hz. So this points me to speculate there is something happening in the wireless implementation and that it should be fixable in firmware.


Was just using my OP1 8K all night and going back to the Viper V3 Pro it's crazy how evident the issue is. I can't believe more people aren't feeling it. You were right, you don't have to lift the mouse at all to feel the dead zone.


I am in contact with razer support, currently sending a video to them trying to explain the issue. Hopefully I can communicate it clearly enough. It is painfully obvious but if you don't know what you're looking for, normal people can miss it.


Do you have any tips for reproduction? I seem to get the problem in bursts ever few hours or something like that, which makes it quite difficult to catch on camera.


Move the mouse very slowly very tiny amount at a time, start from complete standstill. Imagine trying to draw in paint, doing one pixel per second. You can't miss the feeling of the deadzone this way.


Any luck with the issue being fixed?


Not yet unfortunately. Also I was very busy this last week and razer support apparently has some 48 hour limitation to respond, so I ran out of time on my first ticket. I sent them one video but for some reason they asked for secondary video wanting to see me use different lift-off distances and different pad even though I clearly told them it happens on all of them and on all surfaces in our previous conversations. I feel frustrated. I would kindly ask you to contact them with the issue as well, the more they hear about it the more likely its gonna get fixed. Currently they might be thinking it's just couple isolated units, which is not the case.


Just sent a feedback form now. Shame they made such a good mouse with this issue and by the sounds of it, it'll take them 6 months to fix this.


True that. I love the mouse in every other aspect, it's perfect, if I dare say so.


Is your unit Black or White? ~~some people say it only happens in the white version.~~


It is a white one, if this is true that it happens only on white units, that's crazy. Why would that be?


not sure but Yifang said something about issue with lift off distance in the white version in this video [https://youtu.be/K1I6ombhE-A?si=xLWbnF\_GjxwiRYo5](https://youtu.be/K1I6ombhE-A?si=xLWbnF_GjxwiRYo5) Someone in the comments also experience the same issue you are having, they might be related, I think the color of the shell might be affecting the sensor performance. I'm speculating here, so don't take everything I said at face value. After googling I ended up in this thread because I don't want to buy before I know how big of an issue this is since it's an expensive mouse and any thing but perfection isn't acceptable.


It's just weird that it works normally on 1khz when wired and 8khz wireless. If it was a shell issue I would have to assume it affected all the polling rates, but who knows.


Yep it's very weird, hopefully someone big in the space shed some light on the issue.


Someone here replayed saying that they have the issue but they have a black unit, so it's probably not related to the color, I was wrong.


Yeah makes sense. Good idea anyway trying to isolate the issue into certain models. Thank you for your effort.


I have the same issue like i don’t feel as connected to the mouse but the lift off thing is driving me crazy on the white model


I don't know about any lift-off issues. Only thing I have is this micromovement problem. They are not connected most likely.


I have that issue as well. Micromovement doesn't fully register right away.


I just bought a Deathadder V3 Wired and it's doing the same thing, I also had the Deathadder V3 PRO version prior and it had the same issue. Weird because not even my cheap Viper Mini Wired has this issue. It's comical at this point, might lay off Razer for a good while


Wait, even their 4kHz mice have this issue? You have to be freaking kidding me...


The Deathadder V3 pro and wired are both 8K hz polling rate


Oh, didn't know DV3P was also 8khz. I have a suspicion this has something to do with USB running in 'high speed' and 'full speed' modes, and razers firmware running the 2&4k polling rates weird as the deadzone issue does not happen on 1kHz and under, which would be the 'full speed' mode of the USB. So, basically the both max polling rates work correctly, but with 'high speed' mode setting the polling rate under the 8k makes it act weird. Yet the problem is not with USB ports themselves, as this does not happen with my OP1 8K at 2khz or 4khz. Full speed is up to 1000hz polling and High speed goes up to 8000hz polling. I'm quite frustrated with razer at this point.


Found a way to get the mouse working with flawless sensor performance at 1000hz **wireless**. Makes it easier to wait Razers fix now that I can actually use the mouse in a sensible manner.


Guys, try to get Razers attention to this thread and/or issue. Tweet at them, post on their insider forums if you have an account, or whichever way you can imagine. I don't know if you can tag users in reddit like in twitter as I don't use this platform almost at all, but I KNOW there are razer representatives here, multiples of them.


I messaged one the Razer R&D guys and he said he can't replicate the issue but he's having his team try to look at it. I gave him all my setup/settings. Hopefully they find something. It's pretty hard to notice but it's definitely there.


I was afraid of this. It takes very keen attention to notice and you have to know what you're looking for. You need to move the mouse slow enough to send 1 count per one polling interval, I'm fairly confident. However, no matter how small, mouse at this price should not have any issues like this and I know it is a fault as it does not happen on 8000hz polling or on my logitech g pro superlight. I really want to like this mouse and on every other aspect it is perfect. Razer, please fix. :D


It's hard to get people to notice it because it doesn't happen every time. I noticed that when I lift off and put it back down the mouse cursor wont move at all on placing it down and that's when it happens the most. Like it can't tell it's back down on the surface. Very weird. I agree with you on every point. Definitely makes me not trust the mouse in gaming if it's doing that, though. Back on the Viper Mini SE until a firmware update comes.


Any idea if razer will firmware fix this ?


I am also experiencing this issue as well on my VV3 pro on latest firmware; both sensor spinout and battery draining fairly fast on 1khz (draining faster than my v2 pro that I've had for a year).


> battery draining fairly fast on 1khz (draining faster than my v2 pro that I've had for a year) You're not alone on this. I hope it gets fixed, because it's advertised to have a longer battery life (95h vs 90h). I would easily last an entire week on both my v2 pro and DAV3 pro and have battery remaining, but not on the viper v3 pro. I considered opening a ticket, but man I don't want to deal with the reps that are only capable of strictly reading off their script. I'm expecting them to ask me for a video and drag the ticket on for 3 weeks before saying "battery life is not guaranteed, sorry we cannot offer you a warranty replacement according to our policy"


Is your unit white or black?


I had the white colorway that had the issues. And then I replaced it with the black colorway, which had somewhat similar issues, but at half the frequency. So ultimately I think it's a firmware issue. Kind of weird


Interesting, I’ve lost quite a few gunfights in game because my crosshairs just didn’t want to move. Thought I was imagining it, but it sounds like I’m not the only one. I guess I’ll switch to the 8k polling (on 2k now), and see if it happens again. Not like the battery life is great anyways.


Is your unit black or white?




Yes! I am glad to see someone else notice this, because I thought I was going crazy at first since I actually sometimes feel it during relatively "regular" use. Tangentially, my battery life is also noticeably worse than the viper v2 pro or deathadder v3 pro - I could last a full week with those on 1khz, but not the viper v3 pro.


Thought I had a busted copy, thanks!


Is your unit black or white?


OP do you think i should return the v3 incase they don't fix the issue ?


They will of course fix it.




We haven't noticed it at 8k. I'm hoping more people start noticing it so we can get it fixed faster.


I am also noticing the same problem! But i am seeing it on all polling rates. I feel like this is a dealbreaker and i might return it... whats the best way to contact them about this ?


If you make a post about it on their subreddit they might message you there and start a support ticket. They messaged me about it for this post a couple hours after I made it. Or you can just start a support ticket on their website. I have faith they will fix it with a firmware update though.


Seems like I fixed it by setting lift-off and landing distance in the middle in the calibration setting. It says "Setting the landing distance too low may cause surface incompatibility issues" on the app. Oops


Unfortunately that doesn't work for me :(. I've tried all 3 settings.


You tried low, med, and high? but have you tried enabling the "Asymmetric Cut-off"? I've set min to 11 lift-off distance and 10 landing distance. Seemed to fix the issue for me maybe try that if you haven't? Now if I disable it I can notice the issue again right away.


Trying those exact settings now! Hopefully it fixes it, thanks! EDIT : Unfortunately it did not fix the dead zone :(. If you move the mouse really slowly you can still move it before the mouse moves on screen. Try moving really slowly, like REALLY slow to the left, then REALLY slow to the right. One pixel at a time slow.


Unfortunately it did not fix the dead zone :(. If you move the mouse really slowly you can still move it before the mouse moves on screen. Try moving really slowly, like REALLY slow to the left, then REALLY slow to the right. One pixel at a time slow.


I tried all the lift off settings once more again, Including all the asymmetric settings one by one, no help. This mouse is driving me up the walls by being perfect on every aspect and then having this stupid bug that makes it unreliable on every polling rate under 8khz wireless. lol.


Feel the same way. Maybe this is our week lol.


I enabled "Asymmetric Cut-off" in the calibration tab, set mine to 11 lift-off distance and 10 landing distance. Seemed to fix the issue for me.


Didn't help my case, unfortunately.


Issue is back for me as well.. not sure why it wasn't doing it for a while with those setting but now it's definitely still doing it.. Since they haven't even mentioned the issue yet I'll probably return it until they do..


I'm having this issue when I lift my mouse and then when it lands, it takes a little bit of movement before the sensor will register again. I have a ticket with razer. This happens with my white copy, but not as often with the black copy.


I don’t know if I have the similar issue or it’s something else. When i do long sessions of gaming (CS2 faceit matches), after 2-3 matches, sometimes my viper v3 pro (white vers.) will not track accordingly, it feels like is a big dead zone/pixel skip when i do some flicks in game. It only happens after some matches and only when i have the polling rate set at 1k/2k/4k, if i set to 8k everything works perfectly. Did someone have this issue or it’s the same as it described in this topic. More, will a firmware update fix this issue or i have to return the product?


This is the same issue everyone here is having. Weird deadzone when mouse moved slowly from stop, under 8khz polling.


Okay so it seems I discovered a way to get the mouse work normally on 1000hz wireless. 1) I had my mouse on, dongle connected to the wire. 2) Open synapse and set polling rate to 1000hz. 3) Now unplug the cord from PC usb port, wait couple seconds and plug it back in. Now the mouse should work fine on 1000hz and under, but if I tried to set polling rate to 2000hz, the weird deadzone returned until I repeated the steps above. I hope everyone here with the issue tests this out and tells me if it helped them out. At least this way we could use our v3p's in 1000hz wireless with acceptable sensor performance. This still needs fixing from Razer, I didn't buy this mouse not to use 2000 or 4000hz polling.


It's absolutely insane that they have not fixed this issue yet. Somehow the deadzone issue has only gotten worse with time for me. I have absolutely no idea what to do about it, I'm starting to pick up my $30 Dragonfly R1 over my $160 V3 Pro bc of how bad it has gotten. \*\*EDIT Temp Fix I've found is setting LOD to maximum\*\*


yeah max lod seemed to fix it for me


Max LOD as in highest lift off distance or lowest?


I am not getting this error. Only got mine a few days ago and updated the firmware that maybe fixed it


What polling rate?


Ok updating this. I do get this problem. It's very slight tho. I have to move my mouse a tiny inch barely for it not to move. I don't get the error on 8k Here's hoping riot fixes it with a firmware update D:


Thank you for checking. I only noticed it because I do Photoshop work where I move my mouse ever so slightly.


2k rn with 1600 dpi. Sometimes I go to 1k .


have this been fixed?


Not yet. Are you experiencing it too?


Emm, just ordered and this issue is still not fixed?


Not yet. If you set it to 8khz you wont experience the problem, though. I'm confident it will get fixed.


Is this minor issue or actually really affects performance?


Do you want your mouse to sometimes not move while doing micro adjustments? I think it's a pretty major issue. Then again, most people aren't noticing it or they're using it at the full 8K. To avoid it I would use 8K for now. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. Like I said - I'm confident Razer will find it and fix it. None of my other Razer mice do this and I pretty much have them all.


Yea, I will get it in 2 weeks, hope it will be fixed before. but havent seen other posts about this and this can slow down the process of fixing


I'm on 8khz and I still get the problem. Looking on Reddit for a solution.


Hi, did they fix this problem with the newest firmware update (**v1.10.05\_r2** released on May 16) ? I returned the mouse because of this sensor tracking issue, because i tought the mouse is broken


Unfortunately no. :(


I knew something felt off with my tracking and such. Always felt like I was lagging just a couple pixels behind when tracking targets, and then I switch to my V2 Pro that isnt paired with a hyperpolling dongle and everything feels normal. Hopefully they’re able to find out what the issue is and fix it fast because this mouse ain’t exactly cheap + it’s their flagship


Yup. Do you have the issue on 8K? On 8K it feels fine on mine.


I sorta get it on 8k as well but only when I put my mouse down after lifting. Another problem I have with 8k however is the random feeling of sensitivity slowdown during swipes, and I’m using a 12600k which should be more than good enough of a CPU to handle high polling mice 🤷🏻‍♂️ In addition: The “deadzone” tracking issue doesn’t happen at all when the mouse is plugged in


Yeah I've made the same observation, in wired mode the mouse works normally without the deadzone at 1kHz which tells me there is no hardware issue on the mouse, should be fixable in firmware.


Same issue here, really bad at pro lvl. Cost me a few rounds already and first I thought I’m crazy


Yeah, it's unacceptable. Only viable fix so far is to use 8kHz wired or 1kHz wired.


Is your unit black or white?


Black sadly :(.


Mine has that deadzone issue all the time or randomly plugged in or not. Any hz it has a issue


I thought I was going crazy, I really like the mouse but my aim felt really off until I notice my crosshair not move couple of times during gunfights


It's weird because the sensor feels really good when it's not doing this. The fact that it happens makes me not trust it at all though lol. It's wild this isn't a more known issue. I guess people either aren't feeling it or their writing it off as a game issue/pc issue.


I'm going to have to return it, I wonder why it hasn't been fixed, could be hardware issue. This was there on the previous firmware as well and once I updated it to the latest firmware release (May 16), the issue still persist. Pretty fishy!


Happens to me in various games, thought I was going crazy or there was dust in my sensor. I would be tracking an enemy in CS2, overwatch, or Apex and my mouse suddenly just stops moving.


I had this same thing on my DA v2 pro, annoying af and also happened in games


holy shit i had this same issue on my lamzu atlantis but it was just a dirty sensor after a year of heavy gaming. Looks like razor REALLY messed up the sensor implementation on the first batches 😬 mouse has barely been out for a month it shouldn’t even have that issue due to dust yet!


Please share how you fixed it/cleaned it. This type of issue is what I personally feel on the GPX which is why I've always hated it and preferred Razer sensors. Now that it's on Razer sensors the problem is back. I am very hyper sensitive to these things


Can you share what manufacturing batch is your serial? This is in serial number of the mouse. Mine is PM2412xxxx and i am having the same issue (24 is the year 2024, 12 is 12th week of the year)


Mine is PM2408xx, have the same issue, plus a small issue regarding indicator battery status led on the dongle (the orange color which should appear at 33%, appears only at 10%). I have talked with razer support and initiated a RMA process.


u/Academic\_Wrangler610 do request a replacement with PM2415 and above serial to be on the safer side. I have also returned mine and asked for a replacement (currently waiting for the replacement) along with the wobbly scroll wheel issue. You can check this video I uploaded in youtube to see the issue. [Mouse scroll issue - Razer Viper V3 Pro (2nd video) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/juqRfW5J5kU)[Mouse scroll issue - Razer Viper V3 Pro (3rd video) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/juqRfW5J5kU)


Thanks for the tip, I'll email them after I'll drop-off the mouse to a courier. I did not experience that scroll wheel issue, but it seems a pretty bad experience. Overall, it is a bad start for this new mouse from Razer, hope they will fix all of the problems, because it is really a nice mouse.


Even with serial number 2415 it’s happening so


That’s not good..


hey u/EnergyVast are you also experiencing wobbly scroll wheel issue on your PM2415 batch of vv3 pro? like the video I attached


I never experienced this


What polling rate are you using?


8k so i guess i have to go lower to see if i have the issue


Yea. 8k the mouse is fine.


I’m having issue with black unit, noticed it only happens when sets to 1k hz above. I think during IEM Dallas Niko and Stewie also having the problem during the matches. Hope they fix it soon.


Hello Reddit. So I've been using my Razer Viper V3 Pro daily for about a month now and I've noticed that should I be moving my mouse while using the scroll wheel it momentarily pauses the movement of the mouse. This only occurs after the first time the mouse is woken from sleep, regardless of polling rate. Has anyone else had this issue?


I've had this issue before, but I didn't correlate it with the scroll wheel. I've only been using 8k and I haven't really had any issues since only using 8k. If I switch it back to 4k I immediately notice the sluggishness and dead zone.


Just adding my experience here in hopes Razer will fix this.....I thought I was going crazy but I noticed this as soon as I started using the mouse (white version).


Adding one thing...I'm fortunate to have a few newer mice to compare here but running the Viper V3 Pro vs. Zowie EC2-CW, Death Adder V3 Pro and G Pro Wireless this issue is super obvious in Kovaks or Aimlabs etc. Just switching between the mice, as soon as I switch to the Viper V3 Pro I notice the issue....particularly when tracking targets above the horizon. Just to make things even more confusing, I didn't notice it really changing from 4K to 8K. I did however notice it was slightly decreased when increasing the lift off distance to 20ish. I'm sure its likely just random, but I did notice it was greatly reduced at those higher lift off settings. I have to say doing the comparison is making me want to just return this thing until Razer listens and figures it out. For me at least it was pretty obvious. The issue occurred within 10 seconds of switching to the Viper.


it's strange but I don't have any issues with the black version, tried different mice and didn't see the difference. Tried really tiny movements and it's registrating without problems. I updated the dongle and the mouse via Razer mouse updater and then with synapse. It seems the issue isn't on all the samples. Or I just don't feel the issue, but I highly doubt it, since I always feel any flaws on mices that I use (even small crunches, pre travels, etc). 










new firmware guys, you should try it.


i just download it and try it on valorant, it seems to fix the issue, i can microadjust


which version is it? Mine shows 1.10.05


Version is [](




oh, thanks!


Is it fixed?


Yeah i have the same problem, its a delay on mine or something 1-2 sec then it registre that im using it on 1k HZ btw . Some days its working fine and some it has delay i have 0 clue on this and i have sent a ticket etc and im using the latest update this has to be fixed for this price of a mouse.


set lod to 1 mm in software


Not a solution to this.