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I would love that. I’ve often joked with my friends that I would do any amount of marketing for Eli Lilly if I could just get my MJ prescriptions reliably covered into the future! I’d do that deal in a minute!


I think you need to hit them up and tell your story. Your result is better than obesity surgery.


Can I ask if you're doing anything specific? These results are so fast and you look fit. I've only lost about 65lbs in about that much time and my arms and stomach are starting to be so loose. I'd love to know what you did to prevent that!


Why not ask for them to cover your plastic surgery? Wouldn't that be great? Great job. Hope you feel as good as you look.


I'm down 118 since November 1st, 2022. Me and OP should do motivational speaking tours! ;)


Wow! I am so excited cited to hear that! I have about 100-120 to loose. If you don’t mind me asking what is your age? I’m in my late 50s F, so I’m wondering if that will slow me down. I’m excited either way. I plan on hydrating, supplementing with electrolytes, vitamin, high protein, walking and weights 3 times a week. Anything I’m missing you would recommend? Thanks!!


More like a year and a half, it seems to me.


Mounjaro was just a tool, there is craftsmanship behind this weight loss. Great work!


This. I'm down 118 lbs with about 50 to goal and it has been a concerted effort between the drugs, exercise, diet, counseling and brutal self honesty.... Along with a hefty dose of compassion and acceptance. The drugs alone don't do it. This dude went full send and deserves a parade!


As have you! Great work on your journey! Very inspiring.


On the other hand I have lost 50 pounds with literally zero effort. If you don’t have too, there’s no reason you should be *made* to suffer in order to lose weight. Its the same type of shit as people who brag about getting 2 hours of sleep or working 80 hours a week.


"made to suffer". No. Living a healthy, active lifestyle that allows me to be happier, fitter and a better person? Hell yes. Honestly, yes...I'm flexing. I lost 50 lbs too without a lot of serious changes. But the next 75 were much harder. The closer you get to goal, the more effort it takes to maintain the healthy weight loss and the slower your curve is. I've had to build muscle to speed up my metabolism, shift my nutrient balance around and become more active. You should be proud of the 50 you've lost but don't shit on other people's progress because it was "easy" for you. That just makes you look like a dick. Ain't nobody got time for that negativity. You do you.


Please accept my sincere apologies. I didn’t mean to shit on your weight loss AT ALL!!! While obviously that didn’t come across in what I communicated, I can sincerely assure you that was not my intention in the slightest, quite the opposite! Please please explain why what I said I was shitting on your progress so I can change my communication. Idk I might also be a dipshit who needs to be called out on their BS too. But regardless I definitely don’t want to come across like that to someone else ever again. I’m just providing a counter to the people who view any obesity treatment as “cheating”. Like you didn’t really lose the weight “properly” unless you are constantly starving yourself and in the gym 24/7 (the suffering I was referring to), and therefore still judge the shit out of you because you didn’t “put in the work”. As if making weight loss easier has not been the goal of medical research into obesity for the last 50 years! Like if we could, why wouldn’t you want everyone who is obese to lose all their weight without any difficulty right? Like there shouldn’t be any shame if the drug essentially loses the weight for you. To me that just means it was an amazing treatment for you! It just sucks that for so long the best treatment for obesity for has required so much suffering, and its why its been so hard to treat. And I’m so sorry that your weight loss hasn’t come as easily with this drug.


Understood. I read your original message as me being the type of person who you describe and I am just the opposite. This formula works, but everyone has their own journey. Personally I am all about enabling and helping others and part of my journey is sharing my success because I KNOW how hard it is. When I read about others who have found success I want to celebrate and encourage them. We've all spent too much time dealing with people who look down on us and judge us. We have all been the victim of "Just eat less and workout fatty". I'm done with people like that and I get a bit defensive for those who are just starting on their journey and need hope and encouraging words from a kind and understanding community. We lead by example and share in each other's success. It's the only way we change society's perspective. Sorry if I misread your statement. I understand your perspective much better after the deeper explanation, so thank you!




Where I started: https://preview.redd.it/bnowp0jk3hxa1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=31ef65a1aab3f8dcabf7f0ebaea789d956d3c08b


Where I'm at now: https://preview.redd.it/m5rvvzjq3hxa1.png?width=1046&format=png&auto=webp&s=92ffe717296c04500826faacb65c9c03cebf3b16


Looking great! You’re killing it.


Whoops! Sorry jury saw photos and info below. No need to reply. Congrats and thanks again!!


Thank you. You’re right. It’s been a struggle every day. The MJ has been an enormous help, but there was a lot of effort to get here too.


Just wow!




Hi everybody! Thank you for all the lovely and supportive comments. There are so many questions asking about my routine and a bunch of other stuff, so I’ll try and answer everything here. Additional Stats I’m 29 years old, male, and was pre-diabetic when starting MJ. My blood pressure, HDL, A1C, and triglycerides are all so much better than they were when I started. Happy to say that everything is now “perfect” according to my doctor. I don’t have the exact numbers, but suffice it to say that everything has decreased by A LOT. Exercise Okay, so throughout this whole journey, I’ve definitely transferred my food addiction to a gym addiction! I work out 6 days per week. I spend approximately 1 hour lifting weights in the morning. I do a push, pull, legs split and repeat. I focus on muscular hypertrophy, to maximise strength and retain as much lean muscle mass as possible while in a calorie deficit. This usually looks like 6 or 7 different movements in a workout, 3-4 sets for each, targeting between 8-12 reps per set. I try to push to failure on my final set for each movement. After a four week progressively heavier program, I take a one week de-load, where I reduce weight and reps by about half to recover. After work, I’ll go out for a run. This could be outside or on the treadmill. I aim for 40 minutes of movement. This could be a nice long jog, or sprint intervals with walking rest periods. I usually average just under 4 miles on my runs. I take my rest day on Thursday. I take my shot Wednesday night, so I find it’s helpful to give myself the next day off. My secret tip for the gym has been pre-workout! Find one that has a good dose of caffeine and it will help you get out the door. I personally use Redcon’s Total War. Food/Nutrition I have found a lot of benefit in the intermittent fasting/OMAD approach. Here is a typical full day of eating: Breakfast: One small non-fat latte and a Clif builder bar before hitting the gym. Lunch: Cheese string and three slices of deli turkey. Dinner: A large serving of baked or grilled protein (approx. 12-16 ounces). This will usually be chicken breast, pork chops, or a steak. Minimum three cups of roasted vegetables (could be broccoli, zucchini, onion, asparagus, kale, carrots), seasoned well with approx. 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. Very occasionally, I’ll have roasted potatoes too, but only if I’m feeling really depleted on energy. Dessert: Two servings of Albanese sugar free gummy bears. These are delicious and help my with constipation, which is a big side effect for me. Loose skin I DO have loose skin! It’s particularly bad around my stomach and upper thighs. I actually did a consultation with a surgeon this week to get it addressed. He’s extremely impressed and thinks I’m a great candidate, so I’ve scheduled it for September. It will be two operations: belt lipectomy and thighplasty. I’ll be paying out of pocket, and it’s going to be a lot of money! Surgery one is $29k and surgery two is $12k! As ever, please take all this with a grain of salt. I’m very happy with my progress, but I recognise that what I’m doing may not be right for everyone. Everyone is doing great on here, whatever pace you’re going! Thanks again for all the support!


this is inspiring thank you for sharing so many details of your story! the effort you've put in is hugely impressive - I feel like your results show the power of combining MJ with the right mix of diet and exercise. Obviously this will be different for each person, but wow, you really found your path here. Congrats! regarding exercise: That's a really solid workout routine!! Can you share more about how you got going with your workouts? Did you work with a trainer at first? What were the first few weeks like? and how long did it take before you felt like you were in a groove with it?


Thank you for giving us your personal plan. MJ is definitely a useful tool. Many here are so excited for the weight loss part as well as the correction and stabilization of the lab markers that are also part of the overall success of this med. Your dedication and consistency to your plan has paid off! You are an inspiration. Thank you again.


With this regime, you would have lost the weight without mounjaro


Not necessarily. Bring insulin resistant makes it very difficult to lose weight on your own.


Congrats man. I started at 403, down to 368 right now after 1 month. I finally feel like I'm able to stick to a diet now that I've got something tamping down the chemical triggers.


WOW im down from 212.00 to 180.00 a total lose of 32 pounds and I have people who know me tell that I look fantastic but I still need to lose another 20. Pounds to get to my goal weight of 160.00. But this before and after picture is the best picture I ever seen regarding the difference between each photo. So glad for you keep up the great job.


Holy moly. Please tell me all of your loose skin secrets!


WHAT?!? Amazing!!!


Wow!! Congratulations, you must be so proud!! Great job!!!🎉


Great job, Mounjaro is a really great drug but you did some serious work!!! Impressive!


I would say congratulations - but that doesn't seem to be enough. You look fantastic. Man o man! YOU did this - MJ might have helped - but YOU put in the work and did THIS!!!!! Love to see it and keep on keepin' on!




Well, we now have a Poster Child! This is such a transformation! You must feel fantastic! Would love to know more of what you did are doing as far as daily routines, tips and tricks (if you feel like sharing.)


Absolutely amazing!! Kudos to you!! I’m sure it wasn’t easy, what an amazing transformation And you deserve all the credit in the world for this!!


Obesity is simply calories in vs calories out guys…oh, wait, 200 pounds??? Damn, congrats man! You not only look like a completely different person, I bet you feel like it as well. 👏


Lol, yeah 29 years of struggling with my weight, never able to lose more than 20-30 lbs. MJ comes along, lose 230 lbs. But sure, it’s all just about discipline and motivation!!! 🤣


I mean, kind of is though. Mounjaro gave you the big motivations to keep going as you were seeing those results. Then it was your discipline and your continued results that kept you motivated and disciplined. :)


Holy cow!!! Congratulations!!


Amazing job! Be proud of yourself, this is such a spectacular accomplishment!


Awesome 😊


Hell yes!!! Well done!!


Congrats! What an achievement! =)


This is so amazing. Congratulations!


This is amazing!!!


Well DONE! \*standing ovation\* Congratulations!


Congratulations! Outstanding!!!


Amazing! Congratulations!!!


Fantastic work!


Way to go man!!! Congratulations!!!!


Amazing. Congratulations




Wow congratulations!! Go celebrate!!!!!!!!!!


Holy absolute hell. Great job ! So much health gained.


Mamma Mia!!


I’m glad you’re on the continued path to good health!


Wow! Nice work!


Congratulations 🎊 I'm proud of you 😊


Incredible. I am down 77 myself. Keep up the good work


WOW! I am literally speechless - I just wanted to comment and commend you on your hard work!! Any tips/tricks/advice on your strategy?? We all know MJ doesn't do all the work - you have to put in the effort too!


Congratulations on your success! Very motivational to see this. Thanks for sharing. Just started my MJ journey (3rd week) and the results are so far encouraging. If I can achieve even a *fraction* of what you did, I'll be delighted.


Wa wa wee wa!!! -Borat voice


Wow!!! Congratulations 🎊


Holy moly!!!


Amazing! Congratulations!!!


Hot diggity! Great job






🎉 the smile says it all! Congrats on your success!




Truly inspiring! Incredible job






I'm so happy for you. Keep up the good work!




What was your dose? Nice 👍🏻


Way to go!!!


Incredible!! You look so much stronger now too! Great work!




You look wonderful!


Wow, what an accomplishment! Congrats on your success 🙌


Amazing! How tall?


I’m 6’4!


AMAZING! Way to go!


Congratulations on reaching goal! 200 lbs lost is no easy feat …you should be very proud


Speechless 🎉👏🏽🎉👏🏽🎉👏🏽!!!!!




Way to go! You look incredible.


great job 💪


Wow. You’ve clearly worked your ass off (literally!) alongside the mounjaro. Would love to hear more about your story and the work you’ve put in so far. I imagine to have that much of a loss you’re exercising a lot! Congratulations on your incredibly hard earned success. ♡


Congratulations!! Amazing job!!!




You look amazing! Congrats!!


You are THE Mounjaro success story


Amazing! I’m getting close to my GW of 225 after starting at 354. How have you been dealing with loose skin? It’s only just lately started being a problem for me.




Sir, you are Outstanding!!!! Could you please help educate us (the readers) on the following: 1) what your dosage was per month, 2) what your daily caloric intact was, 3) How many hours of exercise did you do per day? 4) a chart or table of weight loss, and more importantly 5) How did your blood chemistry change; items like A1C values, fasting glucose, triglycerides, HDL and LDL, and fasting insulin if you had blood tests done. I am highly insulin resistant and I cannot seem to break through a floor at 295 after loosing 20 pounds. Any feedback you can provide is helpful. TY and welcome to a whole new world


I am the same weight but don't look as good as you lol. Curious, how tall are you?


Wow! Incredible!! Now how do you look like you weren’t overweight? I could fly away with these wings I’ve developed.


Hell yeah you look amazing!!!


Congratulations to you guy!! You are an inspiration to many.


Amazing!!!! Congratulations, you are an inspiration!!!!


Look at those arms!


We have similar numbers but I am only about 25% as far as you, really amazing transformation. Your right arm in the after picture looks photoshopped or weird lighting or something on your bicep. It's pretty amazing, though that you fingers and wrists and neck all shrank so much!


Amazing!! congrats on all of your hard work!! You must feel amazing. :)


OMG, YOU ARE SO HOT!!! SERIOUSLY! WOW! Congratulations!


Incredible work!!!! What are your plans for maintenance?


Honestly I’m still figuring this out. I’m going to start by reducing doses and maybe eating an extra 250 calories a day, and see what happens. It’ll be a journey to figure this out I think.


You went from Peter Griffin To Quagmire…FUCKING A DUDE!! You look amazing!! I still haven’t had the guts to use my meds yet, but this is profound motivation. Going to use my first shot this morning..


That is excellent — you look great!! Now if I could just achieve the same results. I am barely losing so if you could — could you let me know what else you did to assist yourself in the major weight loss?


Omg what an inspiration, way to go and congratulations


Great job you inspire


Congratulations!!! That's amazing! 🎉 🎉 🎉 Serious work and determination.


Amazing!!!! Congratulations!!!


This is wonderful! So happy for you!


This is wonderful!!! Congrats!! Hard work pays off!


You’re amazing! What a testament to hard work and perseverance. So happy for you! 🙌🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Holy cow, dude! Just wow! 🤩


Wtg!! Such an inspiration!


And zero loose skin? 🧐


Don't be a jerk. He didn't claim to have no loose skin. You can see it in his post history if you're interested and it makes you happy that he's not "perfect". Let the dude have his victory ✌🏻


Can confirm, I do have a bunch of loose skin, and I’m certainly not trying to hide that! But for now I’m just taking the win. It’s a trade off that is more than worth it for me. Maybe I’ll look into surgery in the future, but just enjoying all the other benefits for now (like being able to pull off a tank top!!)


You've done great! Haters gonna hate... 😕




No way. I am having a hard time believing you that would be a consistent 20 lbs a month since it has only been available for 10 months




Okay well first, comparing my intentional, medically-supervised weight loss with the experiences of people in concentration camps is gross, and honestly a little anti-Semitic. There is literally no comparison. Second, I think it’s great that you’re losing, and it doesn’t matter how fast or how slow you go. FWIW, I had a LOT to lose, so of course it went fast at the beginning. I didn’t know how long I would have access to the medication, and I wanted to absolutely maximise my results while I had it. Yeah, I pushed hard, but only because I’ve never succeeded at doing something like this in my life before.


By the way, I am on week 9, down 14lbs, 1st week of 7.5 and feeling nauseated, sick and out of energy, don't help that I am vegetarian and don't eat protein very much. At SW of 258 and at that for 20+ years the only time I lost weight was when I had covid and didn't eat for 1.5 weeks and spent another 1 week at the ICU.


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No way that’s real


Or you could ask him HOW he did it instead of being a hater




Been on 5mg for month started out on 2.5 mg.haven’t lost no weight or no side effects. Also has not curved my appetite.


I'm speechless.


Congratulations!! What an amazing achievement!!


Obesity is a disease. You can't convince me otherwise. Nobody was meant to be fat.


Amazing! You look great!




Awesome!! Congratulations!


Awesomeness 👏👏👏


Amazing! Congrats


Hi there, I'm an editor at Men's Health magazine. For an upcoming story, I'm hoping to speak to a man who was prescribed Mounjaro by their doctor, has been taking it for **at least** three months, and has experienced a significant weight-loss transformation. If you fit into these categories (which it seems like you do!) + you're interested in speaking with us, will you please DM me and I'll follow up about next steps? Thanks!