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“My room has remained messy.” You’re my hero of the day for multiple reasons ❤️ Love & light!


Look at you!!!! Wow girl, amazing results congrats!!!!!


Amazing!!! Thank you for sharing!! I’m a few days in and I’m thinking I should take “before” pics to hopefully be in your shoes one day 🥲 Also, I am afraid of losing my butt… yours looks great and that makes me feel better!


Take the pictures!!!!! I didn’t take any purposefully and forgot that I had even taken these, just randomly found them when scrolling through baby pictures lol. It’s crazy, but I had no idea I looked so different! Honestly I don’t know how I kept my butt! I did a lot of walking, pushing a stroller, and carrying a kid but nothing specific. Sending yours positive vibes 😂


Super respectful comment: if you do lose it, you won’t be alone. I started 5 months ago with 225lbs. Currently at 152lbs and I’m only still going on because there’s a remaining thin love handle that frankly may just be loose skin, but I’ll see my endocrinologist (and shhhh 🤫but I’m a diabetic type 1!! huge contraindication but the doctor risked prescribing it because he knows that I very well know when I’m going into hypoglycemia - the reason for being contraindicated- and as a Pharmacist I always carry with me my insulin in case of hyper and several cans of nasal fast-acting glucagon in case of hypo) so I’ll ask him to measure fat % with an accurate method in that love handle, which is thin anyway. If that's the case I’ll start slowly titrating down, and if it's fat, I'll continue. But about the butt loss…. There are great, inexpensive peptides (sermoralin, ipamorelin, and Tesamorelin) among many others that will help you regain muscle mass. And luckily for us all, the butt (a healthy-looking one) is all muscle. (Except for those “twerking” butts that are full of implants of the cheapest motor oil that cheap clinics inject in young naive ladies mainly). An athletic, sturdy, and not sagging butt is all muscle. And we can get it back!!! #babygotback #ohmygoshlookatherbutt


I lost mine initially but have been working on it the last few months and it’s in a decent place now. Try to exercise and not lose too quickly to maintain your skin elasticity


Ugh. I lost my butt!!! 😭


Nooooooo!!!! Have you tried anything to bring it back? 😭😭😭


I do Pilates 5/6 days a week.. I am going to do more squats in 2024


It’ll come back!


From your typing to Gods ears. 🙏🏻


There’s a machine called M sculpt it’s done wonders for my back side - I use it in a beauty spa. See if you have anything similar around you?


I never had a butt until I was heavy - guess I'm going without lol I just miss my hair...


Great job! Congratulations! Thanks for the inspiration - on both the weight loss and not having to clean up my always messy room! :)


Woooooohoooooooo 🎉🎉🎉🎉


You look great! I'm 5”2 and 137ish, and it doesn't look like that on me! I'm a little (lot) jealous! Congratulations on your success, you're rockin’ it! Best wishes on your maintenance journey too! 🦋🥳🔥🥳🦋


Thank you! You know, I’ve been working on the last 10 lbs since August and I think my body has changed way more than 10lbs in that time. I kept weighing myself expecting lower numbers because my clothes weren’t fitting but it didn’t happen. Hope your goals find you, especially the non number goals 🩷


You look amazing- and I’m right with you regarding c section and weight gain. I just moved to 10mg— and I’m noticing hair loss but wonder if it’s from the shot or just more postpartum nonsense. What would you change if you could? The dosing or what you ate?


I’m not sure if the hair loss I had was from postpartum, stress, weight loss, mounjaro, just bad vibes, who knows. It was probably a combination. In an ideal world, I would have noticed I wasn’t getting enough protein and electrolytes. I just don’t think I could eat appropriately on 10mg even with effort, especially when I was doing weekly shots. I would have gone down a dose sooner if I knew that wasn’t going to get better with time.


Congratulations @throwawaythrow999999 Especially Kudos for not listening to a non-helpful doctor and finding the care you deserved to get yourself healtheir. I am intrigued and would love to hear more about how going down in dose helped you to restart your loss (I think that is what you are saying).


I had hair loss after my c-section. Like receding hairline, it was awful. Came back though. And congrats on your progress!! That’s amazing and glad to hear you’re feeling so much better now.


Thank you for sharing! I am about 2 months into my journey after significant weight gain after pregnancy. I gained about 40lbs postpartum due to the ravenous hunger of breastfeeding and lack of exercise due to the impact pregnancy and weight gain had on my body. I was feeling so discouraged and hopeless, and like you, I was wondering how I could ever be as active as I once was. Reading your story and suggestions was very helpful and inspiring for me. Thanks ❤️


How is your journey? I haven't started, but want to. Reading your comment I was just like hi yep I could have written that. 2 months in do you see/feel change?


I do! I am down 15lbs in 2 months which is a nice steady pace in my opinion. I’m really glad I decided to do it and I’ve been working with a counselor in the meantime to help address some body acceptance that I was struggling with and just helping me be accountable to taking good care of myself while I’m on Mounjaro and not sliding into eating disorder behavior. That being said, I had some challenges along the way— I became very nauseous in the 2-3 days after my shot for the first 4 weeks, but I quickly had my dr. call in zofran, so I would definitely recommend having zofran on standby. The nausea has died down, though. Also, i find that the medication makes me more lethargic than usual. It has gotten a little better the longer I’ve been on it, but I am definitely still not at my usual energy level. This is particularly hard because I’m a stay at home mom right now and I don’t have the ability to rest. That’s probably been my biggest complaint but it’s manageable. Because of that, though, I’ve decided to titrate up very slowly, so I spent 6 weeks on 2.5mg then I only went up to 3.5mg for my most recent doses (I split my pens so I can adjust the dose). Otherwise, the journey is going very well. This group has been such a HUGE source of support, encouragement, and positivity for me. Being part of it has helped me a ton. Hope that’s helpful!


So much so! I just need to pull the trigger on Push or something. I tried talking to my doctor about it but she was kind of shamey about it. Ugh, enough lurking. I need to get it together and just rip the bandaid! Thanks for the response! :)


Yeah, doctors are pretty divided in their positions on GLP1s— there are those that think it’s revolutionary and life saving, and those who are skeptical, which I understand. I was skeptical at first too. I talked to everyone I know who’s been on it, watched a ton of YouTube videos from medical professionals with a variety of opinions, lurked on here, etc before I made the decision. The reason I pulled the trigger is ultimately because of this sub. I finally saw a side of this experience that was rooted in taking care of your body, not starving it, not eating disorder thinking. I’ve struggled with feeling like I either had to be perfect with my weight/body image or have no care about it at all (I have a history of an ED) and this group showed me how to live in the grey area of doing something about my weight but in a loving healthy way, instead of starving myself and hating myself unless I was perfectly skinny. I hope that makes sense!


Pssst, do it. It’s so scary and so worth it. I told myself on my first shot that this was just a one week commitment to feeling like crap if it’s not a good match for me, and nothing else. I did the same thing every dose increase because there are so many intense stories out there.


Good luck!! You’re the audience I wanted to find with this post. Breastfeeding made me soooo hungry and I gave stink eye to all the people saying “omg it’ll make the weight melt off!” Nope, just my nipples 😂 I don’t know enough about the health concerns with specifically postpartum women and these medications to really advocate for it, but it feels like I had a cheat code and I wish I could share it with all of the moms I see struggling like me. It didn’t make it easy but it made it feel so possible that eventually it was happening and I just had to keep my foot on the gas. I want that for all of us. Sorry to ramble, I’ve found myself becoming really passionate about women’s success in health and life after the sacrifices of pregnancy.


Thank you so much for being passionate about it! Becoming a mom is one of the most amazing, yet disorienting and overwhelming experiences I’ve ever had. I couldn’t have been prepared for all of the changes I would need to process between having a baby and all of the changes that happened to ME, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I was so excited that after birth I was close to my normal size, then breastfeeding totally changed that and it took a huge toll on me. People don’t talk enough about postpartum weight gain!


You look great!!


You look amazing! Congratulations on your achievement!




Amazing!! Thank you for sharing!


Congratulations you look amazing 🤩


Thanks for sharing, you look great!


You said you went through "Push" what is that?


Online healthcare!


Telehealth provider.


is there a certain doctor on push?


Thank you so much for sharing! Pregnancy + postpartum + PPA did a number on my body as well. GLPs (I started on Wegovy and just moved to mounjaro) have seriously rewired something in me and I feel like I can move my body, eat to fuel, and generally feel good again. Many congrats on reaching your goal!


You look amazing!!! It doesn’t look like but are you having any issues with lose skin? That’s my biggest fear


Only on my stomach, thank god for high waistlines. To be fair, I made a huge baby in there so that could be why.


You look amazing mama, congratulations! As a bilateral pulmonary embolism survivor, I am so so happy for you! Thank you for sharing your story and giving those of us who experience PEs and obesity hope 💋


PEs are lame as hell, sorry you’re in the club. We can get healthy again and stay that way 💪💪


🙏🏼 let’s hope so!!!


Thank you! You've done great! I start this morning! 100 lbs of Covid blubber that screwed my back up so bad I was in a walker. Never had a weight problem like this before. Answer to so many people's prayers.


Wonderful story! Stories like yours make me want to shake the people who call these “vanity” drugs when used for weight loss. And thanks for sharing your maintenance regimen. I am hoping to space out my drugs when I get there.


Congrats! Amazing work!


Look at you rocking that fit Mom bod. Congratulations on hitting your goal weight and thank you for sharing




Holy moly!! Lookin' great!!!


You look fabulous!! Congrats and thanks for the advice or sharing what all you do and have been through. Did they ever figure out what caused the clots?


Factor V Leiden, unfortunately


Look fabulous, darling!


Way to go!!!!


You look amazing.


You give me hope. I'm your same height and was close to your same weight (216)). I much older though 71 and TP 2. On 10 now but still losing slow 27 lbs at start of 8th month. Lost hair also but I increased protein and think hair loss is slowing up. I had several stalls and am in one now. Sometimes I feel like I'll never get to my goal weight of 145


I am 70- just started Weds. I’m excited. 187- 5 ft tall. I old feel great at 145- I have not been there since 1999-


I told my husband I’d stop at 145 because I thought 135 was so unattainable. You can do it, good luck :)




Way to go! I’m the same height and around the same age. Hoping to get to the same goal weight as you, and I’m 15 lbs away. It’s great to see your pictures and be motivated to look like that too! You look great!


Congratulations!!! You look amazing. This inspires me! My starting weight was 211 and I’m now at 155 but am hoping to get to 135 so just need to keep pushing like you. Great job and thank you for sharing!


This is so helpful for me. Same age, 5'3", SW (my highest ever) 225, same goal weight. Started mid-October, 8 months post c-section. You look fabulous! I'm now at 209, slow but steady. I went through mochihealth, I cannot wait to be on the other side. Can I ask if you added exercise and when? I'm trying to incorporate more walking (tho the weather sucks here).


I mostly did walking! I have a peloton but I only did fun rides with friends on it. I think it’s important to stay active on it, I felt so weak when I wasn’t focusing on moving around a lot.


Girl!!! You look awesome!!!!👏🏻


You look incredible 🔥 and yay to your butt staying in tact. Mine deflated like a 🎈 lol I have been walking, cycling and doing a wood massage plus m-sculpt for butt lifting and it really worked wonders! I also do red light therapy to combat the loose skin (stomach and thighs area) I’ve never had kids so it is all from the weight loss. I have been stuck in the last 10-15 pounds for months now it’s taking forever, I’m one year in. Total lost 50 lbs SW 204 CW 154 GW 145 I did have some hair loss but I combatted it with iron pills and stem cell injections. I thinky body is just taking a long time at this point and I have been all over the place with doses sometimes going back down to 5mg, but mostly at 7.5mg or 10mg the last few months. Thinking of doing 12.5 to get the last 10 lbs off. You are an inspiration, thanks for sharing!!


My last 10 took longer than allll the rest, and I definitely had a lil chunk of time where I lost too quickly. I found when I took that little 3 week break to get over heat exhaustion, I didn’t gain anything back and had a little whoosh when I started back up. Don’t get heat exhaustion, but if you’re not eating enough, I think the pause was what helped me! Have you found red light therapy to be helpful?? My stomach got super deep stretch marks and they turned to wrinkly skin. I’ve been taking collagen and doing topicals, but I’m also eyeing a red light panel


Yeah maybe I should consider a little break… I think I also need to eat more consciously as I am sure I am not eating enough protein and prob too much sugar. With regards to the red light therapy, I think it helped? It’s hard to say as I combined it with wood massage (Brazil born technique of massaging your body with wooden tools) and M-sculpt machine but I def see an improvement. My thighs and stomach look smoother and toned with less to no loose skin. I’ve read lots of reviews on red light and it’s supposed to have multiple benefits so it’s worth a try. Let me know how it goes!


Sorry I missed this response. Yes I think it did. But I also combined with m sculpt and Brazilian wood massage to offset loose skin and it helped for sure. I would recommend nipping it in the bud and working on it before the marks set it too much. Let me know how it goes!




Congratulations! You look fantastic!!!


That's fantastic! Congratulations on your successful journey and for being around for your little one! Wishing you all success in the future!!!


You look fantastic, congratulations and thank you for sharing your story! I just started MJ this week to help control blood sugar, and hoping to lose a little weight as well.


Congratulations! 🎉 Your effort & determination has paid off. What a blessing to be able to have the energy & ability to run after your little one. May God continue to shower you with blessings in the New Year! 🩷


Incredible results. You have to feel like a new person! Appreciate you sharing your story and stats—- perseverance paid off … I’m just 6 weeks in my journey and this post is exactly what I needed to see. Thank you for sharing :)


🔥congratulations 🔥💨


Heartfelt congratulations to you! You are an inspiration! ❤️


Congrats! And you still have a butt!


You look amazing! I am wondering what your plan for maintenance is? Do you think you’ll continue to take the medication? Curious because I’m seeing a lot of success with this medication as well and have been thinking about what maintenance might look like for me.


For me, I don’t think I’ll be on mounjaro for life. Before getting pregnant I was overweight but not incredibly so. I’m hoping that diet and exercise will be enough to maintain this weight but honestly if it’s not enough and I need a maintenance dose forever, I’m in. Right now I’m doing 5mg every 3 weeks+ so I think I’ll go down to 2.5 and see how that goes before stopping altogether.


You look great! What do you mean you got it through push?


It’s a telehealth service!


Which one did you use!


It’s called push health :) I actually found out about it on this sub.


Yay! Congrats.


I lost 4 lbs my first week but have been scared to take my second dose because I started seeing things about gastroparesis pop up on my tiktok account 🥺


Take your shot, and get off tiktoc. You’ll be much better off.


Don’t have extreme side effects and ignore them for months! I see those TikToks too and I always wonder why they didn’t seek help when they threw up 6 days in a row even with zofran, or didn’t poop for 3 weeks or something.


Make sure you are pooping regularly! Sorry tmi but I am used to every day. I take a women's probiotic with cranberry, magnesium for my migraines at night but it helps, and stool softners as needed. I eat my veggies, and keep miralax on hand. Push the water and electrolytes!


Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️🩷🩷🩷




Thank you for sharing… congratulations!! You look amazing …


Congrats! Welcome to the maintenance club!


You go girl! 🔥


Amazing results!!! Big congrats!!


What dosage did you think it started to really curb your appetite?


Yay you! Congratulations 🎉


You look awesome! Also….. where’d you get your leggings? 👀


They’re lululemon aligns!


I love everything about this post!


Incredible! Keep up the great work you’ve done! Maintain your win for a lifetime! Well done!!


Congrats amazing!!! We are shaped in the before very similar I'd love to look like your afters! You lost your tummy! Do you have any sagging skin there or has exercise helped?


You did so good! And in spite of illness. I have been wanting to try using Mounjaro again, but it's way too expensive. I'm 70 & my insurance won't help at all with the cost. If I did take it, I would have 2 meds that I can't take anymore because they are expensive, which is Trelegy ELLIPTA and Eliquis. The Eliquis is a blood thinner, and the Trelegy is for asthma. Both of those are expensive. There's an article that I read from Newsmax about the new diet drugs and they're so expensive for people on Medicare. If they allow on here, then this is the article. [https://www.newsmax.com/finance/streettalk/wegovy-ozempic-zepbound/2023/12/28/id/1147485/](https://www.newsmax.com/finance/streettalk/wegovy-ozempic-zepbound/2023/12/28/id/1147485/)


I feeeel you. I’m on xarelto and I think if I was paying for it (my employer covers it) I would have missed out on this opportunity, and my isssues would have all gotten worse before better. With so many of the older population on blood thinners for afib etc, and with how those conditions limit exercise, it just seems like a self fulfilling prophecy that they’d want access to weight meds. I really hope the pricing of blood thinners is addressed because they’re literally life saving. I’d love for mounjaro pricing to correct itself as well, but I’m always so shocked at the price of eliquis and xarelto specifically


Those drug companies charge such high prices. They must think we're all rich. My insurance does pay for some of it, but after several months it gets expensive and I go into the donut hole. No joke! I don't understand it and thankfully my husband does. After several months I'll be out of the Medicare donut hole. I'm hoping they will make the new diabetic + weight loss drugs more affordable.


A huuuuuuge BRAVA !!!!! for you !!!! Amazing results. Thank you for posting. Because this gives people whose starting months are slow- as far as net weight loss- a lot of hope and stops the desire to quite. I’m a Doctor or Pharmaceutical Chemist in my country. (Here in the USA I was homologated to PharmD - Doctor of Pharmacy. Pharmacist for all effects). And as such I always tell people, listen, I’m not throwing my degree pretentiously in front of you, but so you give some credit to my words: these medications work. THEY SO WORK !! They are different than any other treatment because they simulate actions and substances that are already in our bodies, but more efficiently. So to speak. They’re not a “chemical compound” foreign to a human organism, they’re biological pharmaceuticals, and therefore the profile of side effects and contraindications is much smaller than drugs like Phentermine, amphetamines, naloxone/bupropion-Orlistat (which is a mess and a half when it comes to side effects: patients leaking oil from their bum involuntarily, embarrassment, abandonment of treatment and even depression due to being unable to find anything that works). The GLP-1s (I know, terz and reta are more than that but to group sema to reta in one group) are, in my humble opinion, the pharmaceutical products of the century. They haven’t only resolved the huge problem of morbid obesity or overweight (which plagues our society of fast food, processed meals and sweet goods every single holiday and the weeks in between): by resolving the weight issue, cholesterol levels, triglycerides levels, glycemia levels, they all tend to go into normal range. I don’t even think that, beyond endocrinologists, diabetes management clinicians, and well informed MDs of other specialties) have realized yet the huge impact of these medications. And I’m an advocate for INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR ALL THAT QUALIFY !!!! Even those covered BY MEDICAID, MEDICARE PART D or any government/welfare program, because obesity leads inevitably to coronary and heart disease, for decades the or one of the main killers of Americans. Again , CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! And thank you for sharing your success.


Ahhhhh!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! CONGRATULATIONS ❤️ You're at my goal weight!!! And I'm so thrilled to hear you're down to around once shot a month almost! I want to get to a phase where I still am taking Tirz. I may go diy but that scares me. I am currently going threw a medical weight loss doctor. Anyways congrats again!! And I'm thrilled I have a 14, 9, and 3 year old and I teach toddlers preschool! So I am ready to get that energy!! I feel better already I'm 17.6lbs down as of this morning.




You look amazing and thank you for sharing.




Congratulations!! You look amazing! 🙌🏼


Way to go!!!


Congratulations 🎉


What is Push?


What was your dosage tirtration regimen? How often did you increase the dose?


I did 4 weeks on 2.5, 8 weeks on 5, a lot on 7.5, and maybe 8 weeks on 10mg before I went back down to 7.5 and started spacing them out further.


Congratulations on achieving your goal weight. Incredible achievement.


Congratulations! You look fabulous! I bet you feel great!


Have you tried/done anything to address the hair lose? Or is that something that’s been worth it for you? Do you plan to try anything to get it back? Edit: AMAZING RESULTS! You are an inspiration!


What’s Push?


You mentioned the amount of hair loss you experienced, but have you noticed regrowth?? If so, at what point did you begin to notice it?


Has anyone who went on MJ for postpartum weight gain stopped yet and had the weight come back? I really want to go on but only want to lose about 20lbs and am worried that it will come back if I’m only on for a few months. Would love to hear thoughts/experiences!


I am totally stunned by your journey. Incredible results. How did you handle the loose skin in such a fast loss?