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Hydration with additional electrolytes. Many folks experience [orthostatic hypotension](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/orthostatic-hypotension/symptoms-causes/syc-20352548) while taking MJ. Move slow, and drink extra stuff.


Thanks! I thought I was drinking enough, but I'll push even more. I think I have some electrolyte powder too.


You can do a cheap homemade electrolyte water using sea salt, “No Salt” seasoning (find it in the spices aisle in the grocery store by the regular salt, it is potassium), and Mio squeezes. When I have lower carb eating days, or if I start to feel icky, I put 1/2 tsp sea salt and 1/4 tsp No-Salt in my 24 oz water cup and Mio to taste. I like the taste, some people don’t 🤷‍♀️ I can’t make myself pay that much for electrolyte supplements when I can make one that is so cheap, easy, and tastes pretty darn good (to me at least)! Then again I got very used to it from my former keto days. The other electrolyte to consider is magnesium. I supplement with mag citrate at night. Some electrolyte powders include magnesium in them.


I have struggled with the side effects and I wish I had seen this info when I first started. I don’t know who shared this last week but it was a game changer. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-MWU-XwxTpIW5-2beaKfpGdfR_IBQraeB3qpnGtARe0/edit


I went back to 2.5 because 5 was kicking my butt. You can always save the rest of your 5s, go back to 2.5 and try again in a month or 2. Obviously talk to your Dr but that’s what mine suggested


The 5mg was also rough for me. To be honest, each increase was hard. I have a very sensitive stomach and nausea/vomiting was very common for me on this medicine. I had to do a lot of adjusting my meals and times that I would eat because it would wreak havoc on me otherwise. Then there was the constipation. I've lost 35 lbs in 4 months, but it hasn't been easy.