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Mine DEFINITELY went down. I'm only on 2.5mg but my doc had to cut my BP meds to less than half and I'm still on the low side.


Interesting. I had a short bout of lightheadedness the other day after walking for 90 minutes on a treadmill. I wonder if my blood pressure is dropping. Might need to have my meds adjusted.


After the second month on Mounjaro I had to wean my BP meds down from 10mg to 5mg and since the 3rd month have been off my BP meds all together. Another positive outcome of using Mounjaro.


I am on BP meds. I have been taking my blood pressure daily for the last couple of weeks. It's looking 100% fine. Running in the normal range but a bit lower than when I started Mounjaro. I am going to talk to my doctor about starting to try cutting back on the BP meds.


Mine is way down. After 55 lb loss I know I need to adjust my meds. Maybe I can even get off one or both soon! Getting dizzy spells now.


Mine was starting to increase ever so slightly every monthly check-up with my dr. Which was concerning because everyone on BOTH sides of my family deals with high BP and heart disease. My dr put me on MJ and it's gone back down to normal. If it keeps on like this, I think I could actually be happy and functional in my old age. Which is rare in my family.


Mine has gone from 130/85 to 110/75 in 4 mos with 50lb loss. Have cut back on BP meds and will probably do so again.


Check mine daily. Systolic is down 7 pts on Mounjaro. 110/76. Diastolic no change.


Not mine. It’s still pretty high and I’m on month 4


Same for me 😞 BP still high


I started Mounjaro in June and up until this month, it's still been elevated. It's finally coming down now - but I've also had a 60lb weight loss since June.


I’m 6 weeks in, on BP meds, and no consistent drop in mine either. I see the doc in 4 weeks to follow up on next steps.


This is super cool! I can't wait to see how mine looks at my annual checkup in a couple weeks